Anno accademico
2019/2020 Programmi anni precedenti
Titolo corso in inglese
Codice insegnamento
ET7013 (AF:275105 AR:160631)
In presenza
Crediti formativi universitari
Livello laurea
Settore scientifico disciplinare
4° Periodo
Anno corso
Spazio Moodle
Link allo spazio del corso
This course is designed to provide sound knowledge and understanding of the core aspects of the business and digital law to participants, with special reference to the various forms of business organisation, their regulation at both national and EU levels, their significance in the emerging economies, and the impact of technology on business activities and operations.
In particular, the students will be provided with an in-depth description of the main legal factors affecting business, its organization, the efficient and effective management of enterprises and the impact of technology on business operations.
This course is divided into two modules. This is the second module of the course and it mainly focuses on topics concerning the digitalisation of business.
The course programme is designed to promote and to stimulate innovative, creative and learning approaches to business, by combining the study of traditional legal instruments with an in-depth analysis of their implementation in the digital environment and in the organizational changes of the modern enterprises (digital transformation).
Participants, upon successfully completing the two-module course, will be able to develop abilities, in particular to be promoted in management and senior management positions, by practical applications of law principles in business and digital world. They will also be able to better understand the dynamics and the business implications of the current digital transformation, as well as the organizational needs of enterprises in the rapidly changing social and economic scenario.
At last, the use of case studies, workshops, group activities as teaching method will help the students to develop teamwork skills and leadership competencies.
Students must know the fundamentals of Private law.
Basic knowledge of information technology devices is recommended.
This module (Business and Digital law II) will deal with specific topics relevant to digital environment and business activities regulation: board composition, online convocation and online participation in shareholder meetings and board meetings, digitalisation of company law (by focusing on the new EU Directive regarding the use of digital tools and processes in company law), innovative start-ups, crowdfunding, bitcoin and blockchain, capital markets (trading venues and IPO), IP rights and their protection in the digital era. A particular focus will be on the recent EU Directive on Copyright in the Single Digital Market.
De Luca, N., European Company Law. Text, Cases and Materials (Cambridge University Press: 2017 (chapter 17, paras 17.1-17.3)
CoursePack (journal articles, documents, PPT presentations and legislative material) uploaded to the moodle e-learning platform.
The exam is divided into two parts: the first part consists of 20 multiple choice questions. The second part consists of two open-ended questions or, alternatively, a case study.
For each correct answer, a candidate gets 1 mark; a penalty of 0.5 mark is applied for getting an incorrect answer. The maximum marks a candidate can score for the open-ended questions is 12.
Attending students may also prepare an individual assignment. The assignment will substitute for the second part of the examination.
Frontal lectures and guest speaker seminars.
PowerPoint presentations, case studies and slides relevant to the course topics uploaded to the moodle e-learning platform.
Individual assignments and in-class participation to encourage active learning.
Students are encouraged to actively attend classes.

Questo insegnamento tratta argomenti connessi alla macroarea "Economia circolare, innovazione, lavoro" e concorre alla realizzazione dei relativi obiettivi ONU dell'Agenda 2030 per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile

Programma definitivo.
Data ultima modifica programma: 17/03/2020