Bachelor's Degree Programme in
Linguistic and Cultural Mediation

Linguistic and Cultural Mediation [LT5-21-21]
Enrolled in a.y. 2021/2022

Fabrizio TUROLDO

Professore Ordinario
Coordinatore del corso di Dottorato in Filosofia e Scienze della Formazione
041 234 6215
Filosofia morale [PHIL-03/A]
Sito web (scheda personale)
Dipartimento di Filosofia e Beni Culturali
Sito web struttura:
Sede: Malcanton Marcorà


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Pubblicato il 26/10/2024

The Moral Philosophy course restarts, after the break, on Thursday 31 October.

The Moral Philosophy course is a 60-hour course, spread over 10 weeks: 40 hours will be carried out in person, while the remaining 20 will be carried out online. The hours in presence in the second period of the course will be held on Thursdays (from Thursday 31st October to Thursday 5th December) from 8.45 to 12.00, in room 2 at the "Cinema Multisala Rossini".

The online lessons are already available on the Moodle page of the course and can be viewed. The date indicated for each lesson is therefore not the date of delivery, but the date by which the online lessons must have been viewed by students. The online lessons also include the participation of students in ten forums, which will be accessible on the dates indicated on the Moodle page of the course. The teacher considers that it is very important, also for the purposes of the final evaluation, that students participate in the forums, because it is an activity through which students actively "put themselves to the test", become protagonists, arguing and debating their opinions on the issues under discussion, interacting with the tutor and with the other students. Indeed, the method adopted in the course is that of "learning by doing", since there is no better way to really learn philosophy than by philosophizing.

The final exam will take place on the following dates: Thursday 9 January  2025 at 9 am and Thursday 23 January 2025 at 9 am.

The final exam will be a written exam, in which students will be asked four open-ended questions. The final evaluation will take into account the written exam, participation in the forumand any insights or short papers that the student elaborates  and presents during the course, with guidance from the teacher (in this case the student may also have to answer fewer questions in the written exam).

Details: of the 30 total marks, 20 are awarded based on the final written exam and 10 points are awarded based on interventions in the forum. For this reason all students must participate in the online forum, which constitutes, in every respect, a moment of evaluation and is not merely a part of the lesson.

Finally, all students who would like to further deepen their understanding of the issues raised in bioethics, even after the course, are invited to enrol in a summer school, which will be held at the Venice International University, on the Island of San Servolo, from the 16th  to the 21st of June 2025

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