Silvia NEGRO

37° Ciclo - Immatricolati nel 2021
Area tematica
Zunino Maddalena Luisa (Università di Udine) / De Vido Stefania
Sito web (scheda personale)
Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici
Sito web struttura:

Silvia Negro (1991) è attualmente borsista di Dottorato in Scienze dell'Antichità (XXXVII ciclo) presso l'Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia, interateneo con l'Università degli Studi di Udine e l'Università degli Studi di Trieste.


Curriculum Vitae of Silvia NEGRO

_________Current Position

Sept. 2021 – now: PhD Candidate in Classics at Ca' Foscari University of Venice (fully-funded PhD scholarship), partnership with University of Udine and University of Trieste. Research Project in Greek History (Epigraphy): The demotic life in Attica and the deme of Halai Aixonides (Supervisors: M. Zunino; S. De Vido)


Dec. 2016-May. 2019: Post-lauream Specialization Degree in Classical Archaeology at School of Archaeology of Matera (University of Basilicata - Italy). Grade: 70/70 with honors. Thesis in Greek Archaeology. Title: Prestigious productions in Attica: the case of honey (Supervisor: M. Ch. Monaco)

Oct. 2013-Apr. 2016: Master’s Degree in Archaeology and Ancient history at University of Turin (Italy). Grade: 110/110 with honors. Thesis in Greek Epigraphy. Title: Athenian overseas territories: the case of Skyros (Supervisors: E. Culasso; D. Marchiandi)

Sept. 2010 - July. 2013: Bachelor’s Degree in Classics at University of Turin (Italy). Grade: 109/110. Thesis in Greek History. Title: The Attic deme of Halai Aixonides (Supervisors: E. Culasso; D. Marchiandi)

_________ Membership

May. 2022 – now: Member of the Editorial Board of the academic journal Axon. Iscrizioni Storiche (link)

Sept. 2021 – now: Member of the Laboratory of Greek Epigraphy of Ca' Foscari University of Venice (link)

_________Academic Positions 

a.a. 2023/24 Teaching Assistant Senior in Greek History (Courses: Greek History A-L (Prof. C. Antonetti); Greek History M-Z (St. De Vido).

_________Post-lauream research activity abroad

Mar. - May. 2023: Visiting Doctoral Researcher at University of Ottawa (Ontario, Canada). Invited at the uOttawa VRS programme under the supervision of Prof. J. Serrati. Research and lecture activity.

Sept. - Dec. 2022: PhD Candidate selected for the four-month Doctoral training (Formazione Dottorale) at the Italian Archaeological School at Athens. Research and study of epigraphic documentation at the National Archaeological Museum of Athens, the Epigraphic Museum and the Piraeus Museum.

Oct. - Nov. 2018: Postgraduate student selected for the Erasmus+ programme at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, under the supervision of Prof. E. Kefalidou. Research and study of materials of interest for the Specialization Research Thesis (Post-lauream Specialization Degree in Classical Archaeology).

_________ Teams and Collaborations

Sept. 2023-now: Collaboration with the project ELA - Epigraphic Landscape of Athens. Project coordinated by C. Lasagni (University of Turin).

June. 2023-now: Collaboration with the Telling Stones Project, a Participatory Storytelling Experiment inspired by the Convention of Faro and led by the University of Turin (Greek History Chair: Prof. D. Marchiandi, C. Lasagni) that aims to enhance and increase the public knowledge of the epigraphic landscape of Athens by means of user-friendly, scientifically correct and georeferenced audioguides supported by the app IziTravel.

June. 2022-now: Collaboration with the international research group TeMAES (Territoires multiples: agentivité et environnements socio-économiques), coordinated by C. Weber Pallez (EfA) with the Venetian unit coordinated by S. De Vido: project chosen as strategic by the École Française d'Athènes (EfA) for the five-year programme 2022-2026. 

July.-Aug. 2018: Collaboration at the Egyptian Museum of Turin. Training topic: project of reorganization of the digital Scientific Photographic Archive (products of the CROMA photographic campaign), to improve the Museum's MuseumPlus research tool (tutor: E. Ferraris, curator). Training in itinere: museum collections, curator activities, exhibition set-up practices, internal cataloguing methods.

June.-July. 2018: Archaeological excavation activity at the site of Siris-Herakleia, Policoro (Basilicata - Italy), under the direction of Prof. St. Verger, in collaboration with the School of Specialisation in Archaeology of Matera and the École Pratique des Hautes Études.

June.-July. 2017: Archaeological excavation activity at the site of Siris-Herakleia, Policoro (Basilicata - Italy), under the direction of Prof. St. Verger, in collaboration with the School of Specialisation in Archaeology of Matera and the École Pratique des Hautes Études.

Aug. 2014: Archaeological excavation activity at the medieval site of Isola del Cantone, Genoa (Liguria - Italy), directed by the Chair of Medieval Archaeology of the University of Turin (Prof. P. De Vingo).

Aug.-Sept. 2014: Archaeological excavation activity at the site of the Roman rural villa of Costigliole di Saluzzo, Cuneo (Piedmont - Italy), directed by the Chair of Classical Archaeology of the University of Turin (Prof. D. Elia).

_________ Recent invited and accepted Conference talks

  • 22/11/2023 : Il santuario di Apollo Zoster: il luogo di culto e il suo paesaggio, in Colloque international. Paysages et sanctuaires. La redécouverte des lieux de culte dans le bassin égéen et en Italie méridionale, 21-23 novembre 2023, Strasbourg.
  • 30/05/2023: Paesaggio e territorio degli Halaieis: riflessioni sulla conformazione dell'area di un demo attico, in Experiencing the Landscape in Antiquity 3. III Convegno Internazionale di Antichità, 29-31 maggio 2023, Roma.
  • 12/01/2023: Epigrafi in movimento e collezionismo epigrafico: esempi da Halai Aixonides, in SAEG. Seminario Avanzato di Epigrafia Greca, 12-14 gennaio 2023, Perugia.
  • 07/06/2022: Il dato toponomastico nella ricostruzione del territorio antico: il caso di Halai Aixonides, in TeMAES 3. Territoires Multiples: nomi, definizioni, lessico, 6-7 giugno 2023, Venezia.

_________   Teaching experience, Lectures, Research Seminars

a.a. 2023/24 Lessons as Teaching Assistant Senior in Greek History (Courses: Greek History A-L (Prof. C. Antonetti); Greek History M-Z (St. De Vido).

Other lectures and seminars:

  • 19/10/2023: Lavorare sul corpus epigrafico di un demo attico, in the specialistic course Greek Epigraphy (Prof. Stefania De Vido).
  • 19/04/2023: Euthynai nei demi attici: considerazioni su IG II2 1174 e IG II2 1183, in Chi Cerca Trova. Seminario del Dottorato Interateneo in Scienze dell’Antichità Venezia - Udine - Trieste, 19 aprile 2023, Venezia.
  • 12/04/2023: The cult of Apollo Zoster. A deme worship between history and myths, Lecture Series of the Department of Classics and Religious Studies, University of Ottawa, 12 aprile 2023, Ottawa.

Jan.-June. 2017-2018 Research reports and Seminars in the Specialization School of Archaeology of Matera (UniBas):

  • Città e fortificazioni in Età tardoantica. Cronologie e fenomeni di variazione dell’area urbana in connessione alle mura: casi-studio dell’Italia settentrionale, in the course Late Antique Archaeology (Prof. R. Goffredo)
  • Il “Castellaccio” di Alba (Cn): analisi della tessitura muraria del prospetto ovest, in the course Medieval Archaeology (Prof. F. Sogliani)
  • Strumenti e metodi della produzione di miele nel Medioevo: iconografia e altre fonti documentarie, in the course Medieval Archaeology of Production (Prof. R. Fiorillo)
  • La collezione Rizzon del Museo Ridola. Produzione apula: le forme vascolari chiuse, in the course Archaeology of Magna Graecia (Prof. D. Roubis)
  • Abbey Summer Nights. Progetto di valorizzazione dell'Abbazia di Casanova, in the course Cultural Heritage Communication (Prof. R. Carella)
  • L’ambiente nel sito della villa rustica romana di Costigliole di Saluzzo, in the course Archaeobotany and Pedology (Prof. L. Scrano)
  • La chora cumana: sviluppo e gestione del territorio, in the course Landscape Archaeology (Prof. D. Roubis) 
  • La chora di Cuma all’epoca della tirannide di Aristodemo: la documentazione letteraria, in the course Literary source Exegesis (Prof. A. Corcella)
  • La carta archeologica di Alba (Cn): il centro storico di Alba dalla fondazione al XIII secolo, in the course Ancient Topography (Prof. M. Marchi)
  • Miele attico: catalogo delle fonti letterarie e considerazioni preliminari sui dati archeologici, in the course Greek Archaeology (Prof. M. Ch. Monaco)
  • Pila del Brancòn, Corte Lazise e contesti emiliani: contesti cultuali in acqua e su altura tra Bronzo recente e Bronzo finale, in the course Prehistory (Prof. M. Bettelli)

2017 - 2021: the research activity was complemented by teaching periods in Secondary School, classes of Literature, History, Latin and ancient Greek (classes A11, A12, A13, A22). 

Other Degrees in Teaching and Didactics obtained:

  • a.a. 2019/20: Master (1st level) in Didattica e competenze nelle Scienze Letterarie (Didactic methods in Humanities), grade 30/30; 
  • a.a. 2020/21: Postgraduate course in CLIL-Content and Language Integrated Learning.                         

_________ Collaboration with Cultural Associations

2021: Member of the Italian National Youth Association for UNESCO. Role: associate, cultural projects.

2018: Member of the cultural association ARA - Art Restoration Archaeology. Role: Archaeologist and Historian.

_________ Languages and Computer Skills

Modern Languages:

  1. Italian: Native speaker
  2. Inglese: Advanced 
  3. French: Intermediate
  4. German: Basic
  5. Modern Greek: Basic

Ancient Languages:

  1. Ancient Greek – Read/translate with high proficiency
  2. Latin – Read/translate with high proficiency

Computer skills:

  • Certificate ECDL - European Computer Driving Licence (Windows Office).   
  • Certificate Eipass - European Informatics Passport