
06 Jul 2024 13:30

Johannes Schmidt-Hieber - Posterior contraction of deep Gaussian processes

Aula Magna «Guido Cazzavillan», San Giobbe Economics Campus

Johannes Schmidt-Hieber
University of Twente


Deep neural networks are at the heart of the AI revolution and considerable progress has been made in building an underlying statistical foundation. Deep Gaussian process priors can be viewed as continuous analogues of Bayesian neural networks. This raises the question whether there is a closer link with deep learning and to what extend statistical convergence guarantees for deep artificial neural networks also hold for deep Gaussian process priors. For a carefully selected deep Gaussian process prior, we provide a positive answer for learning compositionally sparse functions. Similarly as the convergence rates for deep ReLU networks, deep Gaussian processes can achieve in this setting the fastest possible posterior contraction rates, which do not suffer from the curse of dimensionality. Moreover, we rigorously prove that deep Gaussian process priors can outperform Gaussian process priors in terms of contraction rates if the target function has a compositional structure.

This is joint work with Gianluca Finocchio, Matteo Giordano and Kolyan Ray.

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This lecture is included in the programme of the 2024 ISBA World Meeting

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The event will be held in English

Organized by

Department of Economics, Ca' Foscari University of Venice; ISBA World Meeting


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