- Qualifica
- Dottoranda
- Dottorato
38° Ciclo - Immatricolati nel 2022
- Area tematica
- Chinese Marked Passive Structures: A Corpus-Based Ecological Discourse Analysis of the Largest Chinese Companies Annual Reports on ESG Strategy
- Supervisore
- Daniele Brombal / Bianca Basciano
- Sito web
www.unive.it/persone/laura.locatelli (scheda personale)
- Struttura
Dipartimento di Studi sull'Asia e sull'Africa Mediterranea
Sito web struttura: https://www.unive.it/dsaam
Sept. 2022-ongoing: PhD Candidate in Chinese Linguistics (XXXVIII Cycle)
- Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Dept. of Asian and North African Studies - Supervisors: Prof. Bianca Basciano, Prof. Daniele Brombal; Co-supervisor: Prof. Zhuo Jing-Schmidt (University of Oregon, USA)
Sept. 2019-Jul. 2021: M.A. in Interpreting and Translation for Publishing and for Special Purposes (Ca' Foscari University of Venice)
Grade: 110/110 cum laude (First Class Honours)
Thesis Title: "The Acquisition of the Mandarin Chinese bèi Construction: Analysis of the Errors made by Italian-speaking Learners". Supervisors: Prof. Bianca Basciano, Prof. Anna Morbiato
Sept. 2016-Nov. 2019: B.A. in Foreign Languages and Literature (University of Bergamo)
Grade: 110/110 cum laude (First Class Honours)
Thesis Title: "On the Adjectival Modification in Modern Chinese". Supervisor: Prof. Maria Giuseppina Gottardo.
Sept. 2022-ongoing: 3-year PhD full scholarship, Italian Ministry of University / Ca' Foscari University of Venice
Jan. 2019: Chinese Government Merit Scholarship, China
Aug. 2018-Jan. 2019: Overseas Scholarship (Merit Scholarship), University of Bergamo / Dalian University of Foreign Languages (China)
Nov. 2024: Visiting researcher at the University of California (UCLA), Los Angeles (USA), sponsored by Prof. Hongyin Tao.
Oct. 2024: Visiting researcher at the University of Oregon, Eugene (USA), sponsored by Prof. Zhuo Jing-Schmidt. Project Title: "A cognitive perspective on Chinese passive constructions".
Apr.-May 2024: Visiting researcher at the University of Oregon, Eugene (USA), sponsored by Prof. Zhuo Jing-Schmidt. Project title: "A functional oriented CxG approach to Chinese passive constructions in environmental communication". Courses attended: (CHN 480) Chinese Linguistics, (GSL 407) Mind and Metaphors.
Sept. 2023-ongoing: Tutor for Chinese Language 1.1 (30h), Chinese Language 2.1 (30 h), Chinese Language 3.1 (30 h), Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Dept. of Asian and North-African Studies
Mar. 2023-ongoing: Teaching Assistant Senior for Chinese Linguistics, Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Dept. of Asian and North-African Studies
Oct. 2020-Sept. 2022: Italian Teacher to Chinese Students (Huayitong Education 华意通教育)
Jan. 2018-Sept. 2022: Translator and Consecutive Interpreter IT<>ENG / IT<>CH / CH<>ENG
CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS (peer-reviewed presented papers)
2025: [accepted] Chinese lexical passive constructions: a corpus-based study on their pragmatic implications. MFiL - Manchester Forum in Linguistics, May 1-2, University of Manchester, UK.
2024: Environmental sustainability in the ESG reports of Chinese listed companies: A preliminary corpus-assisted collocation analysis from an ecolinguistic perspective. The 12th International Conference of the European Association of Chinese Linguistics (EACL-12), Sept. 19-20, Roma Tre University, Italy.
2024: Chinese passive construction and grounding: a preliminary corpus-based functional analysis. The 12th International Conference of the European Association of Chinese Linguistics (EACL-12), Sept. 19-20, Roma Tre University, Italy.
2024: Exploring the syntactic and semantic features of Chinese lexical passive constructions: a comparative corpus-based study on 得到 dédào, 受 shòu, and 遭 zāo structures. 25th Biennial Conference of EACS (European Association for Chinese Studies), Aug. 27-30, Tallin University, Estonia.
2024: The acquisition of Chinese 被 bèi passive construction by Italian learners of L2 Chinese: Combining experimental and introspective data (with Alessia Iurato). 25th Biennial Conference of EACS (European Association for Chinese Studies), Aug. 27-30, Tallin University, Estonia.
2024: Novel Approaches to Eco-linguistics: Methodological Tools and their Application to Chinese Texts (with Sergio Conti, Pui Yiu Szeto and Daniele Brombal). 25th Biennial Conference of EACS (European Association for Chinese Studies), Aug. 27-30, Tallin University, Estonia.
2024: Framing agency in passive constructions: a corpus-based semantic analysis of Chinese environmental discourse. The 7th International Conference on Ecolinguistics (ICE-7), Aug. 22-26, Beijing Normal University, China.
2024: Ecolinguistics for Sustainability Transformations. Novel Research Trajectories at LAST Lab, Venice Ca' Foscari University (with Daniele Brombal, Sergio Conti, Maria Stella Burgio and Pui Yiu Szeto). The 7th International Conference on Ecolinguistics (ICE-7), Aug. 22-26, Beijing Normal University, China.
2024: Environmental sustainability in the ESG reports of Chinese listed companies: A preliminary corpus-assisted analysis from an ecolinguistic perspective (with Daniele Brombal, Sergio Conti & Pui Yiu Szeto). 7th Corpora and Discourse International Conference (CADS24), Jul 17-19, University of Innsbruck, Austria.
2024: Foregrounding and backgrounding through passive constructions: a corpus-based functional analysis of Chinese environmental discourse. 7th Corpora and Discourse International Conference (CADS24), Jul 17-19, University of Innsbruck, Austria.
2024: Chinese passive constructions in environmental communication: a corpus-based preliminary inquiry into their discourse functions. 4th International Doctoral Symposium on Asian and African Studies (IDSAAS IV), Apr 3-4, Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy.
2023: La lingua dei report ESG sulla sostenibilità delle aziende cinesi quotate: un'analisi preliminare corpus-assisted secondo la prospettiva ecolinguistica (with Sergio Conti & Pui Yiu Szeto). XIX AISC Conference (Italian Association of Chinese Studies), Sept. 21-23, University of Rome "Sapienza", Italy.
2023: La costruzione passiva con bèi 被 nel cinese L2 di apprendenti italofoni: uno studio preliminare (with Alessia Iurato). XIX AISC Conference (Italian Association of Chinese Studies), Sept. 21-23, University of Rome "Sapienza", Italy.
2023: L2 acquisition of syntactic and semantic properties of 被 bèi passive construction by L1 Italian learners (with Alessia Iurato). 7th International Conference of Chinese as a Second Language (CASLAR). Aug. 17-18-19, Peking University, China.
2022: The Chinese passive 被 bèi construction in Italian learners' L2 Chinese: A preliminary study based on experimental data (with Alessia Iurato). VII Edition of the Study Days on Chinese Linguistics, promoted by the Italian Association of Chinese Linguistics (AILC). Sept. 9-10, University of Bergamo, Italy.
2025: Scientific Committee of the IACL (International Association of Chinese Linguistics) Conference, July 2-4, Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy.
2024: Scientific Committee of the workshop "A digital turn in Humanities: Methodologies and issues", Mar. 12-13, Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy.
2024: Scientific Committee of the PhD Symposium “Metaphors: Conceptualising Horizons of Meaning”, Febr. 26-28, Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy.
2024: "Chinese passive constructions: exploring syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic aspects with a focus on environmental communication". Lecture for MA course in Chinese linguistics organized by Prof. Zhuo Jing-Schmidt, May 22, University of Oregon, USA.
2024: "Automatic Semantic Tagging: Testing the Accuracy in a Chinese Corpus". A digital turn in Humanities: Methodologies and issues, March 12-13, Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy.
2024-ongoing: member of the linguistic group for the project on the Chinese-Italian expletive negation and boundary event constructions, coordinated by Prof. Zhuo Jing-Schmidt (University of Oregon, USA).
2024: member of the linguistic group for the translation of the Constitution of the Italian Republic into Chinese, coordinated by Prof. Renzo Cavalieri (Ca' Foscari University, Italy) and appointed by the Senate of the Republic.
2023-ongoing: member of the ecolinguistic cluster of Lab on Area studies for Sustainability Transformations (LAST), coordinated by Prof. Daniele Brombal (Ca' Foscari University, Italy).
EACL (European Association of Chinese Linguistics), since 2024
AISC (Associazione Italiana di Studi Cinesi [Italian Association fo Chinese Studies]), since 2023
AILC (Associazione Italiana di Linguistica Cinese [Italian Association of Chinese Linguistics]), since 2022
IEA (the International Ecolinguistics Association), since 2022
EACS (European Association of Chinese Studies), since 2022
Nov. 2022-Dec. 2024: Student Representative of the PhD Program in Asian and African Studies, Ca' Foscari University of Venice.
Italian: Native Speaker
English: Advanced
Mandarin Chinese: Advanced
Cantonese: Elementary
German: Elementary
2020: 120-Hour Master TEFL&TESOL Course
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