Hirofumi UTSUMI

Professore Associato
041 234 9576
Lingua e letteratura del Giappone, lingua e letteratura della Corea [ASIA-01/G]
Sito web
www.unive.it/persone/hirofumi.utsumi (scheda personale)
Dipartimento di Studi sull'Asia e sull'Africa Mediterranea
Sito web struttura: https://www.unive.it/dsaam
Sede: Palazzo Vendramin

UTSUMI Hirofumi UTSUMI Hirofumi and TAKAZAKURA Yoshinobu, 2022, Dreams of the vanquished: narratives of computers in post-war Japan, Dick van Lente ed., Prophets of computing: visions of society transformed by computing, ACM publishers. , Prophets of Computing: Visions of Society Transformed by Computing, Association for Computing Machinery (ISBN 9781450398176)
DOI 2022, Articolo su libro - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5037660

Masaki Shiraishi, Takeshi Tochizawa, hirofumi utsumi 『キーコンセプト社会学(Ki conseputo shakaigaku)』(Keyconepts of Sociology) , Minerva shobo (ISBN 9784623089284)
2021, Traduzione di Libro - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3744002

Hirofumi UTSUMI Review of Pathways into and out of Nuclear Power in Western Europe: Austria, Denmark, Federal Republic of Germany, Italy, and Sweden edited by Astrid Mignon Kirchhoff. in TECHNOLOGY AND CULTURE, vol. 62, no. 4, pp. 1283-1285 (ISSN 1097-3729)
DOI 2021, Recensione in rivista - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3744001

HIROFUMI UTSUMI 「グローバリゼーションのゆくえ」[Past and Future of Globalisation] , 『いまを生きるための社会学』[Ima o ikiru tame no shakaigaku - Sociology for Contemporary Japan], Maruzen (ISBN 9784621305553)
2021, Articolo su libro - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3730160

HIROFUMI UTSUMI 内海博文, 2020, 「住まう」, 景山佳代子・白石真生編, 『DIY(自分でやる)社会学:はじめの一歩をふみだそう』法律文化社. (Utsumi, Hirofum, 2020, "Dwelling", Kageyama, Kayoko and Masaki Shiraishi, DIY Sociology: Take the first steps.) , 『DIY(自分でやる)社会学:はじめの一歩をふみだそう』, Horitsu Bunka sha (ISBN 9784589040480)
2020, Articolo su libro - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3730158