Donatella SCHMIDT

Docente a contratto
Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici
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Donatella Schmidt, (PhD, Indiana University,US 1991,post-doc Universitè de Paris X), Research professor at the University of Padua, is a cultural anthropologist with 20 years’experience in indigenous, migrants and refugees related themes regarding political partecipation, identity construction, and gender issues. She started the research group FOR (Food and Refugees), she is part of the Guarani network located in Brazil, and she founded a research unit aimed to study the devotion to Saint Anthony of Padua in contemporary settings.She analyzed the social movement called Femen by means of the gender and performative perspective. 

Her publications include the books:   Do you have an opy? Politics and Identity among the Mbya-Guarani of Argentina and Eastern Paraguay (Austin&Winfield 1994); Tra Sciamani, rivitalizzazione e turismo. Storia di un fenomeno di globalizzazione religiosa tra i Guaranì del Sud del Brasile (Cleup 2018); Acqua, Pane, Devozione. Sant’Antonio tra l’antico e il contemporaneo, ed by, with F.Benucci (Cleup 2016); Tre Paesi, un progetto. Percorsi formativi con donne migranti (a cura di), Padova, Unipress 2004; Antropologia del Grigio. L’altro visto dall’altro, (a cura di), Padova: Unipress, 2001