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www.unive.it/persone/jasmine.pisapia (scheda personale)


Ph. D., Sociocultural Anthropology, Columbia University

M.A., Comparative Literature and Media Studies, Université de Montréal

B. A., Literature and Humanities, Université de Montréal


Environmental anthropology, anthropology of images, theater & performance, literary theory, psychoanalysis, aesthetics,  historical anthropology, feminist studies, European and Italian studies.


2022-2024                  SSHRC Postdoctoral Research Fellow, McGill University, Department of Anthropology


In progress:

Taken By Poison: Aesthetics, Environmental Catastrophe, and Italy’s Postindustrial South

[Book manuscript in preparation] 

Book chapters:

Pisapia, J. “Through the Keyhole: (Photographic) Desire and the Astronomical Imagination,” (article reprint) in Shanay Jhaveri (ed.), Night Fever: Film and Photography After Dark, Köln: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther und Franz König, 2024. 

Pisapia, J. Bonifacio, V. “Di bombe e lucciole. Una scrittura apotropaica per la fine del mondo,” Prefazione a Michael Taussig, L’arte del non-dominio nell’era dello sfaldamento globale, Milano, Mimesis/Meltemi editore, 2023.

Pisapia, J. “Visioni di polvere. Lutto, lavoro e bonifica nel cimitero di Taranto,” Il Ritmo dell’Esperienza : Nove Casi Etnografici per Ripensare l’Etnografia dei Conflitti Ambientali, Valentina Bonifacio, Rita Vinaello (eds.) Cooperativa Libraria Editrice Università di Padova, 2020.

Peer-reviewed journal articles:

Pisapia, J. “Ariadne in the Tiergarten: Kracauer’s Photographic Ethnography of the Detail,” Visual Anthropology Review (forthcoming).

Pisapia, J. "“Tristezza Siderurgica”". Intermédialités / Intermediality no. 39 “Retourner (la nostalgie) / Returning (Nostalgia)” (eds. André Habib, Suzanne Paquet, Carl Therrien) (2022) : 1–35.

Pisapia, J. Mongelli, I. “Per un’antropologia estetica della crisi ecologica: teatro, arti visive, e «crisi della presenza» nella città di Taranto” in Antropologia, Lucia Portis and Angela Biscald (eds), “Restituire. Un approccio multimediale” (2022)

Pisapia, J. “Slow Motion and Sports: Corporeal ‘Imageries,’ Hypnosis and Transfigured Time,” INCITE Journal of Experimental Media #7/8, 2016-2017.

Pisapia, J. “Behind the Scenes of The Sea Theater: Conversations with Michael Taussig (Columbia University) and Hélène Baril (Visual Artist)” in Seachange: Arts, Communication, Technologies, Montreal, Oct. 2015.

Pisapia, J.  “Archives du pathos. Ernesto de Martino et la survivance,” Intermediality. History and Theory of the Arts, Literature, and Technologies  n°18 “archiver/archiving, ” Fall 2011, p. 45-69. 

Pisapia, J. “Archives of Pathos. Image, Survival and Ernesto de Martino’s Interdisciplinary Ethnography,” Visual Ethnography, Vol. 2, n° 1, 2013.


2023 Presentation as part of the panel: “Poisons and Their Doubles” co-organized with Sandra T. Hyde (McGill University). American Anthropological Association (AAA), Toronto, Canada, November 15-19.

2023 “Between Nature and You: Nature Technology and Augmented Body in Italy’s Postindustrial South.” Invited talk at the International Center for Cultural Studies, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taipei, Taiwan, August 11th, 2023.

2023 "The Afterlives of Poison", Special Guest Lecture, Speaker Series of McGill's Department of Anthropology, March 13th. 

2022 Presentation as part of the panel: “(Dis)placing the Dead, (Un)earthing the Truth: The Politics of Death, Graves and Grief,” American Anthropological Association (AAA), Seattle, November 9-13, 2022.

2022 “Translating the End of the World: A Conversation with Dorothy Zinn and Jasmine Pisapia about Translating Ernesto De Martino’s Last Masterwork, La fine del mondo,” Columbia University, Department of Anthropology, Society of Fellows & Heyman Center for the Humanities, Institute for Comparative Literature and Society, Institute for Religion, Culture and Public Life, New York, April 28th.

2022 “‘Air at the End of the World’: Reading Taranto’s Environmental Crisis with Ernesto De Martino.” Presentation at the University of Cologne, “Crisis, Apocalypse and Millenarianism in the Contemporary World. A Workshop on Ernesto De Martino” organized by Martin Zillinger and Dorothy Zinn, 30 Nov. 2021.

See more creative projects in theater, curatorship, and publications at: www.jasmineclotildepisapia.com