Sito web (scheda personale)


Current research position
ERC Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage, University Ca’ Foscari of Venice (GA n. 949742 ERC-HealthXCross)


Publications in preparation

Barchetta L., Climate change and political ecologies, in Kazig R., Masson D., Welton M., Wieczorek I. (Eds) “Routledge Handbook of Ambiances and Atmospheres” (chapter accepted for section 5 “Future Challenges”)
Barchetta L., Bolzoni M., Semi G., “Luckily we don’t have any Negroes here”. Exploring the construction of Italian whiteness in racially mixed neighborhoods (article submitted, first round of review)


Barchetta L., (2021). La rivolta del verde: nature e rovine a Torino (AgenziaX, Terrae)

Book chapters

Barchetta L., (2019). Green is not always perfectly green: temporality, decay and open spaces in riverside Turin in Evans G. (Ed) “New Ethnographies of Post-industrial Precarity”, Vernon Press.
Barchetta L., (2020). Walking with plants: disrupting the material logics of degrado at the banks of Turin’s Stura River in Jasper S., Gandy M. (Eds) “The Botanical City”, Jovis Verlag.

Working papers

Barchetta L., (2017). The natures of cities: a typology of green spaces and property regimes, Gran sasso Science Institute Working Papers Series
Barchetta L., (2016). Renaturing cities: green space for all or elitist landscape? A review of the literature, Gran Sasso Science Institute Working Paper Series

Book reviews

Barchetta L., (2019). Urban Gardening as Politics by Chiara Tornaghi and Chiara Certomà (Eds). International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 43(4), 809-810.


2019 Ph.D. in Urban Studies obtained with an excellent degree by the Gran Sasso Science Institute/Social Sciences Unit

2014 MA in Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology (ITA, FRE), Department of Cultures, Politics and Society, University of Turin 

2012 LLP Erasmus Program (FRE, ENG), Université Lumière Lyon2

2011 BA in Intercultural Communication (ITA), Faculty of Literature and Philosophy University of Turin

Previous research positions

2020-2021 Postdoctoral Research Fellow (ITA, ENG), the Department of Architecture and Arts, University IUAV of Venice

2019-2020 Research Fellow (ITA), Department of Cultures, Politics and Society, University of Turin

2015-2019 Ph.D. Candidate in Urban Studies, XXXI cycle (ENG), Gran Sasso Science Institute/Social Science Unit

2018 Visiting Researcher (ENG), Center for Metropolitan Studies, TU University, Berlin (Mentor: Dorothee Brantz)

2018 Visiting Researcher (ENG), Rethinking Urban Nature Project, University of Cambridge (Mentor: Matthew Gandy)

2012-2013 Research Assistant (FRE), Maison des Services Publics, Villeurbanne.

2012 Research Intern (FRE), Centre Social Charpennes-Tonkin, Lyon.

International seminars organization

(ongoing) Temporalities of Urban Natures: narratives, imaginaries and practices, seminar series funded by the Urban Studies Foundation.

(co-organised and chaired) The sociology of evictions, seminar held by Prof. Matthew Desmond, Department of Cultures, Politics and Society, University of Turin

(co-organised and chaired) From light to dark, seminar held by Prof. Tim Edensor, Department of Cultures, Politics and Society, University of Turin

Teaching experiences


University of Turin, Academic tutor (ITA), Specialisation course “Culture urbane”, SPS/07 (sociology)


University of Turin, Academic tutor (ITA), Specialisation course “Culture urbane”, SPS/07 (sociology)

Presentations and lectures


Walking with Urban Natures. Rethinking Mobile Ethnography in the Anthropocene (ENG), Department of Historical and Geographic Sciences and the Ancient World, University of Padua

The Temporal Dimensions of Urban Natures (ITA), Department of Cultures, Politics and Society, University of Turin

Conflicting multibeings temporalities of material decay (ENG), Temporal Belongings Conference


Politicising the Atmospheres of Environmental Changes (ENG), International Ambiance Network

Doing ethnographic research in a pandemic (ITA), Department of Cultures, Politics and Society, University of Turin


An ethnographic approach to the study of urban atmospheres (ITA), Department of Cultures, Politics and Society, University of Turin

Civilising ugly nature: urban biodiversity and the issue of urban decorum in Italy (ITA), Department of Cultures, Politics and Society, University of Turin

Populist-revanchist urbanism and the imaginaries of urban environmental change in contemporary Italy (ENG), Political Ecologies of the Far-Right Conference, Lund University


Ethnography and traces. Experimental comparison and open spaces in riverside Turin (ENG), 7th Ethnography and Qualitative Research Conference, Bergamo

Understanding the temporalities of urban natures through atmospheres (ENG), From horror vacui to spaces of re-enchantement: art, ecology and urban wastelands, Berlin UdK

Exploring processes of abandonment and decay in open spaces of post-industrial riverside Turin (ENG), 12th International Ethnography Symposium, Manchester


The ethnography of urban natures (ITA), Department of Cultures, Politics and Society, University of Turin

Riverine ecologies. An urban environmental history of Turin (ENG), AAG, Boston


The natures of cities. A typology of green spaces and property regimes, Regional Studies Association Winter Conference, London.

Understanding urban natures through the practice of property (ITA), Department of Cultures, Politics and Society, University of Turin

Grants awarded

2021 ERC Postdoctoral Research Fellowship from Cà Foscari University of Venice (GA n. 949742 ERC-HealthXCross)
2021 Urban Studies Foundation Seminar Series Awards (Grant Code: USF-SSA-210201)
2020-2021 Postdoctoral Research Fellowship from University IUAV of Venice
2019-2020 Research Grant from the University of Turin
2015-2019 PhD Scholarship, Gran Sasso Science Institute



2021 Environmental Development

2018 International Journal of Urban and Regional Research


2020 Examiner, Specialisation course “Laboratorio di progettazione e gestione del verde urbano”, Instructor: Prof. Bianca Maria Rinaldi, Polytechnic School of Turin

2019 Official Rapporteur, Rail City Lab Workshop on the future development of Turin’s railway stations


Mother tongue: Italian English level: C1 French level: C1 Spanish level: B1

Barchetta L. (updated 12/11/2021)