
09 Jan 2022 18:00

Christmas Wishes ECLT Directors & Staff

Ca' Bottacin

Dear member of the ECLT community,

A difficult year lies behind us, challenging for all of us. We all suffered from different restrictions, quite often with severe consequences for our families and us. Some even were directly affected by the virus. As scientists, we could neither work in the laboratory nor attend academic life and events, ranging from local seminars over conferences to visits of other groups.

But there are also a few upsides. For large parts of the population, science proved its essential value for society. A powerful youth movement as well as responsible politicians recommend and even demand to unite in following the sciences. We may read this renewed trust in science as a sign of hope and reason for optimism.

The ECLT itself showed its resilience in the crisis: its network of community members, fellows, and associated institutions carried on with their work and even started various collaborations.  The ECLT did not only cope well with the suddenly widespread means of digital communication but harvested the new possibilities by establishing the ECLT seminar (join in, it is an excellent way to close a week!).

The ECLT community is well equipped for the challenges to come. Slowly but steadily, interdisciplinarity turns from a slogan into practice. The ECLT was and is at the forefront of this development.

We wish you all a peaceful Christmas season, a happy and insightful New Year,
and we hope to see you soon at the ECLT!

Achille Giacometti
ECLT Executive Director

Norman Packard
ECLT Co - Director

Rudolf Füchslin
ECLT Co - Director

Steen Rasmussen
Chair of the ECLT Science Board


▶ ▶▶The offices of ECLT and Ca' Foscari University of Venice close for the Christmas Holidays from Friday December, 24 until Sunday, January 9.
The offices re-open regularly on Monday, January 10 2022.

Organized by

European Centre for Living Technology (ECLT)

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