Anno accademico
2019/2020 Programmi anni precedenti
Titolo corso in inglese
Codice insegnamento
LM8M30 (AF:307055 AR:166566)
In presenza
Crediti formativi universitari
Livello laurea
Laurea magistrale (DM270)
Settore scientifico disciplinare
I Semestre
Anno corso
Spazio Moodle
Link allo spazio del corso
Within the Master's Degree, this course is for students who need training in Arabic
The course aims at providing students with the necessary tools to interpret and understand simple texts in Arabic, and to interact on an informal level.
Those required by the degree program.
The course provides students with an overall beginner-level knowledge of the modern standard Arabic language, both written and spoken. It specifically offers:
• basic grammatical notions on nominal morphology (e.g. plurals), verbal (e.g. simple and derived forms of the verbs) and syntax (types of sentences simple / compound )
• application of the above knowledge for the development of active and passive skills and training for linguistic interaction in simple communicative contexts
Deheuvels L.-W., Manuel d'arabe moderne, L'Asiathèque, tome 1 (or the Italian translation: Grammatica Araba, Bologna: Zanichelli 2010, vol. 1)

Reference grammars:
Ryding, K., A Reference Grammar of Modern Standard Arabic, Cambridge University Press, 2012
Badawi, E., Carter M. G., Gully A. Modern Written Arabic: A Comprehensive Grammar, London, Routledge, 2014
Wehr, Hans, Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic, edited by J.M. Cowan (any edition)
Reigh, Daniel, DICTIONNAIRE ARABE-FRANCAIS. As sabil al wasit, Larousse (any edition)
Baldissera, E. (2014). Dizionario Arabo-Italiano. Bologna: Zanichelli

Linguistic exercises (native Arabic language instructors)
materials from:
supplementary material provided during the exercises by the linguistic instructors
Reig, D., Manuel d’arabe moderne, Paris, 1977.
Solimando, C., Salem, A., Imparare l’arabo conversando, Roma, 2011.

Useful resources and sites
Interactive Arabic: || Qutrub: || Dizionari e glossari: Ejtaal: (Percorso: Ejtaal > Arabic Almanac: versione on-line di autorevoli diz. di arabo standard e classico, es. Wehr, Kazimirski, Lane. Percorso: Ejtaal > Mawrid Reader: versione on-line del diz. di arabo standard Mawrid) || Almaany: .
The assessment of learning takes place through a written test and an oral test. The written test, consisting of exercises similar to those carried out during the course, aims to ascertain the skills acquired (writing, vocalization and translation skills Arabic / Italian and Italian / Arabic). The use of dictionaries is not permitted during the written test. In the oral exams, the student must demonstrate that he/she knows how to use the grammatical and communicative knowledge and skills acquired during the lectures.
scritto e orale
The teaching method is the audio-oral approach, focused on various pattern drills, duly contextualized within the framework of a didactic unit (globality, analysis, synthesis, reflection, control).
The course includes lectures and individual exercises.
The teaching languages of this master's degree program are: English and French. The use of the Italian language is not foreseen.
Programma definitivo.
Data ultima modifica programma: 19/04/2019