Professore Ordinario
Delegato di Dipartimento all'Internazionalizzazione/EUTOPIA
041 234 9153
Politica economica [ECON-02/A]
Sito web (scheda personale)
Dipartimento di Economia
Sito web struttura:
Sede: San Giobbe
Research Institute
Research Institute for Complexity


Associate Professor at the Economics Department of University Ca’ Foscari of Venice  

Associate Professor at the Department of Banking and Finance, University of Zurich

Name: Stefano Battiston

Citizenship:  Italian

ResearchID: I-2624-2012


Scopus ID: 6603263932

Website Univ. of Zurich:

Website Univ. of Venice:

Google Scholar profile:



Stefano Battiston is a leading expert in the areas of economic and financial networks, systemic risk, and sustainable finance, as reflected in several top-journal publications and EU project coordination awards. His scientific background in complex systems, combined with 15 years of research in economics and finance, put him in a unique position to understand policy issues both from a quantitative and holistic perspective. The societal and policy relevance of his research is reflected in durable dialogues with a vast network of contacts with policymaking institutions and stakeholders. In the recent years, he has been leading a group of 10+ people among researchers and administrative staff. His ambition is to expand further his innovative research program on complex financial networks and sustainability and to mainstream it in the scientific community, teaching programs and among practitioners.


Research projects (selected)

Responsibilities in National and International Research Grants

·   CLIMEX, EU H2020 Innovation Launchpad Award “Climate risk assessment tool for financial portfolios”, feasibility study to bridge climate financial risk metric to the market, 100K Euros.

·   INSPIRE grant, Stock taking exercise with financial supervisors about new climate financial risk metrics. 30K Euros

·   SNSF Professorship grant “Systemic Risk and Financial Networks”: duration 2013-2019, 2.1M CHF total budget. Role: principal investigator, scientific concept and supervision.

·   DOLFINS, EU H2020 FET project “Distributed Global Financial Systems for Society”, n. 640772: duration 2015-2018, 14 partner institutions, 4.2M Euro budget. Role: project coordinator, scientific concept, supervision., 

·   SIMPOL, EU FP7 FET project “Simulation of Financial Networks for Policy Models”, n.610704 duration 2013-2016, 6 partner institutions, 1.8M euro budget,. Role: project coordinator, scientific concept and supervision.,

·   Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) research grant Task Force “Macroeconomic efficiency and Stability” (2016-2018) coordinated by J.E. Stiglitz (Columbia University). Role: leader of working group Financial Networks.

·   FINREALNET (FINancial and REAL Sector NETworks in Europe) Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship Program: duration 2017-2018, grant no. 704936. Topic: Network analysis of systemically important real sectors in the euro area and models of for sector targeting macro-prudential tools. Role: supervision of the post-doctoral researcher fellow.

·   ISIGROWTH: H2020 grant no. 649186, duration 2015 – 2018. Topics: financial innovation and real economy growth, inequality. Role: Node and task leader. 

·   SEIMETRICS: H2020-FET grant no. 649982, duration 2015 – 2018. Topics: metrics to account for climate impact of portfolio investments. Role: Node and task leader.

·   BigDataFinance (“Big Data in Financial Research and Risk Management”) Marie Curie Innovative Training Network grant no. 675044. Topic: Doctoral training of 15 researchers at the crossroad of Finance and Big Data. Duration 2016-2019. Role: supervision of two of the 15 fellows.

·   OpenMaker, H2020 grant no. 687941. Topic: social innovation in real and financial sector. Duration 2016-2019. Role: Role: Node and task leader.

·   2010-2013, EU-FET project FOC “Forecasting Financial Crises”, coordinated by Prof. Guido Caldarelli at IMT Lucca. Role: coordination of several working packages and tasks on systemic risk monitoring and IT development.

·   2012-2015, EU-FET Integrated Project MULTIPLEX, coordinated by Prof. Guido Caldarelli (IMT Lucca). Role: contribution to project concept, negotiation process and dissemination tasks.


Scientific Reviewer and Editor

·   Economics and Finance Journals:

o   Econometrica, Reviewer for J. of Economic Behaviour and Organization, J. of Economic Dynamics and Control, J. of Financial Stability, J. of Banking and Finance, Quantitative Finance, J. of Financial Network Theory.

o   Associate Editor for J. of Financial Stability (from 2019), J. of Financial Network Theory (from 2018). Guest Editor for three special issues of J. of Financial Stability (2017, 2018)

·   Interdisciplinary Journals:

o   Reviewer for Nature, PNAS, Science Advances, Scientific Reports, Physics Review E, Physics Review D, European Physics Journal B, Quantitative Finance, Physica A.

o   Guest editor for EPJB in 2010. Associate editor for EPJDATA (from 2014).


Organization of international conferences

·     Organizer of the 2020 UZH Conference on Sustainable, January 15-16 2020, Univ. of Zurich hosting Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz.

·     Organizer of the 2nd FINEXUS Conference on Financial Networks and Sustainability, January 17-19 2018, Univ. of Zurich and the Key Panel on hosting Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz, Graeme Maxton (Secr. Gen. of Club of Rome) as well as three high-rank representatives of public and private global financial institutions.

·     Co-organizer of 2nd conference on "Network models, stress testing, and other tools for financial stability monitoring and macro-prudential policy design and implementation", Mexico City 26-28, September 2017 in collaboration with the Journal of Financial Stability.

·     Organizer of the 1st FINEXUS Conference on Financial Networks and Sustainability, January 9-13 2017, Univ. of Zurich and the Round Table on the nexus finance-climate-inequality hosting Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz.

·     Organizer of the public lecture Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz at University of Stiglitz “Financial Complexity and Climate Change”, Zurich, January 18, 2016

·     Co-organizer of 1st conference on "Network models, stress testing, and other tools for financial stability monitoring and macroprudential policy design and implementation", Mexico City 9-13, November 2015 in collaboration with the Journal of Financial Stability

·     Program Chair at European Conference on Complex Systems (ECCS'14)

Co-organizer of Conference at International Monetary Fund: Interconnectedness - Building Bridges between Research and Policy, Washington, April 11, 2014



University of Venice Ca Foscari

o   Spring 2020: Economic Policy 1

o   Spring 2021: Climate change and finance, Climate Finance (PhD Program Science and Management of Climate Change)

University of Zurich

o    Spring 2015 and 2016, PhD course on Systemic risk and financial networks

o    Fall 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019: Master course Introduction to Systemic risk and financial networks

o    Spring 2020: PhD course on Climate change and finance

ETH Zurich

o  Spring 2011, 2012, 2013: Course on Economic Networks, ETH Zurich

o  Spring 2010: Course on Complex Adaptive Systems, ETH Zurich

Lectures in Thematic Schools (selected)

o    May 2018, 4th Como Spring School of Complex Networks: Theory, Methods, and Applications.

o    May 2018, Intensive Course on Sustainable Finance, Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw, Poland

o    September 2017, Lectures on Financial Networks at Summer School on Complex Socio-Technical Systems, IFISC, Palma de Mallorca.

o    January 2017, Lectures on Systemic risk at BigDataFinance Winter School, UZH, Switzerland 

o    July 2016, Lectures on “Financial Networks'' at XVI Trento Summer School, Trento, Italy

o    April 2015, Lectures on Complex Financial Networks at Les Houches School in Complex Networks, France

September 2014, Lectures on Complex Financial Networks at Summer School of European Conference Complex Systems, Lucca Italy



Italian (native), English (proficient), French (proficient), Spanish (good), Portuguese and German (basic)