
01 Jun 2023 08:00

Prof. Didem İŞLER



1. Please provide a brief outline of your training and scientific activity.
Short Resume of Didem İşler
She was born in 1979 in Bursa (Turkey). She graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Law, School of
Justice in 2003, and also from Ankara University, Faculty of Languages and History-Geography, Department
of Art History in 2008.
She studied at Ca 'Foscari University of Venice as an Erasmus student for one year (in 2006-2007) and
during her master's studies as an internship student for three months (in 2011).
She completed her masters program with her thesis on “Architectural Repairs in Documents of the
Ottoman State Archives” at Ankara University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Art History
and went on to begin her doctorate in the same department.
In the first year of her doctoral thesis, which examines “Venetian-Ottoman architectural
interactions”, she studied at the State Archives of Venice with a TÜBİTAK scholarship for one year
(2015-2016) and the following year she was invited as a researcher as part of a PhD program at Ca
'Foscari University of Venice (2016-2017).
In 2023, she graduated from Ankara University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Art History,
with her thesis titled " from Lazzaretto to Tahaffuzhane Quarantine Structures in the Republic of Venice
and the Ottoman Empire in the Light of Archival Documents ".
She currently works as a research assistant and lecturer at Bartın University at the Department of Art
Some of her works have been presented as speeches at symposia or published as articles in Turkish,
in Italian and in English.
2. Please state your reasons for choosing Venice and the Department for your research and teaching stay.
During my master's and doctoral studies, I conducted research in the Ottoman State Archives and Venice
State Archives in the field of Venetian-Ottoman architectural and cultural interaction. Some of the results
I obtained during my studies have not yet been published. I would like to turn those studies into a book
project of my research in the Venice State Archives under the consultancy carried out by Prof. Antonio
Trampus and the coordination of your University.
3. Have you ever had a research collaboration with the teaching staff of Department of Linguistics and
Comparative Cultural Studies in the past?
No, but in my curriculum you can see my past researches, invitation letters that I got and also relevant
academics from Ca'Foscari University are as follows:
Department of Asian and Mediterranean African Studies (under the consultation of Prof. Vera Constantini)
Department of Humanistic Studies (and also additional invitation letter from Prof. Sauro Gelichi)

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