Anno accademico
2024/2025 Programmi anni precedenti
Titolo corso in inglese
Codice insegnamento
EM3A15 (AF:512359 AR:288240)
In presenza
Crediti formativi universitari
Livello laurea
Laurea magistrale (DM270)
Settore scientifico disciplinare
3° Periodo
Anno corso
Spazio Moodle
Link allo spazio del corso
The module is part of the historical and artistic cluster within the MA in Arts Management. It is designed to provide the students with a general understanding of the key features, processes and products of contemporary visual cultures, with a particular emphasis on the main authors animating the most recent debate about them.
Upon successful completion of the module, students will gain a good understanding of the products of contemporary visual cultures. They will also be able to distinguish and appropriately discuss the main theoretical issues characterising the elaboration, interpretation and reconfiguration of images in the current digital and postdigital society, as well as their historical lineage and sociocultural impact. Basic objectives of the module are therefore to:

- Develop the ability to learn and use the specific vocabulary describing visual cultures in pertinent ways;
- Demonstrate an excellent familiarity in elaborating a consistent and pertinent argumentation about the studied topics;
- Acquire the skill to elaborate on the theoretical, historical and sociocultural context of visual culture artefacts and image technologies;
- Be able to highlight the numerous linkages between theories and the common practical uses of visual culture artefacts.

Essential to pass the module is a basic development of critical thinking, so as to be able to recognise the logics and processes regulating contemporary visual culture artefacts, as well as the relationships amongst them. Ultimately, such critical thinking is expected to be individually articulated, constructively structured and collectively discussed using case studies, concepts and module readings alike. This is truly an essential skill not only because it will contribute to favour a respectful and dialogic environment in the classroom, but also and rather primarily because it is a key transferable skill required by the job market for pretty much each and every professional profile in line with the overall master’s programme.
No requirements as far as contents are concerned, though some knowledge in the areas of media, new media, media archaeology and film could be of help.
Language-wise, students are expected to be fluent in English as per programme minimum entry requirement.
First of two Visual Cultures modules, this class offers a basic introduction to the trends featuring contemporary visual cultures. **If you only have 6 CFU in your study plan, please make sure to pick THIS module and not Visual Cultures II**

We will touch upon the key features, processes and products of contemporary visual cultures, with a particular emphasis on the main authors animating the most recent debate about them. We will explore the relationship between sight and knowledge, looking in particular into the sites and dispositifs that established the canon characterising this nexus. We will eventually move onto the subversion of such model by complementing an historical perspective with a critical discussion of major theoretical notions alongside a close analysis approach, which will enable us diving across the folds, aesthetic aspects, and technologies typical of contemporary the visual culture artefacts commonly punctuating our media practices.
Students are expected to study the selected readings distributed session by session through Moodle.
Further bibliographical references will be provided at the beginning of the module.

Students will be assessed via two exam components:

- a written coursework (40% of the overall module grade) consisting of 2 reading responses (max 1000 words each). These are to be written IN GROUPS and critical, they are based on the texts assigned weekly and the following discussion taking place in class with fellow students moderated by the lecturer;

- an oral test (60% of the overall module grade) to assess the INDIVIDUAL understanding of the concepts and themes covered throughout the module.

Bibliography and assessment methods are the same for non-attending students, too. They are however invited to contact the teacher by email, so as to understand the structure of the module and fundamental issues addressed during the lectures.
scritto e orale
The module adopts a mix of teaching strategies and tools to favour knowledge transfer, as well as to create a participatory and stimulating teaching environment.
We will combine frontal lectures, working sessions and critical discussions. You will be supported in your work and interaction with fellow students and the lecturer by a set of teaching materials such as presentations, clips and the likes. Ad hoc tasks will be assigned to allow you elaborating on the theoretical concepts in a more dialogical and proactive way.
In order for everybody to participate in stimulating sessions an active participation is required. You are also required to do your weekly reading for a more evenly distributed learning process.
Students are warmly suggested to take their classes.

Ca' Foscari applies the Italian law (17/1999; 170/2010) for the support services available to students with disabilities or specific learning disabilities. If you have either a motor, visual, hearing or another disability (Law 17/1999), or a specific learning disorder (Law 170/2010) and you require support (classroom assistance, tech aids to carry out exams or personalised exams, accessible format materials, notes retrieval, special tutoring as study support, translators or else), please contact the Disability and DSA office

Questo insegnamento tratta argomenti connessi alla macroarea "Capitale umano, salute, educazione" e concorre alla realizzazione dei relativi obiettivi ONU dell'Agenda 2030 per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile

Programma definitivo.
Data ultima modifica programma: 01/10/2024