Jaroslav MYSIAK

Docente a contratto
Sito web
www.unive.it/persone/jaroslav.mysiak (scheda personale)
Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali, Informatica e Statistica
Sito web struttura: https://www.unive.it/dais
Sede: Campus scientifico via Torino


Anno Tipologia Pubblicazione
Anno Tipologia Pubblicazione
In corso di stampa Articolo su rivista Lorenzo Carrera;Gabriele Standardi;Francesco Bosello;Jaroslav Mysiak Assessing direct and indirect economic impacts of a flood event through the integration of spatial and computable general equilibrium modelling in ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE, vol. 63, pp. 109-122 (ISSN 1364-8152)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/42794
2024 Articolo su rivista Crochemore, Louise; Materia, Stefano; Delpiazzo, Elisa; Bagli, Stefano; Borrelli, Andrea; Bosello, Francesco; Contreras, Eva; Dalla Valle, Francesco; Gualdi, Silvio; Herrero, Javier; Larosa, Francesca; Lopez, Rafael; Luzzi, Valerio; Mazzoli, Paolo; Montani, Andrea; Moreno, Isabel; Pavan, Valentina; Pechlivanidis, Ilias; Tomei, Fausto; Villani, Giulia; Photiadou, Christiana; Polo, María José; Mysiak, Jaroslav A framework for joint verification and evaluation of seasonal climate services across socio-economic sectors in BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY, vol. -- (ISSN 0003-0007)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5057123
2024 Articolo su rivista Giupponi, Carlo; Balabanis, Panagiotis; Cojocaru, George; F. Vázquez, Jacobo; Mysiak, Jaroslav Decision support tools for sustainable water management: Lessons learned from two decades of using MULINO-DSS in CAMBRIDGE PRISMS. WATER, vol. 2, pp. 1-12 (ISSN 2755-1776)
DOI - URL correlato - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5052021
2023 Tesi di dottorato Green Infrastructure Network for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction: performance assessment of spatial connectivity , Università Ca' Foscari Venezia
- Scheda ARCA: 10579/23699
2022 Articolo su rivista Remi Harris; Elisa Furlan; Hung Vuong Pham; Silvia Torresan; Jaroslav Mysiak; Andrea Critto A Bayesian network approach for multi-sectoral flood damage assessment and multi-scenario analysis in CLIMATE RISK MANAGEMENT, vol. 35, pp. 100410 (ISSN 2212-0963)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5035584
2022 Articolo su rivista Amadio M.; Hrast Essenfelder A.; Bagli S.; Marzi S.; Mazzoli P.; Mysiak J.; Roberts S. Cost-benefit analysis of coastal flood defence measures in the North Adriatic Sea in NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, vol. 22, pp. 265-286 (ISSN 1561-8633)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3754588
2022 Articolo su rivista Philip J. Ward; James Daniell; Melanie Duncan; Anna Dunne; C??dric Hananel; Stefan Hochrainer-Stigler; Annegien Tijssen; Silvia Torresan; Roxana Ciurean; Joel C. Gill; Jana Sillmann; Ana??s Couasnon; Elco Koks; Noemi Padr??n-Fumero; Sharon Tatman; Marianne Tronstad Lund; Adewole Adesiyun; Jeroen C. J. H. Aerts; Alexander Alabaster; Bernard Bulder; Carlos Campillo Torres; Andrea Critto; Ra??l Hern??ndez-Mart??n; Marta Machado; Jaroslav Mysiak; Rene Orth; Irene Palomino Antol??n; Eva-Cristina Petrescu; Markus Reichstein; Timothy Tiggeloven; Anne F. Van Loon; Hung Vuong Pham; Marleen C. de Ruiter Invited perspectives: A research agenda towards disaster risk management pathways in multi-(hazard-)risk assessment in NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, vol. 22, pp. 1487-1497 (ISSN 1561-8633)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5035588
2022 Articolo su rivista Andrea Staccione, Sebastian Candiago, Jaroslav Mysiak Mapping a Green Infrastructure Network: a framework for spatial connectivity applied in Northern Italy in ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & POLICY, vol. 131 (ISSN 1873-6416)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3751247
2022 Articolo su libro Staccione, Andrea; Candiago, Sebastian; Mysiak, Jaroslav A Network Approach to Green Infrastructure: How to Enhance Ecosystem Services Provision? , Human-Nature Interactions, Springer Nature, pp. 51-60 (ISBN 978-3-031-01979-1; 978-3-031-01980-7)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3763311
2022 Tesi di dottorato Complex networks in adaptation and mitigation to climate change , Università Ca' Foscari Venezia
- Scheda ARCA: 10579/22706
2021 Articolo su rivista Marzi S.; Mysiak J.; Hrast Essenfelder A.; Pal J.S.; Vernaccini L.; Mistry M.N.; Alfieri L.; Poljansek K.; Marin-Ferrer M.; Vousdoukas M. Assessing future vulnerability and risk of humanitarian crises using climate change and population projections within the INFORM framework in GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE-HUMAN AND POLICY DIMENSIONS, vol. 71 (ISSN 0959-3780)
DOI - URL correlato - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5048926
2021 Articolo su rivista De Masi F.; Larosa F.; Porrini D.; Mysiak J. Cultural heritage and disasters risk: A machine-human coupled analysis in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISASTER RISK REDUCTION, vol. 59, pp. 102251 (ISSN 2212-4209)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3743694
2021 Articolo su rivista Staccione, Andrea; Broccoli, Davide; Mazzoli, Paolo; Bagli, Stefano; Mysiak, Jaroslav Natural water retention ponds for water management in agriculture: A potential scenario in Northern Italy in JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, vol. 292, pp. 112849 (ISSN 0301-4797)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3751248
2020 Articolo su rivista Larosa F.; Mysiak J. Business models for climate services: An analysis in CLIMATE SERVICES, vol. 17, pp. 100111 (ISSN 2405-8807)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3743688
2020 Articolo su rivista Samela C.; Persiano S.; Bagli S.; Luzzi V.; Mazzoli P.; Humer G.; Reithofer A.; Hrast Essenfelder A.; Amadio M.; Mysiak J.; Castellarin A. Safer_RAIN: A DEM-based hierarchical filling-&-spilling algorithm for pluvial flood hazard assessment and mapping across large urban areas in WATER, vol. 12 (ISSN 2073-4441)
DOI - URL correlato - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3754592
2020 Articolo su rivista Hrast Essenfelder A.; Larosa F.; Mazzoli P.; Bagli S.; Broccoli D.; Luzzi V.; Mysiak J.; Mercogliano P.; Dalla Valle F. Smart climate hydropower tool: A machine-learning seasonal forecasting climate service to support cost–benefit analysis of reservoir management in ATMOSPHERE, vol. 11, pp. 1-21 (ISSN 2073-4433)
DOI - URL correlato - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3754600
2019 Articolo su rivista Calliari E.; Staccione A.; Mysiak J. An assessment framework for climate-proof nature-based solutions in SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, vol. 656, pp. 691-700 (ISSN 0048-9697)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3763314
2019 Articolo su rivista Marzi, Sepehr; Farnia, Luca; Dasgupta, Shouro; Mysiak, Jaroslav; Lorenzoni, Arturo Competence analysis for promoting energy efficiency projects in developing countries: The case of OPEC in ENERGY, vol. 189, pp. 115996 (ISSN 0360-5442)
DOI - URL correlato - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3718819
2019 Articolo su rivista Sepehr Marzi, Jaroslav Mysiak, Arthur H. Essenfelder, Mattia Amadio, Alexander Fekete, Silvio Giove Constructing a comprehensive disaster resilience index: The case of Italy in PLOS ONE, vol. 14, pp. 1-23 (ISSN 1932-6203)
DOI - URL correlato - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3722432
2019 Articolo su rivista Staccione, A.; Mysiak, J.; Ostoich, M.; Marcomini, A. Financial liability for environmental damage: insurance market in Italy, focus on Veneto region experience in ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL, vol. 26, pp. 25749-25761 (ISSN 0944-1344)
DOI - URL correlato - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3725977
2019 Articolo su rivista Larosa F.; Mysiak J. Mapping the landscape of climate services in ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS, vol. 14, pp. 093006 (ISSN 1748-9326)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3743690
2019 Articolo su rivista Amadio M.; Rita Scorzini A.; Carisi F.; Hrast Essenfelder A.; Domeneghetti A.; Mysiak J.; Castellarin A. Testing empirical and synthetic flood damage models: The case of Italy in NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, vol. 19, pp. 661-678 (ISSN 1561-8633)
DOI - URL correlato - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3754594
2019 Tesi di dottorato Integrated framework for flood risk assessment in Italy , Università Ca' Foscari Venezia
- Scheda ARCA: 10579/14965
2019 Tesi di dottorato Reforming water resource allocation: climate change adaptation in water management , Università Ca' Foscari Venezia
- Scheda ARCA: 10579/15029
2019 Tesi di dottorato Role and development of composite indicators for climate change and sustainable development policies and practices , Università Ca' Foscari Venezia
- Scheda ARCA: 10579/14967
2018 Articolo su rivista Mysiak, Jaroslav*; Torresan, Silvia; Bosello, Francesco; Mistry, Malcolm; Amadio, Mattia; Marzi, Sepehr; Furlan, Elisa; Sperotto, Anna Climate risk index for Italy in PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON SERIES A: MATHEMATICAL PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES, vol. 376, pp. 20170305 (ISSN 1364-503X)
DOI - URL correlato - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3702150
2018 Articolo su rivista Marzi, Sepehr; Mysiak, Jaroslav; Santato, Silvia Comparing adaptive capacity index across scales: The case of Italy in JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, vol. 223, pp. 1023-1036 (ISSN 0301-4797)
DOI - URL correlato - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3702149
2018 Tesi di dottorato Loss and damage from climate change impacts: a political science perspective , Università Ca' Foscari Venezia
- Scheda ARCA: 10579/14084
2017 Articolo su rivista Hasanzadeh Nafari, Roozbeh; Amadio, Mattia; Ngo, Tuan; Mysiak, Jaroslav Flood loss modelling with FLF-IT: a new flood loss function for Italian residential structures in NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, vol. 17, pp. 1047-1059 (ISSN 1684-9981)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3689731
2016 Articolo su rivista Amadio, Mattia; Mysiak, Jaroslav; Carrera, Lorenzo; Koks, Elco Improving flood damage assessment models in Italy in NATURAL HAZARDS, vol. 82, pp. 2075-2088 (ISSN 0921-030X)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3689730
2016 Articolo su rivista Perez-Blanco, CD; Standardi, G; Mysiak, J; Parrado, R; Gutierrez-Martin, C Incremental water charging in agriculture. A case study of the Regione Emilia Romagna in Italy in ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE, vol. 78, pp. 202-215 (ISSN 1364-8152)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5012346
2016 Articolo su rivista Elco E. Koks; Lorenzo Carrera; Olaf Jonkeren; Jeroen C. J. H. Aerts; Trond G. Husby; Mark Thissen; Gabriele Standardi; Jaroslav Mysiak Regional disaster impact analysis: comparing input???output and computable general equilibrium models in NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, vol. 16, pp. 1911-1924 (ISSN 1561-8633)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5012342
2016 Articolo su rivista Santato, Silvia; Mysiak, Jaroslav; Pérez-Blanco, Carlos The Water Abstraction License Regime in Italy: A Case for Reform? in WATER, vol. 8, pp. 103 (ISSN 2073-4441)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3702269
2015 Articolo su rivista Lorenzo Carrera; Gabriele Standardi; Francesco Bosello; Jaroslav Mysiak Assessing direct and indirect economic impacts of a flood event through the integration of spatial and computable general equilibrium modelling in ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE, vol. 63, pp. 109-122 (ISSN 1364-8152)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5012348
2015 Tesi di dottorato Advancing the economic and social perspectives of flood risk for disaster risk reduction and climate adaptation , Università Ca' Foscari Venezia
- Scheda ARCA: 10579/5652
2014 Monografia o trattato scientifico Castellari, S.; Venturini, S.; Giordano, F.; Denti, A. Ballarin; Bigano, A.; Bindi, M.; Bosello, F.; Carrera, L.; Chiriacò, M.V.; Danovaro, R.; Desiato, F.; Filpa, A.; Fusani, S.; Gatto, M.; Gaudioso, D.; Giovanardi, O.; Giupponi, C.; Gualdi, S.; Guzzetti, F.; Lapi, M.; Luise, A.; Marino, G.; Mysiak, J.; Montanari, A.; Pasella, D.; Pierantonelli, L.; Ricchiuti, A.; Rudari, R.; Sabbioni, C.; Sciortino, M.; Sinisi, L.; Valentini, R.; Viaroli, P.; Vurro, M. Elementi per una Strategia Nazionale di Adattamento ai Cambiamenti Climatici , Min. dell'Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare (ISBN 9788887728071)
- Scheda ARCA: 10278/3661002
2014 Monografia o trattato scientifico Castellari, S.; Venturini, S.; Denti, A. Ballarin; Bigano, A.; Bindi, M.; Bosello, F.; Carrera, L.; Chiriacò, M.V.; Danovaro, R.; Desiato, F.; Filpa, A.; Gatto, M.; Gaudioso, D.; Giovanardi, O.; Giupponi, C.; Gualdi, S.; Guzzetti, F.; Lapi, M.; Luise, A.; Marino, G.; Mysiak, J.; Montanari, A.; Ricchiuti, A.; Rudari, R.; Sabbioni, C.; Sciortino, M.; Sinisi, L.; Valentini, R.; Viaroli, P.; Vurro, M. Rapporto sullo stato delle conoscenze scientifiche su impatti, vulnerabilità ed adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici in Italia , Min. dell'Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare (ISBN 9788887728095)
- Scheda ARCA: 10278/3661003
2013 Articolo su rivista Lorenzo Carrera; Jacopo Crimi; Jaroslav Mysiak Droughts in Northern Italy: Taken by Surprise, Again. in REVIEW OF ENVIRONMENT ENERGY AND ECONOMICS, vol. 2, pp. 1-9 (ISSN 2279-7300)
- Scheda ARCA: 10278/42869
2013 Working paper Fabio Farinosi; jaroslav Mysiak; lorenzo carrera Climate variability and energy security. , Lecce, CMCC, vol. RP0505
- URL correlato - Scheda ARCA: 10278/42892
2012 Articolo su libro Farinosi F.; Carrera L.; Maziotis A.; Mysiak J.; Eboli F; Standardi G. Policy-relevant assessment method of socio-economic impacts of flooding: an Italian case study. , NOTE DI LAVORO DELLA FONDAZIONE ENI ENRICO MATTEI, Milano, FEEM - Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, vol. 2012.87, pp. 1-32 (ISSN 2037-1209)
- URL correlato - Scheda ARCA: 10278/42893
2011 Articolo su libro Giupponi C.; Mysiak J.; Depietri Y.; Tamaro M. Decision Support Systems for water resources management: current state and guidelines for tool development , Decision Support for Water Framework Directive Implementation, IWA Publishing, vol. 3, pp. 107-202 (ISBN 9781843393276)
- Scheda ARCA: 10278/28085
2009 Articolo su libro MCINTOSH B.S; GIUPPONI C.; VOINOV A; SMITH C; MATTHEWS K.B; MONTICINO M; KOLKMAN M.J; CROSSMAN N; ITTERSUM M. VAN; HAASE D; HAASEK A; MYSIAK J; GROOT J.C.J; SIEBERN S; VERWEIJ P; QUINN N; WAEGER P; GABER N; HEPTING D; SCHOLTEN H; SULISU A; DELDEN H. VAN; GADDIS E; ASSAF H Bridging the gaps between design and use: developing tools to support environmental management and policy in JAKEMAN T.; RIZZOLI A.; VOINOV A.; CHEN S.H., Environmental Modelling, Software and Decision Support, ELSEVIER, vol. 3, pp. 33-48 (ISBN 9780080568867)
- Scheda ARCA: 10278/21677
2008 Articolo su libro GIUPPONI C.; SGOBBI A; MYSIAK J; CAMERA R; FASSIO A NetSyMoD: an integrated approach for water resources management in MAIRE P.; COENEN M.; LOMBARDO C.; ROBBA M.; SACILE R., Integrated water management: practical experiences and case studies, Springer, pp. 69-93 (ISBN 9781402065514; 9781402065521)
- Scheda ARCA: 10278/20925
2008 Articolo in Atti di convegno MYSIAK J; GIUPPONI C.; DEPIETRI Y; COLOMBINI G A note on attitudes towards and expectation from the Decision Support Systems , Integrating Sciences and Information Technology for Environmental Assessment and Decision Making, iEMSs, vol. 2, pp. 921-925, Convegno: 4th Biennial Meeting of iEMSs, 7-10/7/2008 (ISBN 9788476530740)
- Scheda ARCA: 10278/20928
2008 Working paper Giupponi C.; Mysiak J.; Sgobbi A. Participatory modelling and decision support for natural resources management in climate change research , Milano, vol. 13/2008, pp. 1-23 (ISSN 2037-1209)
- Scheda ARCA: 10278/30216
2007 Articolo su rivista Fassio A.; Giupponi C.; Sgobbi A.; Mysiak J. Application of the NetSyMoD approach in the ISIIMM Project for supporting decisions about irrigation management in OPTIONS MÉDITERRANÉENNES. SÉRIE B: ÉTUDES ET RECHERCHES, vol. 2, pp. 249-257 (ISSN 1016-1228)
- Scheda ARCA: 10278/36631
2007 Articolo su libro Jakeman A.J.; Letcher R.A.; Norton J.P.; Andrews F.; Allen C.; Argent R.; Banks S.; Barber C.; Bazzani G.M.; Cormack P.; Cornish P.; Chiew F.; Croke B.; Cuddy S.; Dovers S.; Eggins R.; Fellows C.; Fox D.; Franks S.; Giupponi C.; Gunningham N.; Hare M.; Johnston C.; Li L.; McAleer M.; MacKinnon A.; Maier H.; Mysiak J.; Nancarrow B.; Nathan R.; Pahl-Wostl C.; Rizzoli A.; Nathan R.; Proctor W.; Sharma P.; Simmons C.; Soncini Sessa R.; Stagnitti F.; Vertessy R.; Voinov A.; Walker J.; Syme G.; Young P.C. Outstanding research issues in integration and participation for water resource planning and management , Topics on System Analysis and Integrated Water Resources Management, Elsevier, pp. 273-289 (ISBN 9780080449678)
- Scheda ARCA: 10278/33280
2006 Articolo su libro GIUPPONI C.; FASSIO A; FEÁS J; MYSIAK J Sustainable water management and decision making in GIUPPONI C.; JAKEMAN A. J.; KARSSENBERG D.; HARE M., Sustainable Management of Water Resources: an Integrated Approach, CHELTENHAN, Edward Elgar, pp. 71-97 (ISBN 9781845427450)
- Scheda ARCA: 10278/20407
2005 Articolo su rivista MYSIAK; J.; GIUPPONI C.; P. ROSATO Towards the Development of a Decision Support System for Water Resource Management in ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE, vol. 20, pp. 203-214 (ISSN 1364-8152)
- Scheda ARCA: 10278/18670
2002 Articolo in Atti di convegno MYSIAK J.; GIUPPONI C.; FASSIO A. Decision support for water resource management: An application example of MULINO DSS , Convegno: IEMSS 2002 Integrated Assessment and Decision Support
- Scheda ARCA: 10278/21731