
11 Sep 2024 14:30

Marco Polo, his book and Asia. Research perspectives twenty years later

Auditorium Santa Margherita – Emanuele Severino, Dorsoduro 3689

International Conference

Venice, September 11-14, 2024

Official languages: Italian, English, Chinese. An international scholarly conference on Marco Polo and his book of travels. On Saturday 14th Sept. a digital session is scheduled in which the first comprehensive digital edition of the "Devisement dou Monde" will be launched.

Scientific head of the event organization:

Marina Buzzoni, Eugenio Burgio

Target Audience: Researchers, Students, General Public, Professionals, Journalists, Politicians, etc.

With the collaboration and sponsorship of:
Marco Polo 700 (National Committee), RAI Veneto, RAI Cultura, AIUCD, Confucius Institute, CHANGES-CREST, Ca' Foscari Foundation, MUR-PRIN

Please see the attached poster for the full schedule of all talks


The event will be held in Italian

Organized by

Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici e Culturali Comparati, ProgettoEccellenzaDSLCC2023


Locandina/Flyer 1891 KB

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