Daniele PELOSI

36° Ciclo - Immatricolati nel 2020
Area tematica
STILI, MODELLI E ICONOGRAFIE TRA ROMA E L’ADRIATICO. IDENTITÀ E CONTESTI NELLA COMMITTENZA DEL CARDINALE MARCO VIGERIO (1505-1516). Il progetto vuole sottoporre ad analisi critica il contesto di committenza artistica gravitante attorno alla corte del cardinale Marco Vigerio (1505-1516), eminente autorità politica e culturale dell’entourage del pontefice Giulio II. L’indagine si propone di ricomporre la rete di rapporti intessuta dal personaggio con artisti, umanisti e committenti tra Roma e bacino adriatico e di definire il ruolo rivestito dal prelato nelle strategie figurative del pontefice.
Sapienza Valentina / Gudelj Jasenka / Witte Arnold (cotutela in uscita con la University of Amsterdam)
Sito web
www.unive.it/persone/daniele.pelosi (scheda personale)
Dipartimento di Filosofia e Beni Culturali
Sito web struttura: https://www.unive.it/dip.fbc

Daniele Pelosi is a PhD student of Art History at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. He obtained a BA degree in Cultural Heritage Studies from the University of Milan (2014) with a thesis on the patronage of the Duke of Milan Galeazzo Maria Sforza, which examined the archaic tendency of the Duke's decorative campaigns in the light of his political propaganda. After an internship at the National Museum of Capodimonte in Naples, he received a MA degree in History of Art from the University of Milan (2019) with a dissertation on the patronage of Cardinal Marco Vigerio (1505-1516) for the young Domenico Beccafumi in Rome. His current PhD project investigates Cardinal Vigerio’s relations with artists, humanists and patrons, focusing on his impact over the figurative strategies of Julius II’s pontificate (1503-1513) and the role played by the character in the artistic, religious and cultural contexts of the Adriatic Coast during the late 15th and the early 16th century.