Anno accademico
2019/2020 Programmi anni precedenti
Titolo corso in inglese
Codice insegnamento
SIE064 (AF:336736 AR:177542)
Crediti formativi universitari
Livello laurea
Corso di Perfezionamento
Settore scientifico disciplinare
II Semestre
Anno corso
Spazio Moodle
Link allo spazio del corso
The distinctive feature of the course is the international composition of the class, generally including a variety of provenances both in geography and education. For this reason too, attendance to classes is highly recommended. Non-attending students are kindly asked to get in touch with the instructor.
The course is conceived to introduce Venetian art to students who do not necessarily have a background in any field of Humanities, including Art. Students enrolled on a degree course in Arts or Humanities, especially MA students, are kindly asked to get in touch with the instructor.
Thanks to the combination of different teaching and learning techniques (frontal lectures; group discussion; group-work; guided tours) students will learn:
- to develop a methodological approach to the analysis of museums;
- to describe and compare works of Venetian art;
- to increase awareness of the geography of the lagoon and of the territories that belonged to the Republic of Venice;
- to be able to present their work before an audience by putting together an academic research project as part of a group, and developing a well-balanced and effective communication approach.
None. A basic knowledge of European and Italian art history would be appreciated, but it is not necessary.
The museums of Venice and Veneto narrate a thousand-year history. The peculiar landscape of the region, rich in plains, rivers, mountains up to the lagoon of Venice and the Adriatic sea, has hosted populations since prehistoric times. The course aims to focus on a selection of museums in Venice and Veneto and to examine the masterpieces preserved there. During the lectures will revive the art of the ancient Veneti, Greeks and Romans, the civilization of Byzantium and the masterpieces of Renaissance Maestri, the Baroque art up to the contemporary event of the Biennale. Even through visits and direct experience of artworks, students will be asked to reason about the museum as a meeting place for vivid narratives.
G. Ortalli, G. Scarabello, A short history of Venice, Venezia, Pacini editore 1999

Further reading
P. Fortini Brown, Venice and Antiquity: The Venetian Sense of the Past, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1996
P. Fortini Brown, Private lives in Renaissance Venice, New Haven, Yale University Press, 2004
G. Pertot, Venice Extraordinary Maintenance. A history of the Restoration, Conservation, Destruction and Adulteration of the Fabric of the City from the Fall of the Republic to the Present, London, Paul Holberton, 2004
G. Duby, G. Lobrichon (eds.), The history of Venice in painting, New York, Abbeville Press Publishers, 2007
M. Favilla, F. Pedrocco, R. Rugolo, Frescoes of the Veneto. Venetian Palaces and Villas, New York, Sassi The Vendome Press, 2009
M. Favilla, F. Pedrocco, R. Rugolo, Baroque Venice. The opulence, dreams, and illusions of a world in decline, Vicenza, Sassi editore, 2009
Eric R. Dursteler (ed.), A companion to Venetian history, 1400-1797, Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2013 (especially the chapters: Venetian Architecture, by D. Howard, pp. 743-778; Art in Venice 1400-1600, by W. Wolters, pp. 779-810; Venetian Art 1600-1797, by M. Favilla, R. Rugolo, D. Meijers, pp. 811-864)
Oral presentation and written test.
Frontal lectures, group work, one or two guided tours.

Questo insegnamento tratta argomenti connessi alla macroarea "Capitale umano, salute, educazione" e concorre alla realizzazione dei relativi obiettivi ONU dell'Agenda 2030 per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile

Programma definitivo.
Data ultima modifica programma: 30/01/2020