Paolo UGO

Senior Researcher
Sito web (scheda personale)

Mohammad Sadegh Sadeghi Googheri, Davide Campagnol, Paolo Ugo, Samira Hozhabr Araghi, Najmeh Karimian Dummy Template Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for Electrochemical Detection of Cardiac Troponin I: A Combined Computational and Experimental Approach in CHEMOSENSORS, vol. 13, pp. 26-43 (ISSN 2227-9040)
DOI 2025, Articolo su rivista - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5088553

Najmeh Karimian; Paolo UGO Cell Components – Electrodes | Nanoelectrodes , Encyclopedia of Electrochemical Power Sources, Elsevier, vol. 2, pp. 379-396 (ISBN 9780323958226)
DOI 2025, Articolo su libro - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5088552

Najmeh Karimian; Davide Campagnol; Massimo Tormen; Angela Maria Stortini; Patrizia Canton; Paolo Ugo; Nanoimprinted arrays of glassy carbon nanoelectrodes for improved electrochemistry of enzymatic redox-mediators in JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, vol. 932, pp. 117240-117246 (ISSN 1572-6657)
DOI - URL correlato 2023, Articolo su rivista - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5014127

Najmeh Karimian, Federico Polo, Paolo Ugo Advanced Electrochemical and Opto-Electrochemical Biosensors for Quantitative Analysis of Disease Markers and Viruses in BIOSENSORS, vol. 12, pp. 296 (ISSN 2079-6374)
DOI 2022, Articolo su rivista - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3760428

Davide Campagnol, Najmeh Karimian, Dino Paladin, Flavio Rizzolio, Paolo Ugo Molecularly imprinted electrochemical sensor for the ultrasensitive detection of cytochrome c in BIOELECTROCHEMISTRY, vol. 148, pp. 108269-108276 (ISSN 1567-5394)
DOI 2022, Articolo su rivista - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5004625