Marcella SIMONI

Professoressa Associata
041 234 8825
Storia e istituzioni dell'Asia [GSPS-04/D]
Sito web (scheda personale)
Dipartimento di Studi sull'Asia e sull'Africa Mediterranea
Sito web struttura:
Sede: Ca' Cappello


  • 2011-present: Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Department of Asian and North African Studies (DSAAM), Senior Researcher  (Ricercatrice TI) in History and Institutions of Asia (SPS/14)
  • National Scientific Qualification (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale) to associate professor in M-STO 04 and SPS/14 earned respectively on 5/12/2013 and 26/03/2014.

  FORMER ACADEMIC POSITIONS   A) Post-Docs and Research Fellowships

  • 2011: Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, DSAAM. Research fellow: ConscIentious objection in Israel and Palestine (1960-2010)
  • 2010-11: INALCO, CERMOM [Centre de Recherche sur le Moyen Orient et la Mediterranée], Paris, FR. Ville de Paris Post-Doctoral Fellowship: The History of the Peace Movement in Israel and its relations with Arab countries and the European Left.  
  • 2009-10: Centre de Recherche Francais à Jèrusalem (CRFJ), Jerusalem, Israel. Post-doctoral Fellowship: Youth in Conflict in Israel and Palestine
  • 2006-08: Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, IDEAS [Inter-departmental Centre for the Analysis of Dynamic Interaction between Economy, Environment and Society]. Research Fellow: Health and civil society in Palestine/Israel (1987-2007)
  • 2006-07: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, IEPN [Israel-Europe Policy Network], Berlin, Germany. Research Fellow: The European Role in Israeli-Palestinian civil society cooperation.
  • 2000-01: University of Judaism [today: American Jewish University], Los Angeles, CA , USA:  Finkelstein Fellow: Health and peace in the Middle East


B) Visiting Fellowships

  • 2009-10: Accademia dei Lincei, Roma, Italy:  “Alessandro Vaciago” fellowship for 10-week research at the University of Oxford
  • 2002-03: The Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture, New York, USA:  Research Fellow: Rabbis, Doctors and Senators. Italian Jews from Emancipation to Racial Laws (1861-1938)
  • 1998-99: Institute of Historical Research, London, UK:  Research Fellow (Royal Historical Society Centenary Research Fellowship): Health in British Palestine
  • 1998: Holocaust Educational Trust, London, UK:  Research Fellow: Escape routes from the Holocaust. The role of the Vatican (3 months)
  • 1998: St. Antony’s College, Oxford, UK:  Visiting student for Trinity Term: research in the archives of the Middle East Centre (3 months)
  • 1995 and 1997:  Brown University, Department of History, Providence RI, USA. Visiting scholar for one semester
  • 1995: Rutgers University, Department of International Relations, New Brunswick, NJ, USA. Visiting scholar for one semester.


  • 1997-04:  UCL – University College London, Department of Hebrew and Jewish Studies (HJS), London, UK. Ph.D. “Germs know no racial lines”. Health politics in British Palestine (1930-39). Supervisor: Prof. John Klier; Co-supervisor: Prof. Sir Martin Gilbert.
  • 1990-95: Università di Firenze, Department of History, Florence, Italy. Laurea (BA+MA) Community Ideals and overcoming of the Jewish family. From the Shtetl to the Kibbutz (1900-56). Summa cum laude. Supervisor: Prof. Paul Ginsborg; Co-supervisor: Prof. Guido Fink.
  • 1993: UCL – University College London, (HJS). Erasmus (student affiliated to SOAS, London, UK, Near and Middle East Department).



  • 2003-04: Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rome, Italy. Scholarship to attend a three month course of Arabic at the University of Jordan, Amman.
  • 1997-99: Ian Karten Charitable Trust, London, UK. Scholarship for maintenance during Ph.D
  • 1997-99: British Federation of Women Graduates, London, UK. Scholarship for maintenance during Ph.D.
  • 1997: Soroptimist International of Europe, Geneva, CH. Scholarship for maintenance during Ph.D.
  • 1997: University of London, Central Research Fund, UK. Scholarship for field research in Israel/Palestinian Authority.
  • 1997: Palestine Exploration Fund, London, UK. Scholarship for field research in Israel/Palestinian Authority.
  • 1996: British Academy, London, UK. Scholarship ‘Competition B’ (Ph.D university fees)
  • 1996: Primo Levi Foundation, Firenze, Italy. Prize for outstanding research thesis in ‘Jewish History’
  • 1995: University of Florence, Italy. Scholarship for postgraduate study abroad (12 months)
  • 1995: University of Trieste, Italy. Scholarship for postgraduate study abroad (12 months)
  • 1991-94: Accademia dei Lincei, Rome, Italy. Scholarship “Amelia Minghini Ved. Forti e Novelli” (3 times).




A) Ca' Foscari University of Venice

BA level

  • 2012-present: History of the Israel and Palestine (30 h.)
  • 2004-11: History of Judaism (30 h.)

MA level

  • 2019-present: History of the Jews is the Middle and the Far East (30 h.)
  • 2016-present: The South Bank of the Mediterranean: an overview (post-graduate) (30 h.)
  • 2013-14: Thematic Seminar  (30 h.)
  • 2011-13National identities and the construction of the State (30 h.)
  • 2006-09: History of the Middle East  (Master MIM) (20 h.)


  • 2015-2017 and 2019-20: Nonviolence and civil resistance in Israel and Palestine

International Credit Mobility (ICM) Erasmus +

  • 2020: Teaching Exchange with Ben Gurion University of the Negev, School of Humanities and Social Sciences (30 hrs)
  • 2019: Teaching Exchange with Ben Gurion University of the Negev, School of Humanities and Social Sciences (30 hrs)
  • 2017: Teaching Exchange with Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Department for the History of the Jewish People (46 hrs).

  Erasmus Teaching Staff Mobility Exchange

  • 2009: : SOAS, London, UK, Near and Middle East Department. Peace movements crossing boundaries: the Israeli-Palestinian case (8 h.)

  Ca Foscari's Overseas Program

  • 2019: Teaching and research exchange with University of Nanjing, PRC.
  • 2018: Teaching and research exchange  with Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
  • 2016: Teaching and research exchange with  Technical University of Shanghai and University of Nanjing, PRC.
  • 2014: Teaching and research exchange  with Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel


B) New York University in Florence, Italy

  • 2017-present: Jews in 20th Century Europe (42 h.) [VC with Prof. Marion Kaplan in NYU NY]
  • 2016: Topics in Judaic Studies (42 h.) [VC with Prof. Marion Kaplan in NYU New York].
  • 2011: Israel between Europe and the US (42 h.)
  • 2005-09: History of Italian Jews (42 h.)

C) Other

  • 2007-2009: Dickinson College, Bologna, Italy, History of Contemporary Italy (36 h.)
  • 2004: Boston University, Padova, Italy, History of Italian Jews (40 h.)
  • 2003: VIU –Venice International University, Venezia, Italy, The role of civil society in the South Bank of the Mediterranean (18 h.) and Senior Tutor for the summer school Analysis and Governance of Sustainable Development.
  • 2003: The Umbra Institute, Perugia, Italy, History of Contemporary Italy (36 h.)
  • 2000-01University of Judaism [today: American Jewish University], Los Angeles, CA, History of the Jewish Family (36 h)
  • 1998-99: University College London, Department of Hebrew and Jewish Studies, London, History of the British Mandate (30 h.)



  • 2019, Jan. 31- Feb 2: Società per lo Studio sul Medio Oriente in Italia (SeSaMO): Organization of the panel Società civile, mobilitazione dal basso e impegno politico in Israele/Palestina with Prof. Arturo Marzano and Prof. Aide Esu; Discussant: Dr. Marco Allegra.
  • 2016-19: Organization of the Jewish Studies Talks Series for LPD, NYU in Florence
    • April 10 2019: Dr. Dario Miccoli (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice), A Very Strange Dream. The Memory of the Holocaust and European Jews of North African Origin
    • Nov. 20, 2018: Prof. Arturo Marzano (University of Pisa) and Prof. Raffaella Del Sarto (SAIS, John's Hopkins University), The US Embassy move to Jerusalem. Domestic implications and European perceptions.
    • March 21 2018, Prof. Arturo Marzano (University of Pisa) and Prof. Marcella Simoni, Dialogue on Israel and Palestine at 70.
    • February 28, 2018, Prof. Benjamin Hary (NYU Tel Aviv), The Language of the Jews of Islam: The History and Politics of Judeo-Arabic.
    • October 26, 2017: Islamophobia and Antisemitism. A conversation between Prof. James Renton (Edge Hill University) and Katharina Von Schnurbein (European Coordinator on Combating Antisemitism)
    • April 5 2017: Prof. Raffaella A. Del Sarto (SAIS, John's Hopkins University), Abandoning Peace? Israel’s move to the right
    • March 28, 2017: Primo Levi’s Historical and Literary Legacy. A Conversation between Prof. Robert Gordon (University of Cambridge) and Prof. Guri Schwarz (University of Genoa)
    • February 22, 2017: Prof. Guy Ben-Porat, (Ben Gurion University of the Negev), To Serve and Protect? Legitimacy, Trust and the Policing of Minorities.
    • November 16, 2016: Tolerance in context. A dialogue between different religious and cultural traditions in Florence, with Rabbi Joseph Levi, Imam Izzedin Elzir, Don Andrea Bellandi, Sara Funaro (Florence Deputy Mayor for Welfare).
    • November 9, 2016: Wlodek Goldkorn (L’Espresso) interviews Prof. Patrizia Guarnieri, Italian psychology and Jewish emigration during Fascism. From Florence to Jerusalem and New York.
  • 2015-19: European Association of Israel StudiesMember of the Scientific Committee, of the Paper Selection Committee and of the Organizing Committee

  • 2018, Oct. 9-10: Organization of the ERC closing conference Open Jerusalem with Prof. Vincent Lemire (Université Paris-Est La Marne) and Dr. Maria Chiara Rioli (Université Paris-Est La Marne), Ca’ Foscari University, Venice.

  • 2018, Oct. 3: Organization of the workshop “The languages of discrimination and racism in Italy in the 20th century” for LPD, NYU in Florence, with Prof. Davide Lombardo
  • 2017, April 4. Organization of the workshop Israeli cinema and politics with Prof. Yaron Peleg (University of Cambridge), Ca’ Foscari University, Venice.
  • 2013, September 16, Organization of the panel Israelis and Palestinians seeking, building and representing peace at the European Association of Israel Studies: Speakers: Prof. Marcella Simoni, Dott.ssa Cristiana Calabrese, Dr. Eryn Dyer, Prof. John Simons, Dr. Catherine Michel; discussant Prof. Una McGahern.
  • 2012, March 1, Lebanon Before and After 1982. Actors, Processes and Consequences of the 1982 Israeli Invasion. Roundtable with Dr. Daniel Meir, Dr. Rosita di Peri, Dr. Francesco Mazzucotelli and Prof. Matteo Legrenzi,  Ca’ Foscari University, Venice. 
  • 2010, February 25, (with prof. Francois Lafon), The relationship between Israel and Europe: The cases of France and Italy. A preliminary assessment, workshop organized for the Centre de Recherche Français à Jérusalem (CRFJ)

  • 2009, September 19-21, (with Prof. Arturo Marzano), Colonial powers and nationalism in the Middle East in the 1930s. The British and French Mandates, panel organized for the annual conference of SISSCO (Society for the study of contemporary history), Trieste, Italy.
  • 2008, October 11-13, (with Prof. Arturo Marzano), Reading the Israeli-Palestinian conflict”. Violence and non-violence in contemporary political journals, panel organized for the annual conference of SeSaMO, Turin, Italy.


  • 2008, May 19-21, (with Prof. Arturo Marzano), Rome and Jerusalem. Political and cultural relations between Italy and Israel (1948-2008), panel organized for the annual conference of AIS [Association of Israel Studies], New York, USA.

  • 2007, September 28-29 (with Prof. Benoit Challand), Historical trauma in Israel/Palestine between Family, Civil Society and State, workshop organized for the Mediterranean Programme, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute (EUI), Florence, Italy.

  • 2007, May 10-12, (with Prof Arturo Marzano), Israel from the Green Line to the Separation Fence: 40 years of borders, boundaries, limits, panel organized for the annual conference of SeSaMO, Florence, Italy.

  • 2006, February 23-25, (with Prof. Emanuela Trevisan Semi), Civil societies in the Mediterranean OR where the definition of public and private sphere is not sufficient, panel organized for the annual conference of SeSaMO, Catania

  • 2005, April 18-21, (with Prof. Emanuela Trevisan Semi), Crossing perspectives. The Literary work of A. B. Yehoshua, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice-Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Venice, Italy.

  • 2004, Nov. 18-20, (with Prof. Emanuela Trevisan Semi), Civil society in the hundred years war between Israelis and Palestinians, panel organized for the annual conference of SeSaMO, Lecce, Italy.
  • 2002, Sept 2-6, Britain and Palestine. New approaches to the History of the British Mandate, panel organized for the first WOCMES [World Conference in Middle East Studies], Mainz, Germany



  • 2020/07: Connecting Baghdadi Jews. The Jewish press between India and China paper to be delivered in the panel "Transcultural Humanities in Global Perspective: Networks, Nodes and Thickening Connections", at the International conference “New Directions for the Humanities” (CFP)

  • 2020/02: Black History Month Florence, Italy. Migrants from the African Continent to Israel and their Representation in Israeli Cinema. New York University in Florence (invited)

  • 2019/11: Jewish History Group, Florence, Italy. Jews in Asia in the 20th century. Historiographical and methodological perspectives. (Invited)

  • 2019/05: NYU Tel Aviv. Zionism from the Periphery. Different generations of Italian Jews in their relation to the State of Israel, paper delivered at the conference “Mechanisms for Change and Development in the History of the Jews and Judaism”, organized by Lawrence Schiffman and Benjamin Hary. (Invited)

  • 2019/03: International Studies Institute, Florence, Italy. Jewish studies in US study abroad programs, paper delivered at the conference “Teaching the Other: Intercultural Challenges in Study Abroad” organized by Federico Damonte e Francesca Passeri. (Invited)

  • 2019/01:Società per gli Studi sul Medio Oriente (SeSaMO), Turin, Italy. Società civile e filmografia critica in Israele (2008-2018) (CFP)

  • 2018/06:  AIS – 34th Annual Meeting of the Association of Israel Studies, Berkeley. Moving images, moving bodies. The representation of undocumented immigrants and asylum seekers in Israeli cinema and documentary. (CFP)

  • 2018/06: SISI - Società Italiana di Storia Internazionale, Milano. Anti-militarismo e nonviolenza tra società civile e Stato in Israele (1948-1982-2000). (CFP)

  • 2017/04: Ca Foscari University of Venice: The View from the Hilltop. Representations of Political Violence in Israeli Film and Literature. (Invited Speaker)

  • 2016/10: Deutsches Historiches Institut in Rom, Roma. The Morenos between family and nation. Notes for the History of a Mediterranean Jewish Family (Livorno-Tunis, 1850-1922) paper delivered at the conference “Gender, Nation, Emancipation. Women and Families in the 'long' 19th century in Italy and Germany.” Discussant Marion Kaplan. (Invited Speaker)

  • 2015/09: European Association of Israel Studies (EAIS), London, UK, Toy soldiers for toy battles? Popular culture and nationalism in Israel and in comparative perspective. (CFP)

  • 2015/03: CUNY-Graduate Center and Columbia University, New York. Young Italian Jews in Israel and Back (1945-1956), paper delivered at the conference “Italian Jews in Context: Relations, Exchanges, Networks” organized by Francesca Bregoli, Carlotta Ferrara degli Uberti and Guri Schwarz. (Invited Speaker)

  • 2013/11:  Victoria and Albert Museum and Queen Mary University, London, UK. Our Wars”and other toys. Israel's first decades as seen through its toys, paper delivered at the conference “The Child in the World”. (CFP)
  • 2013/09: European Association of Israel Studies (EAIS), London, UK. “No Private Solutions”: Conscientious Objection in Israel’s First Decade. (CFP)

  • 2013/06: AIS - 29th Annual Meeting of the Association of Israel Studies, UCLA, Los Angeles.  Representing Israel through soldiers' testimonies. An inner perspective, paper delivered at the conference “Israel in the international arena: imagery, discourse and public policy”. (CFP)

  • 2012/09: European Association of Israel Studies (EAIS), Munich, Germany. Men on Film. Traumatic testimonies from IDF soldiers, paper delivered at the conference “Israel and Europe: Mapping the Past, Shaping the Future”. Dicussant Moti Golan. (CFP)

  • 2012/05: The Center for German Studies, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel. From Personal Trauma to Public Memory: Filming Accounts of War and Occupation in Israel, paper delivered at the conference “The Horrors of Trauma: Violence, Reenactment, Nation, and Film” organized by Michael Elm, Kobi Kabalek, Julia B. Köhne. Discussant: Amnon Raz-Krakotzkin. (CFP)

  • 2011/03: Università di Viterbo, Italy. Jerusalem  and  the  celebrations  for  Israel’s  independence,  paper  delivered  in  the conference “Historical anniversaries in comparative perspective”, organized by Maurizio Ridolfi for the 150th anniversary of Italy’s unification (Invited Speaker)

  • 2010/06: CERMOM, INALCO, Paris, France, Le camp de la paix israélien da la théorie de l’années Cinquante à l’action de l’années Soixante-dix, organized by Masha Itzhaki (Invited speaker)
  • 2010/03: Universitè de Lyon III, Lyon, France. Health and dual colonialism: the case of Mandatory Palestine, paper delivered in the workshop: “Une vitrine du colonialisme? Mandat et pratiques de santé” convened by Philippe Bourmaud (Invited speaker).
  • 2009/09: Società Italiana per lo Studio della Storia Contemporanea (SISSCO) Annual Conference, Trieste, Italy. Youth and Nationalism in British Palestine (CFP)
  • 2009/04: École Pratique des Hautes Études et le Centre Alberto Benveniste (Sorbonne), Paris, France. The ‘Concrete Utopia’ of New Outlook. Israeli and Palestinian Youth searching for avenues of peace. Paper delivered in the conference “Israël-Palestine, l’état des lieux de la recherche” coordinated by Esther Benbassa. (CFP).

  • 2008/11: Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, EUI, Florence. Euro-Mediterranean relations and peace movements across the Green Line reconsidered. The case of ‘New Outlook’. (Invited speaker).

  • 2008/11: Università di Firenze, Facoltà di Scienze Politiche ‘Cesare Alfieri’, Florence. "The concrete utopia". The Israeli Pacifist movement from New Outlook to Peace Now paper delivered at the one-day conference on “Israel Sixty years later” convened by Maria Grazia Enardu (Invited Speaker)

  • 2008/10: SeSaMO, Annual Conference, Torino. Non-violence in the Mediterranean. The political significance of New Outlook. (CFP)

  • 2008/05: AIS, Annual Conference, New York, NY, USA. Boycotting Israeli books in the 60th anniversary of Israel’s independence? The case of A. B. Yehoshua in Italy (CFP).

  • 2007/10: Fondazione Feltrinelli Cortona Colloquium, Cortona, Italy. “Payers” and “Players”. European Institutions, National Governments and Civil  Society  in  the  Ongoing  Israel Palestinian  Conflict,  paper  presented  in  the conference ““War, Law and Global Order”, organized by Danilo Zolo. Discussants: Alessandro Colombo e Alessandro Vitale. (CFP)

  • 2007/09: Robert Schuman Centre, EUI, Florence, ‘Chosen Traumas’ in Israel (and Palestine) between family, civil society and state. Discussant: Jeffrey Alexander. (Invited Speaker)

  • 2007/06: Society for the History of Children and Youth, Linkoping University, Norrkoping, Sweden, Child marriage and honour killing in Palestine. The British Mandate (1922-1948)  Discussant: Paula Fass. (CFP)

  • 2007/5: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Israel-Europe Policy Network [IEPN], Berlin, Germany. The Role of the EU in Israel-Palestine civil society cooperation. Discussant: Stephan Stetter (Invited Speaker).

  • 2007/5: SeSaMO, Annual Conference, Firenze, Italy. On the border. Joint Israeli-Palestinian associationism (1987-2007), Discussant: Lucio Caracciolo (LIMES). (CFP)

  • 2007/02: SIS [Society of Women Historians], Annual Conference, Roma, Italy. Child marriage and honor killing in British Palestine, Discussant: Mary Gibson. (CFP)

  • 2006/12: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, IEPN, Tel Aviv, Israel.  European funding and civil society promotion in Israel and Palestine. The business of peace? Discussant: Tal Sadeh (Invited Speaker)

  • 2006/11: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, IEPN, Brussels, Belgium. The European Neighbourghood Policy and Israel. Where is Palestine? Discussant: Roby Nathanson (Invited Speaker)

  • 2006/02:  SeSaMO, Annual Conference, Catania, Italy. The Israeli-Palestine conflict between Family, Civil Society and State. (CFP)

  • 2005/04: Ca’ Foscari University- Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Venice, Italy. A. B. Yehoshua in Italy between perception of Israeli society and representation of Jewish history, paper presented in the International Conference “The Literary work of A. B. Yehoshua” (Invited Speaker).

  • 2004/11: SeSaMO, Annual Conference, Lecce, Italy. Medicine, Civil society and nationalism in Israel/Palestine. From nationalism in the 1930s to cooperation in the 1980s. Discussant: Giovanni Levi (CFP)

  • 2004/05: Boston University, Padova, Italy. The Shoah in Israel between private and public memory paper delivered for the “Primo Levi Project” coordinated by Paolo Bernardini (Invited Speaker)

  • 2004/03: University of Florence, Italy, Family, civil society and state in Palestine/Israel (1900-1948), paper presented at the conference “La liason difficile. Family and civil society in Italy and in Europe, 1900-1970” convened and coordinated by Paul Ginsborg (Invited Speaker).

  • 2003/02:  Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Department of History, Family and civil society in Palestine/Israel in the 1930: From “people to nation”. Discussant: Giovanni Levi (Seminar)

  • 2002/09: World Conference in Middle East Studies (WOCMES), Mainz, Germany. The worst of all diseases. Poverty in Mandatory Palestine, paper presented in the panel “Poverty in Palestine” convened and coordinated by Ala Alamarneh (CFP). Health and surveillance in Mandatory Palestine, paper presented in the panel “Britain and Palestine. New approaches to the history of the Mandate” convened and coordinated by Marcella Simoni (CFP)

  • 2001/11: SeSaMO, Annual Conference, Napoli, Italy. Hygiene and Orientalism in British Palestine

  • 2001/05: University of Toronto - Victoria College, ON, Canada.  Orientalism and gender in Mandatory Palestine. The case of Mizrahi women, paper presented at the conference “Jews and Orientalism” convened by Derek J. Penslar and Ivan Kalmar. Discussants: Amnon Raz-Krakotzkin e Sander Gilman. (Invited Speaker).

  • 1999/12; Association of Jewish Studies (AJS), Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, USA. Zionist hygiene and Mizrahi Jews. A case in internal orientalism? (CFP)

  • 1999/11: Brown University – Thomas J. Watson Institute for International Studies, Providence, RI, USA. A case for education and colonization. The case of the ‘Jerusalem & the East Mission’ in British Palestine, Paper presented at the workshop “Identity formation and the missionary enterprise in the Middle East”, convened and coordinated by Eleanor Doumato. Discussant: Yvonne Haddad (Invited Speaker)

  • 1999/11: Cambridge University - Girton College, Cambridge, UK. Nation- and state-building in British Palestine. The Jewish and the Arab-Palestinian cases, paper presented in the “Jewish Studies Seminar”. Discussant: Risa Domb. (Seminar)

  • 1999/06: Institute of Historical Research (IHR), London, UK. The social roots of ethnic confrontation. Child Marriage and deviance in British Palestine, paper presented at “The 68th Conference of Anglo-American Historians” (CFP).

  • 1998/07:  European Association of Jewish Studies (EAJS) 6th International Conference, Toledo, Spain. “The only corner of the Great British Empire in which no one ever played cricket” The legacies of the British Mandate in Israel, paper presented in the section “History of Israel”. Discussant: Kenneth Stow. (CFP)

  • 1998/07: International Communal Studies Association, 3rd International Conference, Amsterdam, NL. Utopia and back. Family and community in the kibbutz, paper presented in the section “Collectivism compared” (CFP)

  • 1998/06: BAJS (British Association of Jewish Studies), St. John’s College, Cambridge, UK. Health and hygiene in Mandatory Palestine. Discussant: Risa Domb.



  • 2018-present: «Journal of Modern Jewish Studies», Member of the Associate Board.
  • 2017-present: Member of the «EDI [Equity, Diversity, Inclusion] Committee», (now IDBI) New York University in Florence.
  • 2015-2019: «EAIS» [European Association of Israel Studies], Member of the Executive Committee 
  • 2009-present: «QUEST – Issues in Contemporary Jewish History», Founding member and member of the Editorial BoarD.
  • 2005-2018: «Passato e Presente, Rivista di Storia Contemporanea», Correspondent
  • 2012-2018: «CDEC» [Foundation Jewish Contemporary Documentation Center], Milan, Member of the Scientific Council
  • 2008-2011:  «SeSaMO» [Italian Society for the Study of the Middle East], Member of the Board of Directors



  • AIS*: Association for Isral Studies (US)
  • AJS:Association for Jewish Studies (US)
  • AMECYS*: Association of Middle East Children's and Youth Studies (US)
  • BAJS: British Association for Jewish Studies (UK)
  • EAJS: European Association for Jewish Studies
  • EAIS*: European Association for Israel Studies
  • ICSA: International Communal Studies Association
  • ICOM*: International Council of Museums
  • IHR: Institute of Historical Research (UK)
  • MERIFOR: Mediterraneo: Ricerca e Formazione, Italy
  • MESA: Middle East Studies Association (US)
  • MESCHA: Middle East Social and Cultural History Association (US)
  • SeSaMO*: Società per gli Studi sul Medio Oriente, Italy
  • SISSCO: Società Italiana per lo Studio della Storia Contemporanea, Italy


  • Italian: Mothertongue
  • English: Excellent, IELTS test results 8.0/9.0
  • Hebrew: Very good
  • French: Good
  • Spanish: Good
  • Classic Arabic: Intermediate working knowledge



  • 2000-present:  Certified Tour Leader on Jewish Heritage Itineraries in Italy. Occasional heritage trips across Italy for various groups from Israel, the UK, Canada, the US and Australia (K3 Travel; The Jewish Museum of New York; E&S Tours; Grey Academy; Authentic Europe, Jet Vacation etc.)
  • 2003-2005: Rivista Italiana di Psicoanalisi, translator English-Italian
  • 2001:  Italian National Institute of Surveys [ISTAT], XIV National Census. Surveyor
  • 2000-01: Istituto Tecnico Benvenuto Cellini, Florence, Italy. High School teacher in Italian Literature and General History.
  • 1999: Certified High School Teacher in Italian Literature, History and Geography (A050)


  • Citizenship: Italian
  • Interests: Civil society; Human Rights; Languages; Music (opera, classic, world, jazz, rock); Cinema; Middle East and Asian food; Reading; Sport (skiing, swimming, rollerblading); Yoga; Feldenkreis; Travel; Photography.