- Qualifica
- Professore Associato
- Etnomusicologia [PEMM-01/D]
- Sito web
www.unive.it/persone/ofer.gazit (scheda personale)
- Struttura
Dipartimento di Filosofia e Beni Culturali
Sito web struttura: https://www.unive.it/dip.fbc
Sede: Malcanton Marcorà
2016 PhD, Music, Department of Music, University of California, Berkeley. Dissertation title: Sounds Like Home: Immigrant Musicians in the New York Jazz Scene.
2010 MA, Historical Musicology, Buchmann-Mehta School of Music, Tel-Aviv University. Tel-Aviv, Israel.
2009 BA, Double Major, Musicology and Interdisciplinary Studies, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
2024 – Associate Professor, Ethnomusicology, Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Venice, Italy.
2022– 2024 Senior Lecturer (with tenure), Musicology Program, Buchmann-Mehta School of Music, Tel-Aviv University. Tel-Aviv, Israel.
2017– 2022 Lecturer, tenure track, Buchmann-Mehta School of Music, Tel-Aviv University. Tel-Aviv, Israel.
Courses (by field):
Classical Music History: Music History Ia, (Middle Ages and Renaissance) Music History Ib (Baroque) Music History IIa, (Classical period) Music History IIb (Romantic period).
Non-Western Classical Music History: Composing a Minority: Western Music and Its Others; Music in Latin America; The Race for Music: Musical Others in Inter-War Europe.
Music Theory and Music Cognition: Introduction to Music Analysis; Musical Performance: Mind, Body, Environment.
Jazz and Popular Music: Music and Auditory Culture; Jazz and Blues: Historically Informed Performance; Singing a Home: Music as Social Action; Music and Freedom: Social, Geographic and Musical Mobility; Music and Psychedelia: Culture and Cognition; Sound in the City: Musical and Architectural Interventions; Free Jazz; Music, Sound – Nature, Culture; Digitalization in Music; Popular Music.
2017 Adjunct Assistant Professor Humanities Department, City University of New York – City Tech, New York City, NY. United States
Course: Course: Musical Styles
2016 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts and the Zolberg Institute for Migration and Mobility, The New School, New York City, NY. United States
Course: Musical Diasporas.
2014-2016 Instructor, Department of Music, University of California, Berkeley
Courses: Music in American Cultures. Music of the Great Migration
Introduction to Western Art Music. Introduction to Music Perception and Cognition, Music in Israel/Palestine.
Visiting Fellowships
2022–2023 Visiting Scholar, Music Department, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA.
2022 Erasmus Visiting Scholar, Musicology and Cultural Heritage Department, Pavia University, Cremona, Italy.
Other Academic Professional Experience
2021-2024 Member of the Teaching Committee of the David and Yolanda Katz Faculty of the Arts, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv Israel.
2018–2021 Member of the Scholarship Committee of the David and Yolanda Katz Faculty of the Arts, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv Israel.
2021–2022 Member of the Committee on Performance Research of the David and Yolanda Katz Faculty of the Arts, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv Israel.
2020–2022 Representative of Lecturers at the Faculty Council, David and Yolanda Katz Faculty of the Arts, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv Israel.
2022 Co-Organizer of lecture and concert series ‘Quadrivium’ Music and Science Coming Together – BMSM and Weizmann Institute of Science
2022 Co-organizer of the workshop “Mapping the Greek soundscapes of Tel Aviv: Methodological Perspectives” Tel-Aviv University, Israel, David and Yolanda Katz Faculty of the Arts, Buchmann Mehta School of Music, Musicology department.
2018 Organizer of a two-weeks Sound Studies and Ethnography Lab (Biennale Urbana, Venice, Italy).
2013 University of California, Berkeley. Berkeley, USA. Department of Music. Co-organizer of the symposium Why Do We Improvise: Sound, Technology, Interaction.
2012 University of California, Berkeley. Berkeley, USA. Department of Music. Editorial Board, Repercussions: Graduate Student Journal of the Music Department at the University of California, Berkeley.
2010–2013 University of California, Berkeley. Berkeley, USA. Department of Music. Center for New Music and Audio Technologies. Research Assistant, Prof. David Wessel.
2003–2010 Tel-Aviv University, Israel, David and Yolanda Katz Faculty of the Arts, Buchmann Mehta School of Music, Musicology department.
Research assistant of prof. Zohar Eitan
2003–2010 Tel-Aviv University, Israel, David and Yolanda Katz Faculty of the Arts, Buchmann Mehta School of Music, Musicology department.
Research assistant of prof. Michal Grover Friedlander.
Monographs Jazz Migrations: Movement as Place among New York Musicians.
Oxford University Press (Spring 2024)
Tensions: African Drums, American Dreams and the New York Jazz Scene in the 1960s manuscript in progress (three chapters completed)
Edited Volume:
Home in the Making: Arts of Asylum Seekers in Israel. Eds. Ofer Gazit, Hamutal Sadan and Sarah Hankins. Routledge Studies in Migration and Diaspora. Routledge (under contract, expected 2025)
Articles Published
2024 Spiritual Commodification: A Political Economy of African Jazz in the Civil Rights Era. The Musical Quarterly, 107(1). pp. 1-13
2024 Gazit, Ofer and Nili Belkind, Affective Authenticity: South African singer Letta Mbulu Transforms Yoruba Hymn “Ise Oluwa” into Roots’ Theme Song. Journal of Popular Music Studies. 36(1), 51-78.
2020 Passing Tones: Shifting National, Social and Musical Borders in Jazz Age Harlem Jazz and Culture. 3(1). (ARSC finalist, best historical research in recorded jazz, 2021)
2020 A Drum, Deferred: Solomon Ilori in the New York Jazz scene, 1958–1964. Jazz Research Journal 12.2
2016 Sound at First Sight: Jam Sessions and immigrants in Brooklyn, New York Jazz Perspectives. 9(1), pp. 27-46
Articles Submitted
Kingston Blues: Ideological Infrastructures in the City of Reggae, American Music, Special Issue on the Caribbean.
Dolphy’s Birds: Freedom, Migration and Other Avian Metaphors in Jazz. Jazz Perspectives, under review
Articles in progress
Dewel Up the Band: Mulatu Astatke, Duke Ellington and the Diplomatic Amplification of Ethio-Jazz
Making Kin in the New York Scene: Masekela, Gillespie and jazz fatherhood.
New Home Every Night: Migrant Drag Performance from Puerto Rico to New York City.
Resounding Home: Umm Kulthum and/as Sonic Belonging.
Book Chapters
2024 Ofer Gazit, Hamutal Sadan, and Sarah Haskins, Introduction: Art as a Form of Asylum Seeking in Israel, Ofer Gazit, Hamutal Sadan, and Sarah Hankins, in Home in the Making: Arts of Asylum Seekers in Israel. London: Routledge (under contract, expected 2025)
2024 The Rhythm of Asylum: Music and Temporality in Tel Aviv’s Congolese Community, in Ofer Gazit, Hamutal Sadan, and Sarah Hankins. editors, Home in the Making: Arts of Asylum Seekers in Israel. London: Routledge. (under contract, expected 2025)
2024 Gazit, O. Yiakoumaki, V. Theodosiou A. “Glykeria’s Shabechi Yerushalay'im: A Greek-Israeli love story?” Popular Musics of the Greek World, British School of Athens, Athens, Greece (forthcoming).
2023 Musical Extractivism and the Commercial After-Life of San Juan's (PR) La Perla in Ambiances, Tourism and the City, eds. Iñigo Sánchez-Fuarros, Daniel Paiva and Daniel Malet Calvo. London: Routledge, 29-42.
2023 YouTube Logics and the Extraction of Musical Space in San Juan (PR) La Perla and Kingston's (JM) Fleet Street. in New Approaches to Sound, Music, and Media eds. Holly Rogers, Carol Vernallis and Lisa Perrott. London: Bloomsbury, 108-120.
Book reviews
2022 Jazz Diasporas: Race, Music, and Migration in Post-World War II Paris. By Rashida Braggs. Oakland: University of California Press, 2016. Jazz Diaspora: Music and Globalisation. By Bruce Johnson. New York: Routledge, 2019. Jazz and Culture. 5(1)
Articles in Popular media
2019 “ciò che non si sa ascoltare” Resistenza e Futuro, no. 1 2019, 46-47
2021 One 35m. Documentary film “A Change in Tones: The High Life of Solomon Ilori” - https://vimeo.com/729998110
2024–2029 Island in the Stream: Climate Related Disasters and the Rhythms of Caribbean Music scenes (I-STREAM) European Research Council Starting Grant
2019 – 2022 Israeli Science Foundation Individual Research Grant “Tensions: African Drums,
American Dreams and the New York Jazz Scene in the 1960s”
2015 – 2016 Dissertation Writing Fellowship, Department of Music, University of California, Berkeley.
2014 – 2015 Diller Family Dissertation Research and Writing Grant, University of California, Berkeley.
2013 – 2014 Dissertation Completion Fellowship, Graduate Division, University of California, Berkley.
2010 – 2012 Fulbright Two-Year Doctoral Student Fellowship, University of California, Berkeley.
Papers Presented at Scientific Meetings
2024 “Kingston Blues, Playing Rock in the City of Reggae,” Society for American Music, Detroit, MI, United States.
2024 A Few Listening Exercises: Or, Why is it Good to Listen in Circles. Images, Sound and Performance as Ways of Knowing. International Workshop. Ca Foscari University, Venice, Italy.
2024 Space Ownerships: Occupied Sonic Territories in East Jerusalem and Jaffa, “Route barrée / Barrer la route. À propos de l'interruption dans les territoires extractifs” Le Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Paris, France.
2023 Temporal Rhythms: Music, Tourism and Climate in the Caribbean, Department of Geography, University Rovira i Virgili, Spain.
2023 Africa in Stereo: The Unexpected Success of African Jazz in 1960s New York. Faculty of Arts, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel.
2023 Toda gran zamba encierra una baguala dormida: Freedom and Captivity in Saltenian Cow Songs. The Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America (SALSA), (Leticia, Colombia).
2023 Jazz and pan-Africanism in the 1960s University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA. Department of Music: Jazz Styles and History.
2023 African drums, American Dreams: From Africa to New York in the 1960s University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA. Department of Music: Jazz Styles and History.
2022 Translating Authenticity: Performing Africa between Lagos, Johannesburg and New YorkUniversity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA. Department of Music: Jazz Styles and History.
2022 Beyond Borders and Bar-lines: Entry points in New York's Migrant jazz scenes. DEA Lab -- Ca’ Foscari University Ethnology and Anthropology seminar Venice, Italy.
2022 Ise Oluwa: Letta Mbulu and the Migration of Song Department of Molecular Genetics, Weizmann Institute of Science.
2022 Ise Oluwa: Letta Mbulu and the Migration of Song, Music, Migration and Mobility conference. Royal College of Music, London and Online
2022 Political in Spirit: African Jazz in the Civil Rights Era. ICTM. Lisbon. Portugal.
2022 Musical Extractivism and the Commercial After-Life of San Juan's (PR) La Perla. Ambiance, Tourism and the City. Centro de Informaçao Urbana de Lisboa (CIUL), Lisbon. Portugal.
2021 “Letting the Canon Loose: Improvisation, performance, and the Fear of Musical Works” 12th Israeli-German Frontiers of Humanities Symposium. (Online)
2021 A Change in Tones: The High Life of Solomon Ilori. Society for Ethnomusicology Annual Meeting (Online).
2021 “Sexual Hearing: African Jazz and Black Masculinity in the Civil Rights Era”. The 57th Royal Musical Association Annual Conference. Newcastle University, England. 14-16 September 2021.
2021 Gazit Ofer and Levi Ron, "Resonant Tensions: (Re)positioning African Jazz between Europe and America". Documenting Jazz International Conference. Edinburgh College of Art, University of Edinburgh, Scotland. 23-26 June 2021.
2020 (S)pacing the Migrant City: Resonant tensions and the Urban Soundscape, Society for Ethnomusicology Annual Meeting (Online).
2020 Musical Extractivism and the Commercial After-Life of San Juan’s (PR) La Perla and Kingston’s (JM) Fleet Street” in Like, share and subscribe: Youtube, music and cyberculture before and after the new decade, New University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal (Online)
2020 “Listening to the Migrant City: Musical Frictions at the Margins,” Anthropology and Geography: Dialogues Past, Present and Future, Royal Anthropological Institute, London UK (Online).
2019 Drag Stories: Performing Cinderella between Puerto Rico and New York City, Haifa Workshop for Performance, Department of Theater and Performance, Haifa University, Israel.
2019 Glykeria’s Shabechi Yerushalay'im: A Greek-Israeli love story? Popular Musics of the Greek World, British School of Athens, Athens, Greece.
2019 New Home Every Night: Migrant Drag Performance from Puerto Rico to New York City, Society for American Music, New Orleans, LA, United States.
2018 Dolphy’s Birds: Freedom, Migration and Other Avian Metaphors in Jazz. Human Voice, Animal Voice, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel.
2018 Migrant Music among New York-based Syrian Refugees. Israeli Forum for Ethnomusicology, Jerusalem, Israel.
2018 Passing Tones, Jazz, Borders and Mass Migration, DEA Lab -- Ca’ Foscari University Ethnology and Anthropology seminar Venice, Italy.
2018 New Home Every Night: Echoes in Migrant Drag Performance from Puerto Rico to New York City, Southeast and Caribbean Chapter, Society for Ethnomusicology, New Orleans, LA, United States. (Deferred)
2018 Where is the Border? Jazz and Migration in the Harlem Renaissance, Israeli Forum for Ethnomusicology, Open University, Raanana, Israel.
2017 Resounding Home: Umm Kulthum and/as Sonic Belonging. Flux: State(s) of Change, The New School for Social Research., New York, NY.
2016 The Missed Education of Solomon Ilori: Tension and collaboration in 1960s Pan-African Jazz. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, U.S.A
2016 Lost and Found in the Urban Sound Maze: Improvisers on the Work-Place Continuum, Locations and Dislocations: An Ecomusicological Conversation, Westminster Choir College of Rider University, Princeton, N.J. U.S.A
2016 Jazz, Terraza 7, and Immigrant Folk in Jackson Heights, Queens” Musical Cartographies, Department of Music, Harvard University, Cambridge, M.A. U.S.A
2016 African Drums, American Dreams: Immigrant musicians in the Civil Rights Movement,” Intercultural Music Conference, Department of Music, University of California San Diego. San Diego, C.A., U.S.A.
2013 The Other’s Side is Nowhere? Locality, Discipline and Industry in the Study of
Improvisation talk given at Why Do We Improvise: Sound, Technology, Interaction Improvisation Symposium, Department of Music, U.C Berkeley, Berkeley, C.A., U.S.A.
2011 When Push Comes to Shove: Rhythmic Behavior in Improvised Walking Bass Gazit, O., Battenberg, E., Wessel D., Poster Presentation, Society for Music Perception and Cognition Annual meeting, Rochester, New-York, U.S.A
2011 Means and Meanings: The Expansive Politics of Improvisation Paper given at Iltor: Interdisciplinary Workshop on Improvisation, Department of Philosophy, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
Participation in Research Workshops
2022 Quadrivium: Music and Science coming together. Weizmann Institute of Science and Tel Aviv University, Israel (Co-Organizer).
2018 Acoustic Phenomenology, Venice Science Gallery, Ca’ Foscari University Venice, Italy.
2018 Tel Aviv University Sound Studies and Ethnography Lab, Venice, Italy. (Organizer)
2017 Ethnographic Experimentation: Fieldwork Devices and Companions, European Association of Social Anthropologists, Lisbon, Portugal
Professional Affiliations
2017-present Israeli Forum for Ethnomusicology
2015-present Society for American Music
2010- present Society for Ethnomusicology
2013- present American Anthropological Association
2016-2017 Zolberg Institute for Migration and Mobility, The New School for Social Research.
2011-2016 American Cultures Center – University of California, Berkeley.
2008-2011 American Musicological Society
2011 Society for Music Perception and Cognition
Invited Talks and Presentations
2022 Translating Authenticity: Performing Africa between Lagos, Johannesburg and New York. Department of Music, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA.
2022 Beyond Borders and Bar-lines: Entry points in New York’s Migrant jazz scenes, Department of Anthropology Ca’ Foscari University, Venice, Italy.
2022 Stepping Out of the Rhythm: Synchronization in Medicine and Music. Tel Aviv University, Israel
2021 The Camera as a Research Tool in Ethnomusicology. Bar Ilan University, Department of Music colloquium series.
2019 Learning How to Hang: Immigrant jazz scenes in Brooklyn and Queens. Bar Ilan University, Department of Music colloquium series.
2019 Sound Studies, or is Sound Wind? Department of Anthropology, Ca’ Foscari University Venice, Italy.
2019 Singing a Home: Music and Social Action, Tel Aviv University Board of Governors meeting.
2018 Studying Migration through Sound, Department of Anthropology Ca’ Foscari University, Venice, Italy.
2017 “Migration and National Identity in the Music of Freddie Mercury” Tel Aviv University Public Lecture Series, “Atnachta,” Tel Aviv, Israel.
2014 “John Coltrane’s Goldsboro Express as a Migration Narrative” invited talk at Music:Text Colloquium, Department of Music, Tel Aviv University.
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