Malcolm MISTRY

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Sito web (scheda personale)
Dipartimento di Economia
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Personal identifiers in scientific databases

Scopus Author ID: 57195134788; ORCID: 0000-0003-3345-6197

Bio-sketch: Malcolm Mistry is a lecturer in the PhD/MRes. programme of Science and Management of Climate Change. He holds a PhD in Science and Management of Climate Change from the Dept. of Economics, Ca’Foscari University of Venice, wherein his thesis focused on impacts of climate change and variability on crop yields using emulators and empirical models. Malcolm earlier completed his Master of Science degree in Weather and Climate Modelling from the University of Reading (U.K.) where his dissertation examined the Intra-seasonal variability of Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM) in Observed and General Circulation Model (GCM).

Malcolm is also a Senior Climate and Health advisor with the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre. In addition, to his research affiliation at Ca’Foscari University of Venice,  Malcolm previously held research positions at the Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici (CMCC – ECIP Division) and the Barcelona Supercomputing Centre (Spain). His expertise include Earth observations, handling large climate datasets, running Earth System Models (ESM), numerous scientific data management and spatial analysis tools, and environmental epidemiology (specifically, heat stress and human health). His research interests include modelling the sectoral impacts of climate change (such as on agriculture, health and energy), application of climate extreme indices, and last but not the least, creating awareness of the science of climate change and its potential impacts by giving talks in local schools. Prior embarking on a research career, Malcolm worked as a navigating officer onboard research and seismic survey ships, engaged in data acquisition of sea bed profiles.

Work Experience

June 2021-Current:

Researcher/Lecturer/Teaching Committee in MRes/PhD in Science and Management of Climate Change, Ca'Foscari University of Venice.

(i) September 2022 to August 2024 - Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow, The Environment, Health & Modelling (EHM) Lab, Department of Public Health, Environments and Society, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), U.K.

Lecturer (MSc Programmes: Climate Change & Planetary Health, Public Health, Medical Statistics, Health Data Science): 

Methods in Climate Change & Planetary Health [2607]

Introduction to Statistical Computing - R Lab [2031]

Programming – R and Python Lab [2486]

Environmental Epidemiology [1301]

(ii) March 2018 to June 2021
ERC Post-doctoral Research Associate

Deputy Coordinator of Master of Research Program in Science and Management of Climate Change
Department of Economics, Ca’Foscari University of Venice, Italy

Development and analysis of high-resolution climate-energy indices for econometric applications (ENERGYA – Energy use for adaptation - European Research Council funded project)

Lecturer (Master/PhD of Science and Management of Climate Change): 

Introduction to Programming for Statistics (R and Python) [PHD176]


Statistics [PHD140]                                                                                                                                                                                        Climate Change Economics: Theory, Methods and Applications [PHD088] 
Quantitative methods for climate change [PHD021]: R programing language 
Decision theory and multi-criteria analysis [PHD067]                                                                                                                                  

Member Developers' Network R Climpact package for Climate Extreme Indices (WMO ETCCDI/ET-SCI)

(iii) January 2017 to June 2021

Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC), Venice, Italy (

Economic analysis of climate impacts and policy. Development of high resolution climate extreme indices, development of global-gridded socio-economic dataset.

(iv) May 2014 to February 2018

Junior Researcher
Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM), Venice, Italy

Assessing impacts of climate change and variability on agriculture, using econometric approaches, coupling of crop yield emulator to Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs).

(v) July 2008 to December 2008

Research Support Engineer 
Department of Earth Science, Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS), Barcelona, Spain.

Technical support for climate modelling, air quality forecasting, parallel computing, parameterizations and coupling of different modules within the Earth System Modelling Framework (ESMF).

Education and training

(i) September 2013 to February 2017

PhD in Science and Management of Climate Change, Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy

Dynamics of climate variations and climate change, economic impact assessment of climate change, management of climate-change-related environmental and socio-economical processes.

Dissertation: Impacts of Climate Change and Variability on Crop Yields Using Emulators and Empirical Models

(ii) October 2005 to September 2006

Master of Science in Weather Climate and Modelling Numerical, Department of Meteorology, University of Reading, U.K.

Modelling of the Atmosphere and Oceans, Fluid Dynamics, Remote Sensing, Tropical Meteorology, Climate Change, Atmospheric Physics. Completed a 4 day Weather Forecasting course conducted by Met office, U.K 

Dissertation: Intraseasonal Behaviour of the Indian Summer Monsoon in a General Circulation Model (HadCM2)

(iii) September 2001 to September 2004

Bachelor in Information Technology, Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi, India

Object Oriented and Component Programming, Website Management, Data Structures, Relational Database Management System, System Security, Web authoring

Technical skills and competences

(i) Programming languages / Software environments (Expert): R, NetCDF Command Language (NCL), Matlab, GAMS, Fortran 90, Python, Unix Shell scripting.

(ii) Scientific software and tools (Expert): Grads, CDAT, IDV, NCview, NCO, CDO, XConv, QGIS, Panoply.

(iii) Data dissemination technologies (Expert): ESGF, OPeNDAP

(iv) Multimedia and web authoring tools (Advance): HTML, Dreamweaver, Paintshop Pro, Adobe Photoshop.

(v) Others at an inter-mediate level: Latex, C, C++, Java, Source Code version control (SVS, GitHub), DHTML, SQL, Visual Basic, High Performance Computing (HPC), Parallel Programming Paradigms (MPI, OpenMP).


(i) Peer-reviewed Journal: 

Published: “Simulated vs. Empirical Weather Responsiveness of Crop Yields: U.S. Evidence and Implications for the Agricultural Impacts of Climate Change”, Mistry M, Sue Wing I and E De Cian, 2017, Environmental Research Letters (ERL). doi:

“Climate Risk Index for Italy”, Mysiak J, Torresan S, Bosello, F, Mistry M, Amadio M, Marzi S, Furlan E, Sperotto A. 2018. Philosophical Transactions (Royal Society) A 20170305.

“Economic impacts of climate change on vegetative agriculture markets in Israel”, Zelingher R, Ghermandi A, De Cian E, Mistry M and Kan I, 2019, Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE),

“A High Resolution Global Gridded Historical Dataset of Climate Extreme Indices”, Mistry M.N., 2019, Data, 4(1),, Dataset:

“Households' adaptation in a warming climate. Air conditioning and thermal insulation choices”, De Cian E, Pavanello F, Randazzo T, Mistry M and Davide M, 2019, Environmental Science & Policy, 136-157 (100),

"Historical global gridded degree‐days: A high‐spatial resolution database of CDD and HDD", Mistry M.N., 2019, Geoscience Data Journal; 00: 1– 8,, Dataset:

"Heavy precipitation events over East Africa in a changing climate: results from CORDEX RCMs", Obed M. Ogega, James Koske, James B. Kung’u, Enrico Scoccimarro, Hussen S. Endris and Malcolm N. Mistry, 2020, Climate Dynamics,

"Air conditioning and electricity expenditure: The role of climate in temperate countries", Teresa Randazzo, Enrica De Cian and Malcolm N. Mistry, 2020,Economic Modelling, Vol 90, 273-287

"A High Spatiotemporal Resolution Global Gridded Dataset of Historical Human Discomfort Indices", Mistry M.N., 2020, Atmosphere, 11, 835, https://doi:10.3390/atmos11080835, Dataset: 

"Intraseasonal Precipitation Variability over West Africa under 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C Global Warming Scenarios: Results from CORDEX RCMs", Ogega M.O., Gyampoh B.A., Mistry, M.N., 2020, Climate 8 (12), 243, 

"Impacts of a warmer world on space cooling demand in Brazilian households", Bezerra P., Silva F., Cruz T., Mistry M.N., Vasquez-Arroyo, E., Magalar L., De Cian E.,  Lucena A. F. P., Schaeffer R., 2021, Energy and Buildings, 234, 110696,

"Climate Variability, Crop and Conflict: exploring the Impacts of Inequality in Agricultural Production", Vesco P., Kovacic M., Mistry M.N., Croicu M., 2021, Special Issue on ‘Security Implications of Climate Change’, Journal of Peace Research,  Vol. 58, pp. 98-113 Doi: 10.1177/0022343320971020

"The role of residential air circulation and cooling demand for electrification planning: implications of climate change in  sub-Saharan Africa", Falchetta G., Mistry M., 2021, Energy Economics, 105307,

“Sharing the Burden: Quantifying Climate Change Spillovers in the European Union under the Paris Agreement”, Schleypen J.R., Mistry M.N., Saeed F., Dasgupta S., 2021, Spatial Economic Analysis  (Received best paper award

"Global Vulnerability of Crop Yields to Climate Change", Sue Wing I., De Cian E., Mistry M.N., 2021, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Vol 109, 102462,

“Air-Conditioning and the Adaptation Cooling Deficit in Emerging Economies”, Pavanello F., De Cian E., Davide M., Mistry M.N., Cruz T., Borges P., Jagu D., Renner S., Schaffer R., and Lucena A.F.P, 2021, Nature Communications, 12, 6460,

“Projecting Effects of Climate Change on the INFORM Risk Index”, Marzi, S.,  Mysiak J., Essenfelder A.H., Pal J., Vernaccini L., Mistry M.N., Alfieri L., Poljansek K., Marin-Ferrer M., and Vousdoukas M., 2021, Global Environmental Change, Vol 71, 102393,

“Residential electricity demand projections for Italy: a spatial downscaling approach”, Rizzati M., De Cian E., Guastella G., Mistry M.N., Pareglio S., Energy Policy, Vol 160, 112639,

“Climate Change Literacy and Migration: Micro-Level Evidence from Africa”, Helbling M., Auer D., Meierrieks D., Mistry M.N., Schaub M., 2021, Climatic Change, 169, 9,

“Possible influence of the Warm Pool ITCZ to compound climate extremes during the boreal summer”, Basconcillo J., Moon I-J., Wang B., Mistry M.N., 2021, Environmental Research Letters, Vol 16, 114039,

“Income-dependent expansion of electricity demand for climate change adaptation in Brazil”, Colelli F. and Mistry M.N., 2022, Energy and Climate Change, Vol 3, 100071.

"Comparison of weather station and climate reanalysis data for modelling temperature-related mortality", Mistry M.N., Schneider R., Masselot P., Roye D., Armstrong B., Kysely J., Orru H., Sera F., Tong S., Lavigne E., Urban A., Madureira J., Garcia-Leon D., Ibarreta D., Ciscar J.-C., Feyen L., de Schrijver E., de Sousa Zanotti Stagliorio Coelho M., Pascal M., Tobias A., Guo Yuming, Vicedo-Cabrera A.M., Gasparrini A., 2022, Nature Scientific Reports, Vol. 12, pp. 5178,

"Small-area assessment of temperature-related mortality risks in England and Wales: a case time series analysis", Gasparrini A, Masselot P, Scortichini M, Schneider R, Mistry M.N., Sera F, Macintyre HL, Phalkey R, Vicedo-Cabrera AM. 2022, Lancet Planet Health Jul;6(7):e557-e564.

"Increased energy use for adaptation significantly impacts mitigation pathways", Colelli F., De Cian E., Emmerling J., Marangoni G., Mistry M.N., 2022, Nature Communications, 13(4964),

"Population weighted degree-days: The global shift between heating and cooling", Kennard H., Oreszczyn T., Mistry M.N., Hamilton I., Energy and Buildings 2022,

"Excess mortality attributed to heat and cold: a health impact assessment study in 854 cities in Europe", Masselot P., Mistry M.N., et al., 2023, Lancet Planet Health, S2542-5196(23)00023-2. DOI: 10.1016/S2542-5196(23)00023-2. PMID: 36934727,

"Importance of humidity for characterization and communication of dangerous heatwave conditions", Cvijanovic I., Mistry M.N., Begg J., Gasparrini A., Rodo X., 2023, NPJ Climate and Atmospheric Science, 6, 33,

"Neglected implications of land-use and land-cover changes on the climate-health nexus", Orlov A., Aunan K., Mistry M.N., Lejeune Q., Pongratz J., Thiery W., Gasparrini A., Reed E.U., Schleussner C-F., 2023, Environmental Research Letters (ERL), Vol 8(5),

"Optimal heat stress metric for modelling heat-related mortality varies from country to country", Lo E., Y. T., Mitchell D.M., Buzan J.R., Zscheischler J., Schneider R., Mistry M.N., Kyselý J. et al., 2023, International Journal of Climatology, 1-16,

"Understanding Systemic Cooling Poverty”, Mazzone A., De Cian E., Falchetta G., Jani A., Mistry M.N., Khosla R., 2023, Nature Sustainability,

"Advancing our knowledge of the environment-wellbeing relationship", Midões C., De Cian E., Pasini G., Pesenti S., Mistry M.N., 2024, Environment & Health,

"Reconstructing individual-level exposures in cohort analyses of environmental risks: An example with the UK Biobank", Vanoli J., Mistry M.N., Masselot P., Libardi de-la-Cruz A., Sheng Ng C.F., Schneider R., Madaniyazi L., Gasparrini A., 2024, Journal Of Exposure Science And Environmental Epidemiology,

"Seasonality of mortality under climate change: a multicountry projection study", Madaniyazi L., Armstrong B., Tobias A., Mistry M.N., Bell M. et al., 2024, The Lancet Planetary Health,

"Global, regional, and national burden of mortality associated with cold spells during 2000-19: a three-stage modelling study”, Gao et al., 2024,
The Lancet Planetary Health,

"Impact of population aging on future temperature-related mortality at different global warming levels”, Chen K., de Schrijver E., Sivaraj S., Sera F., Scovronick N., Jiang L., Roye D., Lavigne E., Kyselý J., Urban A., Schneider A., Huber V., Madureira J., Mistry M.N., Cvijanovic I., MCC Collaborative Research Network, Gasparrini A., Vicedo-Cabrera A.M., 2024, Nature Communications,

"A better integration of health and economic impact assessments of climate change", Orlov A., Schleypen J., Aunan K., Sillmann J., Gasparrini A., Mistry M.N., 2024, Environmental Research Letters (ERL)

"Ambient heat exposure and kidney function in patients with chronic kidney disease: A post hoc analysis of the DAPA-CKD trial", Zhang Z.; Heerspink, H.J.L, Chertow G.M., Correa-Rotter R., Gasparrini A., Jongs N., Langkilde A.M., McMurray J.J.V., Mistry M., Rossing P., Toto R.D., Vart P., Nitsch D., Wheeler D.C., Caplin B., 2024, The Lancet Planetary Health

"Real-time forecast of temperature-related excess mortality at small-area level: towards an operational framework", Mistry M.N. and Gasparrini A., 2024, Environmental Research: Health, DOI 10.1088/2752-5309/ad5f51

"Regional Variation in the Role of Humidity on City-level Heat-Related Mortality", Guo C., Mistry M.N. et al., 2024, PNAS Nexus,

"High resolution mapping of nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter in Great Britain (2003–2021) with multi-stage data reconstruction and ensemble machine learning methods", Libardi de la Cruz A., Masselot P., Schneidere R., Nightingale E., Milojevic A., Vanoli J., Mistry M.N., Gasparrini A., Atmospheric Polluation Research,

"Temperature-related mortality burden and projected change in 1368 European regions: a modelling study", García-León D., Masselot P., Mistry M.N., Gasparrini A., Motta C., Feyen L., and Carlos Císcar J., 2024, The Lancet Public Health,

"Association between chronic exposure to low ambient PM2.5 and cardiovascular hospital admissions: a UK Biobank study", Vanoli J., Sera F., Libardi de-la-Cruz A., Stafoggia M., Masselot P., Mistry M.N., Rajagopalan S., Brook R., M.D. Al-Kindi Sadeer, Dazard JE, Sheng Ng C.F., Madaniyazi L., Parsons J., Gasparrini A., 2024, Environment International,

"Rapid increase in the risk of heat-related mortality", Lüthi S., Fairless C., Fischer E.M. et al., 2024, Nature Communications,

"Impacts of land-use and land-cover changes on temperature-related mortality”, Orlov A., Mistry M.N. et al., 2024, Environmental Epidemiology, 8(6):p e337, DOI: 10.1097/EE9.0000000000000337.

"Meteorological factors, population immunity and Covid-19 incidence – A global multi-city analysis", Feurer et al., 2024, Environmental Epidemiology, DOI: 10.1097/EE9.0000000000000338

"Global, regional, and national mortality burden attributable to air pollution from landscape fires”, Rongbin Xu, Tingting Ye, et al., 2024, The Lancet,

"Long-term associations between time-varying exposure to ambient PM2.5 and mortality risks: an analysis of the UK Biobank”, Vanoli J., Sera F., Libardi de-la-Cruz A., Stafoggia M., Masselot P., Mistry M.N., Rajagopalan S., Quint J.K., Sheng Ng C.F., Madaniyazi L., Gasparrini A., 2025, Epidemiology, 36(1):p 1-10,

"Contrasting future heat and cold-related mortality attributed to climate change in 854 European cities", Masselot P., Mistry M.N., Rao S., Huber V., Monteiro A., Samoli E., Stafoggia M., de'Donato F., Schneider A., Katsouyanni K., Vicedo-Cabrera A.M., Aunan K., Exhaustion Project, Gasparrini A., Nature Medicine, 2025,

"The Impact of Climate on Economic and Financial Cycles: A Markov-switching Panel Approach", Billio M., Casarin R., De Cian E., Mistry M.N., Osuntuyi A., 2023, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (in review), (Working Paper) 

(ii) Technical Report (Contribution: Computation of climate extreme indices)
“Piano Nazionale di Adattamento ai Cambiamenti Climatici (PNACC), Italy”, 2017

(iii) Policy Brief (Chapter Contribution) 
“Climate Adaptation: Mitigation and Action in a Post Paris World”, Center for Climate Change and Sustanability Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai, India, 2017

(iv) Book 
Title: "Indian Summer Monsoon: Active-Break Cycles in Observations and Climate Model Simulations" 
Publisher: Verlag Dr. Muller (VDM), ISBN: 978-3-639-20004-1

Chapter, Title: "The Role of Climate Datasets in Understanding Climate Extremes", in Climate Impacts on Extreme Weather: Current to Future Changes on a Local to Global Scale, Elsevier 2022, Pages 19-48,