Anno accademico
2024/2025 Programmi anni precedenti
Titolo corso in inglese
Codice insegnamento
C38-24 (AF:522363 AR:293600)
Blended (in presenza e online)
Crediti formativi universitari
Livello laurea
Settore scientifico disciplinare
I Semestre
Anno corso
Il corso fa parte degli insegnamenti affini e integrativi del corso di laurea magistrale di “ACCW”. Learning objectives:
The aim of the course is to focus on the concept of ‘Classic’ and the reuse of it in the History of Western Art in a given range of chronology: i.e. from Early modern period to the Contemporary
Expected learning outcomes:
-Awareness of the main theoretical issues concerning the discipline;
-improvement of a critical approach to primary and secondary sources;
-improvement of a critical approach to Museums and their display;
-ability to do research and to communicate results.

Sarebbe auspicabile una conoscenza di base della Storia dell'Arte occidentale.
Recycling Antiquity. Form the Early modern period until Today.
On the one hand, the theme of re-employment will be addressed as studied by the eminent Art Historians Francis Haskell and Nicholas Penny already in the Eighteens, on the other hand, the still vital success of this process (or its Fortuna) will be analyzed in the light of the recent exhibition activity cured by and linked to the theoretical reflection of eminent Scholar Salvatore Settis. The exhibitions venue of the Prada Foundation (both in Venice and Milan) will constitute a privileged observatory.
Weeks 1st – 3rd
Main topics:
A definition of terms: words for a critical approach.
The British School / The Italian School.
A methodological premise on a classical topic. Illustrious precedent.
The English School: The methodological approach by Francis Haskell and Nicholas Penny: Taste and the Antique. The Lure of Classical Sculpture 1500-1900
Focus on primary sources about the reception of classic culture in Early modern Iconography.
The Italian School: The sense of Salvatore Settis for Antiquity as a curator. A biographical and critical portrait.
Salvatore Settis as a curator: 3 exhibitions 2015-2022: Serial/Portable/Recycled Classics (Milan/Venice/Milan)
Weeks 4th – 6th
Groups visits in Museums or / and at Exhibition on the topic, in Venice.
A laboratory Section, case studies in a team or alone on the topic: Mapping the ‘recycling Beauty’ all over Europe.

1. F. Haskell, N. Penny, Taste and the Antique. The Classical Lure of Sculpture 1500 -1900, London, 1984 or later editions.

2. Serial/Portable Classic: the Greek Canon and its mutations, exhibition catalogue cured by S. Settis, A. Anguissola, D. Gasparotto, (Venice – Milan 9 May – 13 Sept 2015), Milano, Prada Arte, 2015.

3. Recycling Beauty, exhibition catalogue cured by S. Settis, A. Anguissola, (Milan 17 Nov 2022 – 27 Feb 2023 ), Milano, Prada Arte, 2022.

Further bibliography and resources will be reported at lessons.
The bibliography will be the same for both attending and not-attending students.
The exam is aimed at verifying:
• The acquisition of disciplinary contents;
• Mastery of a specific vocabulary;
• The ability to argue and critically re-elaborate contents;
• The development of a global vision of the discipline.

WRITTEN EXAM METHOD: the candidate is required to answer three questions on three topics of the program, each answer is assigned a score from 0 to 10 (for each question the following will be evaluated by the Teacher: The acquisition of disciplinary contents: 3 points / The mastery of a specific vocabulary: 3 points/ The ability to argue and critically re-elaborate the contents: 3 points/ The maturation of a global vision of the discipline: 1 point)
the final grade comes from the sum of the three scores.
'Lode' (Distinction) is a plus at the discretion of the teacher.
Participation in group work (only for those attending) contributes to the FINAL MARK TO THE EXTENT OF 20% without, however, jeopardizing the possibility of obtaining the maximum score even for those who cannot attend the lessons/are not interested in taking part. to the laboratory section of the course.
Non-attending students
Non-attending students are evaluated ONLY on the basis of the final oral exam, they DO NOT prepare a seminar presentation.
Teaching methods:
- Class Seminars or via Streaming in Ppt presentations with texts and images (15 hours)
- shared commentary of texts and images;
- synchronic use of types of study and research material;
- visits to museum and/or exhibitions in VENICE (10 hours only live 1 or 2 days in VENICE) to be announced.
- flipped lessons (15 hours)

Gli studenti portatori di BES accedono alla registrazione delle lezioni previo contatto con gli uffici preposti

Questo insegnamento tratta argomenti connessi alla macroarea "Capitale umano, salute, educazione" e concorre alla realizzazione dei relativi obiettivi ONU dell'Agenda 2030 per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile

Programma definitivo.
Data ultima modifica programma: 25/10/2024