Anno accademico
2021/2022 Programmi anni precedenti
Titolo corso in inglese
Codice insegnamento
EM3A02 (AF:357845 AR:189154)
In presenza
Crediti formativi universitari
Livello laurea
Laurea magistrale (DM270)
Settore scientifico disciplinare
4° Periodo
Anno corso
Spazio Moodle
Link allo spazio del corso
L’insegnamento ricade tra le attività formative caratterizzanti del corso di laurea di Economia e Gestione delle Arti e delle Attività Culturali che preparano gli studenti ad acquisire conoscenze rilevanti per la gestione delle produzioni culturali.
Obiettivo formativo dell’insegnamento è quello di fornire conoscenze relative al project management per il settore culturale.
Il corso di Project Management si inserisce nel percorso di studio con un programma che riguarda i seguenti sistemi operativi aziendali: le strategie, la programmazione e controllo di gestione e il monitoraggio dei progetti sviluppati all'interno delle organizzazioni culturali.

The students are expected to understand the strategic aspects of project management in arts and cultural organization.
In particular, the students are expected to learn:
—the different sectors in which cultural organizations operate (profit, no-profit, public organization)
—identify the context in which cultural organizations operate (environmental and stakeholder analysis)
—learn and discuss the steps to realize a project for arts organizations (ideation, management, implementation and evaluation)
— how to tackle potential issues in the project development and elements of crisis management.
—Identify and discuss the challenges related to attracting, assigning and managing resources, including the trade-off between available resources and final objectives.
—how to effectively use tools of project management (eg. GANTT, Swot)
Basic knowledge of management and accounting and background. The programme includes various talks from field experts – operating in different organizations in the cultural sector – and exercises enabling a hands-on approach.
The students are encouraged to take an active role during the lectures and proactively interact with speakers.
The course introduces students to the notions of project management for arts and cultural organization, with references to planning, identifying stakeholders and potential partners, finding resources, implementing and evaluating results.
The course will provide an overview of the dynamics and the life-cycle of a project. Specifically:
—Introduction to project management practice and methods.
—Project management techniques: concept, mission, work breakdown structure, schedule, feasibility: SWOT analysis, stakeholder analysis.
—The planning phase. Planning tools: GANTT, Elements of Budget and financial; elements of Fundraising; financing culture: Artbonus, Italian Council and PNNR.
—The implementation and monitoring phase. Putting plans into action, tracking progress, maintaining control and respond to disruptive events.

The programme includes various talks from field experts – operating in different organizations in the cultural sector – and exercises enabling a hands-on approach.
The full list of seminars and speakers will be communicated through Moodle.

Main References:
Meredith, J.R. & Mantel S.J., Project Management: A Managerial Approach, Wiley, New York. (Chapter 1-6-8)

Addis, M., & Rurale, A. (Eds.). (2020). Managing the Cultural Business: Avoiding Mistakes, Finding Success. Routledge. (Chapters 3-4-5); pp. 78 – 183

European Commission (2016), Managing Art Projects with Societal Impact. Study Book for Students, Stakeholders and Researchers; Sybellius Accademy research

Case Studies, chapters and selected papers will be communicated throughout the course, in class and on Moodle, and will be made available on Moodle.

The evaluation will be in 30/30.
In the last week of the course (second week of May) students will present their group work to the class, which peer- evaluate the others group.
Details about the project work will be illustrated during the first week of the course.
In addition, there will be a written exam on Moodle will.
The final exam will cover all the lecture material used throughout the course (assigned readings, slides, case presented by experts). It will not include case details, but it will include conceptual issues that are covered during case discussion.
- 45% Group Project work/case report
- 45% Written Exam
- 10% Peer evaluation of the projects

For non-attending students:

Written Exam(70% of final grade). 3 open-ended questions.
Final Report (30% of the final grade). Instructions will be given in class and on Moodle.

non attending student will be required to contact the lecturer.
scritto e orale
The course combines ordinary lecture, with project works and guest lectures from professionals in the field.
Guest lectures and seminars is to have the students combine the theory (presented during ordinary lecture) to real-world cases. Ask questions and be curious is a Must!
The introduction to group assignments will be delivered during the first week of the course meeting.
In-class active participation in discussions or exercises is expected.

Questo insegnamento tratta argomenti connessi alla macroarea "Economia circolare, innovazione, lavoro" e concorre alla realizzazione dei relativi obiettivi ONU dell'Agenda 2030 per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile

Programma definitivo.
Data ultima modifica programma: 28/03/2022