
05 Apr 2024 09:30

The Making of Expatriates: Cultural Flows and Adaptability

Sala B, Ca' Bernardo - Dorsoduro 3199

"The Making of Expatriates: Cultural Flows and Adaptability" explores the concept of modernism in conjunction with the theme of our  Department (DSLCC)'s Progetto di Eccellenza: adaptation/adaptability. The idea is to take the current crises in European culture and politics as frames for rethinking how modernism engaged with such issues a century ago; and reciprocally to explore how the resources of modernism can contribute to today's debates. This one-day symposium is designed to mark the launch of a new research network, The European Modernist Union (EMU), which represents a collaboration with the Centre for Modernist Cultures, University of Birmingham (UK).

With the collaboration of Centre for Modernist Cultures, University of Birmingham (UK)

Speakers: Max Saunders (University of Birmingham), Marilena Parlati (Università di Padova), Marina Morbiducci (Sapienza Università di Roma), Emma Sdegno (Ca' Foscari), Massimo Stella (Ca’ Foscari), Pia Masiero (Ca’ Foscari), Lucio De Capitani (Ca’ Foscari), Alice Balestrino (Università Roma Tre), Lisa Marchi (Università di Trento), Enrico Mariani (Ca’ Foscari)


The event will be held in English

Organized by

Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici e Culturali Comparati, ProgettoEccellenzaDSLCC2023


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