Delegata di Dipartimento all'Orientamento
Didattica e pedagogia speciale [PAED-02/A]
Sito web (scheda personale)
Dipartimento di Filosofia e Beni Culturali
Sito web struttura:
Sede: Malcanton Marcorà

Work experience
From 07 /01/2015
Resident Academic Full Time Senior Lecturer - University of Malta – Msida – Faculty of Education

Research in Universal Design for Learning framework, cooperative learning and teaching, and total means of communication.
Research  in Instruction and the Development of Effective and Inclusive  Pedagogies Designing

Coordinating and lecturing study-units related to Early intervention, person centred strategies throughout the lifespan in inclusive settings, augmentative and alternative communication and ICT for students with disability. 

Organizing, supervising an evaluating theses, project work and other student learning activities. 

Research on Special Pedagogy and Adults’ Learning. Boards and committees:  1) Promoting and Developing Research - Faculty Research Ethics Committee – 2) Master in Teaching and Learning Educational - Encounters Board -  3) Courses’ Boards of Studies  - Diploma in Facilitating Inclusive Education – 4) Faculty Board -  Inclusion and Access to Learning.
Responsibility in  European Projects: 2015 -17 CONTACT “Creating an On-line Network, monitoring Team and phone App to Counter hate crime Tactics” - JUST/2014/RRAC/AG/HATE/6706 – Researcher

5 – 9 October 2015
University of Malta – Msida - Faculty for Social Wellbeing - Gerontology Unit
Designated Lecturer for International Training Programme in Geragogy: Teaching and Learning in the third age

September 2010 to present
University Cà Foscari, Venezia, Italy
Lecturer in Didactics and Education for students with Special Needs
Supervision and Examination for theses submitted by students specializing in Education for students with Special Needs

University Cà Foscari Foundation, Venezia, Italy
Designated Lecturer for first-level Master in Communication and Non Verbal Language

University of Bologna “Alma Mater” – Faculty of Education
Lecturer in Special Pedagogy – Education for students with special needs and the inclusion of the same students

Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione – Fakultät für Bildungswissenschaften Ricerca – Forschung – Research Freie Universität Bozen – Libera Università di Bolzano
Academic Research
Researcher in Intergenerational  Care and Adults’ Learning.
Research relative to project IECC “I centri intergenerazionali per la cura degli anziani come risposta innovativa per la promozione di benessere individuale e collettivo e come soluzioni efficienti da un punto di vista economico”

Accademia di Belle Arti, Venezia, Italy
Lecturer in Special Pedagogy – Education for students with special needs and the inclusion of the same students
Supervised practical work, project work and assisted students with any difficulties or further research  ideas that they were interested in operating an open door policy.

2011 - 2015
University Cà Foscari, Venezia, Italy
Researcher in several fields of Education (Children with SEN; Intergenerational Learning; Active ageing; ICT; Design and implementation of strategies for the development and qualification of new teaching/training methods and related learning environments; and Training of operators in adult education).
Contributed to European project proposal definitions (specifically, project management structure and responsibilities, project communication mechanisms, risk analysis and risk management, quality assurance, dissemination), assembly of teams, development of proposals and submission; identification and coordination of partners; labour effort; financial planning; execution.
Coordinated project activities; Contributed to dissemination of project awareness, information and the organization of information events.

University Cà Foscari, Venezia, Italy
Designated Lecturer for second-level Master in Family Policy

University Ca’ Foscari of Venice - Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage - International Center of Studies on Educational Research and Advanced Training  (CISRE) – Laboratorio Red (Laboratory of Educational Research and Didactics) - Laboratorio di Tecnologie per la Ricerca Educativa e Didattica - (Laboratory for Technologies related to Educational and Didactic Research)
Research and Training project on: “Learning Environment for Inclusion: resources, instruments and techniques”, (L’ambiente di apprendimento per l’inclusione: risorse, strumenti, tecniche) aimed at teachers of Primary and Secondary schools of La Rete Di Scuole di Venezia
Researcher and Trainer

University Ca’ Foscari of Venice - Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage - International Center of Studies on Educational Research and Advanced Training  (CISRE) –
Laboratorio Red (Laboratory of Educational Research and Didactics)
Delivered Training Course on: “Towards Designing a vertical Curriculum and an innovative Didactic”  (Verso la costruzione del curricolo verticale e verso una didattica innovative), aimed at teachers of Primary and Secondary schools of Istituto Comprensivo di Spinea (Venice)

University Ca’ Foscari of Venice - Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage - International Center of Studies on Educational Research and Advanced Training  (CISRE) – Laboratorio Red (Laboratory of Educational Research and Didactics)
Delivered Training Course on: Towards Designing a vertical Curriculum and an innovative Didactic”  (Verso la costruzione del curricolo verticale e verso una didattica innovative), aimed at teachers of Primary and Secondary schools of Istituto Comprensivo di S. Maria di Sala (Venice)

University Ca’ Foscari of Venice - Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage - International Center of Studies on Educational Research and Advanced Training  (CISRE) - Laboratorio Red (Laboratory of Educational Research and Didactics)
Delivered Training Course on: “Evalutating Competencies at school” aimed at teachers of Primary and Secondary schools of La Rete Di Scuole Alto Garda (Trento)

University Ca’ Foscari of Venice - Interuniversity Centre for Education Research and Advanced Training (CIRDFA) - Laboratorio Red (Laboratory of Educational Research and Didactics)
Delivered Training Course on: “Designing Curriculum on Competencies” aimed at teachers of Primary and Secondary schools of Istituto Comprensivo Statale di Vigodarzere – Padova

2010 to 2011
University Cà Foscari, Venezia, Italy
Professional Trainer in the "Train to include" project for the implementation of actions aimed at enhancing education services, with particular attention to models of innovative teaching focused on personal development and construction of the self; pedagogy of inclusion, active citizenship and educational technologies, as a basis for modern teaching.
Main activities and responsibilities    Trainer

2003 to 2014
I.C. “Don Lorenzo Milani”, Mestre (Venezia), Italy
Secondary School
Main activities and responsibilities    Taught secondary school students in the areas of Humanities (Italian Language and Literature, History, Geography)

2003 to 2009
Cà Foscari University of Venice, Italy
Coordinator of the Pedagogy and Didactics and assistant lecturer in the SSIS Veneto (Specialization School for Teaching at the Secondary School) and SOS 400 Veneto (Percorso Formativo per le Attività di Sostegno) targeting school facilitators; Trainer in workshops on the autonomy of students with disabilities; Yearly inclusive education seminar organiser: “Il contributo della ricerca e dell’innovazione nell’applicazione delle funzioni della propria normalità nel processo di integrazione.”
Assistant lecturer: coordinated activities and designed evaluation methods to test student’s skills; lectured on integration and special educational needs; blended inclusive education teaching through the Moodle platform. Also co-supervised theses and followed students in their traineeships.

Education and training

Master in European Projects design
European Projects design, management and funding: how to develop a good learning project and get the funds
AICCRE Centro di Formazione in Europrogettazione - Venice International University, Italy

University Advanced Training Course
Trainers on Adults Learning for Intergenerational Creative Experiences
Cà Foscari University, Venice, Italy

2006-2010 (May)
PhD in Cognitive and Educational Sciences
Thesis Title: Beyond age – Development Perspectives of the educational and generative potential of the elderly. The thesis revolves around stereotypes from a historical and cultural point of view. In reading for the PhD, an experiment with four hundred participants has been designed and subsequently undertaken, putting pre-adolescents and elderly people together, and using creative language activities and cooperative learning to connect these two groups. The analysis of tests results indicates that there were statistically significant qualitative and quantitative changes in the stereotypes present at the beginning and the end of the project.
Cà Foscari University of Venice, Italy (Doctoral School in Language, Cognitive and Educational Sciences)
Tertiary Education – second level (ISCED 6)

Advanced Education post-graduate degree in Online Distance Learning Methodologies
Focus on: distance education, Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), computer mediated communication and educational technology.  
Cà Foscari University, Venice, Italy

Advanced Education post-graduate degree in Didactics for Italian and Foreign Literature
Cà Foscari University, Venice, Italy

Advanced Education post-graduate degree in Didactics of History
Cà Foscari University, Venice, Italy

Warrant: “Didattica di Sostegno nella scuola secondaria” (Secondary School Support Didactics for Pupils with disabilities).
Teaching in the area of disability and mental health problems.
Cà Foscari University, Venice, Italy – S.S.I.S - SOS 400 Veneto (Percorso Formativo per le Attività di Sostegno)

Master in Access to Education
Teaching at the Secondary School (Italian, History, Geography, Latin)
Cà Foscari University, Venice, Italy – S.S.I.S (Specialization School for Teaching at the Secondary School)

MSc Degree in Literature
Medieval History
Cà Foscari University, Venice, Italy
Tertiary Education  (ISCED5A) 110 on 110

Personal skills and competences
Mother tongue(s)   Italian
Other language(s)   English (B2)

Self-assessment European Level

English Understanding: Listening B2 ; Reading B2
            Speaking: Spoken interaction B2 ; Spoken production B2
            Writing: B2

Spanish Understanding: Listening B1 ; Reading A2
             Speaking: Spoken interaction A2 ; Spoken production A1                         
             Writing: A1


Social skills and competences
I developed abilities to self-employment and to mediate among different positions and good skills of cooperation and collaboration in team, through consultancy activities conducted in public and private sectors, participation in several research projects at international and national level; participation in many working groups; production of many papers in collaboration with a variety of co-authors and involvement in teaching activities.

Moreover, social skills and competences were also developed by organizing and participating in several courses (for work or leisure), and working both in presence and online.

Organisational skills and competences

  • Ability to plan both individual and team work.
  • Ability to meet deadlines.
  • Ability to carefully analyse issues and write syntheses.
  • Ability to work both autonomously and collaboratively.

These skills were developed during professional activity thanks to

  • Organizing several workshops and conferences.
  • Making articles reviews for several international scientific journal
  • Writing numerous papers for journals, books and conferences

Computer skills and competences    - Daily use of Office programs, browsers, mail clients.
Frequent use of various platforms for online collaboration (LMSes, blogs, wikis and Skype.)
Able to work with both MacOS and Windows operating systems.


Additional information

My research revolves around education didactics and learning design, particularly in the field of teachers’ training for inclusive Education, as well as adults' education and intergenerational learning.

From the methodological point of view, I have gained multidisciplinary knowledge of both qualitative and quantitative research methods such as Grounded theory, Focus group, quantitative data analysis.

Guest Editor, Journals

Banzato M, Baschiera B., Insegnamento e Formazione, Volume 3 (2012), Open Learning per il dialogo tra le generazioni (Open Learning for Intergenerational Dialogue).

Editorial Board

The Journal of Education, Culture and Society ISSN 2081-1640

Indexed in: -Index Copernicus (5,91 in the year 2013), -CEEOL, -CEJSH -EBSCO, -BazHum.

From 2011 to 2014 designated as Honorary Fellow in Didattica, Pedagogia Speciale e Ricerca Educativa (Didactics, Special Pedagogy and Educational Research),  by the Faculty Council of University Ca’ Foscari of Venice.


Responsibility in  European Projects:

2015 -17 CONTACT “Creating an On-line Network, monitoring Team and phone App to Counter hate crime Tactics” - JUST/2014/RRAC/AG/HATE/6706 – Researcher for University of Malta

2013-15 KEY “Key competences to Lifelong Learning in education of seniors” – 2014-1-PL01-KA204-002858 (Coordinated by Fundacja Pro Scientia Publica – Polska) –  Researcher for University Ca’ Foscari of Venice

2013-15 GRASP “Green procurement And Smart city suPport in the energy sector” 1C-­MED12-­33
Pedagogical services in connection with the MED PROGRAMME Project for The Institute for the Research and Improvement in Social Sciences, Malta (IRISS)

2012-14  HIHTAST “Hand in Hand to a Social tomorrow“ 2012-1-BE3-GRU06-05804-4 t
Project Manager and Researcher for University Ca’ Foscari of Venice

2011-13 ALICE “Adults Learning for Intergenerational Creative Experiences” 518106-LLP-1-2011-1-IT-GRUNTWIG-GMP- ctr. N. 2011-3375/001-001
Drafted parts of the project’s proposal, delivered training for trainers, undertook all the practical experimentation of the project and participated in national and international conferences with a view to disseminate project information and findings.


Organisation of National and International conferences.

Socio SIREF (Società Italiana per la Ricerca Educativa e Formativa) (Associate, Italian Society for Educational Research and Training).

Socio SIPES (Società Italiana di Pedagogia Speciale) (Associate, Italian Society for Special Education).


Selected Conference Presentations (Peer Reviewed)

Wroclaw, 04-06 July 2016 - 40th Anniversary Of University of the Third Age in University of Wrocław & International Academic Conference: “Seniors for culture“. Delivered presentations entitled: “The idea of longevity as a relationship  and  intergenerational  learning  resource” and ”Peer-to-peer learning to support active ageing and social cohesion for older adults”.

Jönköping, 14-16 October 2015 - The 6th conference of the ESREA Network on Education and Learning of Older Adults:   “LIFELONG LEARNING FOR OLDER ADULTS: HOPES, FEARS AND EXPECTATIONS”. Chairperson for the session titled: “Later Life Development”. Speaker, having delivered a speech entitled “Key competencies for Lifelong Learning in education of seniors”.

Milano, 19-21 October 2015 – Associazione Mediterraneo senza handicap – VI Congresso Internazionale: “Uguaglianze difficili e mondi della disabilità”. Delivered presentation entitled: “Learners within the autism spectrum - Autistic learners: Equity for the least equal.”.

Catania, 7-9 September 2015 - SIREF – Società Italiana di Ricerca Educativa e Formativa – National Conference: “I futuri della scuola e la ricerca pedagogica”. Delivered presentation entitled: “Il profilo delle competenze inclusive delle professionalità educative. Una prospettiva comparata tra Italia e Malta”.

Dublin, 23-26 April 2015 – IAGG-ER International Congress. Delivered presentation entitled: “Intergenerational and peer-to-peer learning for bridging the gap between generations”.

Bolzano, 28-29 November 2014 – National Conference: “Didattica e inclusione scolastica: valorizzare le differenze e personalizzare gli apprendimenti”. Delivered presentation entitled: “Didattica inclusiva:  apprendimento cooperativo e compiti autentici per lo sviluppo delle social skills”.

Valletta, 22-24 October 2014 – University of Malta – International ELOA Conference: “Innovation in Adult learning: theory, research, policy”. Delivered presentation entitled: “Interweaving intergenerational and peer-to-peer learning for better older adult educational outcomes: from theory to practice”

Roma, 11-13 September 2014 - SIREF – Società Italiana di Ricerca Educativa e Formativa – National Conference: “Riscrivere il futuro. Innovazione, Formatività e Partecipazione”. Delivered presentation entitled: “Intergenerational Education and Didactic Innovation. Plinio Project: Getting the Elderly to Coach new Startups”.

Roma, 10 May 2014 - National Conference: “Giovani vs anziani: nuove relazioni tra generazioni e culture”. Delivered presentation entitled: “Sviluppare dialogo intergenerazionale e promuovere  apprendimento continuo: orientamenti e sfide europee”. [Developing intergenerational dialogue and fostering LLL: European challenges and directions].

Athens, 8/9 May 2014 - International Digital Storytelling Conference: Digital Storytelling in Times of Crisis”. Delivered presentation entitled: “The Bard of the Future: integrating the elderly and persons with special needs by means of Digital Story Telling”.

Ancona, 6 December 2013 – National Conference: “Solidarietà intergenerazionale e invecchiamento attivo: recenti esperienze e prospettive future”. Delivered presentation entitled: “Apprendere in contesti intergenerazionali: un nuovo impegno per la ricerca pedagogica”. [Learning in intergenerational contests: a new challenge for pedagogical research”].  

Rimini, 8/10 November 2013 – International Congress: “La qualità dell’integrazione scolastica e sociale”. Delivered presentation entitled: “L'arte di narrare: il Digital Storytelling in classe per l'integrazione degli allievi con Bisogni Educativi Speciali”. [The art of storytelling: Digital Storytelling in class for the integration of pupils with special educational needs].

Bucharest, 24/25 October 2013 - International Conference on Adults’ Education “Transforming the educational relationship: intergenerational and family learning for the lifelong learning society”. Chairperson for the session titled: “Professional development and interventions for intergenerational and family learning”. Speaker, having delivered a speech entitled “A relational approach to intergenerational learning and co-construction of knowledge”

Rimini, 18/19 October 2013 – International Congress: “Qualità del Welfare: La tutela degli anziani”. Delivered presentation entitled: “La creazione di contesti formativi non formali e informali tra pari, per il sostegno e la tutela dei cittadini anziani”. [Creating formative formal and non formal environments for peers, for the sustenance and care of elderly citizens].

Lecce, 12/14 September 2013 – National Conference: CONTESTI COOPERATIVI PER GENERARE OPPORTUNITÀ: Apprendere, formare, agire nel corso della vita: capacità, democrazia, partecipazione. Nuove politiche per lo sviluppo”. Delivered presentation entitled: “L’uso del Digital Storytelling in contesti di apprendimento cooperativo per l’inclusive education e l’acquisizione delle competenze chiave di cittadinanza”. [Digital Storytelling for inclusive education and citizenship K-competencies].  

Bologna, 20/21 June 2013 – Convegno: “La professionalità dell’insegnante: valorizzare il passato, progettare il futuro. Una riflessione a partire da dati di ricerche empiriche”. Delivered presentation entitled: “Le rappresentazioni della professionalità docente nelle relazioni d’aiuto”. [“Representations of the teaching profession in relationships focused on care and inclusion of pupils with special needs”].

Oslo (Norvegia), 12/15 June 2013 – Convegno mondiale: “The Joy of Learning. Enhancing Learning Experience Improving Learning Quality”. Delivered presentation entitled: “Educational Robotics and Social Inclusion”.

Verona, Università di Verona e Palazzo della Gran Guardia, Piazza Bra, 16 April 2013 – “International Conference Intercultural Counselling and Education in the Global World”. Delivered presentation entitled: “Lo spirito di iniziativa e l’imprenditorialità”. La formazione di una competenza interculturale nei preadolescenti. [The Spirit of Initiative and Entrepreneurship - The formation of an Intercultural Competence in Pre-adolescents].

Bolzano, 13 April 2013 – Secondo convegno nazionale: “Integrazione e inclusione scolastica. Una didattica per tutti e per ciascuno. Delivered presentation entitled: “L’impatto con l’allievo disabile. La narrazione autobiografica come dispositivo ermeneutico per l’inclusione”.[Making an impact with  disabled students. The autobiographical narrative as a hermeneutic vehicle for inclusion].

Rovigo, 25 October 2012 – Convegno: “La figura dell’educatore nella promozione dell’invecchiamento attivo e della solidarietà tra le generazioni”. Delivered presentation entitled: “Le sfide pedagogiche dell’apprendimento intergenerazionale”. [The pedagogical challenges of intergenerational learning].

Venezia, 8 October 2012 - Convegno di studi: “Invecchiamento attivo: Nuove sfide formative e politiche inclusive. Delivered presentation entitled: “Costruire l’invecchiamento attivo. Apprendimento intergenerazionale e strategie formative “.[Towards active ageing: Intergenerational learning and training strategies].

Venezia-Mestre, 6/8 September 2012 - VII Edizione Summer School - SIREF – Società Italiana di Ricerca Educativa e Formativa: “CAPABILITY. Competenze, Capacitazione e Formazione. Dopo la crisi del welfare”. Delivered presentation entitled: “L’approccio delle capability applicato all’apprendimento intergenerazionale“. [The capabilities approach applied to intergenerational learning].

Porto (Portogallo), 6/9 June 2012 – Convegno mondiale: “Open learning generations. Closing the gap from generation “Y” to the mature lifelong learners”. Titolo del workshop: “Adults Learning for Intergenerational Creative Experiences – The Challenge and the Initial Strategy”.  - Titolo della relazione: “The Blog as a Generative Environment for Intergenerational Learning”.

Venezia, Centro Congressi San Servolo, 29 e 30 May 2012 – Convegno Nazionale “Camminiamo assieme. Invecchiamento attivo, solidarietà tra le generazioni”. Titolo della presentazione: “La formazione di nuove competenze nella reciprocità intergenerazionale”. [The formation of new skills in the construction of intergenerational reciprocity].

Firenze, 3– 5 May 2012 – Convegno Nazionale Società Italiana di Pedagogia “Progetto generazioni. Bambini e anziani: due stagioni della vita a confronto” – Titolo della relazione: “Il blog: un ambiente generativo di incontri e scambi intergenerazionali”. [“The Blog as a Generative Environment for Intergenerational Learning].

Bressanone (BZ), 16 & 17 December 2011 – Convegno Internazionale “Vivere e crescere nella comunicazione. Educazione Permanente nei differenti contesti ed età della vita” – Titolo della relazione: “La formazione di nuove memorie nella reciprocità intergenerazionale”. [The formation of new memories in the intergenerational reciprocity].