Anno accademico
2024/2025 Programmi anni precedenti
Titolo corso in inglese
Codice insegnamento
PLM003 (AF:538524 AR:306521)
In presenza
Crediti formativi universitari
Livello laurea
Settore scientifico disciplinare
3° Periodo
Anno corso
This course aims at promoting the development of the students' soft skills, that represent a set of individual characteristics that are required to obtain an effective job performance. These soft skills can be expressed in every job which requires them, and can be classified into three groups: action management abilities, relational abilities and cognitive abilities (e.g. results orientation, initiative, adaptability, empathy, leadership, conflict management, persuasion, teams management, self awareness, self control, pattern recognition, system thinking, oral communication, etc.).
This course leads the students towards an exciting journey to understand one's own strenghtens, weaknesses and career goals, by defining a personal development plan to be used to improve the students' access to the labor market. This course represents a learning tool to be used in every career path and working sector.
This course has been developed by the Ca' Foscari Competency Centre (www.unive.it/cfcc), which is the research centre with the aim to improve people's employability and performance by developing their soft skills portfolio.
The course allows the students to undertake a process aimed:
- to acquire knowledge on: the emotional and social competency model, the intentional change process, the distinctive characteristics of personal vision, the 360-degree assessment of soft skills, the identification of the personal strengths and areas of improvements, the personal learning styles, how to develop emotional and social competencies, emotional and social competencies in the selection and performance appraisal processes.
- to increase the understanding on the personal aspirations and targets of personal and professional growth; to demonstrate awareness on the level of social and emotional competencies needed to achieve their targets; to understand their strengths and areas of improvements necessary to define an individual learning plan.
- to apply the knowledge and the understanding of their emotional and social competencies to define personal learning objectives and to define a personal learning plan based on the development of emotional and social competencies.
This course is open to the students of Master's Degree Programmes (2nd cycle) in every discipline.
• The social and emotional competencies and their impact on working performance
• Positive emotional attractors and Negative emotional attractors
• The self-directed learning process
• Defining our ideal working life
• Assessing our behavioural competencies
• Understanding the 360-degree feedback to indentify strenghts and weaknesses
• Coaching sessions and Learning teams
• Defining a personal development plan and our learning style
• How to develop competencies
• Competency-based human resources management
Boyatzis, R. E., & McKee, A. (2005). Resonant Leadership: Renewing Yourself and Connecting with Others through Mindfulness, Hope, and Compassion. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
Other learning materials will be announced at the beginning of the course.
Individual assignments during the course are worth 50% of the final grading, the written exam (three open questions in one hour) for the remaining 50%

With regard the final grade:
A. scores 18-22 age will be assigned if the student shows:
- sufficient knowledge and comprehension with reference to the program;
- sufficient ability to analyse and interpret the contents of the program with specific regards the process of development emotional and social competencies, making independent judgments;
- sufficient communication skills, especially in relation to the use of the specific language related to the emotional and social competencies and the related development process.
B. scores 23-26 will be assigned if the student shows:
- fair knowledge and comprehension with reference to the program;
- fair ability to analyse and interpret the contents of the program with specific regards the process of development emotional and social competencies, making independent judgments;
- fair communication skills, especially in relation to the use of the specific language related to the emotional and social competencies and the related development process.
C. scores 27-30 range will be awarded if the student shows:
- good knowledge and comprehension with reference to the program;
- good ability to analyse and interpret the contents of the program with specific regards the process of development emotional and social competencies, making independent judgments;
- good communication skills, especially in relation to the use of the specific language related to the emotional and social competencies and the related development process.
D. honours will be awarded in the presence of excellent knowledge, comprehension and judgement skills of the competency development process.
This course is characterized by strongly interactive methodologies and by an online learning platform where each student can find a set of advanced tools for the individual assessment and feedback, as well as a set of learning materials. The theoretical framework is represented by the self-directed learning model, aimed at supporting the students to use a method of managing their professional career throughout their whole working life.
The course is limited in number with a maximum of 60 students. The call for admission to the acamic year 2024-25 will be published in OCTOBER 20234 at https://www.unive.it/pag/31171/
For further information see: https://www.unive.it/pag/31171/

Questo insegnamento tratta argomenti connessi alla macroarea "Capitale umano, salute, educazione" e concorre alla realizzazione dei relativi obiettivi ONU dell'Agenda 2030 per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile

Programma definitivo.