Sito web (scheda personale)
Dipartimento di Filosofia e Beni Culturali
Sito web struttura:
Research Institute
Research Institute for Social Innovation

Giulia Garofalo Geymonat is a sociologist in the field of gender and sexuality. Her work focuses on reproductive work, migration/trafficking, and disability. In 2017 she joined Ca’ Foscari as a lecturer and as senior researcher, after working at Lund University as a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Post-Doc Research Fellow (Sexual Assistance. A project on sex-related services for people with disabilities in Europe’ IEF n. 302299) and as a lecturer. At Ca’ Foscari, she has collaborated amongst others with the DomEqual project (ERC Starting Grant n. 678783), the VULNER project (EU Horizon 2020 n. 870845), and the I-CLAIM project (EU Horizon Europe n.101094373). In 2020 she received the Italian ‘Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale’ (SSD SPS/08, 14/C2).


03/04/2020 - present: University Ca' Foscari Venice, Dpt. Philosophy and Cultural Heritage

SENIOR RESEARCH FELLOW in Sociology (Assegnista SPS/08) 

Amongst others, collaborations with the following European projects: 1) EU Horizon Europe I-CLAIM: Improving the Labour and Living Conditions of Irregularised Migrant Households in Europe n.101094373 (coordinating 1 research assistant) 2) EU Horizon 2020 Project VULNER: Vulnerabilities Under the Global Protection Regime n. 870845 (coordinating 1 research assistant) 3) ERC Project DomEQUAL: A Global Approach to Paid Domestic Work and Social Inequalities n. 678783(coordinating 3 research assistants)

Teaching: Sociology of the family, Gender Workshop, Gender and Sexuality

03/04/2017- 02/04/2020 University Ca' Foscari Venice, Dpt. Philosophy and Cultural Heritage

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (RtDa) in Sociology. Teaching: urban studies, migration, public policies

01/09/2016 - 31/03/2017 Hydra e.V Foundation, Berlin

RESEARCH CONSULTANT, CO-PI ’Access to Mental Health for People Who Sell sex. A Participatory Study on Germany, Sweden, Italy and Britain’ funded by Open Society Foundations - Public Health Program. Principal Investigator with Prof. Nic Mai and Dr. PG Macioti (coordinating 6 peer research assistants) 

01/02/2015 - 30/01/2016 University of Lund, Dpt. Gender Studies

LECTURER. Teaching: Scandinavian Models of Equality, Theory of Science for the Social Sciences, Gender in a Global World, Social Sciences: Gender, Class, Ethnicity and Sexuality

01/11/2012-30/01/2015 University of Lund, Gender Studies


Sexual Assistance. A project on sex-related services for people with disabilities in Europe (IEF Award N. 302299)

01/11/2010-28/02/2011 University of Linköping, Dpt. Gender Studies

GEXCEL POST-DOCTORAL FELLOW funded by GEXcel Program, Sweden, Research project on: Stigma and the class of ‘abnormals’

01/02/2003-30/12/2003 University of Siena, Dpt. Political Economy

RESEARCH FELLOW (Borsista di ricerca) NEWR Network of European Women’s Rights, funded by European Commission, FP5. Research theme: Trafficking and Sex Work



2010 - University of East London, School of Social Sciences PHD IN SOCIOLOGY

2004 - Utrecht University, Institute History and Culture POSTGRADUATE PROGRAM IN GENDER

2003- London School of Economics, Gender Institute RESEARCH MASTER IN GENDER

2001 - Università di Bologna, Faculty of Economics BA&MA POLITICAL ECONOMY



2024  Independent Social Research Foundation (ISRF) Flexible Grants for Small Groups

2020 Conseguimento Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale (SSD SPS/08, 14/C2).

2016 Open Society Foundations, Public Health Program Grant 

2016 and 2017 ProPol COST Action Short Term Scientific Missions

2015 MIUR Program Young Researchers Rita Levi Montalcini 2014 (8th position)

2011 Marie Sklodowska-Curie European FP7 Fellowship

2010 GEXcel Gender Excellence Fellowship Sweden

2004 PhD Scholarship University of East London School of Social Sciences 

2003 Huygens Grant Netherlands Organization for International Cooperation in Higher Education 

2002 Study-Abroad Grant University of Bologna

2000 Erasmus Grant University of Bologna 



International Sociological Association (ISA)

Associazione Italiana Sociologia (AIS)

Research Network for Domestic Workers' Rights (RN-DWR)

Standing Committee Gender and Sexuality in Migration Research (IMISCOE Consortium)

Gruppo di Ricerca Itaiano su Prostituzione e Lavoro Sessuale (GRIPS)

Rete nazionale di studi su genere e sessualita’(GIFTS)