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www.unive.it/persone/luca.corazzini (scheda personale)
Since December 2017: Faculty member of the Collegio Internazionale “Cà Foscari.”
Since March 2017: Faculty member of the PhD program in Economics at the Department of Economics, University of Venice “Cà Foscari."
Since Dec. 2016: Full Professor of Economics (13/A1; SECS-P/01) at the Department of Economics, University of Venice “Ca Foscari.”
Sept. 2016: John Weatherall Distinguished Fellow at the Economic Department, Queen’s University, Canada.
Oct. 2015 – Dec. 2016: Full Professor of Economics (13/A1; SECS-P/01) at the Department of Economics, University of Messina.
Aug. 2015 – Nov. 2016: Coordinator of the PhD program in Economics, Management and Statistics jointly organized by the University of Catania and University of Messina (administrative headquarter).
Dec. 2014 – Oct. 2015: Full Professor of Economics at the Department of Law and History of Institutions, University of Messina.
Jan. 2014: Qualified for the positions of Full Professor of Economics (13/A1; SECS-P/01) and Full Professor of Public Finance (13/A3; SECS-P/03).
Dec. 2011 – Dec. 2014: Associate Professor of Economics (13/A1; SECS-P/01) at the Department of Economics and Management “Marco Fanno,” University of Padova.
Jan. 2011 – May 2011: Visiting Professor of Economics at the Department of Economics, University of Miami, Florida (USA).
Oct. 2007 – Dec. 2011: Assistant Professor of Public Finance (13/A3; SECS-P/03) at the Department of Economics and Management “Marco Fanno,” University of Padova.
Since Aug. 2004: Senior Research Fellow at ISLA – Bocconi University, Milan.
Feb. 2009: Ph.D. in Economics at the University of East Anglia, Norwich (UK).
Aug. 2004 – Oct. 2007: Senior Research Fellow in Economics at the Bocconi University, Milan.
May 2005: Ph.D. in International Law and Economics at the Bocconi University, Milan.
Sept. 2001 – Jun. 2002: “Special student” to MEc – Master in Economics – at the Bocconi University, Milan.
Apr. 2001: Graduation in Economics at the Bocconi University, Milan, with final mark: 110/110 cum laude.
Journals: American Journal of Political Science, American Political Science Review, Bulletin of Economic Research, Economic Journal, Experimental Economics, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Food Policy, Games and Economic Behavior, International Economic Review, Italian Economic Journal, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Economic Psychology, Journal of the European Economic Association, Journal of Mathematical Economics, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Public Economic Theory, Metroeconomica, Mind and Society, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, PlosOne, Political Psychology, Research in Economics, Review of Income and Wealth, Social Indicators Research, Theory and Decision.
Institutions: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada; FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology.
Jun. 2010: “Marco Fanno” Prize for
Research Activities, Department of Economic Sciences, University of Padova.
Sept. 2001 – Jun. 2002: Fellowship of the Invernizzi Foundation for the participation to the MEc – Master in Economics – at the Bocconi University, Milan.
Sept. 2001 - May 2005: Fellowship for the PhD in International Law and Economics at the Bocconi University, Milan.
Since June 2018: Responsible of the unit of the University of Venice “Cà Foscari” of the project “Piccoli che valgono! Metodologie innovative per educare e riconoscersi nella comunità” (P.I.: ManiTese, ONG)” financed by “Con i Bambini – Impresa Sociale,” budget: € 1.180.000.
Since May 2017: Member of the unit of the University of Venice “Cà Foscari” of the SHARE-DEV3 project titled “Achieving world-class standards in all SHARE countries,” European Union Framework Programme for Research, “H2020-INFRADEV-1-2015-1-Developing new world-class research infrastructures,” budget: € 521.113,75. Responsible: Pof. Agar Brugiavini, University of Venice “Cà Foscari.”
Since March 2017: Member of the project “To whom should we donate? Understanding project selection and coordination problems in charitable giving and crowdfunding with heterogeneous donors and communication.” Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Budget: CAD 116.924. Responsible: Christopher Cotton, Queen’s University.
Feb. - Dec. 2016: Member of the project “Higher moments of asset
returns: realized measures, the cross-section of equity returns and mutual fund
returns, volatility clustering and correlation determinants.” “Research and
Mobility” project funded by the University of Messina. Budget: € 79.735,00. Responsible: Prof. Walter
Distaso, University of Messina.
Since Sept. 2014: Member of the project “Design of Auction Schemes for the
Electricity Market.” Project funded by the Levi Cases foundation, Padova.
Budget: € 27.200,00. Responsible:
Doctor Stefano Galavotti, University of Padova.
2011 - 2014: Member of the local unit of the University of Padova of the
SHARE_M4 project titled “Multinational Advancement of Research Infrastructure
on Ageing”. Seventh Framework Programme, Grant Agreement n. 261982, (local)
budget: € 963.873,80.
Responsible: Professor G. Weber, University of Padova.
2008 – 2011: Member of the project “Contract enforcement and contract design in
public utility: evidence from public procurement.” Project funded by the University
of Padova. Grant Agreement n. CPDA084881/08, budget: € 79.000. Responsible: Professor P. Valbonesi, University of
2010: Member of the local unit of the University of
Padova of the SHARE_LEAP project titled “Longitudinal Enhancement and Access
ImProvement of the SHARE Infrastructure”. Seventh Framework Programme, Grant
Agreement n. 227822, (local) budget: €
204.044,04. Responsible: Professor G. Weber, University of Padova.
2007 – 2010: Member of the local unit of the University of Insubria, Varese of
the National Research Project “New Approaches to Tax Evasion”. COFIN 2007,
Grant Agreement n. 2007E5FRFZ_004, (local) budget: € 14.690,00. Responsible: Professor M. Bernasconi, “Cà
Foscari” University of Venice (former University of Insubria, Varese).
2018: (October) Invited seminar at Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic; 2018 AFE Conference at Boston University; (September) SIEP, University of Padova; (July) Workshop at the University of Chieti and Pescara; (June) ESA World Meeting, University of Berlin; Workshop “Endogenous Institutions in Social Dilemmas” at the University of Copenhagen; Invited seminar at the University of Bolzano; (January) Invited seminar at the University of Padova.
2017: (December)
Invited seminar at the University of Messina; (September) Workshop “Social and
Spatial Interactions in the Accumulation of Civic and Human Capital” at the
University of Palermo; (June) Invited seminar at the University of Innsbruck; (May)
Invited seminar at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”; Invited seminar at the
University of Bolzano; (March) IZA Workshop on Social and Welfare Consequences
of Unemployment, Bonn.
2016: (September) Invited seminar at the Economic
Department, Queen’s University; Invited seminar at the Economic Department,
University of Quebec in Montreal; (June) Invited seminar at the Polytechnic
University of Marche; (March) Invited seminar at the University of Catania;
(February) Invited seminar at the “Cà Foscari” University of Venice; Workshop
in Social Economy at Sophia, Loppiano; Invited seminar at the University of
2015: (July) Invited lecture at the Political Economy Summer School “New
Approaches to political economy: positive political theories, empirical
evidence and experiments in laboratory,” Alba di Canazei; (May) Invited
seminar at the University of Lancaster; (April) Invited seminar at the
University of Verona; (January) Invited seminar at the University of Groningen.
2014: (September) 2014 NCBEE, University of Aarhus;
(July) Invited seminar at the University of Messina; (June) Invited seminar at
the University of Trento; (February) Invited seminar at the Bocconi University;
(February) Invited seminar at the University of Nurnberg; (January) Invited
seminar at the “Cà Foscari” University of Venice.
2013: (August) IIPF annual conference in Taormina; Invited seminar at the Max
Planck Institute, Munich; (July) ESA World Meeting at the University of Zürich;
(June) ISNIE 2013 Conference at the University of Florence; (April) NORFACE
2013 Conference at the University College of London; (January) Invited seminar
at the University of Köln.
2012: (October) Invited seminar at the University of Pavia; (July) SABE 2012
Conference at the University of Granada; (April) Invited seminar at the
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia; (February) “Human Trafficking,
International Crime and National Security: a Human Rights Perspective” workshop
at the University of Goettingen.
2011: (October) ASSET 2011 Conference at the University of Ebora; (September)
GRASS Workshop at the “Cà Foscari” University of Venice; (June) Workshop
organized by the University of Chieti and Pescara; (May) Invited seminar at the
Florida State University.
2010: (Dicember)
Invited seminar at the University of Miami, USA; (October) Invited seminar at
the Paris School of Economics; (September) IAREP/SABE/ICABEEP 2010 Conference
at the University of Cologne; (July) ESA 2010 World Meeting at the University
of Copenhagen; (May) Invited seminar at the University of Messina; (April) ESI
2010 Spring Workshop at the Max Planck Institute, Jena; (April) Invited seminar
at the IMT; (February) Third Annual Conference on
Experimental Political Science at New York University.
2009: (November) ASSET 2009 Meeting at the Bogazici University; (September) ESA
2009 European Regional Meeting at the University of Innsbruck; (July) Invited
seminar at the University of Jena and Max Planck Institute; (June) APET at the
University of Galway; (April) EPCS 2009 Conference at the University of Athens;
(February) Invited seminar at University of Hamburg.
2008: (November) ASSET 2008 Meeting at the European University Institute,
Fiesole; (October) International Conference “Well-being. Are we happy with our
standard of living?” at the University of Cassino; GRASS Workshop at the
University of Bologna; (September) ESA 2008 European Regional Meeting at the
University of Lyon, France; (June) PET 2008 Conference at the University of
Seoul; Workshop COFIN “Behavioral Decision Models and Their Implications for
Markets, Contracts, Ethics,” University of Insubriae, Varese; (March) EPCS 2008
Conference at the University of Jena; Workshop in Public Choice at the
University of Padova.
2007: (July) PET 2007 Conference at the Vanderbilt University, Nashville; (May)
Invited seminar at the University “Jaume
I” of Castellón; (April) V Workshop Labsi “Experimental Economics Workshop” at
the University of Florence; (March)
First World Meeting of the Public Choice Society at the University of
Amsterdam; (February) Conference “Reciprocity: Theories and Facts” organized by
University of Milan, Bicocca.
2006: (September) ESA Regional Meeting at the University of Nottingham; (May)
International Workshop on Behavioral Game Theory and Experiments at the Second
University of Naples, Capua; (March) Invited seminar at “The Empirical
Economics of International Taxation” at the University of Innsbruck.
April 2018: Organizer of the 2018 BOMOPAV workshop in Padova.
Since May 2017: President of GuradAvanti (www.guardavanti.org), an Italian NGO involved in projects to improve the life conditions of children in developing countries.
Since March 2017: Affiliated to CERME (Center for Experimental Research in Management and Economics) of the University of Venice, “Cà Foscari.”Since 2014: Member of the Ethical Committee of the Experimental Laboratory of the “Cà Foscari” University of Venice.
Since 2013: Affiliated
to the BELLS (Bocconi Experimental Laboratory for Social Sciences), Bocconi
University, Milan.
Since 2012: Affiliated to the BLESS (Bologna Laboratory for
Experiments in Social Science), University of Bologna.
Since 2010: Scientific director of GuradAvanti (www.guardavanti.org), an Italian NGO involved in projects to improve
the life conditions of children in developing countries.
Since 2009: Affiliated to the APESP (Associazione per la Promozione
dell'Economia Sperimentale in Piemonte), Università del Piemonte Orientale.
Since 2006: Affiliated to the EELAB (Experimental
Economics Laboratory), University of Milan - Bicocca.
Aug. 2005: Summer Institute on Bounded Rationality in
Psychology and Economics organized by the Max Planck Institute (Jena –
of Subjective Wellbeing, Experimental Economics, Behavioral Public Choice,
Applied Econometrics.
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