Fabiana FAZZI
- Qualifica
- Assegnista
- Sito web
www.unive.it/persone/fabiana.fazzi (scheda personale)
- Struttura
Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici e Culturali Comparati
Sito web struttura: https://www.unive.it/dslcc
Academic Education
Ph.D. in Educational Linguistics (L-LIN 02) (funded scholarship; Doctor Europeaus)
University Ca' Foscari of Venice
Thesis: CLIL beyond the classroom: A pedagogical framework to bridge the gap between school and museum content and language integrated learning
PhD Supervisor: Prof. Mary Carmel Coonan
Date: 18/01/2019
Result: cum laude
Master in Science of Language
University Ca’ Foscari of Venice
Dissertation: A museum study programme for students of a foreign language: issues in planning and implementation
Result: 110/110 cum laude
Date: 25/06/2014
Master in Applied Linguistics
University of London (Birkbeck College)
Dissertation: Analysis of code-switching and social identity in the English translation of "Il ladro di merendine" di Andrea Camilleri
Result: Merit
Date: 01/11/2011
Bachelor in Humanities
University of Florence
Dissertation: Il sovrintendente Coliandro e Nikita nella produzione di Carlo Lucarelli. Analisi sociolinguistica
Result: 110/110
Date: 05/05/2010
Research activity
Post-doc Research Fellow (L-LIN 02)
Laboratorio Itals, University Ca’ Foscari of Venice
Period: 01/2020-01/2022
Description: The research project aims at exploring primary and secondary teachers’
beliefs about the balance between content and language objectives in bilingual
educational contexts and design and deliver evidence-based and collaborative
teacher training on the following topics: second language development and
bilingualism, plurilingual and pluricultural education, scaffolding,
assessment and self-assessment, action-research methodology, and team teaching.
Subject Expert (L-LIN 02)
Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies,University Ca’ Foscari of Venice
Period: from 2019
Description: Language teaching methodologies (i.e. Implicit/Explicit
Grammar, Error Correction, Cooperative Teaching and Learning,
Task-Based Learning and Teaching), ICTs for Language Teaching, Content
and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), Bilingual/bicultural education, Language learning beyond the classroom (informal and non-formal
learning), Second and Foreign language teaching in the museum context
also through digital tools and strategies, Multiliteracies.
Scientific Coordinator
Research group-Museum and Innovation in Language Education (MILE)
Research Centre of Educational Linguistics (CREL), University Ca’ Foscari of Venice
Period: from 2019
Description: MILE is a research group aimed at studying the affordances
and issues related to plurilingual education in non-formal contexts, with a
specific focus on museums (e.g. art, science, ethnographic, historical,
house-museums). Within this context, it also disseminates results to:
• the educational community, through teachers and museum staff’s
professional development courses.
• The wider community, through outreach activities (i.e. Kids’ University,
Notte dei ricercatori), and
• the academic community, through conferences and seminars.
Visiting Scholar
University of the Basque Country (Spain)
Period: 06/01/2018-31/01/2018 University of the Basque Country (Spain)
Supervisor: Prof. David Lasagabaster
Visiting Scholar
University of Leicester (UK)
Period: 01/10/2017-22/11/2017
Research Centre for Museums and Galleries, Prof. J. Dodd
Work experience
Teacher Trainer
Training course for “La scuola” International School San Francisco (US)
University Ca’ Foscari of Venice
Description:Planned a five week online course aimed at bilingual primary teachers on
Task-based methodology, vocabulary acquisition, and mixed ability classroom
Didactic Coordinator
I level Master MADILS (Didattica delle lingue straniere)
University Ca’ Foscari of Venice
• Monitored students’ progress
• Coordinated the teaching faculty and students’ internship programme
• Taught the first online module on “Teaching languages: new directions”
(topics: psychological aspects of language education; grammar and skills
teaching, ICTs, new environments for language teaching etc.). Delivered an
in presence seminar and assessed students’ final theses.
Teacher trainer
Training course CLIL-Rete.net
University Ca’ Foscari of Venice
Description: Co-planned, delivered and monitored an eight month-long course on the CLIL
teaching methodology (Lesson and task planning, ICT in and beyond the
classroom, and Assessment) aimed at primary and low secondary school
teachers. The course consisted of asynchronous and synchronous lessons and
Cedils Exam Facilitator
Laboratorio Itals, University Ca’ Foscari of Venice
Description: Supported the exam team in preparing and organising the exam sessions (ex.
giving instructions to the exam candidates, answering their questions before
and during the exam session etc.) and checked whether the submitted
documents fit the exam requirements.
Didactic Coordinator
Training course “Didattica dell’Italiano LS dentro e fuori la classe”
University Ca’ Foscari of Venice, Calandra Institute (US), Pearl River School
District (US) with the support of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and
International Cooperation (MAECI)
Description: Planned and coordinated an online course on CLIL teaching methodology both
in and outside the classroom aimed at Italian language and content teachers
teaching through Italian in the Tristate area (New York). The course consisted
of: face-to-face lectures, online modules on Moodle, and webinars.
Didactic Coordinator
Corso di perfezionamento CLIL secondaria
University Ca’ Foscari of Venice
Description: Coordinated a year-long online course on CLIL teaching methodology aimed at
secondary school teachers, and delivered two self-guided modules on “The
language dimension in CLIL” and “CLIL in and beyond the classroom”.
2018/19 and 2019/20
Adjunct professor
I level Master MADILS (Didattica delle lingue straniere)
University Ca’ Foscari of Venice
Taught the first online module on “Foreign and Second Language Teaching:
new directions” (topics: psychological aspects of language education; grammar
and skills teaching, ICTs, new environments for language teaching etc.).
Delivered an in presence seminar and assessed students’ final theses.
Italian Language Teacher
Dante Alighieri Society-Master MABAC (University Ca’ Foscari of Venice)
Description: Planned and delivered 80 hour Italian Language course to French students
enrolled in the MABAC Master.
Teacher Trainer
Training course CLIL-Rete.net
University Ca’ Foscari of Venice
Description: Delivered four online modules on CLIL teaching methodology (Lesson and task
planning, ICT, and Assessment) to secondary school teachers, monitoring their
discussions and assessing their activities and final project work.
University Ca’ Foscari of Venice
Description: Delivered two lectures on research methodology (qualitative and quantitative) to
PhD students in the Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural
Italian Language Teacher
Marco Polo and Turandot Programmes
School of International Education (University Ca’ Foscari of Venice)
Description: Planned and implemented language support activities in the first semester and
an Italian Language and Culture course in the second semester for a total of 80
hours. In the second course, I used the CLIL methodology and devised art,
music, and history-based lessons to foster students’ Italian language
development in the context of their prospective academic curriculum.
Corso di perfezionamento CLIL da 20 CFU (MIUR)
University Ca’ Foscari of Venice
• Supported teachers’ understanding and use of CLIL methodological
practices during their microteaching sessions.
• Helped with teachers’ assessment through evaluating their final project
works and oral exam
Camelot Cooperativa (Ferrara)
Title of the course: “L’apprendimento affettivo, multisensoriale e ludico:
prospettive per l’insegnamento dell’Italiano L2 al di là della classe”.
Corso di perfezionamento CLIL da 20 CFU (MIUR)
University Ca’ Foscari of Venice
• Supported teachers’ understanding and use of CLIL methodological
practices during their microteaching sessions.
• Helped with teachers’ assessment through evaluating their final project
works and oral exam.
CLIL Expert
IIS Marco Polo (Venice)
• Co-planned a CLIL Science module together with the science teachers and
co-delivered 40 hour lessons to 1st and 2nd year students of Liceo artistico.
• Planned and delivered a CLIL art module and delivered 10 hour lessons to
1st year students of Liceo classico both at school and at the Archaeological
Museum of Venice.
Teaching assistant
Undergraduate and graduate courses
University Ca’ Foscari of Venice
Undergraduate Courses: Glottodidattica, English Language I
• Prepared additional materials and activities to support students’ learning in
• Revised the contents of the courses with the students.
• Checked homework and informed students of possible learning strategies.
• Helped students prepare for the exam through online support.
Graduate Courses: Theories of Language Education, Psychological
Aspects of Language Education, Instructional design for language
• Monitored online discussions and gave feedback on online activities
• Gave on-site lectures on “Language learning beyond the classroom”.
English Language Teacher
Sakarya American Academy (Turkey)
• Taught students of all ages and levels, both in groups and one-to-one.
• Prepared materials and lesson plans.
• Tested students’ English level and advised them on best learning strategies.
• Planned and delivered CLIL art and music activities for kids, juniors and
• Planned and delivered a TOEFL preparation course.
• Helped with marketing activities towards attracting new students.
Social profiles
Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Fabiana-Fazzi
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