Giorgio Fabio COLOMBO

Professore Ordinario
Diritto privato comparato [GIUR-11/A]
Sito web (scheda personale)
Dipartimento di Studi sull'Asia e sull'Africa Mediterranea
Sito web struttura:
Sede: Palazzo Vendramin



Ph. D. (“Dottorato di Ricerca”), University of Macerata. Ph. D. in Comparative and European Private Law, 2009

J.D. (“Laurea in Giurisprudenza”), University “Luigi Bocconi”, Milan. Magna cum laude, 2003

Present position:

Professor of Law (tenured), Graduate School of Law, Nagoya University

(Courses: Comparative Private Law; International Commercial Arbitration; International Commercial Contracts; Joint Research Workshop I – IV; Introduction to Legal Anthropology)

Teaching, Research and Other Academic experiences: 

From July 2015 to April 2020, Associate Professor of Law, Graduate School of Law, Nagoya University

In November 2019, advisor to the Law and Justice Commission of Pakistan, Training in International Commercial Arbitration

In August 2019, Guest Lecturer in Arbitration, English Summer Program, UC Berkeley, Berkeley

Since April 2019, Resident Research Fellow, Italian School of East Asian Studies (ISEAS), Kyoto

In February 2019 and 2020, Guest Lecturer in the Kyoto Seminar, Ristumeikan University Law School, Kyoto

From December 2018, ANJeL-in-Europe Convenor, Australian Network for Japanese Law

From April 2016 to April 2018, Member of the Steering Committee, Program for Leading Graduate Schools “Cross-Border Legal Institution Design”, Graduate School of Law, Nagoya University

From November 2012 to July 2015, Designated Assistant Professor of Law, Graduate School of Law, Nagoya University

(Courses: Seminar on International Commercial Arbitration; Seminar on International Commercial Law; Workshop on Joint Research in Comparative Law; Legal Anthropology; Law and the Internet

In February 2014, Visiting Professor of Japanese Law, University of Palermo (Project “Messaggeri della Conoscenza”, Italian Ministry of Education)

From October 2011 to November 2012, JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow; Visiting Researcher, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto

From 2011 onwards, qualified teacher in Mediators' training courses, Italian Ministry of Justice                                           

From 2008 to 2011, Research Fellow in Comparative Law, University of Pavia

(Research Project: “Legal Systems of Eastern Asia in the framework of Comparative Law: tradition and modernity”)

From 2008 to 2011, Adjunct professor of Japanese Law, University “Ca’ Foscari”, Venice

(Course: Japanese Law – graduate level)

From 2007 to 2011, Adjunct professor of Eastern Asia Law, University “Ca’ Foscari”, Venice

(Course: Legal Institutions of Eastern Asia – undergraduate level) 

From 2004 to 2011, Teaching assistant in International Commercial Law and Comparative Law, University of Pavia

(Courses: Comparative Law – undergraduate level; International Commercial Law – graduate level. Seminars about International Commercial Arbitration. In 2011, coaching a team for the Vis Moot competition). 

In 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 Adjunct professor of Comparative Law, University of Genova – Imperia

(Course: Private Comparative Law - undergraduate level) 

In 2008/2009, Lecturer in Chinese law, University of Pavia

(Course: Introduction to Chinese Law - undergraduate and graduate level) 

From 2005 to 2009, Ph.D. student in Comparative law, University of Macerata                                          

In 2006/2007, Lecturer in Consumer’s Law, “IULM” University of Milan

(Course: Consumers’ protection and right to information – graduate level)


Academic Awards, Grants, Fellowships:  

JSPS Grant-in-aid for Scientific Research (C), 2019/2021 (Principal investigator)

Civil Dispute Resolution Research Fund 2017 (Principal investigator)

Zengin Foundation Research Award 2017 (Principal investigator)

Daiwa Foundation Award 2016 (Co-investigator)

Sasakawa Sports Foundation Research Award 2016 (Co-investigator)

JSPS Grant-in-aid for Young Researchers (B), 2014/2016 (Principal investigator)

Grant “Messaggeri della Conoscenza”, Italian Ministry of Education, 2014

JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship, 10/2011 – 11/2012

Research Fellowship, University of Pavia, 12/2008 – 10/2011

Ph. D. Scholarship, University of Macerata, 9/2005 – 9/2008

Editorial Boards

Journal of Japanese Law, Member of the Editorial Board

Rivista di diritto sportivo, Member of the Scientific Committee

Studi di diritto processuale civile e diritto comparato, Member of the Editorial Board

Silva Iaponicarum, Member of the Board of Reviewers

The Italian Law Review, Member of the Board of Reviewers

Professional experience:    

Attorney at law (admitted to the Milan Bar) since 2006.

Specific arbitration and conciliation experience:     

(a) Appointed as arbitrator by the Chamber of National and International Arbitration of Milan;

(b) Administrative secretary in a number of administrate (ICC), UNCITRAL, and ad hoc arbitration proceedings;

(c)  Counsel in a number of administrate (ICC), UNCITRAL, and ad hoc arbitration proceedings

(d) Accredited mediator for consumer disputes.

Membership of professional and other associations:       

Founding member of the 日伊比較法研究会 (Italian-Japanese Association for Comparative Law). Member of: Italian Bar, district of Milan; 日本法政学会; 日本仲裁人協会; Deutsch-Japanische Juristenvereiningung e. V. (DJJV); Associazione Italiana di Studi Giapponesi (AISTUGIA); Associazione Italiana di Diritto Comparato (AIDC); Società Italiana per la ricerca nel Diritto Comparato (SIRD); ICC Young Arbitrator’s Forum (YAF); Australian Network for Japanese Law (ANJeL); ArbIt; European Association of Japanese Studies (EAJS); Kansai Attorneys Registered Abroad (KARA); Australasian Forum for International Arbitration (AFIA); Italian Society for Law and Literature (ISLL).

Languages:                            Italian (native speaker)                       English (fluent)

                                                Japanese (advanced)                           Spanish (reading ability)

                                                French (reading ability)                      Latin (reading ability)