Professore in quiescenza
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Chimica analitica [CHEM-01/A]
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Research Institute
Research Institute for Green and Blue Growth
Research Institute
Research Institute for Complexity
Preposto di Laboratorio
Responsabile dell’Attività di Didattica e Ricerca in Laboratorio (RDRL)

 Gabriele Capodaglio is professor of Analytical Chemistry at the University Ca' Foscari of Venice, Faculty of Sciences Matematical, Physical and Natural. His research activity is facing different aspects of the Analytical Chemistry: Study of processes controlling the distribution and transport of pollutants in the Environment; development of analytical methodology to charactirize real matrices; Analytical determination on real complex matrices and chemometrical elaboration of analytical data. Particular enphasis is given to the study of biogeochemical cycles controlling the distribution of micro-components in anthropized and not anthropized environemtns. It coordinated numerous relevant research projects of Environmental interest: Micropollutants and Microconstituents: Cycling and relation with the Climatic Changes, PNRA 2867 5/7/2006; Assessing speciation, distributions, fluxes, bioaccumulation and toxicity of the most dangerous contaminants in the Venice lagoon: experimental and modelling approach, CORILA 2004-06; Role of aerosol and secondary pollution to the chemical contamination of the lagoon of Venice, CORILA 2001-03. He was coordinator of the project Speciation, distribution, fluxes, bioacumulation, and toxicity of main components in the Lagoon of Venice: an experimental and modelling approach, CORLA 2004-2006. He is coordinator for the Action Group Environmental Contamination in Antarctica (ECA) by SCAR. Prof. Capodaglio is author of about 100 publications in prominent international scientic journals.