Professoressa Associata
Sito web (scheda personale)
Venice School of Management
Sito web struttura:
Sede: San Giobbe
Centro Interdipartimentale "Scuola Interdipartimentale in Economia, Lingue e Imprenditorialità per gli Scambi Internazionali"
Sito web struttura:
Sede: Treviso - Palazzo San Paolo

Laura Cortellazzo, PhD

Laura Cortellazzo is Assistant Professor of Business Organization and Human Resources Management at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. She is member of the Ca' Foscari Competency Centre, research centre aimed to improve individuals' performance and employability through the development of behavioral competencies. She received a double PhD title in Management Science from Ca' Foscari University and ESADE Business School in Barcelona.


Research Areas

Her research interests embrace the fields of Organizational Behavior, Human Resources Management, Leadership and Cereer. Some of her recent research works include: The assessment and development of behavioural competencies; Behavioral competencies for innovation; Career orientation and employability; E-leadership; Female leadership; Future Work Self


Publications and conferences

Her research work has been published in various international journals, including Journal of Vocational Behavior, Journal of Small Business Management, Frontiers in Psychology. Her research articles have been presented in more than 20 invited speeches and international conferences, such as EURAM (European Academy of Management), BAM (British academy of management), AOM (Academy of Management), EGOS (European Group of Organizational Studies, ICEI (International Congress of Emotional Intelligence) and ISBE (Institute for Small Business Entrepreneurship). 


Research projects

She has participated in several research projects funded by the Italian Ministry of Research, the European Social Fund, and regional institutions. For instance: 

"Blending the physical and the virtual workplace: How different hybrid work models disrupt the labor market and call for emergent configurations of organizational and human resource management practices" (PRIN CUP N H53D23002160006)

"Ricerca scientifica e competitività. Varietà delle forme di impresa, sistemi di supporto e dimensioni di performance." (PRIN anno 2010-2011 D.M. n. 719/2012. prot. 2010744K3S_011)

“Soft skills imprenditoriali per l’innovazione e rete sociale dell’imprenditore” (INNOVAREA – Il modello di sviluppo imprenditoriale Veneto Venti Venti - D.G.R. n. 1081 del 28/06/2013) promosso da Regione Veneto, Confindustria Veneto, Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia. FSE 2120/1/11/1148/2013)

"Modelli e strumenti competency-based a supporto dello sviluppo e dell'innovazione di prodotto”. (FSE 2120/1/2/1148/2013 finanziato dal Fondo Sociale Europeo POR 2007/2013 ob. Competitività Regionale e Occupazione. Sviluppo del potenziale umano nella ricerca e nell'innovazione)

"Reyer Skill Cup", finanziato da CCIAA Venezia Rovigo Delta Lagunare, in collaborazione con Umana Reyer Venezia

"Laboratori metodologici per allenare le soft skills nell'Alternanza Scuola Lavoro" finanziato da CCIAA Treviso e Belluno


Teaching activities

She is currently in charge of courses in Organization Design, Human Resource Management, and Soft skills development. She was lecturer of organization design applied to digital and international contexts. She is visiting lecturer at Toulouse School of Management. Her didactic activities also include courses and workshops on teamwork, communication, negotiation, inclusive leadership, leadership development, addressed to Master students, MBA and executives.