Alessandro SCARSO

Professore Ordinario
041 234 8569 / 041 234 8575 / Lab. 8575
Chimica organica [CHEM-05/A]
Sito web (scheda personale)
Dipartimento di Scienze Molecolari e Nanosistemi
Sito web struttura:
Sede: Campus scientifico via Torino
Stanza: studio 611 (edificio ALFA, 6° piano) / laboratorio 5 (edificio BETA, 3° piano)
Preposto di Laboratorio
Responsabile dell’Attività di Didattica e Ricerca in Laboratorio (RDRL)

Alessandro Scarso, Curriculum Vitae

Personal Information

Institutional address:               Dipartimento di Scienze Molecolari e Nanosistemi,

Universitá Ca’ Foscari di Venezia,

via Torino 155, 30172, VENICE, ITALY

Phone:                                     +39 041-2348569, lab. +39 041-2348575

Fax:                                         +39 041-2348517


Personal Address                   via O. Rinuccini 9, 35142, Padova

Web page :,


July 1991                                      Secondary School Graduation “Industrial Chemist” at I.T.I.S. “G. Natta” of Padova. Marks: 60/60.

November 1998                            Laurea degree in Chemistry (5 years) at the Universitá di Padova (Organic Chemistry Department) with a thesis dealing with catalytic asymmetric reactions “Complexes of Ti(IV) and Zr(IV) with chiral trialkanolamine ligands with C3-symmetry in Asymmetric Catalysis” Marks: 110/110 with honors. 

Supervisor: Prof. Giulia M. Licini


Synthesis of chiral complexes of Ti(IV) and Zr(IV) and solution speciation of the complexes by means of 2D-NMR, molecular weight determination in solution. Catalytic activity of such complexes as chiral Lewis acids in the asymmetric oxidation of sulfides to sulfoxides and asymmetric Diels-Alder reactions.

May 1999                                      Habilitation to the Chemist Profession. Marks: 120/130.


Nov. 1998-Nov. 2001                    PhD thesis in Chemical Sciences at Università degli Studi di Padova, Organic Chemistry Department. “Peptide models of phosphoesterases: synthesis, activity and allosteric regulation of a tripodal template”.

Supervisor: Prof. Paolo M. Scrimin


Development of artificial phosphoesterase complexes as enzyme mimetics and allosteric regulation of their activity. Synthesis and solution characterization of the coordination ability of peptide-based tripodal complexes of Zn(II) and Cu(II). Catalytic activity in the hydrolysis of phosphodiester model substrates and investigation of allosteric regulation by metal coordination.

February 2002                              Doctorate Degree at the Università degli Studi di Padova.

December 2001- May 2002          Winner of a competitive public examination for the assignment of a temporary contract (6 months) dealing with “Supramolecular Systems based on Peptidic Foldamers” at the Università degli Studi di Padova, Organic Chemistry Department.

Supervisor: Prof. Paolo M. Scrimin.


Development of analytical methods for oligoribonucleotides analysis and catalytic activity of peptidic metal containing catalysts as phosphodiesterase artificial mimetic enzymes.

June 2002                                     Winner of a Post-Doctorate Fellowship at the Università degli Studi di Padova (2 years) for studies on supramolecular chemistry. Marks: 85/100.

Supervisor: Prof. Paolo M. Scrimin.


Development of self-assembling structures as new environments for catalytic reactions.


August 2002-November 2003      Post Doctoral position “Skaggs Fellowship” at the Skaggs Institute for Chemical Biology, The Scripps Research Institute, San Diego California.

Supervisor: Prof. Julius Rebek Jr.


Synthesis and development of self-assembling nano-sized molecular capsules. Investigation of the unique properties of the inner space of such molecular containers by means of 1D and 2D NMR techniques. In depth study of coencapsulation of different guests, asymmetric recognition, gas encapsulation, social isomerism, isotopic binding effect, conformation changes upon encapsulation, reactions within nanosized containers.


December 2003-April 2004          Winner of a Fellowship (6 months) from I.N.S.T.M. (Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per la Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali) at the Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia, Chemistry Department.

Supervisor: Prof. Giorgio Strukul.


Development of new processes for hydrogen peroxide activation for fine chemical production (within the PRIN project 2003, “Development of new recyclable catalysts for oxidation processes with hydrogen peroxide”)


May 2004-October 2005               Winner of a two year Fellowship “Assegno di Ricerca” from Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia (Chemistry Department) dealing with “Reactivity of Recyclable Pt(II) and Pd(II) Catalysts in Selective Oxidation Reactions with Hydrogen Peroxide”.

Supervisor: Prof. Giorgio Strukul.


Development of new chiral and achiral complexes of Pt(II) and Pd(II) for hydrogen peroxide activation. Fine chemical production with new eco-friendly oxidation processes. Effect of the diphosphine ligand, Lewis acidity of the complexes on catalytic activity.


November 2005                            Assistant Professor position (Ricercatore) in Industrial Chemistry (CHIM/04) at the faculty of Science  of Universitá Ca’ Foscari di Venezia, Chemistry Department.

Main Activity:

Development of new sustainable oxidation processes, hydrogen peroxide activation, asymmetric oxidations with homogeneous catalysts, Homogeneous catalysis with Pt(II) catalysts. Employment of new reaction media like water in catalysis. Green chemistry.

Supramolecular chemistry and catalysis. Micellar catalysis for the formation of C-C and C-heteroatom bond with high regio, and stereoselectivity. Catalysis within self-assembled hydrogen bonded supramolecular systems like the hexamer of resorcin[4]arene.

Synthesis of new N containing bisphosphonates as potential drug candidates for the treatment of bone resorption disorders like osteoporosis and Paget disease. Sustainable synthesis of bisphosphonates in water.


December 2013                      Candidate earned habilitation for the position of associate professor in ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 03/C1


December 2013                      Candidate earned habilitation for the position of associate professor in INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY 03/C2


April 2016                                Associate Professor in Organic CHEMISTRY 03/C1


2016                                        Candidate earned habilitation for the position of full professor in ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 03/C1


2016                                        Candidate earned habilitation for the position of full professor in INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY 03/C2


November 2017-

November 2020                      vice-coordinator of the PhD Programme in Chemistry between Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia and Università di Trieste


November 2020                      Selected as Expert Member for GEV 3 Chemistry for the VQR 2015-2019.


November 2020                      Appointed Delegate of the Head of the Department for the didactic and teaching activities of the Dipartimento di Scienze Molecolari e Nanosistemi, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia.



Institutional Positions
-        Member of the board of the Division of Industrial Chemistry of the Societá Chimica Italiana for the period  2013-2016.


-        Member of the board of the Veneto Section of the Società Chimica Italiana for the period 2013-2019.


-        Member of the board of the Doctorate in Chemistry, Graduate School of Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia since 2013.


-        Member of the board of the Inter-Doctorate in Chemistry between Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia and Università di Trieste since 2014.


-        Member of the Teaching Committee of the inter-Doctorate PhD program in Chemistry between UniVe and UniTs.


-        Since the beginning of 2016 Member of the Board of the Ca’ Foscari Harvard Summer School


-        Fellow of Collegio Internazionale Ca’ Foscari since the beginning of 2016.


-        Member of the Collegio Didattico for the Degree program “Laurea Magistrale in Scienza e Tecnologia dei Bio e Nanomateriali” since November 2016.


-        Member of quality group for the MD in Science and technology of bio and nanomaterials since 2020.


-        From 2017 until 2020 member of the Research Committee of DSMN.




Alessandro Scarso was born in 1972 in Padova, earned the degree in chemistry in 1998 at the Università di Padova with Prof. G. M. Licini studying asymmetric catalysis and a PhD in 2002 with Prof. P. M. Scrimin on the development of artificial enzymes. In the period 2002–2003 he moved to the Scripps Research Institute (La Jolla, CA) in the group of Prof. J. Rebek Jr. working on supramolecular chemistry. In 2003 he joined the group of Prof. G. Strukul at Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia for a post-doc on the development of sustainable oxidation reactions and in 2005 he obtained the position of Assistant professor in Industrial Chemistry. He worked developing new Pt(II) complexes in catalysis and introduced the use of water and micellar catalysis as green and sustainable reaction media. Further studies covered the development of supramolecular nanometric catalysts with enzyme like properties. In the recent years he investigated the development of new bisphosphonate based molecules for the treatment of osteoporosis. In 2013 he earned double habilitation to the positions of associate professor in organic chemistry and industrial chemistry. In May 2016 he raised to the position of Associate Professor in Organic Chemistry. In 2017 he earned double habilitation to the positions of full professor in organic chemistry and industrial chemistry. Since 2017 he is vice-coordinator of the joint PhD Programme in Chemistry between Università Ca’ Foscari and Università di Trieste.


He is member of the board of the UniVe-UniTs doctorate program in Chemistry since 2013, of the Ca’ Foscari Harvard Summer School and fellow of the Collegio Internazionale Ca’ Foscari. Since November 2017 he is vice-coordinator of the joint PhD programme in Chemistry between Università Ca’ Foscari and Università di Trieste.


He was Associate Editor of the journal SUPRAMOLECULAR CATALYSIS (2013-2015) and in the period 2016-2018 Associate Editor of RSC ADVANCES a multidisciplinary chemistry journal of the Royal Society of Chemistry. He has been currently topic editor of three special issues on catalysis in water and supramolecular catalysis for the journals Frontiers in Chemistry, Catalysts, Green Technologies.


Editorial board member for the open access journal ORGANICS, MDPI since March 2020.


The scientific production can be resumed in 86 papers, 45 as corresponding author, 17 book chapters on invitation, overall he collected about 2400 citations. -H index is 31 (Scopus/WoS). H index (10 years) 18, H index (15 years) 26.


He received the following awards:

-“2010 Young Scientist Prize” awarded by Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia.

 - “Premio Giangiacomo Drago e Fausta Rivera” by “Istituto Lombardo, Accademia di Scienze e Lettere” February 2012.

 -“Gian Paolo Chiusoli Medal” awarded by the Division of Industrial Chemistry, Società Chimica Italiana, September 2015.

- Publons Peer Review Awards 2017, 2018 and 2019 top 1% of peer reviewers in Chemistry.




Medium CV

Alessandro Scarso was born in Padova in 1972. 

Education and appointments

1998, Laurea (M.Sc.) in Chemistry, from Università di Padova Marks 110/110 with honors with a thesis on stereoselective catalysis; supervisor Prof. G. Licini.
1999, Habilitation to the Chemist Profession

2002, PhD in Chemistry from Università di Padova, working on the development of artificial allosteric peptide bases nucleases; supervisor Prof. P. Scrimin. 
2002-2003, post-doc researcher at the Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla (CA) in the group of Prof. J. Rebek working on the investigation of confinement effects in supramolecular assemblies. 
2003-2005, post-doc researcher at Università Ca’ Foscari, Dipartimento di Chimica, in the group of Prof. G. Strukul working on organometallic catalysis in environmentally friendly media and hydrogen peroxide activation for sustainable oxidations. 
2005, Assistant professor in Industrial Chemistry at Università Ca’ Foscari, Dipartimento di Chimica.

2013 he earned double habilitation to the positions of associate professor in organic chemistry and industrial chemistry.

2016 Associate Professor of Organic Chemistry at Università Ca’ Foscari, Dipartimento di Scienze Molecolari e Nanosistemi.

2017 he earned double habilitation to the positions of full professor in organic chemistry and industrial chemistry.

2017, vice-coordinator of the joint PhD Programme in Chemistry between Università Ca’ Foscari and Università di Trieste


2013-2015 He was Associate Editor of the journal SUPRAMOLECULAR CATALYSIS

2016- Associate Editor of RSC ADVANCES a multidisciplinary chemistry journal of the Royal Society of Chemistry.

He is currently topic editor of three special issues on catalysis in water and supramolecular catalysis for the journals Frontiers in Chemistry, Catalysts, Green Technologies.


He is member of the board of the Ca’ Foscari Harvard Summer School and fellow of the Collegio Internazionale Ca’ Foscari.




-“2010 Young Scientist Prize” awarded by Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia.

- “Premio Giangiacomo Drago e Fausta Rivera” by “Istituto Lombardo, Accademia di Scienze e Lettere” February 2012.

 -“Gian Paolo Chiusoli Medal” awarded by the Division of Industrial Chemistry, Società Chimica Italiana, September 2015.

- Publons Peer Review Awards 2017, top 1% of peer reviewers in Chemistry.

- Publons Peer Review Awards 2017, top of peer reviewers for RSC Advances.

- Publons Peer Review Awards 2017, top 1% of peer reviewers in Chemical Engineering.

- Publons Peer Review Awards 2018, top 1% of peer reviewers in Chemistry.

- Publons Peer Review Awards 2019, top 1% of peer reviewers in Chemistry.



Research achievements

The research interest of Alessandro Scarso has been focused on the interplay between homogeneous catalysis and supramolecular chemistry. In chronological order he acquired deep knowledge on metal mediated asymmetric catalysis for sulfoxidation reactions as undergraduate student, development of artificial peptide based catalysts during the PhD, supramolecular recognition within hydrogen bonded self-assembled capsules during the post-doc period, homogeneous catalysis in micellar media with successful examples of oxidation reactions and C-C bond forming reactions in water, sustainable catalysis for hydrogen peroxide activation and supramolecular catalysis within organized supramolecular systems as assistant professor and more recently as associate professor.



Publications and bibliometric parameters

He is co-author of 86 contributions as papers and book chapters, 45 as corresponding author, published in international journals and 17 book chapters on invitation. Overall, he collected about 2400 citations. His H-index is 31 (Scopus). H index (10 years) 18, H index (15 years) 26.



Invited Lectures and Conference Presentations

-XXIII° Congresso Nazionale Società Chimica Italiana, Sorrento (NA) July, 5-10 2009, “Green Catalytic Asymmetric Oxidations in Water: Supramolecular Micellar Effects” A. Scarso.

-17th International Symposium on Homogeneous Catalysis (ISHC-17), Poznañ, (Poland) July, 4th-9th 2010, “Green Catalytic Asymmetric Baeyer-Villiger Oxidations in Water: Supramolecular Micellar Effects” A. Scarso.

-XXIV° Congresso Nazionale Società Chimica Italiana, Lecce September, 11-16 2011, “Supramolecular Control on Product and Substrate Selectivity via Encapsulation within a Hydrogen Bonded Self-assembled Hexameric Capsule” A. Scarso.

-XVIII° Congresso Nazionale Divisione di Chimica Industriale, Società Chimica Italiana, Firenze, June, 11-14 2012, “Platinum(II) Diphosphinamine Complexes for the Efficient Hydration of Alkynes in Micellar Media ” A. Scarso, F. Trentin, A.M. Chapman,  P. Sgarbossa, R.A. Michelin, G. Strukul, D.F. Wass.

-XVII National Congress of Catalysis GIC 2013 and XI National Congress of Zeolites Science and Technology, Riccione, September 15th-18th 2013, “Environmentally Benign Micellar Metal Catalysis in Water”, A. Scarso, KEYNOTE LECTURE.

-XI CONGRESSO NAZIONALE DI CHIMICA SUPRAMOLECOLARE, Società Chimica Italiana, Padova, September, 24th-27th 2013, “Encapsulation-Driven Supramolecular Catalysis”, A. Scarso, KEYNOTE LECTURE.

-CONGRESSO NAZIONALE della SOCIETA’ CHIMICA ITALIANA, Rende (Cs), September, 7th-12th 2014, “Supramolecular Approaches to Substrate Selectivity in Homogeneous Catalysis”, A. Scarso.

-XIX Congresso Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Industriale, Società Chimica Italiana, Salerno 14-16 settembre 2015 “Hugging Catalysts... If They Do Not Mind”, A.Scarso. Awarded with the Chiusoli Medal KEYNOTE LECTURE.

-9Th ISNSC (International Symposium Nanocatalysis and Supramolecular Chemistry) Napoli September 7-10, 2017 Supramolecular Approaches to Homogeneous Catalysis, INVITED LECTURE.



Participation to Funded Projects

-PRIN 2003, “Development of new recyclable catalysts for oxidation processes with hydrogen peroxide”  “Sviluppo di nuovi catalizzatori riciclabili per processi di ossidazione con acqua ossigenata”, 6 months

-EU 5th FP, Thematic programme: Competitive and Sustainable Growth. “Novel Eco-Efficient Oxidation Processes Based on H2O2 Synthesis on Catalytic Membranes” (2002-2005)

-PRIN 2008, “New catalytic strategies for the synthesis of bisphosphonate based bioactive molecules for the therapy and diagnosis of osteolytic diseases”, 10 months.


Supervision of Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Fellows
To date, Alessandro Scarso has been the supervisor of 6 PhD students and about twenty graduate students.


B.Sc. and M.D. courses:

-Industrial Organic Chemistry, Lab Course 2nd year M.D. in Industrial Chemistry, 48h (2006-2011).

-Organic Chemistry 2 Lab Course, 2nd year B.Sc. degree in Chemistry, 66h (since 2012-).

-Colloids and Interphases mod. 2, since 2014-, 6 h teaching, 18h lab, M.D. M.D. in Science and Technology of Bio and Nanomaterials. From 2016 full course assigned to A. Scarso (12h class lessons, 36h lab). From 2017 the course is lectured in entirely English.

-New Frontiers in Homogeneous Catalysis, 2nd year M.D. in in Chemistry and Sustainable Technologies, 48h (since 2010-).

-Asymmetric Syntheses in The Industry (2015-2017), 48h, B.Sc. degree in Chemistry and Sustainable Technologies.

-Organic Chemistry, M.D. in Science and Technology of Bio and Nanomaterials, 48h (since 2016-).

-Characterization Methods of Organic Molecules, B.Sc. degree in Chemistry and Sustainable  Technologies, 30h (since 2018-).


PhD courses:

-Supramolecular Chemistry, PhD course 15h  (2008-2013).

-Supramolecular Catalysis, PhD course 15h  (2009-2013).

-Scientific Writing, Inter-doctorate PhD course 15h  (2013-2018), 30 h (since 2020-).

-Supramolecular Chemistry and Catalysis, PhD course 15h  (2014-2019).

Organization of Scientific Meetings

- Member of the organizing committee of the XXXVII Convegno della Divisione di Chimica Organica della Società Chimica Italiana, 18th-22th September 2016 (Mestre Venezia, I).

- Chairperson for TOPIC 3: Addressing catalysis complexity  during the International Congress Europacat2017, 27th-31st August 2017 (Florence, I)

-Member of the organizing committee of the 9th International Symposium on Nano & Supramolecular Chemistry (9th ISNSC) 4th-7th September 2017, (Naples-I)
Selected Scientific Activities
2014 and 2017: Committee Member for student admission at the PhD School in Chemistry.
Reviewer for the Italian National VQR evaluation 2004-2010.

Reviewer for the Petroleum Research Fund of the American Chemical Society since 2009.

Reviewer for PRIN 2012.

Reviewer for Futuro in Ricerca 2013.

Reviewer for the Italian National VQR evaluation 2011-2014.

Reviewer for Università dell’Insubria of applicants for Assegno di Ricerca di Ateneo 2016.

Reviewer for grant application for the “Frontier Research in Chemistry Foundation” France, March 2017.






Teaching Activities


Industrial Organic Chemistry

Lab Course                                   2nd year Master Degree in Industrial Chemistry. (2006-2011). 48h, [CM0035] [C83025]


Organic Chemistry 2

Lab Course                                   2nd year Bachelor Degree in Chemistry. (since 2012-). 66h, [CT0055]


Colloids and Interphases mod. 2                starting 2014/2015, [CM0375]. 6 h teaching, 18h lab. From 2016 full course assigned to A. Scarso (12h class lessons, 36h lab). From 2017 the course is lectured in English.


New Frontiers in Homogeneous Catalysis

                                                                          2nd year Master Degree in Industrial Chemistry. (since 2010-),  [CM0318] ,[CM0123], 48h


Asymmetric Syntheses in The Industry (2015-2017), [CT0393] Bachelor Degree in Chemistry and Sustainable Technologies, 48h


Organic Chemistry                                       Master degree in Science and Technology of Bio

and Nanomaterials, (2016-2017) [CM0390] 48h


Characterization Methods of Organic Molecules Bachelor degree in Chemistry and Sustainable  Technologies, (since 2018-) [CT0490] 30h


Organic Chemistry 3, Lab                            Master degree in Chemistry and Sustainable                                                                             Technologies, (since2021-) [CM03331] 60h




Courses for PhD students:

Supramolecular Chemistry

PhD course                                   15h  (2008-2013)


Supramolecular Catalysis

PhD course                                   15h  (2009-2013)


Scientific Writing

Inter-doctorate PhD course                15h  (2013-2019), 30 h (since 2020-)


Supramolecular Chemistry and Catalysis

PhD course                                   15h  (since 2014-2019)



Courses for the Collegio Internazionale Ca’ Foscari:

Academic Writing

Course for the students of the Collegio di Merito Ca’ Foscari, school of excellence of the Academia                    5h  (since 2013-)

Supervision to PhD and undergraduate students
Since 2004, the candidate supervised the research activity of several undergraduate and five PhD students.

Scientific Activities Resume

The scientific production of the candidate can be resumed as follows (January 2020):


- 87 original contributions in peer reviewed international journals and book chapters, 45 as corresponding author.


- 17 book chapters on invitation.


-H index is 31 (Scopus/WoS), H index (10 years) 18, H index (15 years) 26.


- About 2400 total citations (Scopus or ISI).


Prizes and Honors
-“2010 Young Scientist Prize” awarded by Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia, Oct. 22nd 2010, Venezia (ITALY).


- “Premio Giangiacomo Drago e Fausta Rivera” awarded by “Istituto Lombardo, Accademia di Scienze e Lettere, for research activity in the field of “ Chemistry and life’s quality”. February, 17th 2012, Milano (ITALY).


-“Gian Paolo Chiusoli Medal” awarded by the Division of Industrial Chemistry, Società Chimica Italiana, September 15th 2015, Salerno (ITALY);


-                  The paper La Sorella G., Strukul G., Scarso* A, “Recent Advances in Catalysis in Micellar Media”, Green Chem. 2015, 17, 644-683 was one of the most downloaded articles in Green Chemistry in 2015. Please see the following link:


Publons Top Peer Review Awards 2017, top 1% of peer reviewers in Chemistry.

Publons Top Peer Review Awards 2018, top 1% of peer reviewers in Chemistry.

Publons Top Peer Review Awards 2019, top 1% of peer reviewers in Chemistry.



-        Member of the Società Chimica Italiana since 2005

-        Member of the American Chemical Society since 2013-2016

-        Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry since 2016-2018

-        Member of the Italian Society for Neutron Scattering (SISN) since 2020


Member of the board of International peer-reviewed Journals
-                  (2013-2015) Associate Editor of the Open Access peer-reviewed journal SUPRAMOLECULAR CATALYSIS (ISSN: 2084-7246) published by De-Gruyter Open (editor Prof. U.H. Brinker, University of Vienna and The State University of New York at Bringhamton.  The journal publishes original research articles that incorporates the ideas of supramolecular chemistry within the field of catalysis. Systems of particular interest will involve supramolecular interactions as the key interactions between catalyst and substrate.

-        Associate Editor of RSC Advances multidisciplinary journal of the Royal Society of Chemistry from March 2016-April 2018.


2017 Topic editor with prof. P. Ballester of the Supramolecular Aspects in catalysis for the international journal Frontiers in Chemistry, achieving over 20000 views and 3600 downloads by end of 2020.



2020 Topic editor with prof. P. Ballester of the Supramolecular Chemistry meets Catalysis for the international journal Frontiers in Chemistry, :


Since Spring 2020, Member of the Editorial Board of the OA international journal Organics from MDPI;



Reviewer activity for the following international journals
1)Angewandte Chemie Internation Edition English

2)Journal of the American Chemical Society

3)Accounts of Chemical Research

4)Chemical Communication

5)Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis


7)Israel Journal of Chemistry

8)Inorganica Chimica ACTA

9)Central European Journal of Chemistry

10)  Polyhedron

11)  Chemical Papers

12)  Journal of Molecular Liquids

13)  Organic and Biological Chemistry


46 papers reviewed in 2016, 63 in 2017, 47 in 2018, 55 in 2019 (source, Publons).


Official reviewer for the Royal Society of Chemistry since November 2019.


Reviewer of the following national and international agencies
1)   Reviewer for the Italian National VQR evaluation 2004-2010.

2)   Reviewer for the Petroleum Research Fund of the American Chemical Society since 2009.

3)   Reviewer for PRIN 2012

4)   Reviewer for Futuro in Ricerca 2013

5)   Reviewer for the Italian National VQR evaluation 2011-2014.

6)   Reviewer for Università dell’Insubria of applicants for Assegno di Ricerca di Ateneo 2016.

7)   Reviewer for grant application for the “Frontier Research in Chemistry Foundation” France, March 2017

8)   Reviewer for PhD thesis from Universidad Rovira i Virgili 2017 and 2019

9)   Reviewer for the PhD Prize in Chemistry from Università di Padova 2018.

10)            Reviewer for grant proposal to the American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Foundation (August 2018).

11)            Reviewer for grant proposal to the National Science Center of Poland (June 2018).

12)            Reviewer for grant proposal to Regione Autonoma Sardegna (April 2018).

13)            Reviewer for the Gutenberg Chair 2019, for the Alsace region.



National Collaborations
·   Prof. O. Bortolini Prof. A. Massi, Università di Ferrara, synthesis of new bisphosphonates as potential drug candidates and use of carbene catalysts and reagenst in supramolecular nanoreactors.

·   Dr. D. Granchi, Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, Bologna, evaluation of the biological activity of new bisphosphonates for bone resorption diseases and bone tumor treatment.

·   Prof. A. Bigi, Università di Bologna, interaction of bisphosphonates with hydroxyapatite.

·   Dr. M.T. Valenti, Università di Verona, Development of fluorescent bisphosphonates to track the action of the anti-resorption drugs.


International Collaborations
·   DSM research, Dr. L Lefort, The Netherlands, employment of chiral phosphoramide ligands in asymmetric oxidation reactions.

·   Prof. Rebek Jr., The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, (CA) USA, supramolecular catalysis within self-assembled capsules.

·   Prof. D. Wass, School of Chemistry, University of Bristol, employment of PNP ligands for homogeneous catalysis in micellar media, development of photocromic ligands for catalysis.

·   Prof. J. Reek, University of Amsterdam, development of encapsulated homogeneous metal catalysts for selective catalysis.

·   Prof. P. Ballester, ICIQ Istitut Català, d’Investigació Quimica, Supramolecular catalysis with hexameric self-assembled capsule.

·   Prof. C. Schalley, Universitat Freie Berlin, development of supramolecular systems based on pillar[5] and pillar[6] arenes.


Participation to Funded Projects

-PRIN 2003, “Development of new recyclable catalysts for oxidation processes with hydrogen peroxide”  “Sviluppo di nuovi catalizzatori riciclabili per processi di ossidazione con acqua ossigenata”, 6 months


-EU 5th FP, Thematic programme: Competitive and Sustainable Growth. “Novel Eco-Efficient Oxidation Processes Based on H2O2 Synthesis on Catalytic Membranes” (2002-2005)


-PRIN 2008, “New catalytic strategies for the synthesis of bisphosphonate based bioactive molecules for the therapy and diagnosis of osteolytic diseases”, 10 months.


- Cariparo Project 2019, Selective Catalysis in Supramolecular Confined Spaces, SELECT, 36 months.



Application without being funded to National and International Grants
-ERC Starting Grant call  2008.


-ERC Starting Grant call  2010.


-FIRB, Futuro in Ricerca, call 2008.


-FIRB, Futuro in Ricerca, call 2012 (the candidate passed the local selection).


-Local Principal Investigator for the Project RF-2011-02346915, Ministero della Salute, “Multifunctional "hybrid" drugs for targeting skeletal metastases”, in the field of Biomedical research in collaboration with “Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli di Bologna”.



Organization of Congresses
1)               Member of the local organizing committe of the XXXVII Convegno della Divisione di Chimica Organica della Società Chimica Italiana, 18th-22th September 2016 (Mestre Venezia, I).

2)               Chairperson for TOPIC 3: Addressing catalysis complexity  during the International Congress Europacat2017, 27th-31st August 2017 (Florence, I)

3)               Organizer of the 9th International Symposium on Nano & Supramolecular Chemistry (9th ISNSC) 4th-7th September 2017, (Naples-I)

Full List of Publications

Publications in International Peer Reviewed Journals
1)               G. Licini, M. Gobbo, A. Scarso, P. Scrimin*, S. Valente ”Allosteric Regulation of a HIV-1 Protease Inhibitor by Zn(II) Ions”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2001, 40, 20, 3899-3902.


2)               Scarso, A., Scheffer, U., Goebel, M., Broxterman, Q.B., Kaptein, B., Formaggio, F., Toniolo, C., Scrimin*, P. ”A Peptide Template as an Allosteric Supramolecular Catalyst for the Cleavage of Phosphate Esters” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2002, 99, 8, 5144-5149.


3)               Scarso, A., Shivanyuk, A., Hayashida, O., Rebek*, J.Jr. ”Asymmetric Environments in Encapsulation Complexes” J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2003, 125, 6239-6243.


4)               Shivanyuk, A., Scarso, A., Rebek*, J.Jr. ”Coencapsulation of Large and Small Hydrocarbons” Chem. Commun., 2003, 1230-1231.


5)               Scarso, A., Trembleau, L., Rebek*, J. Jr. “Encapsulation Induces Helical Folding of Alkanes” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2003, 42, 5499 –5502.


6)               Scarso, A., Shivanyuk, A., Rebek*, J. Jr. “Individual Solvent/Solute Interactions through Social Isomerism” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2003, 125, 13981-13983.


7)               Rechavi, D., Scarso, A., Rebek*, J., Jr. “Isotopomer Encapsulation in a Cylindrical Molecular Capsule: A Probe for Understanding Noncovalent Isotope Effects on a Molecular Level” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2004, 126, 7738-7739.


8)               Scarso, A., Rebek*, J., Jr. “Single Molecule Solvation and Its Effects on Tautomeric Equilibria in a Self-Assembled Capsule” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2004, 126, 8956-8960.


9)               Zhao, Y.-L., Houk, K. N., Rechavi, D., Scarso, A., Rebek*, J., Jr. “Equilibrium Isotope Effects as a Probe of Nonbonding Attractions” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2004, 126, 11428-11429.


10)            Scarso, A., Onagi, H., Rebek*, J., Jr. ”Mechanically Regulated Rotation of a Guest in a Nanoscale Host” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2004, 126, 12728-12729.


11)            Scarso, A., Trembleau, L., Rebek*, J., Jr. “Helical Folding of Alkanes in a Self-Assembled, Cylindrical Capsule” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2004, 126, 13512-13518. (79 citations, 47 without self-citation)


12)            Michelin*, R. A., Pizzo, E., Scarso, A., Sgarbossa, P., Strukul*, G., Tassan, A.  “Baeyer-Villiger Oxidation of Ketones Catalyzed by Platinum(II) Lewis Acid Complexes Containing Coordinated Electron-poor Fluorinated Diphosphines” Organometallics 2005, 24, 1012-1017.


13)            Conte* V., Floris B., Galloni P., Mirruzzo V., Scarso A., Sordi D., Strukul* G.  “The Pt(II)-catalyzed Baeyer–Villiger oxidation of cyclohexanone with H2O2 in ionic liquids” Green Chem. 2005, 5, 262-266.


14)            Scarso A., Strukul* G. “Asymmetric Sulfoxidation of Thioethers with Hydrogen Peroxide in Water Mediated by Platinum Chiral Catalyst” Adv. Synth. Catal. 2005, 347, 1227-1234.


15)            Pizzo, E., Sgarbossa, P., Scarso, A., Michelin*,  R.A., Strukul* G. “Second Generation of Electron Poor Pt(II) Complexes as Efficient Epoxidation Catalysts for Terminal Alkenes with Hydrogen Peroxide” Organometallics, 2006, 25, 3056-3062.


16)            Sgarbossa, P., Pizzo, E., Scarso, A., Mazzega Sbovata, S., Michelin*, R.A., Mozzon, M., Strukul* G., Benetollo F. “Bis-phosphine monoxide Platinum(II) and Palladium(II) Cationic Complexes as Lewis Acid Catalysts in Diels-Alder and Sulfoxidation Reactions” J. Organom. Chem. 2006, 691, 3659-3666.


17)            Colladon, M., Scarso, A., Sgarbossa, P., Michelin, R.A., Strukul*, G. “Asymmetric epoxidation of terminal alkenes with hydrogen peroxide catalyzed by pentafluorophenyl Pt(II) complexes”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 14006-14007.


18)            Colladon M. , Scarso, A., Strukul* G. “Tailoring Pt(II) Chiral Catalyst Design for Asymmetric Baeyer-Villiger ­Oxidation of Cyclic Ketones with Hydrogen Peroxide” Synlett 2006, 20, 3515-3520.


19)            Sgarbossa, P., Scarso, A., Pizzo, E., Mazzega Sbovata, S., Tassan, A., Michelin, R.A., Strukul*, G.  “Synthesis, Characterization and Baeyer-Villiger Oxidation of Ketones by the Cationic Platinum(II) Complex [P(m-OH)(Pom-Pom)]2[BF4]2 [Pom-Pom = (OMe)2PCH2CH2P(OMe)2]” J. Mol. Cat. A, 2007, 261, 202-206.


20)            Scarso, A., Zaupa, G., Bodar Houillon, F., Prins, L.J., Scrimin* P. “Tripodal, Cooperative, and Allosteric Transphosphorylation Metallocatalysts“ J.Org. Chem. 2007, 72, 376-385.


21)            Colladon M. , Scarso, A., Strukul* G. “Towards a Greener Epoxidation Method: Use of Water-Surfactant Media and Catalyst Recycling in the Platinum-Catalyzed Asymmetric Epoxidation of Terminal Alkenes with Hydrogen Peroxide “ Adv. Synth. Catal. 2007, 349, 797-801.


22)            Colladon, M., Scarso, A., Sgarbossa, P., Michelin, R.A., Strukul*, G. “Regiospecificity and Diasteroselectivity of Pt(II) Mediated “Green” Catalytic Epoxidation of Terminal Alkenes with Hydrogen Peroxide: Mechanistic Insight into its Peculiar Substrate Selectivity” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007, 129, 7680-7689.


23)             Sgarbossa, P., Scarso, A., Michelin*, R.A., Strukul*, G. “Steric Effect in the Baeyer-Villiger Oxidation of Ketones Catalyzed by Platinum(II) Lewis Acid Complexes with Coordinated Electron-donor Alkyl Diphosphines” Organometallics 2007, 26, 2714-2719.


24)            Scarso*, A., Pellizzaro, L., De Lucchi, O., Linden, A., Fabris*, F. “Gas Hosting in Enantiopure Self-Assembled Oximes” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2007, 46, 4972-4975.


25)            Sgarbossa, P., Fátima, M., Guedes da Silva, C., Scarso, A., Michelin*, R.A., Pombeiro*, A.J.L. “Lewis Acidity of Platinum(II)-Based Baeyer–Villiger Catalysts: An Electrochemical Approach”
Inorg. Chim. ACTA, 2008, 361, 3247-3253.


26)            Greggio, G., Sgarbossa, P., Scarso, A., Michelin*, R.A., Strukul*, G., “Platinum(II) Diphosphine Complexes as Catalysts for the Baeyer–Villiger Oxidation of Ketones: Is It Possible to Increase the Concentration of the Active Species?” Inorg. Chim. ACTA, 2008, 361, 3230-3236.


27)            Colladon, M., Scarso, A., Strukul*, G., “Mild Catalytic Oxidation of Secondary and Tertiary Amines to Nitrones and N-Oxides with H2O2 Mediated by Pt(II) Catalysts” Green Chem., 2008, 10, 793 - 798.


28)            A. Cavarzan, G. Bianchini,  P. Sgarbossa, L. Lefort, S. Gladiali, A. Scarso*, G. Strukul*, “Asymmetric Green Catalytic Baeyer-Villiger Oxidation with Hydrogen Peroxide in Water by PtII Catalysts: Supramolecular Control of the Enantioselectivity” Chem. Eur. J., 2009, 15, 7930-7939.


29)            S. Tartaggia, A. Scarso*, P. Padovan, O De Lucchi, F. Fabris*, “Gases as Guests in Benzocyclotrimer Cage Hosts” Org. Lett., 2009, 11, 3926-3929.


30)            G. Bianchini, A. Cavarzan, A. Scarso*, G. Strukul*, “Asymmetric Baeyer-Villiger Oxidation with Co(Salen) and H2O2 in Water: Striking Supramolecular Micelles Effect on Catalysis”, Green Chem. 2009, 10, 1517-1520.


31)            Sgarbossa, P., Scarso*, A., Michelin, R.A., Strukul*, G. “The Baeyer–Villiger oxidation of ketones: A paradigm for the role of soft Lewis acidity in homogeneous catalysis” Coord. Chem. Rev., 2010, 254, 646-660.


32)            Scarso*, A., Colladon, M., Sgarbossa, P., Santo, C., Michelin, R.A., Strukul*, G. “Highly Active and Selective Platinum(II)-Catalyzed Isomerization of Allylbenzenes: Efficient Access to (E)-Anethole and Other Fragrances via Unusual Agostic Intermediates” Organometallics,  2010, 29, 1487–1497.


33)            Cavarzan, A., Scarso*, A., Strukul*, G. “Efficient Nitrile Hydration Mediated by Ru(II) Catalysts in Micellar Media”, Green Chem. 2010, 5,790-794.


34)            Cavarzan A., Scarso* A., Sgarbossa P., Michelin R.A., Strukul* G., “Green Catalytic Baeyer-Villiger Oxidation with Hydrogen Peroxide In Water mediated by Pt(II) Catalysts”, ChemCatChem, 2010, 2, 1296-1302.


35)            Gottardo M., Scarso* A., Paganelli S., Strukul* G., “Efficient Pt(II) Catalyzed Hydroformylation Reaction in Water: Unusual Product Distribution in Micellar Media” Adv. Synth. Catal., 2010, 352, 2251-2262.


36)            Cavarzan A., Scarso* A., Sgarbossa P., Strukul G., Reek* J.N.H., “Supramolecular Control on Chemo- and Regioselectivity via Encapsulation of (NHC)-Au Catalyst within a Hexameric Self-Assembled Host” J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2011, 133, 2848–2851.


37)            Trentin F., Scarso* A., Strukul* G. “Micellar-driven substrate selectivity in Cr(salen)Cl catalytic Diels–Alder reaction in water”, Tetrahedron Lett., 2011, 52, 6978–6981.


38)            Sgarbossa P., Scarso* A., Strukul* G., Michelin Rino A., “Platinum(II) Complexes with Coordinated Electron-Withdrawing Fluoroalkyl and Fluoroaryl Ligands: Synthesis, Reactivity and Catalytic Activity”, Organometallics, 2012, 31, 1257–1270.


39)            Trentin F., Chapman A.M., Scarso* A., Sgarbossa* P., Michelin R.A., Strukul G., Wass* D.F., “Platinum(II) Diphosphinamine Complexes for the Efficient Hydration of Alkynes in Micellar Media”, Adv. Synth. Catal., 2012, 354, 1095-1104.


40)            Bianchini G., Scarso* A., La Sorella G., Strukul* G., “Switching the activity of a photoredox catalyst through reversible encapsulation and release”, Chem. Commun., 2012, 48, 12082-12084.


41)            Bianchini G., Scarso* A., Chiminazzo A., Sperni L., Strukul* G., “Water Enhanced Synthesis of gem-Bisphosphonates via Rh(I) Mediated 1,4-Conjugate Addition of Aryl Boronic Acids to Vinilydenbisphosphonate Esters”, Green Chem., 2013, 15, 656-662.


42)            G. Bianchini, G. La Sorella, N. Canever, A. Scarso*, G. Strukul*.  ”Efficient isonitrile hydration through encapsulation within a hexameric self-assembled capsule and selective inhibition by a photo-controllable competitive guest.” Chem. Commun. 2013, 5322-5324.


43)            Tartaggia S., De Lucchi O., Gambaro A., Zangrando R., Fabris* F., Scarso* A., “Chiral M3L2 Self-Assembled Capsule via Metal Coordination of Enantiopure Ligating Benzocyclotrimers: NMR and ESI Mass Investigation”, Chem. Eur. J., 2013, 19, 5701-5714. 


44)            Granchi* D., Scarso A., Bianchini G., Chiminazzo A., Minto A., Sgarbossa P., Michelin R.A., Di Pompo G., Avnet S., Strukul* G. “Low Toxicity and Unprecedent Anti-Osteoclast Activity of a Simple Sulphur Containing gem-Bisphosphonate: a Comparative Study”, Eur. J. Med. Chem. 2013, 65, 448-455.


45)            La Sorella G., Bazan M., Scarso* A., Strukul* G., “Competitive micellar induced substrate selectivity in the Pd mediated Heck coupling between iodoaryl substrates and linear acrylic esters in water”, J. Mol. Cat. A. Chemical, 2013, 379, 192-196.


46)            Cavarzan A., Reek J.N.H., Trentin F., Scarso* A., Strukul* G., “Substrate selectivity in the alkyne hydration mediated by NHC-Au(I) controlled by encapsulation of the catalyst within a hydrogen bonded hexameric host” Catal. Sci. Technol. 2013, 3, 2898-2901.


47)            La Sorella G., Canton P., Strukul G., Scarso* A. “Surfactant Induced Substrate Selectivity in the Pd Nanoparticles Mediated Chemoselective Hydrogenation of Unsaturated Aldehydes in Water”, ChemCatChem, 2014, 6, 1575-1578.


48)            Chiminazzo A., Sperni L., Damuzzo M, Strukul G., Scarso* A. “Copper-mediated 1,4-Conjugate Addition of Boronic Acids and Indoles to Vinylidenebisphosphonate leading to gem-Bisphosphonates as Potential Antiresorption Bone Drugs”, ChemCatChem, 2014, 6, 2712-2718.


49)            Giust S., La Sorella G., Sperni L., Strukul G., Scarso* A. “Substrate Selective Amide Coupling Driven by Encapsulation of a Coupling Agent within a Self-Assembled Hexameric Capsule” Chem. Commun., 2015, 51, 1658-1661.


50)            Bianchini G. Strukul G., Wass* D., Scarso*  A., Photomodulable Phosphines Incorporating Diarylethene Moieties, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 10785-10789.


51)            La Sorella G., Strukul G., Scarso* A, “Recent Advances in Catalysis in Micellar Media”, Green Chem. 2015, 17, 644-683. The paper was one of the most downloaded articles in Green Chemistry in 2015. link:


52)    Giust S., La Sorella G., Sperni L., Fabris F., Strukul G., Scarso* A., “Supramolecular Catalysis in the Synthesis of Substituted 1H-Tetrazoles from Isonitriles by a Self-Assembled Hexameric Capsule” Asian J. Org. Chem. 2015, 4, 217-220.


53)    La Sorella G., Sperni L., Strukul G., Scarso* A., “Supramolecular Encapsulation of Neutral Diazoacetate Esters and Catalyzed 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition Reaction by a Self-Assembled Hexameric Capsule”, ChemCatChem, 2015, 7, 291-296.


54)    E. Tasca, G. La Sorella, L. Sperni, G. Strukul, A. Scarso*, “Micellar Promoted Multi-Component Synthesis of 1,2,3-Triazoles in Water at Room Temperature” Green Chem., 2015, 17, 1414-1422.


55)    G. La Sorella, L. Sperni, P. Ballester, G. Strukul, A. Scarso, “Hydration of aromatic alkynes catalyzed by a self-assembled hexameric organic capsule” Catal. Sci. Technol., 2016, 6, 6031-6036.


56)    M. Da Pian, O. De Lucchi, G. Strukul, F. Fabris*, A. Scarso*, “Cation templated improved synthesis of pillar[6] arenes”, RSC Adv. 2016, 6, 48272-48275.


57)    T. Caneva, L. Sperni, G. Strukul, A. Scarso* “Efficient epoxide isomerization within a self-assembled hexameric organic capsule”, RSC Adv. 2016, 6, 83505-83509.


58)    G. La Sorella, L. Sperni, G. Strukul, A. Scarso,* “Supramolecular Activation of Hydrogen Peroxide in the Selective Sulfoxidation of Thioethers by a Self-Assembled Hexameric Capsule”, Adv. Synth. Catal. 2016, 358, 3443-3449.


59)            L. Sperni, A. Scarso, G. Strukul* “Micellar promoted alkenes isomerization in water mediated by a cationic half-sandwich Ru(II) complex”; Inorg. Chim. ACTA, 2017, 455, 535-539.


60) L. De Luca, A. Chiminazzo, L. Sperni, G. Strukul, A. Scarso,* “Pyrrolidine Containing Bisphosphonates as Potential Anti-Resorption Bone Drugs” Chem. Eur. J. 2017, 23, 3474-3478.


61) M. Facchin, A. Scarso, M. Selva, A. Perosa*, P. Riello* “Towards life in hydrocarbons: aggregation behaviour of “reverse” surfactants in cyclohexane “ RSC Adv. 2017, 7, 15337-15341.


62)            A. Chiminazzo, L. Sperni, A. Scarso, G. Strukul*, “Organocatalytic Stereoselective Epoxidation of Some Aryl Substituted Vinylidenebisphosphonate Esters: on the Way to Chiral Anti-Osteoporosis Drugs” Catalysts, 2017, 7, 90.


63)            L. De Luca, A. Chiminazzo, L. Sperni, G. Strukul, A. Scarso*, Stereoselective Synthesis of Chiral Isatin Containing Bisphosphonates as Potential anti-Resorption Bone Drugs, ChemistrySelect, 2017, 2, 3262-3267.


64)            A. Chiminazzo, M. Damuzzo, L. Sperni, G. Strukul, A. Scarso*, Nitrile Containing Bisphosphonates: Easy Synthesis through Metal Catalyzed Michael Addition, Helv. Chimica ACTA, 2017, 100, e1700104, DOI: 10.1002/hlca.201700104


65)            G. La Sorella, L. Sperni, P. Canton, L. Coletti, F. Fabris, G. Strukul, A. Scarso*, Selective Hydrogenations and Dechlorinations in Water Mediated by Anionic Surfactant-Stabilized Pd Nanoparticles, J.Org. Chem. 2018, 83, 7438-7446, 10.1021/acs.joc.8b00314


66)            G. Berton, G. Borsato, R. Zangrando, A. Gambaro, F. Fabris, A. Scarso*, Highly Efficient Synthesis of C3-symmetry O-alkyl Substituted Triphenylene and Related Mannich Derivatives, Org. Chem. Front. 2018, 5, 2458-2462, DOI: 10.1039/C8QO00414E.


67)            M. Da Pian, C.A. Schalley, F. Fabris, A. Scarso*, Insights into the synthesis of pillar[5]arene and its conversion into pillar[6]arene, Org. Chem. Front. 2019, 6, 1044-1051; doi: 10.1039/c9qo00176j.


68)    P. Ballester, A. Scarso*, Editorial: Supramolecular Aspects in Catalysis, Front. Chem. 2019, 7, 174. doi: 10.3389/fchem.2019.00174.


69)    A. Chiminazzo, G. Borsato, A. Favero, C. Fabbro, C.E. McKenna, L.G. Dalle Carbonare, M.T. Valenti, F. Fabris, A. Scarso*, Diketopyrrolopyrrole Bis-Phosphonate Conjugate: A New Fluorescent Probe for In Vitro Bone Imaging, Chem. Eur. J. 2019, 25, 3617–3626. doi:10.1002/chem.201805436.


70)    E. Bortolamiol, A. Chiminazzo, L. Sperni, G. Borsato, F. Fabris, A. Scarso*, Functional bisphosphonate synthesis for the development of new anti-resorption bone drug candidates, New J. Chem. 2019, 43, 12641-12649. doi: 10.1039/c9nj02504a.


71)            G. Berton, T. Lorenzetto, G. Borsato, P. Sgarbossa, C. Santo, F. Visentin, F. Fabris, A. Scarso*, Triphenylene Based Metal-Pyridine Cages, Tetrahedron Lett. 2019, 60, 151202.


72)            P. Sar, A. Ghosh, A. Scarso*, B. Saha*, Surfactant for better tomorrow: applied aspect of surfactant aggregates from laboratory to industry, Res. Chem. Int. 2019, 45, 6021-6041.


73)             A. Scarso, G. Strukul*, Chapter 12, Transition Metal Catalysis in Micellar Media: Much More Than a Simple Green Chemistry Promise, Green Synthetic Processes and Procedures, Ed. R. Ballini, RSC Green Chem Series, 2019, 61, 268–288.


74)            A. Del Tedesco, V. Piotto, G. Sponchia, K. Hossain, L. Litti, D. Peddis, A. Scarso, M. Meneghetti, A. Benedetti, P. Riello*, Zirconia-based magneto plasmonic nanocomposites: a new nanotool for magnetic guided separations with SERS identification; ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2020, 3, 1232-1241, doi: 10.1021/acsanm.9b01982.


75)            G. Berton, S. Pizzini, F. Fabris,* T. Bertolin, E. Pafumi, L. Ceccon, J. Daelemans, G. Borsato, A. Scarso, R. Piazza, P. Ferretti, Synthesis of C37-Alkenones for Past Climate Reconstructions, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2020, 3542–3551, doi: 10.1002/ejoc.202000145.


76)            T. Lorenzetto, G. Berton, F. Fabris, A. Scarso,* Recent Designer Surfactants for Catalysis in Water, Catal. Sci. Technol. 2020, 10, 4492-4502, doi: 10.1039/D0CY01062F.


77)             M. Bassani, A. Scarso, M. Drago, A. Zambon,* F. Fabris,  endo-1-Phenylborneol as a Novel, Alternative Chiral Auxiliary for the Aza-Diels-Alder Reaction, Tetrahedron Lett. 2020, 61, 152165, doi: 10.1016/j.tetlet.2020.152165.  


78)            B. Leonetti*, A. Perin, E. Kizito Ambrosi, G. Sponchia, P. Sgarbossa, A. Castellin, P. Riello, A. Scarso*, Mesoporous zirconia nanoparticles as drug delivery systems: drug loading, stability and release, J. Drug Deliv. Sci. Technol. XXXX, XX, XXX, 10.1016/j.jddst.2020.102189.





National Publications in Peer Reviewed Journals
1)     A. Scarso*, “Catalytic Reactions in Micellar Media”, La Chimica e L’industria, 2009, 7, 142-149.


2)     A. Scarso*, “Nanoreattori Supramolecolari in Catalisi Omogenea”, La Chimica e L’industria, 2016, 32-35.




Book Chapter Publications
1.     Scarso, A., Scrimin*, P. “DNA-cleaving pseudopeptides” in "“Pseudo-peptides in Drug Discovery”, P. E. Nielsen, Ed., Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, April 2004 pages 223-240, and ISBN-10: 3-527-30633-1: ISBN-13: 978-3-527-30633-6


2.     Scarso, A., Shivanyuk, A., Hayashida, O., Rebek*, J. Jr. “Chiral Spaces in Encapsulation Complexes“ Chapter 22, pp. 261 -270, Palyi, G., Zucchi, C., Caglioti, L. “Progress in Biological Chirality” Eds. Elsevier, Oxford (GB), 2004, ISBN:0-08-044396-6, pp. 429.


3.     Scarso* A., Strukul* G. “Unprecedented selectivity in the H2O2 epoxidation of simple alkenes imparted by soft Pt(II) Lewis acid catalysts” in "Mechanisms in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalytic Epoxidation", Oyama S.T. Ed., Elsevier, Amsterdam 2008, pp 103-117.


4.     Scarso* A., Borsato G. “Optically Active Supramolecules” in “Chirality at the Nanoscale”, Editor: Amabilino D., ISBN-10: 3-527-32013-X ISBN-13: 978-3-527-32013-4-Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2009, pp. 29-65. Print ISBN: 9783527320134,   Online ISBN: 9783527625345


5.     Scarso* A., Strukul* G. “Compounds with one saturated carbon heteroatom bond: Alkyl hydroperoxides”, in "Science of Synthesis", Berkessel A. Ed, volume 38, chapter 38.1, 2009, pp. 9-71.


6.     Scarso* A., Strukul* G. “Compounds with one saturated carbon heteroatom bond: Salts of Hydroperoxides ROO-M”, in "Science of Synthesis", Berkessel A. Ed, volume 38, chapter 38.4, 2009, pp. 143-178.


7.     Scarso* A., G. Borsato, Rebek J.Jr “Capsule and Cavitands: Synthetic Catalysts of Nanometric Dimension” in “Selective Nanocatalysts and Nanoscience: Concepts for Heterogeneous and Homogeneous Catalysis” Editors: Zecchina. A., Groppo, E., Bordiga, S., Wiley-VCH, 2011, pp. 105-168.


8.     Scarso* A., Borsato G. “Self-Assembly of Organic Supramolecular Capsules” in “Supramolecular Chemistry: from Molecules to Nanomaterials”, J.W. Steed and P.A. Gale (eds). John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, UK, ISBN 9780470746400, 2012, pp. 2085-2114.


9.     Strukul* G., Scarso* A., “Transition-Metal-Catalyzed Stereoselective Oxidations in Drug and Natural Product Synthesis”, WILEY-VCH, book chapter in "Stereoselective Synthesis of Drugs and Natural Products", Ed. Andrushko V., Andrushko N., Wiley, ISBN-10: 1118032179, ISBN-13: 978-1118032176, 1st edition, 2013, pp. 1043-1070.


10.  Strukul* G., Scarso* A., “Transition-Metal-Catalyzed Asymmetric Sulfoxidation in Drug and Natural Product Synthesis”, WILEY-VCH, book chapter in "Stereoselective Synthesis of Drugs and Natural Products", Edited by Vasyl Andrushko, Natalia Andrushko,  Wiley, ISBN-10: 1118032179, ISBN-13: 978-1118032176,1st edition, 2013, pp. 1473-1480.


11.  Scarso* A., Strukul* G., “Catalytic Oxidation Processes”, in “Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry II, vol. 6 Homogeneous Catalytic Applications”, J. Reedijk, K. Poeppelmeier, Elsevier Oxford, ISBN 9780080977744, 2013, pp. 177-221.


12.  G. Strukul*, A. Scarso, “Environmental Benign Oxidants”, in “Liquid Phase Oxidation via Heterogeneous Catalysis”, Ed. M.G. Clerici, O. Khooldeva, John Wiley & Sons,London, ISBN 978-0-470-91552-3,  2013, pp. 1-20.


13.  A. Scarso, F. Menegazzo, G. Strukul*, “Hydrogen Peroxide: Its Use in Selective Homogeneous Oxidation in Water and Some Recent Advances for Its Synthesis from H2 and O2”, in “Selective Oxidation and Functionalyzation: Classical and Alternative Routes and Sources, Ed. S. Ernst, A. Behr, M. Bender, A. Jess, M. Marchionna, 2014, 57-66; ISBN 9783941721449, ISBN 978-3-941721-44-9, DGMK, Hamburg.


14.  Scarso A., Strukul G., “Sustainability Trends in Homogeneous Catalytic Oxidations”, Imperial College Press, book chapter in “Advanced Processes in Catalytic Oxidation. From Laboratory Studies to Industrial Applications” Ed. D. Duprez and F. Cavani, 2014, 679-766. ISBN: 978-1-84816-750-6,


15.  Borsato G., Scarso A., Catalysis within the Self-assembled Resorcin[4]arene Hexamer, in Organic Nanoreactors, edited by S. Sadjadi, Elsevier, 2016, 203-234.


16.  A. Scarso ‘Micellar Nanoreactors’, in Encyclopedia of Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry, 2016, 1-16, edited by David A. Atwood. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester, UK. DOI: 10.1002/9781119951438.eibc2402.


17.  Strukul G., Scarso A., “Metal Catalyzed Baeyer-Villiger Oxidations”, WILEY-VCH, book chapter in "Applied Homogeneous Catalysis with Organometallic Compounds", 2018, Ed. Boy Cornils, Hermann W.A. Beller M., Paciello R., ISBN-10: 3527328971, ISBN-13: 978-3527328970, , 1485-1508.


18.  G. Borsato, A. Scarso, Properties and Reactivities of Coordination Metal Complexes within Organic Nanocontainers, Wiley, 2021.


19.  G. Strukul, F. Fabris, A. Scarso, Metal Catalysis in Micellar Media, in van Leeuwen, Raynal (Eds.): Supramolecular Catalysis - New Directions and Developments, Wiley, 2021.


20.  G. Strukul, F. Fabris, A. Scarso, Resorcin[4]arene hexamer: from nanocontainer to nanocatalyst, in van Leeuwen, Raynal (Eds.): Supramolecular Catalysis - New Directions and Developments, Wiley, 2021.




Publication Chapters in Collective Volumes

1)     Scarso* A., Rebek J.Jr “Chiral Spaces in Supramolecular Assemblies” in Topics in Current Chemistry Volume 265: Supramolecular Chirality Editors: Reinhoudt, D.N., Crego-Calama, M. 2006.


2)     Scarso A., Strukul* G. “Asymmetric sulfoxidation of aryl methyl sulfides with hydrogen peroxide in water”, in ROBERTS S.M., WHITTALL, J. “Catalysts for fine chemical synthesis: Regio- and stereo-controlled oxidation and reductions” 2007, vol. 5, p. 297-302, MANCHESTER: Stanley M. Roberts and John Whittall.




Invited Oral Communications to National and International Meetings
1)                    COST D12 Annual Meeting “Highly symmetric Chiral Polydentate Ligands in Asymmetric Synthesis”, Padova, Galzignano Terme, June, 2-4 2000, “New C3 polydentate chiral ligands for metal asymmetric catalysis”, Scarso, A, Licini G.


2)                    XXV° Summer School on Organic Synthesis  “A. Corbella” Gargnano (BS), June, 11-16,  2000, “Synthesis of tripodal peptidic templates” Scarso A., Scrimin P.


3)                    “First annual meeting, ENDEVAN, European Network on the Development of Artificial Nucleases” Cambridge, December, 15-17 2000, “Tripodal peptidic templates as models of phosphoesterase” Scarso A., Scrimin P.


4)                    “Bayer Day” Ferrara,  September 18th 2001, “Tripodal peptidic templates as models of phosphoesterase” Scarso A., Scrimin P.


5)                    “Second annual meeting, ENDEVAN, European Network on the Development of Artificial Nucleases” Padova, October 26-28, 2001, “Allosteric regulation of a tripodal peptidic templates as models of phosphoesterase ” Scarso A., Scrimin P.


6)                    COFEM 2006, Catania 21-23 September 2006, “Terminal Alkenes Epoxidation with Hydrogen Peroxide Mediated by Pt(II) Catalysts” A. Scarso.


7)                    National Catalysis Meeting GIC 2007, Tirrenia (PI) 10-14 June 2007, “Catalytic Reactions in Micellar Media: a Sustainable Methodology for Catalyst Recycling” A. Scarso.


8)                    XXIII° Congresso Nazionale Società Chimica Italiana, Sorrento (NA) July, 5-10 2009, “Green Catalytic Asymmetric Oxidations in Water: Supramolecular Micellar Effects” A. Scarso.


9)                    17th International Symposium on Homogeneous Catalysis (ISHC-17), Poznañ, (Poland) July, 4th-9th 2010, “Green Catalytic Asymmetric Baeyer-Villiger Oxidations in Water: Supramolecular Micellar Effects” A. Scarso.


10)                 XXIV° Congresso Nazionale Società Chimica Italiana, Lecce September, 11-16 2011, “Supramolecular Control on Product and Substrate Selectivity via Encapsulation within a Hydrogen Bonded Self-assembled Hexameric Capsule” A. Scarso.


11)                 XVIII° Congresso Nazionale Divisione di Chimica Industriale, Società Chimica Italiana, Firenze, June, 11-14 2012, “Platinum(II) Diphosphinamine Complexes for the Efficient Hydration of Alkynes in Micellar Media ” A. Scarso, F. Trentin, A.M. Chapman,  P. Sgarbossa, R.A. Michelin, G. Strukul, D.F. Wass.


12)                 XVII National Congress of Catalysis GIC 2013 and XI National Congress of Zeolites Science and Technology, Riccione, September 15th-18th 2013, “Environmentally Benign Micellar Metal Catalysis in Water”, A. Scarso, KEYNOTE LECTURE.

13)                                          XI CONGRESSO NAZIONALE DI CHIMICA SUPRAMOLECOLARE, Società Chimica Italiana, Padova, September, 24th-27th 2013, “Encapsulation-Driven Supramolecular Catalysis”, A. Scarso, KEYNOTE LECTURE.


14)                                          CONGRESSO NAZIONALE della SOCIETA’ CHIMICA ITALIANA, Rende (Cs), September, 7th-12th 2014, “Supramolecular Approaches to Substrate Selectivity in Homogeneous Catalysis”, A. Scarso.


15)                                          XIX Congresso Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Industriale, Società Chimica Italiana, Salerno 14-16 settembre 2015 “Hugging Catalysts... If They Do Not Mind”, A.Scarso. Awarded with the Chiusoli Medal KEYNOTE LECTURE.


16)                                          9Th ISNSC (International Symposium Nanocatalysis and Supramolecular Chemistry) Napoli September 7-10, 2017 Supramolecular Approaches to Homogeneous Catalysis, INVITED LECTURE.


17)                                          SISOC XII (Spanish Italian Symposium on Organic Chemistry), Ferrara July 2nd-4th 2018, Supramolecular Approaches to Homogeneous Catalysis, INVITED LECTURE.


18)                                          Seminar “Catalysis in Confined Spaces” at Fabbrica Italiana Sintetici FIS Montecchio Maggiore (VI) April 4th 2018, INVITED LECTURE.






Proceedings of National and International Meetings (Poster Presentations)
1)     “The second post graduate summer school on Green Chemistry” Venice, September, 6-12, 1999, “Bi-dimensional NMR solution speciation of the first Zr(IV) enantioselective oxidation catalyst” Scarso, A, Licini G.


2)     COST D12 Workshop “Metal and Bio-promoted Selective Organic Transformations” Sassari-Porto Conte, October, 28-31, 1999, “Bidimensional NMR solution speciation of the first Zr(IV) enantioselective oxidation catalyst” Scarso, A, Licini G.


3)     Euresco Conference on “Supramolecular Chemistry” Urbino, August, 31st-September 5th 2000, “Synthesis of tripodal peptidic templates” Scarso A., Scrimin P.


4)     COST D11 Annual Meeting “Fourth COST D 11 Workshop on Supramolecular Chemistry”, Bled (Slovenia), September 20-23 2001, “Allosteric regulation of a tripodal peptidic templates as models of phosphoesterase”, Scarso A., Scrimin P.


5)     “I° Sigma Aldrich Young Chemists Symposium” Riccione, October, 18-19, 2001, “Allosteric regulation of a tripodal peptidic templates as models of phosphoesterase ” Scarso A., Scrimin P.


6)     “Convegno Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica dei Sistemi Biologici: From Genes to Molecules” Certosa di Pontignano, Siena, February 8-10, 2002, “Phosphodiesterase models: synthesis, activity and allosteric regulation of a tripodal peptide” Scarso, A., Scheffer, U., Göbel, M., Broxterman, Q.B., Kaptein, B., Formaggio, F., Toniolo, C., Scrimin, P.


7)     225th American Chemical Society National Meeting, New Orleans, Luisiana, USA March, 23-27, 2003,  “Guest Induced Chirality in a Self-assembled Capsule” Scarso, A., Shivanyuk, A., Hayashida, O., Rebek. J.Jr.


8)     Rechavi, D., Scarso, A., Rebek, J. Jr. “Isotope Effects on Non-Covalent Host-Guest Interactions in a Cylindrical Molecular Capsule”, Abstracts of Papers, 227th ACS National Meeting, Anaheim, CA, USA, March 28 April 1, 2004, ORGN-368


9)     XIV° International Symposium on Homogeneous Catalysis ISHC-14 Munich, July, 5-9, 2004, “New Asymmetric Sulfoxidation of Thioethers Mediated by Pt Chiral Catalyst With H2O2 in Micellar Media” Scarso A., Strukul G.


10)  COST Chemistry D24, Workshop StereoCat 2004, Sustainable Chemical Processes: Stereoselective Transition Metal-Catalyzed Reactions” Venice, September 16-19, 2004, “New Asymmetric Sulfoxidation of Thioethers Mediated by Pt Chiral Catalyst With H2O2 in Micellar Media” Scarso A., Strukul G.


11)  XII° International Symposium on relation between Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysis ISHHC Firenze, July, 18-22, 2005 “Mild Catalytic Oxidation of Tertiary Amines to N-Oxides Mediated by Pt(II) Catalyst” Scarso A., Strukul G. Sgarbossa P., Michelin R.A.


12)  DGMK-SCI conference “Oxidation and Functionalization: Classical and Alternative Routes and Sources” Milan, October, 12-14, 2005, “Terminal Alkene Epoxidation with Hydrogen Peroxide Mediated by Pt(II) Catalysts” Scarso A., Strukul G. Sgarbossa P., Michelin R.A., Pizzo E.


13)  1st European Chemistry Congress Budapest, August 27-31, 2006, “Asymmetric Epoxidation of Terminal Alkenes with Hydrogen Peroxide Catalyzed by Pentafluorophenyl PtII Complexes”  Scarso A., Colladon, M, Sgarbossa P., Michelin R.A., Strukul G.


14)  XIII ISHHC International Symposium on Relations Between Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysis Berkeley (CA), July 16-20, 2007, “Catalytic Reactions in Micellar Media: a Sustainable Methodology for Catalyst Recycling”  Colladon M., Scarso A., Strukul G.


15)  Strukul, G., Scarso, A., “Unprecedent selectivity in the H2O2 epoxidation of simple alkenes imparted by soft Pt(II) Lewis acid catalysts”, August 19-23, 2007, Boston, MA, USA, ACS National Meeting Book of Abstracts.


16)  International Congress SUPRACAT (SUPRAmolecular CATalysis), Barcelona (SPAIN), March  2-5, 2008, “Catalytic Reactions in Micellar Media: a Sustainable Methodology for Catalyst Recycling”  Colladon M., Scarso A., Strukul G.


After 2008 only proceedings related to oral communications are reported, posters are not for simplification.




Other Academic and Scientific Activities



Member in Commissions 
-        Member of the selection committee for the doctorate admission UniVe-UniTs XXX cycle September 2014 and XXXIII cycle 2017.


-        Member of the selection committee (responsible for the scientific area) for the admission to the Collegio Internazionale Ca’ Foscari (since 2014).




All the contents and declarations of the present CV corresponds to truth in agreement with art. 46 and 47 of the Italian D.P.R. 445/2000.


December 21st 2020



                                                                                                Prof. Alessandro Scarso