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Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici e Culturali Comparati
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Venice School of Management
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Sede: San Giobbe

Elena Mattei holds a PhD and is Doctor Europaeus in Digital Humanities for English Studies (SSD: L-LIN/12; University of Verona, grade: excellent). She is currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, where she is working on the National Research Project DIETALY (Destination Italy in English Translation and Language over the Years) in collaboration with the Italian National Tourist Board. The project investigates early English tourism translation practices in Italy and the promotional materials produced by ENIT (Italian National Tourist Board) in the 20th century.

Her research interests focus on the collection, annotation and analysis of tourism multimodal corpora on social media, with particular attention to the development of a multidisciplinary and mixed methodological framework integrating data-driven semiotics into social semiotics and Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL). The social mission and main objective of her research is to conceive and apply sistematically, empirically both methods and tools to foster multimodal literacy. The final aim is specifically to promote the active design of counternarratives or 'cybersituations' for social change, particularly in terms of environmental protection and informed use of social media.

Shortlisted for the ADHO Paul Fortier Prize as an emergent scholar conducting high-quality research in the field of Digital Humanities, she has published in the class A journal Iperstoria and in DH venues, and holds workshops on empirical research in the field of AI-generated visual semiotics and data-driven, multimodal linguistics with corpora (link to software developed with G.E. Pibiri). She has also presented her research at various international conferences and coedited a volume on the multidisciplinary doctoral conference she co-organized at the University of Verona in 2021. She is collaborating with her former co-supervisor, John A. Bateman (Professor of English Applied Linguistics, PhD in Artificial Intelligence), and with the scientific committee of the Master “English for International Business and Global Affairs” at the University of Verona. She taught a Digital Humanities course and in the postgraduate course “English for the World of Work”. She is currently teaching English Language within the Master's Degree Programme "Comparative International Relations" at Ca' Foscari, University of Venice.

From a research perspective, she is also investigating how the capitalist, romantic gaze of the postmodern traveler and tourists’ contemporary desire for exclusivity in the uncontaminated nature may be leveraged by discourse specialists to cultivate environmental awareness and promote sustainable behavior, in an attempt to reverse consumerism and the ecological crisis (Urry and Larsen 2011; Stibbe 2014). She is planning, in this sense, to create a Grammar of multimodal eco-discourse. The objective is to promote regenerative travel, a topic discussed also in interviews with Randstad Research and La Repubblica.


Academic background and professional experience

- PhD in Digital Humanties for Multimodal English Linguistics and Tourism (SSD: L-LIN/12)

- Bachelor's and Master's degree in Foreign Languages for Communication in Tourism and Commerce (LM-38; 110L/110); semesters abroad at University of Massachusetts Boston and Universitaet Passau; interniship at the travel agency One Food Abroad in Dublin

- Teaching qualifications to apply for tenured positions in public schools (English and German languages) and experience as teacher at private schools

- Adjunct Professorship of Digital Humanities at the University of Verona (including course planning, design of materials and lab activities). Course title: Advanced Digital Humanities Lab (36h). Specific title: Laboratory for the Statistical and Computational Analysis of Linguistic Data and Multimodal Communication on Digital Media. Degree programme: Languages and Literatures for Publishing and Digital Media (L-11)

- Adjunct Professorship of English Language at Ca' Foscari, University of Venice. Degree Programme: Comparative International Relations

- Adjunct Professorship of Business English at Ca' Foscari, University of Venice. Degree Programme: Business Administration and Management

- Adjunct Professorship of English for Economics and Business (ET3006, 30h) at Ca' Foscari, University of Venice. Degree Programme: International trade and tourism

- Research Assistant (RA) at Universitaet Bremen under the supervision of Prof. John A. Bateman. Activities: 1) data modeling with R and empirical research for the statistical measurement of variance and correlations between visual communicative strategies in multimodal corpora of tourism discourse (PCA, CA, Factor Analysis, Regression, Chi-Square); 2) implementation of appropriate inter-coder reliability measures to test the degree of reproducibility of the tagging procedure; 3) meetings with the Bremen and Groningen research groups.

- Invited lecturer at various universities (see complete list here)

- Final exam committee member and secretary at University of Verona

- Co-supervisor of Master’s theses at the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Verona. Research topics: Tourism discourse and multimodal communication for persuasive purposes; Made in Italy & Country of Origin effect (COO) marketing studies. Research methods: Systemic Functional Linguistics; Appraisal Analysis; Tourism Discourse; Corpus Analysis; Grammar of Visual Design

- Support in the compilation of HITRADE database (Ca' Foscari University of Venice)


Marketing Jobs (industry and non-profit)

- Search Engine Optimization (SEO) training and specialization at Web Leaders Srl. Hard skills and activities: 1) Keyword search and analysis to increase website visibility in Google search results and traffic; 2) data analysis and design of diagrams, statistical reports supported by particular software technologies; 3) promotional content analysis and design for SEO purposes; 4) content spinning; 5) creation of data banks, including composers; 6) .html codes for the realization of homepages and thousands of landing pages with the design and inclusion of original, persuasive, visual and linguistic content. Main software used: Google Analytics, Screaming Frog, SemRush, CMS, Google Search Console, DreamWeaver, Keywordtool.io, Yoast SEO.

- R&D Brand Strategist for Made in Italy at Click Generation Srl: PhD based scientific research, analysis and design of English multimodal communication for the digital promotion of SME and Italian brands, with particular attention to sustainability projects. Clients: Scalo Fluviale; Balsamini Impianti s.r.l.; Corallo s.r.l.; Engineering Process Construction s.r.l.; Iniziative Energetiche. Fields of Research: ▪ Systemic Functional Linguistics; ▪ Corpus Analysis; ▪ Empirical Multimodality; ▪ Cognitive Linguistics; ▪ Conceptual Metaphor and Image-schema Theories; ▪ Sociology of Promotional Communication; ▪ Empirical and Social Semiotics; ▪ Statistical and Critical Methods for Digital Communication.

- Market research and report, also with support of AI technologies

- (Non-profit) Communication strategist/consultant, web designer, social media manager


Italian National Research Project DIETALY at Ca' Foscari (Destination Italy in English Translation and Language over the Years)

PI and supervisor: Prof. Mirella Agorni. Role: Postdoctoral researcher

Mediating Destination Italy in early 20th century English tourism translation: Compiling and analysing parallel and multimodal corpora from a diachronic perspective. 

As the tourism industry remains a crucial driver of global and local economies, intercultural and translation studies are exploring practices of mediation of a country’s image to meet other cultures’ expectations and perceptions (Agorni 2016). The current project investigates early English tourism translation practices in Italy and the promotional materials produced by ENIT (Italian National Tourist Board) in the 20th century. The research aims to illustrate if and how promotional materials have evolved throughout the interwar (1919-1939) and post-war period (1947-1957) in response to socio-economic events and to align with the linguistic and cultural norms of a low-context audience (Katan 2016).

To this aim, a diachronic analysis of multimodal tourism communication will be conducted. The database comprises 450 documents of promotional translated materials retrieved from ENIT's archives, including 200 bilingual documents (ITA - ENG). By combining corpus techniques and empirical, multimodal frameworks, we will attempt to track changes at the linguistic and cultural level. Text-mining software combined with Machine Translation (MT) tools powered by AI as well annotation techniques and coding for statistics will specifically help us understand if and how (translated) promotional materials have evolved to meet different linguistic and cultural expectations of the target audience.


PhD research - summary

Her DH project focused on carrying out a multidisciplinary investigation into tourism boards' multimodal communication strategies through both quantitative and qualitative methods, with particular focus on text-image relationships in the digital promotion of the traveling experience on Instagram and company websites. It investigated specifically how discourse specialists systematically combine linguistic resources with digital photography to design particular representations of the travel experience and convey specific, positive attitudes towards holiday destinations that depend on contextual variables, including the multisemiotic ensemble's medium of dissemination. Indeed, multimodal strategies were demonstrated to vary significantly according to both the medium's communicative role in the marketing funnel of persuasion and the social needs of the corresponding audience in the journey towards purchase (Manca 2016; Shuqair and Cragg 2017; Ayeh et al. 2012). 

To this aim, multimodal data were collected from Instagram accounts and official websites in order to compile different corpora. Her work includes the systematic, manual annotation of multimodal corpora and the statistical measurement of visual and linguistic strategies. A SFL-based, intersemiotic theoretical framework allowed for the detection of patterns of material regularities, which reflect new socio-semiotic, generic trends in the discourse semantics and legitimization strategies of digital tourism narratives.

Her thesis wishes also to emphasize the importance of data-driven multimodal research in the burgeoning field of Digital Humanities from a methodological, sociological, and multisemiotic perspective. The results of this study may also lead to an informed understanding as well as awareness of how ideologies are perpetuated in the current digital sphere and may be resisted. Consequently, this may support individuals in their attempts to challenge the legitimacy of established views, opinions, and passive acceptance of them, and contribute to the construction of counternarratives (Ahearn 2001; Plant 1992).


More info may be found below or here.




(In press) Mattei, Elena. The Meaning of Images: Testing the Grammar of Visual Design on Instagram Travel Photography. Book series Pathways to Multimodality (edited by John Bateman, Jana Pflaeging, Hartmut Stöckl, Janina Wildfeuer). DeGruyter, 2024.

(In press). Mattei, Elena. The Language of Persuasion on Instagram: A Systemic Functional Grammar of Multimodal Tourism Discourse. Routledge.

PhD dissertation

· Mattei, Elena. "Multimodal Corpus Analysis of Digital Tourism Narratives: A Data-driven Approach Based on Systemic Functional Linguistics and Social Semiotics." Tesi di dottorato, Università degli Studi di Verona, 2023. https://iris.univr.it/handle/11562/1098826. 598.

Edited volumes

· Fontana, Sara, Elena Mattei, Paola Peratello, Fabio Ramasso, e Stefano Ambrosini, edited by. Margins and Forgotten Places. Edizioni dell’Orso, 2023. ISBN: 978-88-3613-358-1. https://www.ediorso.it/margins-and-forgotten-places.html


- Fontana, Sara, Elena Mattei, Paola Peratello, Fabio Ramasso, e Stefano Ambrosini. "Introduction." Margins and Forgotten Places. Edizioni dell’Orso, 2023. IX-XXII. ISBN: 978-88- 3613-358-1. https://www.ediorso.it/margins-and-forgotten-places.html. 280.

- Mattei, Elena, and Stefania M. Maci (forthcoming). "For a future (re)generation: modelling effective tourism communication for social-ecological development of local communities and destinations." in The Routledge Handbook of Regenerative Tourism, 2025.

- Mattei, Elena (forthcoming). "Instagram tourism discourse: defining a canvas of multimodal persuasive communication." in Multimodality. A Hands-on Guide, edited by John A. Bateman, Janina Wildfeuer, Tuomo Hiippala. DeGruyter, 2025.


Scientific articles

- Mattei, Elena. “Dare voce e spazio ai desideri del turista postmoderno: mappare le strategie turistiche tradizionali per uno sguardo sostenibile in prospettiva multisemiotica”. Annali del Turismo (in press)

- (fascia A) Mattei, Elena (forthcoming). “Integrating computational and statistical methods into the Humanities: Investigating tourism discourse with empirical social semiotics” International Journal of Language Studies, 2025

- Mattei, Elena. "Approaching Multisemiotic Phenomena with Empirical Multimodality: Exploratory Analysis of Tourism Narratives through Data-driven Labeling." Frontiers in Communication 9 (2024): 1-9. doi:10.3389/fcomm.2024.1355406. Special Issue honoring John Bateman’s work. Title: Drawing Multimodality’s Bigger Picture: Metalanguages and Corpora for Multimodal Analyses

- Mattei, Elena. “Theory and Method for the Statistical Investigation of Multimodal Promotional Practices in the Digital Era." Interdisciplinary Digital Engagement in Arts & Humanities (IDEAH) 3.2 (2023): 1-32. doi:10.21428/f1f23564.7921b725

- (Fascia A) Lorenzetti, Maria Ivana, and Elena Mattei. "People-building Strategies in Trump’s and Biden’s Political Discourse: A Critical Discourse Analysis between Populism and Anti-Populism." Iperstoria 20 (2022): 351-382. doi:10.13136/2281-4582/2022.i20.1233

- Mattei, Elena. "Investigating Multisemiotic Persuasive Practices by Integrating Computational Methods and Complementary Theoretical Frameworks." Centre for Information Modelling, Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities (2023): 1-2. www.zenodo.org/record/8107451

- (fascia A) Mattei, Elena. "From exclusive health and climatic resorts to affordable summer holidays: ENIT’s seaside tourism promotion in English over the years." Altre Modernità (2025): 119-142.



· Mattei, Elena. "Review of 'English Tourism Discourse: Insights into the Professional, Promotional and Digital Language of Tourism' by Stefania M. Maci." Iperstoria 18 (2021): 229-233. DOI: 10.13136/2281-4582/2021.i18.1095

· Mattei, Elena. "Review of 'Understanding Abstract Concepts across Modes in Multimodal Discourse: A Cognitive Linguistic Approach' by Elżbieta Górska." Iperstoria 15 (2020): 428-432.

· Mattei, Elena. "Review of 'Systematically Working with Multimodal Data: Research Methods in Multimodal Discourse Analysis' by Sigrid Norris." Iperstoria 15 (2020): 423-427.

· Mattei, Elena. "Review of 'Doing Linguistics with a Corpus: Methodological Considerations for the Everyday User' by Jesse Egbert, Tove Larsson, and Douglas Biber.” Iperstoria 16 (2020): 370-373.

· Mattei, Elena. "CLAVIER 2019 conference 'Knowledge Dissemination and Multimodal Literacy: Research Perspectives on ESP in a Digital Age' Report." Associazione Italiana di Anglistica, Newsletter 99 (2020): 20.

Dictionary entries

· Emam, Ahmed Mahmoud, Mahmoud et al. "*/ˈpass-u/ s.m." Voce nel dizionario elettronico Dictionnaire Étymologique Roman (DÉRom), Analyse et Traitement Informatique de la Langue Française (ATILF, CNRS, Université de Lorraine, 2023). www.atilf.fr/DERom/entree/'pass-u

Blogposts for the Master "English for International Business and Global Affairs" (Univerisity of Verona)

Mattei, Elena. Blogpost “What Digital Marketing is and why it should figure among your top professional skills” Master English for International Business and Global Affairs, Università di Verona.
Mattei, Elena. Blogpost “The fundamentals of e-commerce – What you need to know as a communication specialist and why” Master English for International Business and Global Affairs, Università di Verona.
Mattei, Elena. Blogpost “Getting a real taste for the wine (industry): the role of wine business in international trade and the power of negotiation skills required to succeed in this globalized market” Master English for International Business and Global Affairs, Università di Verona.
Mattei, Elena. Blogpost “The professional role of translators and interpreters in intercultural business negotiations” Master English for International Business and Global Affairs, Università di Verona.
Mattei, Elena. Blogpost “Proficiency in English writing skills: enhancing employability in the professional setting” Master English for International Business and Global Affairs, Università di Verona.
Mattei, Elena. Blogpost “Why and how to start working on your intercultural communication skills in today’s globalized society” Master English for International Business and Global Affairs, Università di Verona.
Mattei, Elena. Blogpost “A brand new course has started” Master English for International Business and Global Affairs, Università di Verona.

Academic presentations at national and international conferences (long papers)


Mattei, Elena. “What are corpora good for? Conducting a quantitative analysis of translated tourism discourse in 20th century Italy”, in 11th Congress of the European Society for Translation Studies, Leeds, 30 giugno - 3 luglio 2025.

Mattei, Elena. “Nature as SPECTACULAR PRODUCT or LIVING ORGANISM? Metaphorical mappings in Instagram tourism discourse”, in CERLIS2025 “Metaphors in Specialized Discourses in and across cultures”, Università di Bergamo, 12-14 giugno 2025.

Mattei, Elena, e Stefania Maci. “For a new (re)generation: modelling effective tourism communication for social-ecological development of local communities and destinations” in Smart Community Tourism Webinar Series, 14 Giugno 2025.

Mattei, Elena, Maria Elisa Fina e Viviana Mauro. “Italy’s Destination Image in the 20th century: An analysis of visuals in ENIT travel magazines” in Il turismo tra guerra e pace. 1900-1939. Tourism between War and Peace. 1900-1939, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Sorrento, 8 aprile 2025.

Mattei, Elena. “The architecture of SFL for the development of regenerative communication: corpus and manual annotation of Instagram tourism discourse” in 50th International Systemic Functional Congress and Institute (ISFC 50): A trinocular retrospective, Glasgow, 7-11 luglio 2025

Mattei, Elena, Maria Elisa Fina e Viviana Mauro. “Italy’s Destination Image in the 20th century: An empirical study of multimodal tourism discourse”in 12th International Conference on Multimodality, Groningen, 29-31 ottobre 2025.


Mattei, Elena. “Mediating Destination Italy in early 20th century English tourism translation: Compiling and analysing parallel corpora from a diachronic perspective”, in Translation and Cultural Sustainability: Challenges and New Avenues, Salamanca, 16-19 Aprile 2024.

Mattei, Elena. “Persuasion through systemic appeals to the romantic pristine: fulfilling the need for control and escape through multimodal tourism discourse on Instagram”, in Beyond Words: Persuasive Narratives and Multimodal Discourse, Vilnius University, Kaunas Faculty, Lithuania, 24-25 October 2024.

Mattei, Elena. “Come promuovere un'immagine turistica in modo efficace ed ecosostenibile? I risultati di uno studio sperimentale multimodale”, in Giornate del Turismo 2024 (Geoprogress), 7-9 novembre 2024.

Mattei, Elena e Viviana Mauro. “Digitising and annotating Italian institutional tourism promotion: A historical database of Italy's tourism texts from 1919 to 1959”, in Translation across Time: Historical Developments and Modern Adaptations, Università Ca’ Foscari, 11-12 Dicembre 2024.

Mattei, Elena e Stefania Maci. “When sustainability is not enough: activating citizens through multimodal communication modelling on Instagram”, Enhancing Sustainability: Bridging Corporate Practices with Academic and Popular Discourse, Università degli studi di Napoli ‘l’Orientale’, 19-20 Dicembre 2024.


Mattei, Elena. “Exploring practices of mediation in early 20th century English tourism discourse in Italy: A computer-assisted lexical analysis”, in TRADITUR, Córdoba, 6-8 Novembre 2023, p. 44 Book of Abstracts. Panel dell’Unità di Ricerca di Ca’ Foscari (PRIN DIETALY).

Mattei, Elena. “May the consumerist-based framing of nature as Other be reversed for sustainability promotion? An empirical multimodal study of Instagram tourism discourse”, in CLAVIER 2023: Framing nature: discourses past and present of nature and the environment, A sustainability perspective, Milano, 23-25 Novembre 2023, p. 79 Book of abstracts.

Mattei, Elena. “Investigating Multisemiotic Persuasive Practices by Integrating Computational Methods and Complementary Theoretical Frameworks”, in DH2023: Collaboration as Opportunity, Graz, Austria, 10-14 luglio 2023.

Mattei, Elena. “Exploring Digital Tourism narratives with a Data-driven Approach: The Perpetuation of the romantic gaze in Instagram Photography”, in 11th International Conference on Multimodality, London, 27-29 settembre 2023. Proposta di panel del gruppo di ricerca BreGroMM “in lieu of a Festschrift for John A. Bateman”.


Mattei, Elena, “Corpus-Based Analysis of Multimodal Tourism Narratives on Instagram: Evoking Romantic Gazes of Evaluation as Means of Persuasion.”, in 43e colloque du GERAS: Multimodalité et multimédialité en anglais de spécialité: enjeux discursifs, culturels, didactiques et traductologiques, Université Grenoble Alpes (France), 24-26 marzo (abstract).

Mattei, Elena, “Multimodal Tourism Narratives in the Instagram Era.”, in Approaches to Digital Discourse Analysis (ADDA3), University of South Florida (St. Petersburg, Florida, U.S.A.), 13-15 maggio, p. 64 Book of Abstracts.

Mattei, Elena, “Corpus-Assisted Discourse Analysis of Transitivity and Evaluative Practices as Means of Persuasion in the Instagram Representation of the Tourist Experience.”, in XIII International CORPUS Linguistics Conference - Specialized Discourse and Translation Studies in Corpus Linguistics (CILC2022), Università di Bergamo, 26-28 maggio, p. 47-48 Book of Abstracts.

Mattei, Elena, “Investigating Contemporary Multimodal Discourse Practices by means of Digital Methods: The Challenge of Reliability and Reproducibility in a Multidisciplinary Perspective.”, in Past, History and Memory in Language and Literary Studies (PhD conference), Università di Verona, 23 – 25 giugno, p. 33 Book of Abstracts.

Mattei, Elena, “Rethinking Multimodal Tourism Narratives on Social Media: Leveraging the Capitalist, ‘Romantic Gaze’ of the Postmodern Traveler to Promote Sustainability.”, in Simposio Internacional. Sostenibilidad en el sector turístico: implementación y comunicación, Instituto Cultura y Sociedad, Universidad de Navarra, 30 giugno – 1 luglio, p. 18 Book of Abstracts.

Mattei, Elena, “Multimodal Tourism Discourse on Instagram: How to Leverage the Romantic Gaze and Its Aura of Exclusivity and Superiority to Foster Sustainable Behavior.”, in 31st European Systemic Functional Linguistics: Social Semiotics and Sustainability, University of Southern Denmark, 24-26 agosto, p. 39-40 Book of Abstracts.


Mattei, Elena, “Researching Contemporary Multimodal Artefacts: An Empirical Study of Tourism Photography on Instagram and Official Websites.”, in The Bremen-Groningen Online Workshops on Multimodality, Università di Brema (Prof. Bateman, PhD in Artificial Intelligence) e Università di Groningen (Dr. Wildfeuer, PhD in Multimodal Linguistics), 29 gennaio 2021. Book of Abstracts.

Mattei, Elena, “Multimodal Corpus Analysis of Online Tourism Narratives.”, in XII International Conference on Corpus Linguistics (CILC 2021), Università di Murcia, Spagna, 28-30 aprile 2021, p. 128 Book of Abstracts.

Mattei Elena, “Multimodal Corpus Analysis of Tourism Discourse on Social Media and Websites.”, in DHSI Conference and Colloquium, Digital Humanities Summer Institute, University of Victoria, Canada, 7-18 giugno 2021. Book of Abstracts.



Mattei, Elena, “Multimodal Corpus Analysis of Tourism Promotional Communication Online.”, in Corpora and Discourse International Conference 2020, University of Sussex, UK, 17-19 giugno 2020, p. 95 Book of Abstracts.


Invited seminars


Conference title: “Multimodal Analysis in Tourism Communication through AI Tools” (University of Udine). Proposing Professor: Prof. Eleonora Gallitelli. Theme: Artificial Intelligence and the Creation of Multimodal Promotional Tourist Content for Students of English for Specific Purposes. (03/19) Project: ELITE-AI.

Workshop: “Application of AI in Developing Professional Skills for ESP Learners” (University of Udine). Proposing Professor: Prof. Eleonora Gallitelli. Theme: Artificial Intelligence and the Creation of Multimodal Promotional Tourist Content for Students of English for Specific Purposes. (03/20) Project: ELITE-AI.

October 2023

Seminar on computational methods for the analysis of tourism communication at the international symposium "AI: Challenges and Potentialities. A Discourse Analysis Perspective" (Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures, University of Bergamo). Title: Integrating Computational and Statistical Methods into the Humanities: Investigating Multimodal Tourism Discourse with Empirical Social Semiotics and SRI Tagging Software".

Hands-on workshop on categorisation systems and discourse analysis of multimodal tourism at the international symposium 'AI: Challenges and potentialities. A Discourse Analysis Perspective'. Interactive use of SRI Tagging software.


December 2022

Workshop on the design of a Digital Humanities Project (Disciplines: Linguistics, Semiotics, Sociology). Universität Bochum


July 2022

Keynote speech and workshop at 3rd Bremen Student Conference in English Linguistics, Universität Bremen. Title: "How to Perform Systematic Manual Tagging of Visual Artifacts”



▪ Monolingual (English) and multimodal synchronic corpus of contemporary multichannel digital tourism communication (Instagram, websites)
▪ Diachronic parallel corpus of promotional tourist texts in Italian and English from ENIT, spanning the 1920s to the 1960s
▪ HITRADE database, a collection of multilingual specialized texts and translations (including English)


▪ Member of the scientific committee of ICOM12 (International Conference on Multimodality)
▪ Member of AIA (Associazione Italiana di Anglisti)
▪ Member of the scientific committee of HITRADE, a collection of translations of volumes, glossaries, portraits, and anecdotes. It also includes necessary metadata for easy navigation.
▪ Member of the European association and the scientific committee of the European Youth Think Tank, aimed at developing research projects to address the challenges for sustainable development in the European Union.


Interviews - Terza Missione

Interview (1 hour) by Randstad Research centre about current tourism trends in the industry, with a focus on digital skills and communication, AI and potential avenues for the promotion of sustainable tourism. Report available here.

Participation as a digital tourism expert at a Round Table discussion chaired by La Repubblica and organized by Randstad Research. Event: "Viaggio nel turismo del prossimo decennio" (Teatro Sociale di Como, 9th July 2024). Video recording available here.

Interview by Como's La Provincia newspaper. Topic: Destination Image's authenticity and digital literacy: what is the role of Instagram and AI? Article available here


Awarding of Prizes/Shortlist

Finalist for the Paul Fortier Prize as Emerging Researcher in the Digital Humanities at the international conference Digital Humanities 2023 (Alliance of Digital Humanities Organisations.

Editorial activities

Editorial member (editor and scientific board) of the scientific journal TRANS-KATA.

Editorial member of the scientific journal Iperstoria (Class A) and proofreading activities.


Peer reviews for Routledge. Content reviewed: book proposals (scholarly monographs). Topics: Linguistics; Multimodality. Managing editor: Elysse Preposi

Peer reviews for Bloomsbury Academic. Review of volumes. Editor: Laura Gallon. Topics: Systemic Functional Linguistics

Double-blind peer review for the conference ICOM 12 

Double-blind peer review activity for the scientific journal Digital Scholarship in the Humanities (Oxford Academic) Impact Factor: 0.8 

Double-blind peer review activity for the scientific journal Visual Communication (Fascia A) (Sage Journals) Impact Factor: 1.2   

Double-blind peer review activity for the scientific journal Lingue e Linguaggi (Fascia A).   

Double-blind peer review activity for the scientific journal MediAzioni (Fascia A).                                                              

Double-blind peer review activity for the scientific journal Digital Humanities Interdisciplinary Digital Engagement in Arts & Humanities (IDEAH)

Double-blind peer review activities of contributions for the annual conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organisations (DH2024; 2025)



Statistically Reliable Image Tagging: Software for user-friendly visual and multimodal manual annotation, statistical analysis and data visualization. Wide range of export options available. Collaboration with ISTI-CNR (National Research Council)