Wilmer PASUT

Professore Ordinario
041 234 6754
Fisica tecnica ambientale [IIND-07/B]
Sito web
www.unive.it/persone/wilmer.pasut (scheda personale)
Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali, Informatica e Statistica
Sito web struttura: https://www.unive.it/dais
Sede: Campus scientifico via Torino
Stanza: studio 313 (edificio Epsilon, 3° piano)
Centro Interdipartimentale "Scuola Interdipartimentale in Economia, Lingue e Imprenditorialità per gli Scambi Internazionali"
Sito web struttura: https://www.unive.it/selisi
Sede: Treviso - Palazzo San Paolo
Centro temporaneo Progetto Ecosistema dell'Innovazione
Research Institute
Research Institute for Green and Blue Growth


Anno Tipologia Pubblicazione
Anno Tipologia Pubblicazione
2024 Articolo in Atti di convegno Laura Carnieletto, Michele De Carli, Giulia Alessio, Wilmer Pasut,Francesco Viero Impact of design conditions on energy use: the case study of a health care facility , ROOMVENT 2024 - The 17th ROOMVENT Conference, E3S Web of Conferences, Convegno: ROOMVENT 2024 - The 17th ROOMVENT Conference, 22-25/04/2024
- Scheda ARCA: 10278/5062961
2024 Articolo in Atti di convegno Carnieletto, Laura, Teso, Lorenzo, Pasut, Wilmer, Zarrella, Angelo The challenge of archetypes representativity for wide scale building investigation in Italy , 6th Building Simulation Applications Conference BSA 2024, IBPSA, Convegno: 6th Building Simulation Applications Conference BSA 2024, 26-28 Giugno 2024
- Scheda ARCA: 10278/5062927
2023 Articolo su rivista Pistore, Lorenza; Konstantinou, Thaleia; Pasut, Wilmer; Naboni, Emanuele A framework to support the design of a regenerative indoor environment in FRONTIERS IN BUILT ENVIRONMENT, vol. 9 (ISSN 2297-3362)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5046362
2023 Articolo su rivista Pistore, L.; Varin, C.; Pasut, W. Development of climate-based thermal comfort ranges from existing data: Analysis of the Smart Controls and thermal comfort (SCATS) database in ENERGY AND BUILDINGS, vol. 298, pp. 113509 (ISSN 0378-7788)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5038102
2023 Articolo su rivista Pistore, Lorenza; Tintinaglia, Francesca; Pernetti, Roberta; Stivanello, Pietro; Pasut, Wilmer Indirect Effects of High-Performance Buildings at Household and Community Level: A Systematic Literature Review in ENERGIES, vol. 16, pp. 2499 (ISSN 1996-1073)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5016228
2023 Articolo su rivista Guo X.; Wan S.; Chen W.; Zhang H.; Arens E.; Cheng Y.; Pasut W. Numerical simulation of cooling performance of radiant ceiling system interacting with a ceiling fan in ENERGY AND BUILDINGS, vol. 297, pp. 113492 (ISSN 0378-7788)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5038080
2023 Articolo su rivista Thapa S.; Rijal H.B.; Pasut W.; Singh R.; Indraganti M.; Bansal A.K.; Panda G.K. Simulation of thermal comfort and energy demand in buildings of sub-Himalayan eastern India - Impact of climate change at mid (2050) and distant (2080) future in JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING, vol. 68, pp. 106068 (ISSN 2352-7102)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5016382
2023 Articolo in Atti di convegno Rigoberto Arambula Lara, Laura Carnieletto, Wilmer Pasut Toward a resilient campus: Analysis of university buildings to evaluate fast implementing strategies to reduce the energy consumption , 18th International Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association, Building Simulation 2023, IBPSA, Convegno: 18th International Building Simulation conference, 4th-6th September, 2023
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5036252
2022 Articolo su rivista Schulte E.; Scheller F.; Pasut W.; Bruckner T. Product traits, decision-makers, and household low-carbon technology adoptions: moving beyond single empirical studies in ENERGY RESEARCH & SOCIAL SCIENCE, vol. 83, pp. 102313 (ISSN 2214-6296)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3754974
2022 Articolo in Atti di convegno Lorenza Pistore; Wilmer Pasut Roots and mechanisms of thermal comfort expectations: from individuals’ own background to adaptation and change , 5th International Conference on Building Energy and Environment (COBEE 2022), 5th International Conference on Building Energy and Environment (COBEE 2022), Convegno: 5th International Conference on Building Energy and Environment (COBEE 2022)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5009126
2021 Articolo in Atti di convegno Babich F.; Pasut W.; Belleri A. The Use of Ceiling Fans in Reverse-Flow Mode for Comfort Cooling: Physiological Aspects and Relationship with International Standards , ASHRAE TRANSACTIONS, ASHRAE, vol. 127, pp. 552-559, Convegno: ASHRAE Conference (ISSN 0001-2505)
- Scheda ARCA: 10278/5043381
2020 Monografia o trattato scientifico Roberto Lollini; Wilmer Pasut Regenerative technologies for the indoor environment Inspirational guidelines for practitioners , Esperia Srl (ISBN 978-3-9504607-7-3; 978-3-9504607-6-6)
- Scheda ARCA: 10278/3731845
2020 Articolo su rivista Vigna I.; Balest J.; Pasut W.; Pernetti R. Office occupants’ perspective dealing with energy flexibility: A large-scale survey in the province of bolzano in ENERGIES, vol. 13, pp. 4312 (ISSN 1996-1073)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3731781
2020 Articolo su rivista Avantaggiato M.; Belleri A.; Oberegger U.F.; Pasut W. Unlocking thermal comfort in transitional spaces: A field study in three Italian shopping centres in BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT, vol. in press (ISSN 0360-1323)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3733496
2018 Articolo su rivista Vigna, Ilaria; Pernetti, Roberta; Pasut, Wilmer; Lollini, Roberto New domain for promoting energy efficiency: Energy Flexible Building Cluster in SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND SOCIETY, vol. 38, pp. 526-533 (ISSN 2210-6707)
DOI - URL correlato - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3709693
2017 Articolo su rivista Antonucci, Daniele; Filippi Oberegger, Ulrich Filippi; Pasut, Wilmer; Gasparella, Andrea Building performance evaluation through a novel feature selection algorithm for automated arx model identification procedures in ENERGY AND BUILDINGS, vol. 150, pp. 432-446 (ISSN 0378-7788)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3709703
2017 Articolo su rivista Jensen, Søren Østergaard*; Marszal-Pomianowska, Anna; Lollini, Roberto; Pasut, Wilmer; Knotzer, Armin; Engelmann, Peter; Stafford, Anne; Reynders, Glenn IEA EBC Annex 67 Energy Flexible Buildings in ENERGY AND BUILDINGS, vol. 155, pp. 25-34 (ISSN 0378-7788)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3709701
2017 Articolo in Atti di convegno Marta Avantaggiato, Nuno Mateus, Annamaria Belleri, Wilmer Pasut, Guillherme Carrilho da Graça Bulk airflow measurements in a large naturally ventilated atrium in a mild climate in Marta Avantaggiato, Nuno Mateus, Annamaria Belleri, Wilmer Pasut, Guillherme Carrilho da Graça, Bulk airflow measurements in a large naturally ventilated atrium in a mild climate, Proceedings of 38th AIVC Conference, 6th TightVent Conference, 4th venticool Conference,(September 2017), Convegno: 38th AIVC Conference, 6th TightVent Conference, 4th venticool Conference
- Scheda ARCA: 10278/3713143
2016 Articolo su rivista Bhangar, S.*; Adams, R.I.; Pasut, W.; Huffman, J.A.; Arens, E.A.; Taylor, J.W.; Bruns, T.D.; Nazaroff, W.W. Chamber bioaerosol study: human emissions of size-resolved fluorescent biological aerosol particles in INDOOR AIR, vol. 26, pp. 193-206 (ISSN 0905-6947)
DOI - URL correlato - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3709704
2016 Articolo su rivista Zhai, Yongchao; Zhang, Yufeng; Zhang, Hui; Pasut, Wilmer; Arens, Edward; Meng, Qinglin Human comfort and perceived air quality in warm and humid environments with ceiling fans in BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT, Elsevier Ltd, vol. 90, pp. 178-185 (ISSN 0360-1323)
DOI - URL correlato - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3709708
2016 Articolo su rivista Schiavon, Stefano*; Rim, Donghyun; Pasut, Wilmer; Nazaroff, William W. Sensation of draft at uncovered ankles for women exposed to displacement ventilation and underfloor air distribution systems in BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT, vol. 96, pp. 228-236 (ISSN 0360-1323)
DOI - URL correlato - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3709705
2015 Articolo su rivista Adams, Rachel I.; Bhangar, Seema; Pasut, Wilmer; Arens, Edward A.; Taylor, John W.; Lindow, Steven E.; Nazaroff, William W.; Bruns, Thomas D. Chamber Bioaerosol Study: Outdoor Air and Human Occupants as Sources of Indoor Airborne Microbes in PLOS ONE, Public Library of Science, vol. 10, pp. e0128022 (ISSN 1932-6203)
DOI - URL correlato - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3709710
2015 Articolo su rivista Pasut, Wilmer*; Zhang, Hui; Arens, Ed; Zhai, Yongchao Energy-efficient comfort with a heated/cooled chair: Results from human subject tests in BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT, vol. 84, pp. 10-21 (ISSN 0360-1323)
DOI - URL correlato - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3709711
2015 Articolo su rivista Zhang, Hui*; Arens, Edward; Taub, Mallory; Dickerhoff, Darryl; Bauman, Fred; Fountain, Marc; Pasut, Wilmer; Fannon, David; Zhai, Yongchao; Pigman, Margaret Using footwarmers in offices for thermal comfort and energy savings in ENERGY AND BUILDINGS, vol. 104, pp. 233-243 (ISSN 0378-7788)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3709709
2015 Articolo in Atti di convegno Peretti, Clara*; Pasut, Wilmer; Emmi, Giuseppe; De Carli, Michele COMFORT AND PERCEIVED AIR QUALITY IN REFURBISHED SOCIAL HOUSES WITH MECHANICAL VENTIALTION SYSTEM: THE IMPACT OF OCCUPANTS BEHAVIOUR , Energy Procedia in ENERGY PROCEDIA, SARA BURGERHARTSTRAAT 25, PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, vol. 78, pp. 2887-2892, Convegno: 6th International Building Physics Conference, IBPC 2015, 2015 (ISSN 1876-6102)
DOI - URL correlato - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3709707
2015 Brevetto Edward A. Arens; Hui Zhang; Wilmer Pasut; Michael P. Andersen HEATED AND COOLED CHAIR APPARATUS BREVETTO NUM. US 2016/0029805 A1
- Scheda ARCA: 10278/3735241
2014 Articolo su rivista Pasut, Wilmer; Arens, Edward; Zhang, Hui; Zhai, Yongchao Enabling energy-efficient approaches to thermal comfort using room air motion in BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT, vol. 79, pp. 13-19 (ISSN 0360-1323)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3713144
2014 Articolo su rivista Pasut, Wilmer; Bauman, Fred; De Carli, Michele The use of ducts to improve the control of supply air temperature rise in UFAD systems: CFD and lab study in APPLIED ENERGY, vol. 134, pp. 490-498 (ISSN 0306-2619)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3713146
2014 Brevetto Edward A. Arens; Hui Zhang; Wilmer Pasut, HEATED AND COOLED CHAIR APPARATUS BREVETTO NUM. US 9,155,398 B2
- Scheda ARCA: 10278/3735243
2013 Articolo su rivista Zhai, Yongchao; Zhang, Hui; Zhang, Yufeng; Pasut, Wilmer; Arens, Edward; Meng, Qinglin Comfort under personally controlled air movement in warm and humid environments in BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT, vol. 65, pp. 109-117 (ISSN 0360-1323)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3713142
2013 Articolo su rivista Pasut, Wilmer*; Zhang, Hui; Arens, Ed; Kaam, Soazig; Zhai, Yongchao Effect of a heated and cooled office chair on thermal comfort in HVAC&R RESEARCH, vol. 19, pp. 574-583 (ISSN 1078-9669)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3713139
2012 Articolo su rivista Pasut, Wilmer; De Carli, Michele Evaluation of various CFD modelling strategies in predicting airflow and temperature in a naturally ventilated double skin façade in APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING, vol. 37, pp. 267-274 (ISSN 1359-4311)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3713140
2011 Articolo su rivista Zhang, Hui; Arens, Edward; Pasut, Wilmer Air temperature thresholds for indoor comfort and perceived air quality in BUILDING RESEARCH AND INFORMATION, vol. 39, pp. 134-144 (ISSN 0961-3218)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3713141
2009 Articolo su rivista Villi, Giacomo; Pasut, Wilmer; Carli, Michele De CFD modelling and thermal performance analysis of a wooden ventilated roof structure in BUILDING SIMULATION, vol. 2, pp. 215-228 (ISSN 1996-3599)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3713145