Anno accademico
2019/2020 Programmi anni precedenti
Titolo corso in inglese
Codice insegnamento
PHD047 (AF:320066 AR:172094)
Crediti formativi universitari
Livello laurea
Corso di Dottorato (D.M.45)
Settore scientifico disciplinare
II Semestre
Anno corso
The course covers three main parts.
The first one concerns how to assess the risk and return trade-off in financial markets under the usual hypotheses of classic finance: rationality of investors and efficiency of financial markets.
The second one covers the issue of the financial structure of companies, starting from the traditional Modigliani and Miller framework until the more recent empirical findings.
The third one deals with the empirical issue of corporate evaluation.
A rigorous knowledge of the most important topics of financial management.
The capability to apply notions and methodologies discussed in class to a specificresearch question.
The time value of money, compounding and discounting, the basics of financial accounting, the structure of the balance sheet and income statement, and notions like EBIT, EBITDA, operating cash flows.
Foundations of finance
Mean variance framework
CAPM and market efficiency
Value of the firm and the cost of capital
Corporate financial structure
Corporate evaluation
Copeland T.E., Weston J.F., Shastri K., 2004, Financial Theory and Corporate Policy, The Addison-Wesley Series in Finance, 4th Edition: chapters 3, 5, 6, 11, 15.

Further references will be provided during the course.

A) In class empirical assignment
• Each student will have to critically review an article provided by the professor
• 30’ for class presentation (during the last classes of the course)
• PPT presentation
B) Short essay on the topic of the article presented (< 10 pages, 1.5 spaced) (to be prepared after the end of classes)
• Introduction and brief summary
• Literature review (already in the article, but also beyond it)
• Unsolved issues, open problems, food for thought …..
C) Written Exam
Part I
• To test a general knowledge of course programme
Part II
• To test a general knowledge of articles specifically discussed and presented in class

scritto e orale
Frontal course that also uses teaching modules available on the e-learning platform of university

Questo insegnamento tratta argomenti connessi alla macroarea "Capitale umano, salute, educazione" e concorre alla realizzazione dei relativi obiettivi ONU dell'Agenda 2030 per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile

Programma definitivo.
Data ultima modifica programma: 03/01/2020