- Qualifica
- Dottoranda
- Dottorato
37° Ciclo - Immatricolati nel 2021
- Area tematica
- Toward a political genealogy of walking. Reading urban space through the lens of an ecological practice. Borsa PON R&I 2014-2020
- Supervisore
- Briguglia Gianluca / Cesarale Giorgio / Castela Tiago (Università di Coimbra - CES - Center for Social Studies)
- Sito web
www.unive.it/persone/elisa.mozzelin (scheda personale)
- Struttura
Dipartimento di Filosofia e Beni Culturali
Sito web struttura: https://www.unive.it/dip.fbc
Research interests
Philosophy of (social) space, philosophy of the city, Politics of Walking, Feminism, Political Ecology.
2024 Advanced Course (corso di perfezionamento) in Gender History, globalization and democracy of care, Università degli studi di Urbino Carlo Bo.
2024. Visting. Center for Mobility Studies (CeMoRe), Lancaster University, Lancaster (UK). Supervisor: Prof. Lynne Pearce.
2023-2024. Visiting. Center for Social Studies (CES), University of Coimbra, Coimbra (PT). Supervisor: Prof. Tiago Castela.
2022. PhD Candidate. PON R&I scholarship for "Green" PhD Programmes. Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Venice.
Research Project: Toward a Political Genealogy of Walking. Reading urban space through the lens of an ecological practice.
2020. Scholar. Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici, Naples.
2019. MA in Philosophical Sciences. Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Venice.
Final Dissertation: Henri Lefebvre: the production of space, the critics of everyday life, the right to the city.
2015. BA in Philosophy. Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, Bologna.
Final Dissertation: Herbert Marcuse and the Society as Artwork.
2014. LLP Erasmus for Study. Jagellonian University, Cracow, Poland.
(in progress) Mozzelin, E. Camminare (alle Grave di Ciano, in Acque Contese. Un glossario per le Grave di Ciano, a cura di G. Fava, F. Melina, M. Savoldelli. Ventura edizioni, Pescara.
Mozzelin, E. (2024). The Psychogeographic Fotoromanzo as an Urban Affective Mapping Practice. Notes on Ralph Rumney’s The leaning Tower of Venice. In Public Art, Urban Arts: Aesthetics, Practices and Languages in the City. Edited by A. Borchi, F. Fimiani, E. Chinellato, F. Sabatini. Vol. 6, (n.2/2023). ISSN 2612-0496
Mozzelin, E. (2022). Camminare è prendere posizione. Per un’ecologia politica del transito pedonale. In Fare Mondi. Quaderni di Ecologie Politiche del Presente. A cura di Capone, N. e Valisena, D. Introduzione di J.W. Moore. Naples: Tamu. ISBN: 9791280195104.
Mozzelin, E. (2021). Quarantine Symptomatology: is a naked running body an heterotopy? In Urban Corporis X Unexpected. Eds. Milocco Borlini, M., Califano, A. Treviso: Anteferma. ISBN: 978-88-32050-96-7.
Mozzelin, E. (2021). Toward a critic of space as orthos paideia. Reading Le Corbusier through Henri Lefebvre’s philosophy of
space. In Quantifying bodies and health. Interdisciplinary approaches. Eds. Braga, J. & Guidi, S., Coleção eQVODLIBET 8, Coimbra: IEF. ISBN: 978-989-54328-7-55.
Conferences (as a speaker)
- Reading Walking as a Political Practice. Community, Politics and Creativity in Mobilities Research. CeMoRe Summer Seminar. Center for Mobilities Research, Lancaster University, Lancaster (UK). 20/07/2024.
- The Enclosed Body: Notes on Women's Spatial Situatedness. Care, Commons, Reproduction, 2024 CRMEP Graduate Conference, Kingston University, Londra (UK). 23-24/05/2024.
- Reading Walking as a Political Practice. Notes on urban everyday life, situatedness and spatial agency. Discussant: Carlos Fortuna, Moderator: Tiago Castela. Center for Social Studies (CES), Coimbra (PT), 02/05/2024.
- Body, walking, surface. Roundtable with Joaquim Braga (UC) and André Barata (UBI). Universidade de Beira Interior, (UBI) Covilha (PT), 04/12/2023.
- The production of space and its foundation of inequality. How commons can draw a third way. Segregation, Social and Spatial Inequalities. 62nd ERSA Congress, Alicante (SP), 28/08-02/09/2023.
- Walking the space. Political perspectives on interactions and contrasts between social products. CeMoRe's 20th Anniversary Colloquium, Center for Mobilities Research, University of Lancaster, Lancaster (UK), 17/07/2023.
- The Psychogeographic Fotoromanzo. The case of Ralph Rumney's "The Leaning Tower of Venice". The politics and poetics of walking ethnographies Panel. 9th Ethnography and Qualitative Research Conference, Trento, 08-10/06/2023.
- Walking through the enclosures. Transformation of space and metamorphosis of the walking practice from the process of original accumulation. Mobilities: Disruptions and Reconnections. T2M 20th Annual Conference, organized by the International Association for the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility. Centre for Advanced Studies in Mobility & Humanities. Padova, 21-24/09/2022.
Conferences (as chair and organising committee)
- Turns and Revolutions. VIIth Phd Congress, Ca' Foscari University - Paris 1 (Pantheon Sorbonne) University, 12-14 February 2025.
- Kathrin Yusoff, The Geophysics of Space, 11/09/2024, Venezia, Ca’ Foscari.
- Venice Issues on Matter. VIth PhD Congress, Ca' Foscari University - Paris 1 (Pantheon Sorbonne) University, 21-23 February 2024.
- Environmental Issues. Vth PhD Congress, Ca' Foscari University - Paris 1 (Pantheon Sorbonne) University, Venice, 1-3 March 2023.
- Eco-political Epistemologies. Histories of Knowledge: Political, Historical and Cultural Epistemologies in Intellectual History, organized by the International Society for Intellectual History. Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Venice (IT), 12-15 September 2022.
Academic Trainings
2023. Workshop (with scholarship). Mobility Justice and Climate Reparations: Reflection on 20 Years of Mobilities Research with Mimi Sheller. University of Lancaster, Lancaster (UK).
2022. Summer School. Gender and Capital: history and theoretical perspectives. Società Italiana delle Storiche. Fiesole, Florence (IT).
2022. Summer School. Environmental Humanities. VIU, San Servolo, Venice (IT).
Teaching Assistantship and Tutorship
2024-2025 Tutor of the students of the BA in Philosophy.
2024-2025. Tutor of the students of the BA in Philosophy, International and Economics Studies (PISE).
2023-2024. Tutor for the students' final dissertation (BA in Philosopy and MA in Philosophical Sciences).
2023. Examination assistant. Zero Lecture on Sustainability. Social Dimension (Anthropocene, Feminism and Social Inequalities). Spring Semester.
Scientific Journal Peer Reviewer
2024. Forum Sociologico. https://journals.openedition.org/sociologico/.
Italian: mother tongue
English: advanced
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