Anno accademico
2019/2020 Programmi anni precedenti
Titolo corso in inglese
Codice insegnamento
LMJ450 (AF:320985 AR:166953)
In presenza
Crediti formativi universitari
Classe 2
Livello laurea
Laurea magistrale (DM270)
Settore scientifico disciplinare
I Semestre
Anno corso
Spazio Moodle
Link allo spazio del corso
Obiettivo generale del corso è di sviluppare competenze avanzate nel campo della storia della letteratura e cultura inglese del periodo early modern (XVI e XVII secolo). Gli studenti saranno messi in grado di migliorare le proprie capacità di analisi testuale, operata su testi poetici, e nel contempo di mettere in relazione tali testi con i relativi contesti storico-culturali.
Il corso è inserito nell’offerta formativa del JOINT DEGREE IN ENGLISH AND AMERICAN STUDIES – le competenze acquisite in questo corso di primo anno potranno essere sperimentate nelle università straniere in cui gli studenti trascorrono un semestre, e in interazione con studenti internazionali.
Gli strumenti analitici acquisiti nel corso del triennio saranno ulteriormente verificati e sviluppati, a partire dalle conoscenze di storia letteraria, di retorica, di filologia, di metodologia critica e di riflessione teorica.
Sarà altresì sviluppata la capacità di lavoro autonomo e di discussione orale dei risultati della propria ricerca.
Solo studenti del corso magistrale possono seguire le lezioni. Casi diversi dovranno essere esaminati singolarmente.
Le lezioni si terranno in inglese, perciò lo studente deve essere in grado di comprendere e di argomentare criticamente su temi di letteratura e di cultura del Rinascimento inglese.
Una certa conoscenza del latino sarebbe utile e gradita.
Influences and exchanges of myths, ideas, and forms in Early Modern English Literature.

At the rise of the early modern English era, Tudor culture was deeply imbued with a sense of the classical past, and authors and texts re-echoed Latin literature. Knowledge of contemporary languages, such as French and especially Italian, was responsible for the powerful influence continental Renaissance had on England. In comparison with the Italian “Rinascimento”, the rediscovery of the ancients, Humanism, Neoplatonism, as well as new poetical forms, arrived in England almost a century later, but the encounter with a different political and economic milieu produced the flowering of literature and theatre that had its climax in the so called “golden age”, under Elizabeth I.
Although Europe was plagued by wars of religion and all countries had taken up arms against each other, secular ideas and art were circulating freely and uniting peoples and cultures.
The course highlights the value of the humanities in shaping worldviews, and will focus on the complex network of exchanges and influences characterizing early modern English literature, from the re-reading of ancient authors (such as Lucretius, Virgil, Plutarch, and Ovid) to the literary dialogue with Italian writers (such as Petrarch, Machiavelli, and Bruno), and with French writers (such as Montaigne).
Both poetry (Sidney, Marlowe, Shakespeare, Donne, etc.) and drama (Shakespeare, etc.) will be studied.
Primary texts:
The Penguin book of Renaissance verse, edited by David Norbrook and H. R.Woudhuysen, London: Penguin Books, 1993
C. Marlowe, Hero and Leander
W. Shakespeare, As You Like It

Secondary readings:
Students are requested to study two of the following books, at their own choice:
Barkan, Leonard, The gods made flesh : metamorphosis and the pursuit of paganism, New Haven: Yale University press, 1986
Bate, Jonathan, Shakespeare and Ovid, Oxford: Clarendon press, 1994
Greenblatt, Stephen, The swerve : how the Renaissance began, New York: Vintage books, 2012
Greene, Thomas M., The Light in Troy : Imitation and Discovery in Renaissance Poetry, New Haven [USA]: Yale University Press, 1982
Hopkins, David and Martindale, Charles, Horace made new : Horatian influences on British writing from the Renaissance to the twentieth century, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993
Martindale, Charles, John Milton and the transformation of ancient epic, London: Croom Helm, 1986
Martindale, Charles, Ovid renewed: Ovidian influences on literature and art from the Middle Ages to the twentieth century, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988
Martindale, Charles; and Taylor, A. B., Shakespeare and the classics, Cambridge: Cambridge University press, 2004

Additional bibliography
Suggested background studies (histories of literature, prosody, etc.):
The Cambridge History of Early Modern English Literature, edited by D. Loewenstein and J. Mueller, Cambridge University Press
Renaissance Literature and Culture, edited by L. Hopkins and M. Steggle, Continuum Books
Seventeenth Century Literature and Culture, edited by J. Daems, Continuum Books
English Poetry and Prose 1540-1674, edited by C. Ricks, The Penguin History of Literature, 1970
P. Hobsbaum, Metre, Rhythm and Verse Form, The New Critical Idiom, Routledge, 1996

A detailed list of poems and more critical bibliography might be provided later
Students are expected to do individual presentations on selected topics during the course, and will eventually be evaluated in an oral examination. They will have to prove they know the primary texts and the secondary critical essays that will be suggested. The exam will be in English and the levels of linguistic knowledge and of the ability to communicate will be part of the assessment, as well as the skills to make autonomous judgments.
60 hours of seminars, with two two-hour classes per week. After some introductory lessons given by the teacher, the course will include students' discussion, presentations and independent research projects.
Students are expected to do oral presentations on relevant topics.
Students unable to attend at least 2/3 of the course, shall write a paper of 4000 words on a topic to be agreed upon with the teacher and to be submitted at least two weeks before the exam as a hard copy. They must also choose three books instead of two in the list of critical texts.

Questo insegnamento tratta argomenti connessi alla macroarea "Capitale umano, salute, educazione" e concorre alla realizzazione dei relativi obiettivi ONU dell'Agenda 2030 per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile

Programma definitivo.
Data ultima modifica programma: 18/10/2019