Salvatore DANIELE
- Qualifica
- Senior Researcher
- Telefono
- 041 234 8630
- Sito web
www.unive.it/persone/sig (scheda personale)
- Struttura
Dipartimento di Scienze Molecolari e Nanosistemi
Sito web struttura: https://www.unive.it/dsmn
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Salvatore Daniele
Education and Academic
Dr. degree in Chemistry in 1976 at the University of Padua.
1977 -1983. Post-doc, University of Padua.
1983 – 1992. Research Assistant, Department of Physical Chemistry, University Cà Foscari Venice.
1992 – 2005. Associate Professor, Department of Physical Chemsitry, University Cà Foscari Venice.
2005 – Present. Full Professor Analytical Chemistry, Department of Molecular Sciences and Nanosystems, University Cà Foscari Venice.
Fellowships and Visiting Researcher
1986 – 1987. University of Southampton, UK
1993, Cal Tech, Pasadena, CA, USA
1999, Las Cruces State University, NM, USA
2002, National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nagpur (India)
2006, University La Laguna, Tenerife,(Spain)
Research Projects
1983 – 2002. Participation to numerous projects within the 40% and 60% MURST and CNR actions.
2000, CNR bilateral project, University Venice (I)- Las Cruces State University (USA). Coordinator
PRIN 2004, Local coordinator
PRIN 2006, Local coordinator
2005, Azioni Integrate Italia- Spagna. Coordinator
Research Interests
The research activity focuses on the following research subjects: investigation on electrode processes of organic, inorganic and organometallic compounds; development of micro- and nano-electrodes; development and application of scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM); electrode investigations in solution with excess and with low electrolyte and real matrices; sensor development and applications in environmental and food analysis; voltammetric and SECM characterisation of nano-materials and biosynthesised metal nanoparticles; study on performance of electrode materials to be employed in fuel cells and photoccatalytic processes.
Author of more than 140 papers published in peer reviewed International Journals.
Reviewer of numerous International Journals including:
Analytical Chemistry, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Analitica Chimica Acta, Biochemistry, Electroanalysis, Electrochimica Acta, Electrochemistry Communication; Bioanalytical Chemistry, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Talanta, Journal of Physical Chemistry B-C, Environmental Science and Technology, Journal of Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, .
Reviewer of Research projects of the following Institutions: MIUR, National Science Foundation (USA), Swiss National Science Foundation, Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (PT).
Editorial Board of: Talanta (Elsevier), Electrochemistry Communication (Elsevier) e Open Electronic Journal of Electrochemsitry (Betham Science Publisher).
Invited speakers to numerous National and International Meetings.
2007-2009, Chair elect of Division 1 (Analytical Electrochemistry) of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE).
2010-2011, Chair of Division 1 (Analytical Electrochemistry) of the’ International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE)
2007- 2010, Vice Director of the Department of Physical Chemsistry, Univesity Cà Foscari Venice
2011- present, Director of the Department of Molecular Sciences and Nanosystems, Univesity Cà Foscari Venice.
Italian Chemical Society (SCI); International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE); European Society of Electroanalytical Chemistry (ESEAC).