Publications catalogue

The Publications Catalogue of Ca’ Foscari Departments draw on the information provided by ARCA, the institutional open access research archive of the university.

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8135  publications

73 Books
83 Edition
16 Patent
4436 Article
617 Book chapter
2753 Conference proceeding
157 Other
From logical forms to SPARQL query with GETARUNS

Rocco Tripodi; Rodolfo Delmonte

(2011), New Challenges in Distributed Information Filtering and Retrieval, Aachen, Aachen University, vol. 771, pp. 1-12, Convegno: DART 2011, Palermo, September 17, 2011 (Articolo in Atti di convegno)

TALDICE-1 age scale of the Talos Dome deep ice core, East Antarctica

Buiron D.; Chappellaz J.; Stenni B.; Frezzotti M.; Baumgartner M.; Capron E.; Landais A.; Lemieux-Dudon B.; Masson-Delmotte V.; Montagnat M.; Parrenin F.; Schilt A.

(2011) in CLIMATE OF THE PAST, vol. 7, pp. 1-16 (ISSN 1814-9324) (Articolo su rivista)

Optimisation of Virtual Machine Garbage Collection Policies

S. Balsamo; G.Dei Rossi; A. Marin

(2011) in K. Al-Begain et al., Proceedings of the 18th international conference on Analytical and stochastic modeling techniques and applications, © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, vol. 6751, pp. 70-84, Convegno: 8th international conference on Analytical and stochastic modeling techniques and applications, Venice, June 2011 (ISBN 9783642217128) (ISSN 0302-9743) (Articolo in Atti di convegno)

Actions for plant biodiversity improvement and recovery in lowland ancient woods and artificial forest stands

Slaviero, A.; Fiorentin, F.; Buffa, G

(2011) in Antonio Slavierp, Roberto Fiorentin, Gabriella Buffa, Actions for plant biodiversity improvement and recovery in lowland ancient woods and artificial forest stands, Università di Genova, Convegno: 106^ Congresso Nazionale della Società Botanica Italiana (Poster in Atti di convegno)

Determination by ICP-MS of silver concentrations in different dressings used in burns care and evaluation of their release kinetics

C. Rigo; M. Roman; I. Munivrana; V. Vindigni; B. Azzena; C. Barbante; W. Cairns

(2011), XXIV Congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana, Francesco P. Fanizzi, Convegno: XXIV Congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana, Lecce, 11 – 16 September 2011 (Abstract in Atti di convegno)

Recent advances in dialkyl carbonate mediated intermolecular and intramolecular cyclisation

F. Aricò; P. Tundo

(2011), 43 IUPAC Conference, IUPAC, Convegno: 43 IUPAC World Conference, San Juan, 30-07 05-08/ 2011 (Abstract in Atti di convegno)

Guest Editors' Introduction

A. Celentano; A. Yoshitaka

(2011) in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING, vol. 21, pp. 1-2 (ISSN 0218-1940) (Articolo su rivista)

Thermal Imaging for the examination and Conservation of Contemporary Mural Paintings

M. Melchiorre Di Crescenzo; E. Zendri; C. Daffara; R. Fontana

(2011) in AIPnD, Art'11 - 10th International Conference, Italian Society for Non-Destructive Testing Monitoring Diagnostics, pp. 1-2, Convegno: Art'11, Firenze, 13-15 Aprile 2011 (Articolo in Atti di convegno)

PCBs in Central Vietnam coastal lagoons: levels and trends in dynamic environments

S. Giuliani; R. Piazza; L. G. Bellucci; C. H. Nguyen; M. Vecchiato; S. Romano; C. Mugnai; N. H. Dang; M. Frignani.

(2011) in MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN, vol. 62, pp. 1013-1024 (ISSN 0025-326X) (Articolo su rivista)

Modelling human movement in cholera spreading along fluvial systems

Righetto, L; Bertuzzo, E.; Casagrandi, R.; Gatto, M.; Rodriguez-Iturbe, I.; Rinaldo, A.

(2011) in ECOHYDROLOGY, vol. 4, pp. 49-55 (ISSN 1936-0584) (Articolo su rivista)

LSDS-IR'11: The 9th Workshop on Large-scale and Distributed Systems for Information Retrieval

(a cura di) Lucchese, Claudio; Cambazoglu, B. Barla

(2011), ACM, pp. 2643-2644 (ISBN 9781450307178) (Curatela)

Herbarium investigations: a tool to solve taxonomic and phylogenetic problems

Sciuto, K; Wolf, M.A.; Marzocchi, M; Moro, I

(2011), Proceedings of the XII UNIVERSEUM NETWORK MEETING Arranging and rearranging: Planning university heritage for the future, University of Padova, Convegno: XII UNIVERSEUM NETWORK MEETING Arranging and rearranging: Planning university heritage for the future, Padova, Italy (Poster in Atti di convegno)

Rhodomela (Rhodophyta, Ceramiales) in the North Atlantic: preliminary results of a molecular investigation

Sciuto, K.; Wolf, M.A.; Moro, I.; Maggs, C.A.

(2011), Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Meeting – Phycology Section of Italian Botanical Society, Phycology Section of Italian Botanical Society, Convegno: Annual Scientific Meeting – Phycology Section of Italian Botanical Society, Ancona, Italy (Abstract in Atti di convegno)

Surveys on biodiversity of Ulva (Chlorophyta, Ulvales) in the North Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean, Italy)

Wolf, M.A.; Sciuto, K.; Andreoli, C.; Moro, I.

(2011), Proceedings of the 8th Biennial Meeting of the Systematics Association, Queen’s University of Belfast, Convegno: 8th Biennial Meeting of the Systematics Association, Queen’s University of Belfast, Belfast, United Kingdom (Poster in Atti di convegno)

Problems and solutions in Gracilaria systematics: an example from G. bursa pastoris (Gmelin) Silva.

Wolf, M.A.; Sciuto, K.; Andreoli, C.; Moro, I.

(2011) in EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYCOLOGY, vol. 46, pp. 109-194 (ISSN 0967-0262) (Abstract in Rivista)

Seasonal changes in the diet of Testudo hermanni hermanni in central Italy

Del Vecchio S.; Burke L.R.; Rugiero L.; Capula M.; Luiselli L.

(2011) in HERPETOLOGICA, vol. 67, pp. 236-249 (ISSN 0018-0831) (Articolo su rivista)

The turtle is in the details: Microhabitat choice by Testudo hermanni is based on microscale plant distribution

Del Vecchio S.; Burke R.L.; Rugiero L.; Capula M.; Luiselli L.

(2011) in ANIMAL BIOLOGY, vol. 61, pp. 249-261 (ISSN 1570-7555) (Articolo su rivista)

Catchment residence and travel time distributions: The master equation

Botter, Gianluca; Bertuzzo, Enrico; Rinaldo, Andrea

(2011) in GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, vol. 38, pp. n/a-n/a (ISSN 0094-8276) (Articolo su rivista)

X3DMMS: An X3DOM tool for molecular and material sciences

Zollo, Fabiana; Caprini, Luca; Gervasi, Osvaldo; Costantini, Alessandro

(2011), Proceedings - 16th International Conference on 3D Web Technology, Web3D 2011, New York, NY, ACM, pp. 129-135, Convegno: 16th International Conference on 3D Web Technology, Web3D 2011, Paris, France, 2011 (ISBN 9781450307741; 9781450307741) (Articolo in Atti di convegno)

Prediction of the spatial evolution and effects of control measures for the unfolding Haiti cholera outbreak

Bertuzzo, Enrico; Mari, L.; Righetto, L.; Gatto, M.; Casagrandi, R.; Blokesch, M.; Rodriguez Iturbe, I.; Rinaldo, A.

(2011) in GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, vol. 38 (ISSN 0094-8276) (Articolo su rivista)

Catchment travel time distributions and water flow in soils

Rinaldo, A.; Beven, K.J.; Bertuzzo, E.; Nicotina, L.; Davies, J.; Fiori, A.; Russo, D.; Botter, G.

(2011) in WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, vol. 47 (ISSN 0043-1397) (Articolo su rivista)

Hydrologic controls and anthropogenic drivers of the zebra mussel invasion of the Mississippi-Missouri river system

Mari, L.; Bertuzzo, E.; Casagrandi, R.; Gatto, M.; Levin, S.A.; Rodriguez-Iturbe, I.; Rinaldo, A.

(2011) in WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, vol. 47 (ISSN 0043-1397) (Articolo su rivista)

15-Membered azamacrocycles as core and end groups of phosphorus dendrimers

Badetti, Elena; Franc, Gregory; Majoral, Jean-Pierre; Caminade, Anne-Marie; Sebastián, Rosa María

(2011) in SYNTHESIS, vol. 2011, pp. 1427-1434 (ISSN 0039-7881) (Articolo su rivista)

Integrated plan for the sustainable management of the Lagoon of Marano and Grado

Ramieri, E.; Barbanti, A.; Picone, M.; Menchini, G.; Bressan, E.; Dal Forno, E.

(2011) in Ramieri, E., Littoral 2010, EDP Sciences, pp. 05008, Convegno: Littoral 2010 - Adapting to global change at the coast: Leadership, Innovation, and Investment, London, 21-23 settembre 2010 (ISBN 978-2-7598-0645-4) (Articolo in Atti di convegno)

Change in medical plant use in Estonian ethnomedicine: A historical comparison between 1888 and 1994

Soukand, Renata; Kalle, Raivo

(2011) in JOURNAL OF ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY, vol. 135, pp. 251-260 (ISSN 0378-8741) (Articolo su rivista)

Direct local pattern sampling by efficient two-step random procedures

Boley, Mario; Lucchese, Claudio; Paurat, Daniel; Gã¤rtner, Thomas

(2011), Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, ACM, pp. 582-590, Convegno: 17th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, KDD'11, San Diego, CA, usa, 2011 (ISBN 9781450308137) (Articolo in Atti di convegno)

Improving Europeana search experience using query logs

Ceccarelli, Diego; Gordea, Sergiu; Lucchese, Claudio; Nardini, Franco Maria; Tolomei, Gabriele

(2011), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) in LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, Springer, vol. 6966, pp. 384-395, Convegno: International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL 2011, Berlin, deu, 2011 (ISBN 9783642244681) (ISSN 1611-3349) (Articolo in Atti di convegno)

Spatial effects on species persistence and implications for biodiversity

Bertuzzo, Enrico; Suweis, Samir; Mari, Lorenzo; Maritan, Amos; Rodríguez Iturbe, Ignacio; Rinaldo, Andrea

(2011) in PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, vol. 108, pp. 4346-4351 (ISSN 0027-8424) (Articolo su rivista)

Ceramium Roth (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta) from Venice lagoon (Adriatic Sea, Italy): Comparative studies of Mediterranean and Atlantic taxa.

Wolf, M.A.; Sciuto, K.; Maggs, A.C.; De Barros-Barreto, M.B.B.; Andreoli, C.; Moro, I.

(2011) in TAXON, vol. 60, pp. 1584-1595 (ISSN 0040-0262) (Articolo su rivista)

Measuring Security Requirements for Software Security

Shareeful Islam, Paolo Falcarin

(2011), IEEE 10th International Conference on Cybernetic Intelligent Systems (CIS), 2011, IEEE, Convegno: IEEE 10th International Conference on Cybernetic Intelligent Systems (CIS) 2011 (ISBN 9781467306874) (Articolo in Atti di convegno)

Olive oil wastewater as a renewable resource for production of polyhydroxyalkanoates

Mittal Vikas (Ed); Valentino, Francesco; Villano, Marianna; Bertin, Lorenzo; Beccari, Mario; Majone, Mauro

(2011), Renewable Polymers: Synthesis, Processing, and Technology, USA, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., pp. 175-219 (ISBN 9780470938775) (Articolo su libro)

Exploiting code mobility for dynamic binary obfuscation


(2011), 2011 World Congress on Internet Security (WorldCIS-2011), USA, IEEE, pp. 114-120, Convegno: IEEE World Congress on Internet Security (WorldCIS), London, UK, 21-23 Feb. 2011 (ISBN 9781424488797) (Articolo in Atti di convegno)

A Recommender System for Telecom Users: Experimental Evaluation of Recommendation Algorithms


(2011), IEEE 10th International Conference on Cybernetic Intelligent Systems (CIS), 2011, IEEE, pp. 81-85, Convegno: Cybernetic Intelligent Systems (CIS), 2011 IEEE 10th International Conference on, London (UK), September 1 and 2, 2011 (ISBN 9781467306874) (Articolo in Atti di convegno)

Dispersioni acriliche nanometriche e silici colloidali acquose per il consolidamento di materiali porosi

G. Biscontin; U. Dainese; G. Driussi; L. Falchi; M. Mazzari; R. Nicoletti

(2011), Scienza e Beni Culturali, Venezia, Arcadia Ricerche, pp. 387-400, Convegno: Scienza e Beni Culturali (ISBN 9788895409153) (Articolo in Atti di convegno)

Relative sea level change at the archaeological site of Pyrgi (Santa Severa, Rome) during the last seven millennia

Rovere A.; Antonioli F.; Enei F.; Giorgi S.

(2011) in QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL, vol. 232, pp. 82-91 (ISSN 1040-6182) (Articolo su rivista)

Bringing geoheritage underwater: Definitions, methods, and application in two Mediterranean marine areas

Rovere A.; Vacchi M.; Parravicini V.; Bianchi C.N.; Zouros N.; Firpo M.

(2011) in ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES, vol. 64, pp. 133-142 (ISSN 1866-6280) (Articolo su rivista)

A Simulation Package For an Energy-Aware Comparison of ARQ protocols

Dei Rossi, Gian-Luca; Marin, Andrea; Rosati, Matteo; Balsamo, Maria Simonetta

(2011) in S. Balsamo, A. Marin, Proc. of Int. Conf. on Industrial Simulation 2011, EUROSIS, pp. 18-25, Convegno: Industrial Simulation Conference, Venice, 6-8 June 2011 (ISBN 9789077381632) (Articolo in Atti di convegno)

An algebraic cubature formula on curvilinear polygons

Santin G.; Sommariva A.; Vianello M.

(2011) in APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION, vol. 217, pp. 10003-10015 (ISSN 0096-3003) (Articolo su rivista)

Il fitoplancton come elemento di qualità biologica ai fini dell’implementazione della Water Framework Directive (WFD, CE 2000/60).

C. Facca; F. Bernardi Aubry; G. Socal; A. Sfriso; F. Acri; F. Bianchi; E. Ponis.

(2011) in BIOLOGIA MARINA MEDITERRANEA, vol. 18, pp. 372-373 (ISSN 1123-4245) (Articolo su rivista)

A transmission model of the 2010 cholera epidemic in Haiti

Rinaldo, Andrea; Blokesch, Melanie; Bertuzzo, Enrico; Mari, Lorenzo; Righetto, Lorenzo; Murray, Megan; Gatto, Marino; Casagrandi, Renato; Rodriguez-Iturbe, Ignacio

(2011) in ANNALS OF INTERNAL MEDICINE, vol. 155 (ISSN 0003-4819) (Articolo su rivista)

Evaluation of arsenic phytoextraction efficiency of Pteris vittata under field conditions


(2011), SETAC Europe 21st Annual Meeting Abstract Book, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Europe (SETAC Europe), pp. 63, Convegno: SETAC Europe 21st Annual Meeting, Milan, 15-19 May 2011 (Abstract in Atti di convegno)

Identifying task-based sessions in search engine query logs

C. Lucchese; S. Orlando; R. Perego; F. Silvestri; G. Tolomei

(2011), Proceedings of the Forth International Conference on Web Search and Web Data Mining, WSDM 2011, ACM, pp. 277-286, Convegno: Proceedings of the Forth International Conference on Web Search and Web Data Mining, WSDM 2011 (ISBN 9781450304931) (Articolo in Atti di convegno)

Multiview Registration via Graph Diffusion of Dual Quaternions.


(2011), IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2011, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 2441-2448, Convegno: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition -- CVPR 2011 (ISBN 9781457703942) (Articolo in Atti di convegno)

On the Assessment of Regulators' Efficiency. An Application to European Telecommunications


(2011) in INFO, vol. 13, pp. 61-73 (ISSN 1463-6697) (Articolo su rivista)

Regional risk assessment for contaminated sites Part 2: Ranking of potentially contaminated sites


(2011) in ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL, vol. 37, pp. 1307-1320 (ISSN 0160-4120) (Articolo su rivista)

From geoheritage to sustainable development: Strategies and perspectives in the Beigua Geopark (italy)

Burlando M.; Firpo M.; Queirolo C.; Rovere A.; Vacchi M.

(2011) in GEOHERITAGE, vol. 3, pp. 63-72 (ISSN 1867-2485) (Articolo su rivista)

Underwater geomorphology of the rocky coastal tracts between Finale Ligure and Vado Ligure (western Liguria, NW Mediterranean Sea)

Rovere A.; Vacchi M.; Firpo M.; Carobene L.

(2011) in QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL, vol. 232, pp. 187-200 (ISSN 1040-6182) (Articolo su rivista)

Combining geomorphologic, biological and accessibility values for marine natural heritage evaluation and conservation

Rovere A.; Parravicini V.; Firpo M.; Morri C.; Nike Bianchi C.

(2011) in AQUATIC CONSERVATION-MARINE AND FRESHWATER ECOSYSTEMS, vol. 21, pp. 541-552 (ISSN 1052-7613) (Articolo su rivista)

Proximity to wood factories and hospitalizations for respiratory diseases in children

Rava Marta; Marcon Alessandro; Girardi Paolo; Pironi Vanda; Silocchi Caterina; Ricci Paolo; de Marco Roberto

(2011) in SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, vol. 410, pp. 80-86 (ISSN 1879-1026) (Articolo su rivista)

Outdoor exposure to formaldehyde (CH2O) is associated with an increased risk of hospitalization for respiratory diseases in children

De Marco Roberto; Marchetti Pierpaolo; Girardi Paolo; Fracasso Maria Enrica; Guarda Linda; Marcon Alessandro; Pironi Vanda; Siliprandi Giorgio; Ricci Paolo

(2011), ISEE Conference Abstracts, ISEE, Convegno: ISEE Conference Abstracts (Abstract in Atti di convegno)