Erasmus+ per studio Europa

Contatti e prenotazioni

Il Programma Erasmus+ consente di vivere esperienze culturali all'estero, conoscere nuovi sistemi di istruzione superiore, perfezionare la conoscenza di almeno un'altra lingua e incontrare giovani di altri Paesi, partecipando attivamente alla costruzione di un'Europa sempre più unita.

Nell'ambito del Programma Erasmus+ per studio, gli studenti hanno l'opportunità di trascorrere un periodo di studio all'estero presso un'università ubicata in uno dei Paesi partecipanti al Programma e con la quale Ca' Foscari ha siglato un accordo inter-istituzionale di scambio.

Gli studenti Erasmus potranno seguire corsi universitari e usufruire delle strutture disponibili presso l'istituto ospitante ricevendo un contributo comunitario ad hocsenza dover pagare tasse di iscrizione aggiuntive, con la garanzia del riconoscimento del periodo di studio all'estero e la registrazione delle attività svolte all'interno della loro carriera.

Erasmus+ e la sostenibilità ambientale

L'ambiente e l'azione per il clima sono priorità per l'UE e il programma Erasmus+ è uno strumento chiave per lo sviluppo di conoscenze volte al sostegno allo sviluppo sostenibile, sia nell'Unione europea che nel resto del mondo.

  • Contributo per viaggio ecologico: coloro che opteranno per un mezzo ecologico per raggiungere la destinazione Erasmus e rientrare in Italia al termine della mobilità, riceveranno un contributo ad hoc di 50€ e il finanziamento dei giorni di viaggio (se necessari), fino ad un massimo di 4 giorni (2 per l’andata, 2 per il ritorno). Per beneficiare di questo contributo è necessario che la maggior parte del viaggio di andata e la maggior parte del viaggio di ritorno in termini di chilometraggio siano percorsi con mezzi ecologici.
  • Per consigli su comportamenti sostenibili che potrai facilmente adottare durante la tua mobilità consulta il documento in allegato, predisposto in collaborazione con l’Ufficio Sostenibilità

Come partecipare

Il bando per la partecipazione al Programma Erasmus+ per Studio nell'anno accademico 2025/2026 sarà pubblicato nel mese di Febbraio.


Per prepararti adeguatamente alla tua esperienza Erasmus+ e soddisfare i requisiti linguistici delle università partner, Ca' Foscari ti offre la possibilità di seguire i Corsi offerti dal CLA.

Qualora i corsi offerti dal CLA non soddisfino le tue esigenze o nel caso in cui ti venga richiesta una certificazione linguistica specifica, potrai rivolgerti ad enti esterni all'Ateneo.

Sarà tua responsabilità verificare quali certificazioni sono richieste dall'università ospitante. In caso di dubbi rispetto al tipo di documentazione accettata, ti invitiamo a contattare direttamente l’ufficio Erasmus dell’università partner.

Nel caso in cui fosse sufficiente una dichiarazione emessa da Ca' Foscari, ti invitiamo ad inviare prova del tuo livello linguistico ad e ti forniremo la documentazione richiesta.

Ti ricordiamo che dovrai dimostrare il tuo livello linguistico entro i termini previsti dall'università per la quale sei stato selezionata/selezionato, che potrà rifiutare la tua application qualora non fossi in possesso del livello richiesto.

Il Programma Erasmus+ attribuisce particolare attenzione agli studenti in mobilità le cui condizioni fisiche, psichiche o, più in generale, di salute siano tali da non consentire loro una partecipazione al Programma senza l’intervento di un finanziamento aggiuntivo. 

Tali studenti possono infatti beneficiare dei servizi di supporto che l’istituzione ospitante garantisce ai propri iscritti e al proprio personale. 

Tra le iniziative a supporto della mobilità di studenti con bisogni speciali, è prevista la possibilità di richiedere un contributo comunitario per il sostenimento di spese legate ai suddetti bisogni, in aggiunta alla borsa di mobilità.

Nei mesi successivi alla selezione tutti gli studenti risultati vincitori riceveranno maggiori informazioni in merito.


I pdf informativi sono in fase di revisione e verranno aggiornati fino al giorno di pubblicazione del bando. Consulta regolarmente questa sezione.

Per interpretare sigle e abbreviazioni nella lista delle destinazioni, consulta la legenda.



Università [Codice Erasmus] Area discipl. Coordinatore Studenti/Mesi Dettagli
Technische Universität Dresden (TU Dresden) - Faculty of Business and Economics [D DRESDEN02] 0311 Economics Accordo generale EUTOPIA 2 x 5 L e LM, solo 1° sem. dettagli [PDF 0.95 Mb]
GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET - School of Business, Economics and Law (Handels) [S GOTEBOR01] Inter-disciplinary programmes Accounting and Financial Management, Economics and Finance; Innovation and Industrial Management; International Business and Trade; Knowledge-based Entrepreneurship; Logistics and Transport Management; Management; Marketing e Consumption Accordo generale EUTOPIA 2 x 5 L e LM dettagli [PDF 0.25 Mb]
Technische Universität Dresden (TU Dresden) - Faculty of Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies [D DRESDEN02] 0232 Literature and linguistics Accordo generale EUTOPIA 2 x 5 L e LM, solo 1° sem dettagli [PDF 0.97 Mb]
Technische Universität Dresden (TU Dresden) - Faculty of Computer Science [D DRESDEN02] 061 Information and Communication Technologies ICTs Accordo generale EUTOPIA 2 x 5 LM, solo 1° sem. dettagli [PDF 0.97 Mb]
GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET - Faculty of Science and Technology [S GOTEBOR01] Inter-disciplinary programmes Earth sciences, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Mathematics and Conservation Accordo generale EUTOPIA 2 x 5 L e LM dettagli [PDF 0.40 Mb]
Technische Universität Dresden — TU Dresden - Institute of Philosophy [D DRESDEN02] 0223 Philosophy and Ethics Accordo generale EUTOPIA 2 X 5, L e LM, solo 1° sem dettagli [PDF 0.97 Mb]
University of Gothenburg - Faculty of Humanities [S GOTEBOR01] Inter-disciplinary programmes Languages, History and Cultural Studies Accordo generale EUTOPIA 2 x 5 L e LM dettagli [PDF 0.36 Mb]
GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET - Faculty of Social Sciences [S GOTEBOR01] 031 Social and Behavioural Sciences Accordo generale EUTOPIA 2 x 5 L e LM dettagli [PDF 0.25 Mb]
Technische Universität Dresden (TU Dresden) - Institute of History [D DRESDEN02] 0222 History and Archaeology Accordo generale EUTOPIA 2 x 5 L e LM, solo 1° sem dettagli [PDF 0.97 Mb]
GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET - Faculty of Science and Technology [S GOTEBOR01] 061 Information and Communication Technologies ICTs Accordo generale EUTOPIA 2 x 5 L e LM dettagli [PDF 0.35 Mb]
Università [Codice Erasmus] Area discipl. Coordinatore Studenti/Mesi Dettagli
CY Cergy Paris Université - UFR Droit [F CERGY P-11] 0421 Law Accordo generale EUTOPIA 2 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.40 Mb]
UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI - School of Economics and Business [SI LJUBLJA01] 0311 Economics Accordo generale EUTOPIA 1 x 5 L dettagli [PDF 0.54 Mb]
VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT BRUSSEL - Faculty of Social Sciences and Solvay Business School [B BRUSSEL01] 0311 Economics Accordo generale EUTOPIA 2 x 5, 1 L e 1 LM, solo 1° sem. dettagli [PDF 0.23 Mb]
UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI - Faculty of Public administration [SI LJUBLJA01] --- Public Management and Administration Accordo generale EUTOPIA 1 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.22 Mb]
CY Cergy Paris Université - UFR Economie et Gestion [F CERGY P-11] 0311 Economics Accordo generale EUTOPIA 1 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.39 Mb]
Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai - Faculty of Economics and Business Administration [RO CLUJNAP01] 0311 Economics Accordo generale EUTOPIA 4 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.30 Mb]
Vytautas Magnus University - Faculty of Law [LT KAUNAS01] 0421 Law and 0311 Economics Asta Gabriele 6 x 5 L e LM dettagli [PDF 3.03 Mb]
Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne - École de Droit de Sorbonne - UFR 01, 05, 07, 26 [F PARIS001] 0421 Law Asta Gabriele 2 x 8 dettagli [PDF 0.75 Mb]
Universidad de Sevilla [E SEVILLA01] 0311 Economics Asta Gabriele 2 x 6 LM, solo 1° sem. dettagli [PDF 1.12 Mb]
UL - University of Limerick - Kemmy Business School [IRLLIMERIC01] 0311 Economics Baldin Andrea 2 x 5, Dip. Economia dettagli [PDF 2.72 Mb]
Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne -UFR27 Department of Mathematics and Informatics [F PARIS001] 0311 Economics Barbati Maria 3 x 5, 2L e 1PhD, Dip. Economia dettagli [PDF 0.75 Mb]
Aix-Marseille University - Faculty of Economics and Management [F MARSEIL84] 0311 Economics Bastianello Lorenzo 3 x 10 L, Dip. Economia dettagli [PDF 0.23 Mb]
Université Panthéon-Assas - Paris II [F PARIS002] 0311 Economics Bastianello Lorenzo 4 x 6 dettagli [PDF 0.71 Mb]
Cracow University of Economics - International Business and Corporate Finance [PL KRAKOW04] 041 Business and Administration Bastianello Lorenzo 2 x 6 dettagli [PDF 0.19 Mb]
NTNU - Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet - Faculty of Economics (ØK) [N TRONDHE01] 0311 Economics Bertarelli Gaia 3x10 L e LM dettagli [PDF 0.07 Mb]
Københavns Universitet - Faculty of Social Sciences - Department of Economics [DK KOBENHA01] 0311 Economics Bertarelli Gaia 4x5 LM Dip.Economia, solo 1°sem dettagli [PDF 0.08 Mb]
University of Groningen - Faculty of Economics and Business - 3 studenti nel 1° sem. e 3 studenti nel 2° sem. [NL GRONING01] 0311 Economics e 041 Business and administration Brilli Ylenia 6 x 5, Dip. Economia dettagli [PDF 0.12 Mb]
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - School of Tourism and Hospitality Management [E BARCELO02] 0311 Economics (Tourism) Camatti Nicola 3x5 L Commercio estero e turismo dettagli [PDF 0.93 Mb]
University of Split - Faculty of Economics [HR SPLIT01] 0311 Economics Camatti Nicola 2x5,L LM, Dip. Econ,solo 1° sem. dettagli [PDF 0.60 Mb]
Juraj Dobrila University Pula - Faculty of Economics and Tourism [HR PULA01] 1015 Travel Tourism Leisure Camatti Nicola 2 x 6 LM SIST, solo 1° sem. dettagli [PDF 0.28 Mb]
Université Côte d'Azur - Graduate School of Economics and Management - EUR ELMI [F NICE42] 0311 Economics e 041 Business and administration Casarin Roberto 2 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.20 Mb]
Neapolis University Pafos [CY PAFOS01] 0410, 0540 Business and administration, Mathematics and statistics Casarin Roberto 4 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.28 Mb]
Université Paris - Dauphine - Department of Economics [F PARIS009] 041 Business and Administration Casarin Roberto 3 x 5 LM dettagli [PDF 1.13 Mb]
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven - Faculty of Science - Division of Geography and Tourism [B LEUVEN01] 1015 Travel Tourism Leisure Colombino Annalisa 2 x 5 LM SIST dettagli [PDF 0.15 Mb]
Escola Universitaria del Maresme - Fundaciò TecnoCampus Matarò [E MATARO01] 0311 Economics (Tourism) Colombino Annalisa 2x6 L Commercio estero e turismo dettagli [PDF 0.27 Mb]
IRIARTE Centro Universitario Internacional [E TENERIF28] 1015 Travel Tourism Leisure Colombino Annalisa 2 x 6 L, LM dettagli [PDF 0.11 Mb]
MCI - MANAGEMENT CENTER INNSBRUCK [A INNSBRU08] 041 Business and Administration (Tourism) De Pin Antonio 2x5 L Commercio estero e turismo dettagli [PDF 0.40 Mb]
Kodolányi János University [HU SZFVAR01] 0311 Economics De Pin Antonio 4 x 9 L e LM dettagli [PDF 0.20 Mb]
New University - European Faculty of Law - Ljubljana campus [SI NOVA-GO07] 0421 Law De Vido Sara 2 x 5 dettagli [PDF 1.15 Mb]
Universidad Publica de Navarra - Faculty of Law [E PAMPLON02] 0421 Law De Vido Sara 3 x 8 L e 2 x 5 Phd dettagli [PDF 0.27 Mb]
Uniwersytet Mikolaja Kopernika - Faculty of Law and Administration [PL TORUN01] 0421 Law De Vido Sara 2 x 5 dettagli [PDF 2.79 Mb]
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main - Faculty of Economics and Business Administration [D FRANKFU01] 041 Business and Administration Di Cataldo Marco 1 x 5 L e LM, solo 1° sem. dettagli [PDF 0.56 Mb]
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main - Faculty of Economics and Business Administration [D FRANKFU01] 0311 Economics Di Cataldo Marco 2 x 5 L e LM, solo 1° sem. dettagli [PDF 0.56 Mb]
UVA -Universiteit Van Amsterdam - Faculty of Economics and Business [NL AMSTERD01] 0311 Economics Di Cataldo Marco 2 x 5 L e LM, solo 1° sem. dettagli [PDF 2.22 Mb]
University of Crete - Department of Economics [G  KRITIS01] 031, 041, 054 Social and behavioural sciences, Business and administration, Mathematics and statistics Di Corato Luca 3 x 5 L e LM dettagli [PDF 0.57 Mb]
Universitat de les Illes Balears- Faculty of Tourism (anche Faculty of Economics per LM) [E PALMA01] 1015 Travel, Tourism and Leisure Dotti Valerio 2 x 5 L e LM dettagli [PDF 0.21 Mb]
University of Mannheim - Department of Economics [D MANNHEI01] 0311 Economics Dotti Valerio 2 x 5 L dettagli [PDF 0.27 Mb]
Universitat de les Illes Balears- Faculty of Economics and Business [E PALMA01] 041 Business and Administration Dotti Valerio 2 x 5 L e LM dettagli [PDF 0.21 Mb]
Universitat Rovira i Virgili - Faculty of Economics and Business Administration [E TARRAGO01] 0311 Economics e 041 Business and administration Lucchetta Marcella 6 x 9 L,LM 2 L, 4 LM ris GDE dettagli [PDF 0.07 Mb]
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - Faculty of Economics and Business [E BARCELO02] 0311 Economics e 041 Business and administration Lugo Salamanca Andrés Eduardo 2 x 5 L, Dip. Economia dettagli [PDF 0.93 Mb]
Universidad de Alicante - Faculty of Economics [E ALICANT01] 0311 Economics Lugo Salamanca Andrés Eduardo 2 x 5 L, Dip. Economia dettagli [PDF 1.34 Mb]
Universiteit Antwerpen - Faculty of Applied Economics [B ANTWERP01] 0311 Economics Marenzi Anna 2 x 6 L e LM, Dip. Economia dettagli [PDF 5.67 Mb]
Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne - UFR02 Économie [F PARIS001] 0311 Economics Michelucci Fabio 4 x 5 LM, Dip. Economia dettagli [PDF 0.75 Mb]
UCL - Université Catholique de Louvain - Faculty of Economics, Social and Political Sciences and Communication - Economics School of Louvain [B LOUVAIN01] 0311 Economics Michelucci Fabio 3 x 5, Dip. Economia dettagli [PDF 0.36 Mb]
Syddansk Universitet - Faculty of Business and Social Science - PhD 3 mesi, EU 1° sem., NON-EU 2° sem. [DK ODENSE01] 0311 Economics, (anche Law, Business Management, Marketing) Minto Andrea 4x6, vedi Denominaz. Univ. dettagli [PDF 0.68 Mb]
Technical University of Ostrava - Faculty of Economics [CZ OSTRAVA01] 0311 e altre Economics, finance, banking and insurance Nardon Martina 2 x 10 LM, PhD dettagli [PDF 0.13 Mb]
Bilkent University - Department of Economics [TR ANKARA07] 0311, 054 Economics, Mathematics and statistics Nardon Martina 2 x 6 dettagli [PDF 3.31 Mb]
Technical University of Ostrava - Faculty of Economics [CZ OSTRAVA01] 0311 e altre Economics, finance, banking and insurance Nardon Martina 2 x 5 L dettagli [PDF 0.13 Mb]
University of Cyprus - Department of Economics [CY NICOSIA01] 0311 Economics Pappadà Francesco 2 x 5, Dip. Economia dettagli [PDF 0.13 Mb]
Université de Montpellier - Faculté d'economie [F MONTPEL54] 0311 Economics, 054 mathematics and statistics, 041 business and administration Pappadà Francesco 3 x 10 L, LM dettagli [PDF 1.75 Mb]
Technische Universitaet Dresden - Fakultat Wirtschaftswissenschafte [D DRESDEN02] 041 Business and Administration Pappadà Francesco 3 x 5 L e LM, solo 1° sem. dettagli [PDF 0.33 Mb]
Université de Bordeaux - Faculty of Economics, Management and Social administration [F BORDEAU58] 0311 e altre Economics, finance, banking and insurance Pappadà Francesco 6 x 5 L e LM dettagli [PDF 0.47 Mb]
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid - Department of Business Administration [E MADRID14] 041 Business and Administration Raggi Davide 4 x 5 2L e 2LM (4° anno Madrid) dettagli [PDF 0.39 Mb]
Universitaet Wien - Department for Economics [A WIEN01] 0311 Economics Roson Roberto 3x6 L Dip. Economia, solo 1° sem dettagli [PDF 0.18 Mb]
Universidad Loyola - campus Sevilla [E CORDOBA23] 0311 Economics e 041 Business and administration Roson Roberto 3 x 6 L e LM dettagli [PDF 4.38 Mb]
Universidade Nova de Lisboa - Nova School of Business and Economics [P LISBOA03] 0311 Economics Roson Roberto 3x5L, 1x10 PhD, Dip. Economia dettagli [PDF 0.27 Mb]
Universiteit Gent - Faculty of Economics and Business Administration [B GENT01] 041 Business and Administration Spiganti Alessandro 4 x 5 L per mobilità al 3° anno dettagli [PDF 0.07 Mb]
Universidad de Jaén - Faculty of Social Sciences [E JAEN01] 041 Business and Administration Teglio Andrea 5 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.10 Mb]
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos [E MADRID26] 0311 Economics Teglio Andrea 4 x 5 L, Dip. Economia dettagli [PDF 0.74 Mb]
Eötvös Loránd University - Elte - Faculty of Law [HU BUDAPES01] 0421 Law Zanchi Giuliano 2 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.60 Mb]
Eötvös Loránd University - Elte - Faculty of Social Sciences [HU BUDAPES01] 0312 Political Sciences and Civics Zanchi Giuliano 2 x 5 L e LM dettagli [PDF 0.22 Mb]
Università [Codice Erasmus] Area discipl. Coordinatore Studenti/Mesi Dettagli
Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai - Faculty of History and Philosophy [RO CLUJNAP01] 0223 Philosophy and Ethics Accordo generale EUTOPIA 2 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.40 Mb]
UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI - Faculty of Arts [SI LJUBLJA01] 0223 Philosophy and Ethics Accordo generale EUTOPIA 1 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.22 Mb]
VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT BRUSSEL - ES-Faculty of Social Sciences and Solvay Business School [B BRUSSEL01] 03 Social Sciences Accordo generale EUTOPIA 2 x 5 L, solo 1° sem dettagli [PDF 0.23 Mb]
Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai - Faculty of History and Philosophy and Faculty of European Studies [RO CLUJNAP01] 0312 Political Sciences and Civics Accordo generale EUTOPIA 2 x 5 L, Ris. PISE dettagli [PDF 0.49 Mb]
UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI - Faculty of social sciences [SI LJUBLJA01] 0388 Journalism and reporting, Sociology, International Relations and European Studies Accordo generale EUTOPIA 1 x 5 L, Ris. PISE dettagli [PDF 0.22 Mb]
CY Cergy Paris Université - IEP-SCIENCES PO SAINT-GERMAIN [F CERGY P-11] 0312 Political Sciences and Civics Accordo generale EUTOPIA 1 x 5 L Ris. PISE dettagli [PDF 0.42 Mb]
Charles University - Catholic Theological Faculty [CZ PRAHA07] 021 Arts Agazzi Michela 2 x 10 (1 L/LM/PhD, 1 LM) dettagli [PDF 1.64 Mb]
Masarykova Univerzita - Department of the History of Art [CZ BRNO05] 021 Arts Agazzi Michela 2 x 6 (1L/LM/PhD, 1 LM) dettagli [PDF 0.11 Mb]
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen - Faculty of Humanities - Seminar for the History of Art / Art Collection [D GOTTING01] 021 Arts Bertelè Matteo 2 x 5 (1L/LM, 1LM), solo 1° sem dettagli [PDF 0.25 Mb]
TU Berlin: Technische Universitaet Berlin - Faculty I - Humanities and Educational Sciences [D BERLIN02] 021 Arts Bertelè Matteo 4x5 3 L/LM, 1 LM, solo 1° sem dettagli [PDF 0.17 Mb]
Universität Kassel - Faculty 02, Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften [D KASSEL01] 021 Arts Bertelè Matteo 4x5 LM, Ris. EGART solo 1° sem dettagli [PDF 0.22 Mb]
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main - Institute of Philosophy(Faculty of Philosophy and History ) [D FRANKFU01] 0223 Philosophy and Ethics Cesarale Giorgio 4 x 5 2L e 2LM, solo 1° sem dettagli [PDF 0.11 Mb]
Universidade Católica Portuguesa - Faculty of Human Sciences | FCH [P LISBOA01] 0312 Political Sciences and Civics Cosci Matteo 2 x 6 L Ris. PISE dettagli [PDF 0.17 Mb]
University of Groningen - Faculty of Philosophy [NL GRONING01] 0223 Philosophy and Ethics Cosci Matteo 2 x 5 L e LM, solo 1° sem dettagli [PDF 0.16 Mb]
Roskilde University - Department of Social Sciences and Business - Relazioni internazionali, studi europei [DK ROSKILD01] 031 Social and Behavioural Sciences Cosci Matteo 2x5 L Ris. PISE dettagli [PDF 0.88 Mb]
UiT The Arctic University of Norway - Faculty of Humanities - Department of Humanities and Social Sciences Education [N TROMSO01] 031 Social and Behavioural Sciences Cosci Matteo 2x10 L Ris. PISE dettagli [PDF 0.25 Mb]
Oslo New University College - Department of Political Science [N  OSLO72] 0312 Political Sciences and Civics Cosci Matteo 3 x 5 L Ris. PISE solo 1°sem dettagli [PDF 0.24 Mb]
Lund Universitet - Centre for Middle Eastern Studies (Faculty of Social Sciences) [S LUND01] 031 Social and Behavioural Sciences Cosci Matteo 2x9 L Ris. PISE dettagli [PDF 1.97 Mb]
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid - Faculty of Philosophy and Arts [E MADRID04] 0312 Political Sciences and Civics Cosci Matteo 2 x 10 L, Ris. PISE dettagli [PDF 1.28 Mb]
Radboud University Nijmegen - Faculty of Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies [NL NIJMEGE01] 0223 Philosophy and Ethics Cosci Matteo 2 x 6 L Ris. PISE, solo 1° sem dettagli [PDF 1.65 Mb]
Universiteit Utrecht - Faculty of Humanities [NL UTRECHT01] 02 Arts and Humanities Cosci Matteo 2 x 5 L Ris. PISE, solo 1° sem dettagli [PDF 0.11 Mb]
Universitat Pompeu Fabra - Faculty of Humanities [E BARCELO15] 0312 Political Sciences and Civics Cosci Matteo 7 x 4 L, Ris. PISE dettagli [PDF 0.75 Mb]
Universidad de Salamanca - Facultad de Derecho (BA in Global Studies) [E SALAMAN02] 031 Social and Behavioural Sciences (excluded 0313 Psychology) e 042 - Law Cosci Matteo 2 x 5 L, Ris. PISE dettagli [PDF 0.16 Mb]
Bilkent University - Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences - Department of Political Science and Public Administration [TR ANKARA07] 0312 Political Sciences and Civics Cosci Matteo 3 x 5 L Ris. PISE dettagli [PDF 3.31 Mb]
Sciences Po - Relazioni internazionali, studi europei [F PARIS014] 031 Social and Behavioural Sciences Cosci Matteo 6x4 L, Ris.3°annoPISE dettagli [PDF 0.55 Mb]
University of Groningen - University College Groningen [NL GRONING01] 031 Social and Behavioural Sciences Cosci Matteo 6x5 L Ris3°anno PISE, solo1° sem dettagli [PDF 0.57 Mb]
Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3 - UFR Arts & médias- Département : Cinéma et audiovisuel (CAV) [F PARIS003] 0211 Audio-visual techniques and media production Dalla Gassa Marco 5 x 5 L,LM dettagli [PDF 1.14 Mb]
UVA - Universiteit Van Amsterdam - Faculty of Humanities [NL AMSTERD01] 0211 Audio-visual techniques and media production De Rosa Miriam 2 x 6 LM,Ris. IMACS, solo 1° sem dettagli [PDF 0.28 Mb]
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main - Kunstgeschichtliches Institut [D FRANKFU01] 021 Arts De Rosa Miriam 4 x 5 (3L/LM e 1LM), solo 1° sem dettagli [PDF 0.11 Mb]
Université de Lille - Département Histoire de l'Art [F LILLE103] 021 Arts De Rosa Miriam 2 x 6 (1L/LM, 1LM) dettagli [PDF 0.13 Mb]
Université Paris 8 - Vincennes-Saint Denis - UFR Art, Philosophy, Aesthetics [F PARIS008] 0223 Philosophy and Ethics Dreon Roberta 2 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.30 Mb]
Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 -Esthetic Department [F MONTPEL03] 021 Arts Dreon Roberta 2 x 5 L e LM, studi di Estetica dettagli [PDF 0.45 Mb]
Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne - UFR10 Philosophie [F PARIS001] 0223 Philosophy and Ethics Dreon Roberta 2 x 5 Studi di Estetica dettagli [PDF 0.75 Mb]
Université de Liège - Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres - Riservato L Filosofia, LM Scienze Filosofiche e PhD Filosofia e Scienze della Formazione [B LIEGE01] 0223 Philosophy and Ethics Favaretti Camposampiero Matteo 1 x 5 vedi Denominaz. Univ dettagli [PDF 0.22 Mb]
UVA - Universiteit Van Amsterdam - Faculty of Humanities - Department of Philosophy - Riservato L Filosofia - solo 1° sem [NL AMSTERD01] 0223 Philosophy and Ethics Favaretti Camposampiero Matteo 1 x 5 L vedi Denominaz. Univ dettagli [PDF 0.28 Mb]
Universiteit Gent - Faculty of Arts and Philosophy - Riservato L Filosofia, LM Scienze Filosofiche e PhD Filosofia e Scienze della Formazione [B GENT01] 0223 Philosophy and Ethics Favaretti Camposampiero Matteo 2 x 5 vedi Denominaz. Univ dettagli [PDF 0.12 Mb]
Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3 - Institute for Theatre Studies (IET) [F PARIS003] 0215 Music and Performing Arts Franco Susanne 2 x 5 L e LM dettagli [PDF 1.14 Mb]
Universidad Complutense de Madrid - Faculty of Geography and History [E MADRID03] 021 Arts Gazit Ofer 4 x 9 (3L/LM/PhD, 1LM) dettagli [PDF 0.51 Mb]
Universidad de Oviedo - Department of History of Art and Musicology [E OVIEDO01] 021 Arts Gazit Ofer 2 x 10 (1L/LM, 1LM) dettagli [PDF 0.20 Mb]
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - Facultat de Filosofia i Llettres - Department d'Art i Musicologia [E BARCELO02] 021 Arts Gazit Ofer 2 x 5 L dettagli [PDF 0.93 Mb]
University of Stavanger - Faculty of Social Sciences - Department of Media and Social Sciences [N-STAVANG-01] -- Environmental Humanities Marchetti Sabrina 4 x 5 (3L/LM, 1 Ris. EH) dettagli [PDF 0.16 Mb]
Wageningen University - Department of Social Sciences [NL WAGENIN01] -- Environmental Humanities Marchetti Sabrina 3 x 5 LM (1 Ris EH), solo 1° sem dettagli [PDF 0.50 Mb]
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München - Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society [D MUNCHEN01] -- Environmental Humanities Marchetti Sabrina 3 x 5 LM Ris. EH, solo 1° sem dettagli [PDF 1.77 Mb]
Universidad Pablo de Olavide - Department of Social Sciences [E SEVILLA03] 0314 Sociology and Cultural Studies Montuschi Eleonora 2 x 5 L dettagli [PDF 0.20 Mb]
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main - Faculty of Social Sciences - Relazioni internazionali, studi europei [D FRANKFU01] 031 Social and Behavioural Sciences Montuschi Eleonora 2 x 5 L, Ris.PISE, solo 1° sem dettagli [PDF 0.11 Mb]
Eötvös Loránd University - Elte - Faculty of Humanities [HU BUDAPES01] 021 Arts Ottomano Vincenzina Caterina 2 x 6 (1L/LM/PhD, 1LM) dettagli [PDF 0.21 Mb]
Université Paris 8 - Vincennes-Saint Denis - UFR Art, Philosophy, Aesthetics [F PARIS008] 0215 Music and Performing Arts Ottomano Vincenzina Caterina 2 x 9 dettagli [PDF 0.30 Mb]
Universiteit Gent - Faculty of Arts and Philosophy [B GENT01] 021 Arts Ottomano Vincenzina Caterina 3 x 5 (2 L/LM/PhD, 1 LM) dettagli [PDF 0.12 Mb]
TU Berlin: Technische Universitaet Berlin - Institut fur Philosophie, Literatur, Wissenschafts und Technikgeschichte - Riservato L Filosofia e LM Scienze Filosofiche, solo 1° sem [D BERLIN02] 0223 Philosophy and Ethics Paltrinieri Gian Luigi 4x5 L,LM vedi Denominaz. Univ dettagli [PDF 0.17 Mb]
Universidad Complutense de Madrid - Faculty of Philosophy - Riservato L Filosofia, LM Scienze Filosofiche e PhD Filosofia e Scienze della Formazione [E MADRID03] 0223 Philosophy and Ethics Paltrinieri Gian Luigi 2 x 9 vedi Denominaz. Univ dettagli [PDF 0.51 Mb]
Université de Strasbourg -Faculté de Philosophie - Riservato L Filosofia e LM Scienze Filosofiche [F STRASBO48] 0223 Philosophy and Ethics Paltrinieri Gian Luigi 1 x 5 L ,LM vedi Denominaz. Univ dettagli [PDF 0.25 Mb]
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg - Philosophisches Seminar - Riservato L Filosofia, LM Scienze Filosofiche e PhD Filosofia e Scienze della Formazione, solo 1° sem [D FREIBUR01] 0223 Philosophy and Ethics Paltrinieri Gian Luigi 2 x 6 vedi Denominaz. Univ dettagli [PDF 0.10 Mb]
Universität Wien - Department of History of Arts [A WIEN01] 021 Arts Passignat Émilie 2 x 6 (1L/LM, 1 LM), solo 1° sem dettagli [PDF 0.18 Mb]
Universidade de Coimbra - FLUC – Faculty of Arts and Humanities [P COIMBRA01] 021 Arts Passignat Émilie 3 x 9 L dettagli [PDF 0.62 Mb]
Hochschule Koblenz University of Applied Sciences - Faculty of Social Sciences Ris. SCIENZE DELLA SOCIETÀ E DEL SERVIZIO SOCIALE e LAVORO, CITTADINANZA SOCIALE, INTERCULTURALITÀ - solo 1° sem - NO CORSI IN INGLESE [D KOBLENZ01] 0923 Social Work and Counselling Perocco Fabio 3 x 6 L, LM vedi Denominaz. Univ dettagli [PDF 0.06 Mb]
Sorbonne University - UFR Histoire de l'Art [F PARIS468] 021 Arts Piazza Simone 4 x 6 (3L/LM/PhD, 1LM) dettagli [PDF 0.56 Mb]
Université François-Rabelais - UFR Arts et Sciences Humaines [F TOURS01] 021 Arts Piazza Simone 6 x 5 (5 L/LM/PhD, 1 LM) dettagli [PDF 1.23 Mb]
University of West Attica - Faculty of Maganement and Economics - Department of Library Science and Information Systems - Riservato L Filosofia e LM Scienze Filosofiche - solo 1° sem [G EGALEO02] 0314 Sociology and Cultural Studies Soliani Gian Pietro 2 x 6 L,LM vedi Denominaz. Univ dettagli [PDF 0.23 Mb]
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen - Department of Philosophy - Riservato L Filosofia e LM Scienze Filosofiche - solo 1° sem [D TUBINGE01] 0223 Philosophy and Ethics Trizio Emiliano 2 x 5 L,LM vedi Denominaz. Univ dettagli [PDF 0.82 Mb]
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen - Institute of Political Science [D TUBINGE01] 031 Social and Behavioural Sciences Trizio Emiliano 2 x 5 L ris. PISE solo 1° sem dettagli [PDF 0.81 Mb]
Université Bordeaux Montaigne - Dept. of Philosophy (UFR Humanités) - Riservato L Filosofia, LM Scienze Filosofiche e PhD Filosofia e Scienze della Formazione [F BORDEAU03] 0223 Philosophy and Ethics Trizio Emiliano 6 x 5 vedi Denominaz. Univ dettagli [PDF 0.22 Mb]
Université Grenoble Alpes - UFR Arts et Sciences Humaines - Riservato L Filosofia, LM Scienze Filosofiche e PhD Filosofia e Scienze della Formazione [F GRENOBL55] 0223 Philosophy and Ethics Trizio Emiliano 2 x 5 vedi Denominaz. Univ dettagli [PDF 3.67 Mb]
University of Stuttgart - Riservato L Filosofia, LM Scienze Filosofiche e PhD Filosofia e Scienze della Formazione - solo 1° sem [D STUTTGA01] 022 Humanities Trizio Emiliano 2x6, vedi Denominaz. Univ dettagli [PDF 0.67 Mb]
Università [Codice Erasmus] Area discipl. Coordinatore Studenti/Mesi Dettagli
UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI - Biotechnical Faculty [SI LJUBLJA01] 0511 Biology Accordo generale EUTOPIA 2 x 5 LM e PhD dettagli [PDF 0.23 Mb]
VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT BRUSSEL - WE-Faculty of Sciences and Bioengineering Sciences [B BRUSSEL01] 061 Information and Communication Technologies ICTs Accordo generale EUTOPIA 4 x 5, 2 L e 2 LM, solo 1° sem. dettagli [PDF 0.16 Mb]
Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai - Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science [RO CLUJNAP01] 061 Information and Communication Technologies ICTs Accordo generale EUTOPIA 4 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.28 Mb]
CY Cergy Paris Université - UFR SCIENCES ET TECHINQUES [F CERGY P-11] 0521 Environmental Sciences Accordo generale EUTOPIA 2 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.36 Mb]
CY Cergy Paris Université - UFR SCIENCES ET TECHINQUES [F CERGY P-11] 061 Information and Communication Technologies ICTs Accordo generale EUTOPIA 2 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.36 Mb]
Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai - Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering [RO CLUJNAP01] 0521 Environmental Sciences Accordo generale EUTOPIA 4 x 5 LM dettagli [PDF 0.36 Mb]
University of Bergen [N BERGEN01] 0521 Environmental sciences - Sustainable Development Aricò Fabio 2 x 5 LM dettagli [PDF 0.11 Mb]
University of Iceland - Mobilità L solo al 3° anno e NON-EU solo 2° sem, 120 cfu [IS REYKJAV01] 0521 Environmental Sciences Aricò Fabio 2x5 L,LM vedi Denominaz. Univ dettagli [PDF 0.41 Mb]
Bingen Technical University of Applied Sciences (UAS) [D BINGEN01] 0521 Environmental Sciences Aricò Fabio 1 x 6 LM, solo 1° sem. dettagli [PDF 0.08 Mb]
Universiteit Antwerpen - Faculty of Sciences - Department of Chemistry - Chimica per il restauro [B ANTWERP01] 0531 Chemistry Aricò Fabio 2 x 6 dettagli [PDF 0.95 Mb]
Universität des Saarlandes - Department of Computer Science [D SAARBRU01] 061 Information and Communication Technologies ICTs Calzavara Stefano 2 x 6, solo 1° sem. dettagli [PDF 0.62 Mb]
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona - Tourism & Hotel Management (Campus di Bellaterra Cerdanyola del Vallès) Ris. Hospitality, innovation and and e-tourism [E BARCELO02] 1015 Travel, Tourism and Leisure Camatti Nicola 2 x 6 L vedi Denominaz.Univ dettagli [PDF 0.93 Mb]
Universitat de Barcelona - CETT, School in Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy - Ris. Hospitality, innovation and and e-tourism [E BARCELO01] 1015 Travel Tourism Leisure Camatti Nicola 2 x 5 L vedi Denominaz. Univ dettagli [PDF 0.45 Mb]
Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès - ISTHIA, Ris. Hospitality, innovation and and e-tourism [F TOULOUS02] 1015 Travel Tourism Leisure Camatti Nicola 2 x 6 L vedi Denominaz. Univ dettagli [PDF 0.24 Mb]
Universitat Ramon Lull - IQS School of Management, Ris. Hospitality, innovation and and e-tourism [E BARCELO16] 1015 Travel Tourism Leisure Camatti Nicola 2 x 6 L vedi Denominaz. Univ dettagli [PDF 0.23 Mb]
University of Barcelona - Faculty of Chemistry [E BARCELO01] 0711 Chemical Engineering and Processes Cavinato Cristina 1 x 10 LM dettagli [PDF 0.52 Mb]
Palacky University - Dept. of Analytical Chemistry (60 ECTS completed prior to exchange) [CZ OLOMOUC01] 0531 Chemistry Izzo Francesca Caterina 2 x 6 LM,PhD ved.Denominaz. Univ dettagli [PDF 0.25 Mb]
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa - Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia [P LISBOA03] 0222 History and archaeology - conservation and restoration Izzo Francesca Caterina 2 x 6 LM dettagli [PDF 0.12 Mb]
Technische Universität Wien (TU Wien) - Faculty of Informatics [A WIEN02] 061 Information and Communication Technologies ICTs Luccio Flaminia 1x6L, 2x6LM,1x3PhD, solo 1° sem. dettagli [PDF 0.81 Mb]
Masarykova Univerzita - Faculty of Informatics [CZ BRNO05] 061 Information and Communication Technologies ICTs Luccio Flaminia 2 x 6 LM e PhD dettagli [PDF 0.11 Mb]
Centria University of Applied Sciences [SF KOKKOLA05] 061 Information and Communication Technologies ICTs Raffaetà Alessandra 1 x 5 L dettagli [PDF 0.17 Mb]
TURKU UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES- Faculty of Business, ICT and Chemical Engineering [SF TURKU05] 061 Information and Communication Technologies ICTs Raffaetà Alessandra 2 x 5 L dettagli [PDF 0.15 Mb]
West University of Timișoara - Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics [RO TIMISOA01] 061 Information and Communication Technologies ICTs Raffaetà Alessandra 2 x 6 L dettagli [PDF 0.49 Mb]
Université Paris Cité - Faculté des Sciences - UFR d'informatique [F PARIS482] 061 Information and Communication Technologies ICTs Raffaetà Alessandra 1 x 6 L e LM dettagli [PDF 0.22 Mb]
Technische Universität Braunschweig - Department of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences [D BRAUNSC01] 0521 Environmental Sciences Rovere Alessio 2 x 5 LM, solo 1° sem. dettagli [PDF 0.06 Mb]
Università [Codice Erasmus] Area discipl. Coordinatore Studenti/Mesi Dettagli
CY Cergy Paris Université - UFR SCIENCES ET TECHINQUES [F CERGY P-11] 0533 Physics Accordo generale EUTOPIA 2 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.36 Mb]
CY Cergy Paris Université - UFR SCIENCES ET TECHINQUES [F CERGY P-11] 0531 Chemistry Accordo generale EUTOPIA 2 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.36 Mb]
VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT BRUSSEL - WE-Faculty of Sciences and Bioengineering Sciences [B BRUSSEL01] 0719 Bioengineering Accordo generale EUTOPIA 4 x 5, 2 L e 2 LM, solo 1° sem. dettagli [PDF 0.16 Mb]
UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology [SI LJUBLJA01] 0531, 0512, 0711 Chemistry, Biochemistry, Chemical Engineering and Processes Accordo generale EUTOPIA 1 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.22 Mb]
Vilnius University - Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences - Institute of Chemistry [LT VILNIUS01] 0531 Chemistry Back Michele 4 x 5 L e LM dettagli [PDF 4.33 Mb]
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - Facultat de Ciènces [E BARCELO02] 0531 Chemistry Canton Patrizia 2 x 5 L e LM dettagli [PDF 0.93 Mb]
Radboud University Nijmegen - Insitute for Molecules and Materials [NL NIJMEGE01] 0533 Physics Fazio Peppino 2 x 5 LM, solo 1° sem. dettagli [PDF 1.65 Mb]
RWTH Aachen University (RHEINISCH-WESTFAELISCHE TECHNISCHE HOCHSCHULE AACHEN) - Department of Chemistry [D AACHEN 01] 0531 Chemistry Polo Federico 2 x 5 L, LM solo 1° sem. dettagli [PDF 0.90 Mb]
RWTH Aachen University (RHEINISCH-WESTFAELISCHE TECHNISCHE HOCHSCHULE AACHEN) - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology [D AACHEN 01] 07 Engineering, manufacturing and construction Polo Federico 4 x 5 L, LM solo 1° sem. dettagli [PDF 0.90 Mb]
INSTITUT POLYTECHNIQUE DE BORDEAUX (ENSCBP) - ENSTBB (Biotechnology), ENSMAC (Chemistry), ENSEIRB MATMECA (electronics, computer Sciences), ENSEGID (Environnmental Sciences) [F BORDEAU54] 07 Engineering, manufacturing and construction Polo Federico 2 x 6 LM dettagli [PDF 0.08 Mb]
Università [Codice Erasmus] Area discipl. Coordinatore Studenti/Mesi Dettagli
Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai - Faculty of Letters [RO CLUJNAP01] 023 Languages Accordo generale EUTOPIA 2 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.34 Mb]
UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI - Faculty of social sciences [SI LJUBLJA01] 0388 Journalism and reporting, Sociology, International Relations and European Studies Accordo generale EUTOPIA 1 x 5 LM dettagli [PDF 0.22 Mb]
CY Cergy Paris Université - UFR LETTRES ET SCIENCES HUMAINES [F CERGY P-11] 0222 History and Archaeology Accordo generale EUTOPIA 2 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.35 Mb]
CY Cergy Paris Université - IEP-SCIENCES PO SAINT-GERMAIN [F CERGY P-11] 0312 Political Sciences and Civics Accordo generale EUTOPIA 1 x 5 LM dettagli [PDF 0.18 Mb]
University of Ljubljana - Faculty of Arts [SI LJUBLJA01] 023 Languages - Slavic Studies Accordo generale EUTOPIA 2 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.22 Mb]
University of Ljubljana - Faculty of Arts [SI LJUBLJA01] 0222 History and Archaeology Accordo generale EUTOPIA 1 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.22 Mb]
Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai - Faculty of History and Philosophy and Faculty of European Studies [RO CLUJNAP01] 0312 Political Sciences and Civics Accordo generale EUTOPIA 2 x 5 LM dettagli [PDF 0.49 Mb]
VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT BRUSSEL - Faculty of Languages and Humanities [B BRUSSEL01] 0232 Literature and linguistics Accordo generale EUTOPIA 4 x 5, 2 L e 2 LM dettagli [PDF 0.21 Mb]
University of Ljubljana - Faculty of Arts [SI LJUBLJA01] 023 Languages English Accordo generale EUTOPIA 1 x 5 L e LM dettagli [PDF 0.22 Mb]
CY Cergy Paris Université - UFR LANGUES [F CERGY P-11] 023 Languages Accordo generale EUTOPIA 2 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.63 Mb]
CY Cergy Paris Université - UFR LETTRES ET SCIENCES HUMAINES [F CERGY P-11] 022 Humanities Accordo generale EUTOPIA 2 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.35 Mb]
Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz - Centre for Southeast European Studies [A GRAZ01] 0312 Political Sciences and Civics Antonini Francesca sostituita da Delogu Giulia 2 x 5 LM dettagli [PDF 0.19 Mb]
Universidad de Burgos (UBU) - Faculty of Humanities and Communication [E BURGOS01] 023 Languages Arroyo Hernández Ignacio 3 x 9 dettagli [PDF 0.23 Mb]
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg - Faculty of Philosophy - Department of Asian and Transcultural Studies [D HEIDELB01] 0312 Political Sciences and Civics - Asian and Transcultural Studies Basosi Duccio 2 x 6 LM dettagli [PDF 0.21 Mb]
Universidad Loyola - campus Cordoba [E CORDOBA23] 0312 Political Sciences and Civics Basosi Duccio 5 x 6 LM dettagli [PDF 4.38 Mb]
NTNU - Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet - Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences (SU) [N TRONDHE01] 031 Social and Behavioural Sciences Basosi Duccio 2 x 5 LM dettagli [PDF 0.07 Mb]
Cappadocia University - School of Graduate Studies and Research [TR NEVSEHI03] -- Environmental Humanities Bassi Shaul 2 x 6 LM dettagli [PDF 0.27 Mb]
Universidad de Deusto - Faculty of Social and Human Sciences [E BILBAO02] 0312 Political Sciences and Civics Beneduzi Luis Fernando 2 x 5 L e LM dettagli [PDF 1.47 Mb]
Freie Universitaet Berlin - John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies [D BERLIN01] 022 Humanities - Studi angloamericani Bordin Elisa 2 x 5 dettagli [PDF 4.62 Mb]
University of Novi Sad - Faculty of Philosophy [RS NOVISAD02] 02 Arts and Humanities + 03 Social sciences, journalism and information Bradaš Marija 4 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.18 Mb]
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos [E MADRID26] 023 Languages - Sign Language Branchini Chiara 4 x 5 L dettagli [PDF 0.74 Mb]
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - Departament de Filologia Catalana [E BARCELO02] 0232 Literature and linguistics Brugè Laura 2 x 5 L dettagli [PDF 0.93 Mb]
Université de Franche-Comté (UFC) - Sciences du Langage, de l'Homme et de la Societé [F BESANCO01] 023 Languages Buzzoni Marina 3 x 10 L e LM dettagli [PDF 0.49 Mb]
Universität Osnabrück - Cognitive Science Institute [D OSNABRU01] 0231 Languages Acquisition Buzzoni Marina 3x6, solo 1° sem dettagli [PDF 6.86 Mb]
Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg - Faculty of Humanities [D BAMBERG01] 0232 Literature and linguistics Buzzoni Marina 1 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.20 Mb]
Universidad de Murcia - Faculty of Letters [E MURCIA01] 023 Languages Cannavacciuolo Margherita 1 x 9 L dettagli [PDF 0.18 Mb]
Universidad Complutense de Madrid - Faculty of Philology [E MADRID03] 023 Languages Spanish Cannavacciuolo Margherita 3 x 9 L e LM dettagli [PDF 0.51 Mb]
Universitat de Valencia -Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication [E VALENCI01] 0232 Literature and linguistics - Hispanic Studies Cannavacciuolo Margherita 5 x 5 L dettagli [PDF 0.35 Mb]
Universidad de Malaga - Facultad de Filosofía y Letras [E MALAGA01] 023 Languages Cannavacciuolo Margherita 4 x 5 L e PhD dettagli [PDF 2.16 Mb]
Universidad de Salamanca - Faculty of Philology [E SALAMAN02] 023 Languages Cannavacciuolo Margherita 1 x 10 L dettagli [PDF 0.16 Mb]
Pázmány Péter Catholic University - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - Italian Department, Spanish Department, Russian Department, Department of International Studies, Department of Political Science [HU BUDAPES12] -- Interdisciplinary Cannavacciuolo Margherita 5 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.28 Mb]
ULPGC - Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - Facultad de Filologìa [E LAS-PAL01] 023 Languages Cannavacciuolo Margherita 2 x 9 L dettagli [PDF 1.41 Mb]
Masarykova Univerzita - Department of Czech Language [CZ BRNO05] 0231 Languages Acquisition Cardinaletti Anna 2 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.11 Mb]
Univerzita Palackeho v Olomouci - Faculty of Arts - English Department [CZ OLOMOUC01] 023 Languages Cardinaletti Anna 2 x 5 L e LM dettagli [PDF 0.25 Mb]
Universität Hamburg - Institut fur Germanistik [D HAMBURG01] 0232 Literature and linguistics Cardinaletti Anna 2 x 6 L e LM dettagli [PDF 0.38 Mb]
Universidade Nova de Lisboa - Faculdade de Ciencias Socials e Humanas [P LISBOA03] 0232 Literature and linguistics - Portoguese Castagna Vanessa 3 x 5 L e LM dettagli [PDF 1.30 Mb]
Universidade Católica Portuguesa - Faculdade de Ciencias Humanas [P LISBOA01] 023 Languages - general and comparative literature Castagna Vanessa 3 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.17 Mb]
Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3 - Department LGC (Littérature générale et comparée) [F PARIS003] 0232 Literature and linguistics - Portoguese Castagna Vanessa 1 x 9 dettagli [PDF 1.14 Mb]
Universidade Do Porto - Faculdade de Letras da Uporto [P PORTO02] 023 Languages Portoguese Castagna Vanessa 3 x 6 L e LM dettagli [PDF 3.00 Mb]
Universität zu Köln - Faculty of Arts and Humanities [D KOLN01] 0232 Literature and linguistics Cesiri Daniela 2 x 5 L dettagli [PDF 0.17 Mb]
Universidad de Extremadura - Facultad de Filosofía y Letras [E BADAJOZ01] 023 Languages Cesiri Daniela 2 x 5 L dettagli [PDF 0.75 Mb]
Uppsala Universitet - Department of Scandinavian Languages and Department of Modern Languages [S UPPSALA01] 023 Languages Ciaravolo Massimo 1 x 10 dettagli [PDF 0.31 Mb]
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel - Dept. of Scandinavian Studies+Dept. of German Literature(Institut für Neuere deutsche Literatur und Medien) [D KIEL01] 023 Languages Ciaravolo Massimo 2 x 6 L e LM dettagli [PDF 1.02 Mb]
Stockholms Universitet - Department of Romance Studies and Classics [S STOCKHO01] 023 Languages Ciaravolo Massimo 1 x 6 dettagli [PDF 0.17 Mb]
Aarhus Universitet - Faculty of Arts - School of Communication and Culture (Scandinavian Studies) [DK ARHUS01] 023 Languages Ciaravolo Massimo 2 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.20 Mb]
Universität Bremen - Dept. of Fachbereich 10: Sparch und Literaturwissenschaften [D BREMEN01] 023 Languages Coccetta Francesca 2 x 6 L dettagli [PDF 0.43 Mb]
Ruhr-Universität Bochum - Faculty of Philology - German Institute [D BOCHUM01] 023 Languages Cognola Federica 4 x 6 dettagli [PDF 0.30 Mb]
University of Gothenburg - Faculty of Humanities - Dept. of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion [S GOTEBOR01] 023 Languages Culeddu Sara 2 x 5 L e LM dettagli [PDF 0.46 Mb]
University of Oslo - Faculty of Humanities [N OSLO01] 023 Languages Culeddu Sara 2 x 6 L e LM dettagli [PDF 0.25 Mb]
UIB - Universitetet i Bergen - Department of Foreign Languages [N BERGEN01] 022 Humanities Culeddu Sara 2 x 10 L e LM dettagli [PDF 0.11 Mb]
Universidad de Valladolid - Faculty of Humanities [E VALLADO01] 023 Languages Spanish Del Barrio De La Rosa Florencio 5 x 9 dettagli [PDF 1.24 Mb]
Universitat de les Illes Balears - Faculty of Philosophy and Arts - Department of Spanish, Modern and Classical Languages [E PALMA01] 0231 Languages Acquisition Del Barrio De La Rosa Florencio 2 x 5 L dettagli [PDF 0.21 Mb]
University of Helsinki - Faculty of Arts [SF HELSINK01] 02 Arts and Humanities Duryagin Pavel 3x5 L e LM dettagli [PDF 0.13 Mb]
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen - Faculty of Humanities [D TUBINGE01] 0232 Literature and linguistics - German Studies Faber Beatrix Ursula Bettina 2 x 5, 1 L e 1 LM dettagli [PDF 0.82 Mb]
Universität zu Köln - Faculty of Arts and Humanities - Institute of German Language and Literature I [D KOLN01] 0232 Literature and linguistics - German Studies Faber Beatrix Ursula Bettina 2 x 5 L e LM dettagli [PDF 0.17 Mb]
University of Malta - Faculty of Arts - Department of Italian [MT MALTA01] 023 Languages English Fina Maria Elisa 2 x 5 LM dettagli [PDF 0.25 Mb]
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski - Faculty of Polish Studies [PL KRAKOW01] 023 Languages Polish Fornari Francesca 2 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.45 Mb]
Sorbonne Université - Faculté des Lettres [F PARIS468] 023 Languages - Slavic Studies Fornari Francesca 2 x 6 dettagli [PDF 0.56 Mb]
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Sprach und literaturwissenschaftliche Fakultät - Institut für deutsche Literatur [D BERLIN13] 0232 Literature and linguistics - German Studies Fossaluzza Cristina 1 x 6 dettagli [PDF 0.57 Mb]
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg - Department of Germanistik [D HEIDELB01] 023 Languages German Fossaluzza Cristina 2 x 6 L e LM dettagli [PDF 0.21 Mb]
LMU - Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München - Amerika-Institut [D MUNCHEN01] 023 Languages American Studies Francescato Simone 1 x 4 dettagli [PDF 1.77 Mb]
Lund Universitet - Faculties of Humanities and Theology [S LUND01] 023 Languages Giusti Giuliana 2 x 5 L e LM dettagli [PDF 1.08 Mb]
NTNU - Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet - Faculty of Humanities (HF) [N TRONDHE01] 023 Languages Giusti Giuliana 1 x 10 dettagli [PDF 0.07 Mb]
Trinity College Dublin - School of Linguistics, Speech and Communication Sciences [IRL DUBLIN01] 0232 Literature and linguistics Giusti Giuliana 4 x 5 L e LM dettagli [PDF 0.23 Mb]
Universität Konstanz - Department of Linguistics and Department of Literature, Art and Media Studies [D KONSTAN01] 0232 Literature and linguistics Giusti Giuliana 2 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.17 Mb]
Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3 - Institute du Monde Anglophone [F PARIS003] 023 Languages English Gregori Flavio 2 x 10, 1 L e 1 LM dettagli [PDF 1.14 Mb]
UNIVERSITE' CÔTE D'AZUR - Langues, litteratures et civiIisations étrangères et régionales - LLCER [F NICE42] 0232 Literature and linguistics - English literature Gregori Flavio 1 x 5 L, LM dettagli [PDF 6.82 Mb]
Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 - Montpellier 3 - Italian Department [F MONTPEL03] 0232 Literature and linguistics - French Hamon Yannick 3 x 10 L e LM dettagli [PDF 0.45 Mb]
Université Grenoble Alpes - UFR SoCLE (Sociétés, Cultures et Langue Etrangères) [F GRENOBL55] 023 Languages French Hamon Yannick 3 x 10 dettagli [PDF 5.97 Mb]
Universität Leipzig - Institute of linguistics [D LEIPZIG01] 0232 Literature and linguistics Hinterholzl Roland 2 x 6 L dettagli [PDF 0.23 Mb]
UCL - Université Catholique de Louvain - Faculté de Philosophie, Arts et Lettres [B LOUVAIN01] 0232 Literature and linguistics Hinterholzl Roland 2 x 6 dettagli [PDF 0.27 Mb]
Universidad de Cadiz [E CADIZ01] 023 Languages American Studies Masiero Pia 2 x 5 L e LM dettagli [PDF 0.56 Mb]
Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten [A KLAGENF02] 011 Education Menegale Marcella 3 x 5 L e LM dettagli [PDF 1.92 Mb]
University of Klagenfurt - Faculty of Humanities [A KLAGENF01] -- Interdisciplinary Mitrano Filomena 5 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.21 Mb]
UNIWERSYTET WARSZAWSKI - American Studies Center (OSA) [PL WARSZAW01] 023 Languages American Studies Mitrano Filomena 2 x 5 L, LM dettagli [PDF 0.21 Mb]
UNIVERSITE CATHOLIQUE DE LILLE - European School of Political and Social Sciences (ESPOL) [F LILLE11] 0312 Political Sciences and Civics Novak Stephanie 3 x 6 L e LM dettagli [PDF 0.06 Mb]
Syddansk Universitet - Faculty of Humanities [DK ODENSE01] 0312 Political Sciences and Civics Novak Stéphanie 3 x 5 L e LM dettagli [PDF 0.68 Mb]
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - Departament de Filologia Francesa i Romànica [E BARCELO02] 023 Languages Ojeda Calvo Maria Del Valle 2 x 5 L dettagli [PDF 0.93 Mb]
Universidad de Sevilla [E SEVILLA01] 0222 History and Archaeology Ojeda Calvo Maria Del Valle 2 x 6 L dettagli [PDF 0.12 Mb]
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski - The Centre for International Studies and Development [PL KRAKOW01] 0312 Political Sciences and Civics Petrungaro Stefano 5 x 5 LM dettagli [PDF 0.45 Mb]
Universitat Pompeu Fabra - Faculty of Humanities [E BARCELO15] 023 Languages - general and comparative literature Rigobon Patrizio 8 x 4 L dettagli [PDF 0.75 Mb]
INALCO - Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales - Departments of Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, Japanese, Russian and Urdu Tibetan Sanskrit Studies [F PARIS178] 023 Languages Russian Ruvoletto Luisa 3 x 6 dettagli [PDF 0.28 Mb]
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid - Faculty of Philosophy and Arts [E MADRID04] 023 Languages Sainz Gonzalez Eugenia 1 x 10 dettagli [PDF 1.28 Mb]
Universidad Pablo de Olavide - Departamento de Filologia y Traducciòn [E SEVILLA03] 0232 Literature and linguistics Sainz Gonzalez Eugenia 2x9 L e LM dettagli [PDF 0.20 Mb]
Universität Münster - Institute of German Studies [D MUNSTER01] 023 Languages Sbarra Stefania 2 x 6 L e LM dettagli [PDF 0.62 Mb]
Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg - Faculty of Humanities - [D BAMBERG01] 023 Modern Languages Sbarra Stefania 2 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.20 Mb]
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main - Faculty of Modern Languages / German Studies [D FRANKFU01] 0232 German Language and Literature Sbarra Stefania 2 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.11 Mb]
Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf [D DUSSELD01] 0232 German Language and Literature Sbarra Stefania 2 x 5 L dettagli [PDF 0.33 Mb]
Université Michel de Montaigne Bordeaux 3 - UFR Humanités [F BORDEAU03] 023 Languages Scarsella Alessandro 2 x 10 dettagli [PDF 0.22 Mb]
Universidad de León - Facultad de Filosofìa y Letras [E LEON01] 023 Languages Scarsella Alessandro 2 x 6 L e LM dettagli [PDF 0.89 Mb]
Charles University - Institute of Czech and Comparative Literature [CZ PRAHA07] 0232 Literature and Linguistics Comparative Literature Scarsella Alessandro 4 x 5 dettagli [PDF 1.64 Mb]
Sorbonne University - UFR Littérature Française et Comparée [F PARIS468] 023 Languages Sdegno Emma 2 x 10 dettagli [PDF 0.56 Mb]
UL - University of Limerick - Department of Languages, Literatures, Culture and Communication [IRLLIMERIC01] 023 Languages English Sdegno Emma 2 x 5 dettagli [PDF 2.72 Mb]
Yildiz Teknik University -Department of Western Languages and Literatures (Translation and Interpreting studies) [TR ISTANBU07] 023 Languages Serragiotto Graziano 1 x 5 L dettagli [PDF 1.62 Mb]
Université Paris Nanterre - Department de Lettres Modernes (UFR PHILLIA) [F PARIS010] 023 Languages French Sofo Giuseppe 3 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.16 Mb]
Université Paris Nanterre - Department LEA (UFR LCE) [F PARIS010] 0231 Languages Acquisition Sofo Giuseppe 2 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.16 Mb]
Universidad de Cordoba - Facultad de Filosofìa y Letras [E CORDOBA01] 023 Languages Spanish Sáez García Adrián J. 2 x 10 L dettagli [PDF 0.51 Mb]
Neapolis University Pafos (NUP) - Department of History, Politics and International Studies [CY PAFOS01] 031 Social and Behavioural Sciences Trampus Antonio 3 x 5 L e LM dettagli [PDF 0.13 Mb]
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam - Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences [NL ROTTERD01] 0312 Political Sciences and Civics Trampus Antonio 6 x 6 L e LM dettagli [PDF 0.24 Mb]
Università [Codice Erasmus] Area discipl. Coordinatore Studenti/Mesi Dettagli
National And Kapodistrian University Of Athens - Faculty of History and Archeology [G ATHINE01] 0222 History and Archaeology Antonetti Claudia 2 x 5 solo 1° sem. dettagli [PDF 0.43 Mb]
Trinity College Dublin - Department of Italian [IRL DUBLIN01] 023 Languages (lingua e letteratura italiana) Baglioni Daniele 3 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.23 Mb]
Central European University - Department of Medieval Studies and Department of History [A WIEN78] 0222 History and Archaeology Calvelli Lorenzo 2 x 10 dettagli [PDF 0.79 Mb]
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg - Seminar fur Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik [D HEIDELB01] 0222 History and Archaeology Calvelli Lorenzo 2 x 6 solo 1°sem dettagli [PDF 0.21 Mb]
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens - Department of Italian Language and Literature - School of Philology [G ATHINE01] 023 Languages Carpinato Caterina 1 x 5 solo 1° sem. dettagli [PDF 0.43 Mb]
Democritus University of Thrace - Department of Greek Philology and Department of Primary Education [G KOMOTIN01] 023 Languages Greek Carpinato Caterina 1 x 5 L, solo 1° sem. dettagli [PDF 0.13 Mb]
Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences - Department of Communications, Media and Culture (Journalism and information) [G KALLITH02] 03 Social Sciences Carpinato Caterina 2 x 6 solo 1° sem. dettagli [PDF 7.58 Mb]
Ionian University - Department of Foreign Languages, Translation & Interpreting (DFLTI) [G ATHINE42] 023 Languages Greek Carpinato Caterina 1 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.21 Mb]
İstanbul University - Faculty of Letters - Department of Italian Language and Literature [TR ISTANBU03] 023 Languages and philological sciences Cinquegrani Alessandro 1 x 4, L e PhD dettagli [PDF 0.15 Mb]
Universität Wien - Department for Oriental, Turkish and Arab Studies - Assiriologia [A WIEN01] 0222 History and Archaeology Corò Paola 1 x 6 L e LM, solo 1° sem. dettagli [PDF 0.18 Mb]
Universidad de Almeria [E ALMERIA01 - CONSORZIO CEIMAR] 022 Humanities Cottica Daniela 1 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.27 Mb]
Universidad de Cadiz [E CADIZ01 - CONSORZIO CEIMAR] 022 Humanities Cottica Daniela 1 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.56 Mb]
Universidad de Granada [E GRANADA01 - CONSORZIO CEIMAR] 022 Humanities Cottica Daniela 1 x 5, solo 1° semestre dettagli [PDF 8.76 Mb]
Universidad de Malaga [E MALAGA01 - CONSORZIO CEIMAR] 022 Humanities Cottica Daniela 1 x 5 solo 1° sem. dettagli [PDF 2.16 Mb]
Universidad de Huelva - Faculty of Humanities [E HUELVA01 - CONSORZIO CEIMAR] 022 Humanities Cottica Daniela 1 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.61 Mb]
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanitites [D BERLIN13] 023 Languages - Italian language and literature Drusi Riccardo 1 x 5 L e LM, solo 1° sem. dettagli [PDF 0.57 Mb]
Universität Wien - Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies and Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies [A WIEN01] 0232 Literature and Linguistics - Digital Humanities Fischer Franz 2 x 5 LM DPH, solo 1° sem. dettagli [PDF 0.18 Mb]
University of Helsinki - Faculty of Arts [SF HELSINK01] 02 Arts and Humanities Fischer Franz 2x5 L e LM (no esami anglistica) dettagli [PDF 0.13 Mb]
LMU - Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München - Institute of Assyriology and Hittite Studies - Storia della filosofia e materie affini [D MUNCHEN01] 022 Humanities Maiocchi Massimo 1 x 6 solo 1° sem. dettagli [PDF 1.77 Mb]
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanitites [D BERLIN13] 023 Languages and Classical Philology Pontani Filippomaria 1 x 5 L e LM, solo 1° sem. dettagli [PDF 0.57 Mb]
Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne - UFR03 Histoire de l'Art et Archéologie [F PARIS001] 0222 History and Archaeology Rova Elena 2 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.75 Mb]
Koç University - Archaeology and History of Art Department and History Department [TR ISTANBU17] 0222 History and Archaeology Tonghini Cristina 2 x 5 LM e PhD dettagli [PDF 0.17 Mb]
Uniwersytet Warszawski - Department of Italian Studies [PL WARSZAW01] 023 Languages Zava Alberto 1 x 5 LM dettagli [PDF 0.21 Mb]
Stockholms Universitet - Department of Romance Studies and Classics [S STOCKHO01] 023 Languages Zava Alberto 1 x 6 dettagli [PDF 0.17 Mb]
Università [Codice Erasmus] Area discipl. Coordinatore Studenti/Mesi Dettagli
UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI - Faculty of Arts [SI LJUBLJA01] 023 Languages - Asian studies Accordo generale EUTOPIA 1 x 5 L e LM dettagli [PDF 0.22 Mb]
Boğaziçi University - Department of History [TR ISTANBU01] 0222 History and Archaeology Costantini Vera 2 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.56 Mb]
INALCO - Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales - Departments of Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, Japanese, Russian and Urdu Tibetan Sanskrit Studies [F PARIS178] 023 Languages Urdu, Tibetan, Sanskrit Dahnhardt Thomas Wolfang Peter 2 x 9 dettagli [PDF 0.28 Mb]
Universiteit Gent - Faculty of Arts and Philosophy - Dep. of Languages and Cultures [B GENT01] 023 Languages - South Asian Studies Dahnhardt Thomas Wolfang Peter 2 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.12 Mb]
Universidad de Sevilla- FILOLOGÍAS INTEGRADAS -FACULTAD DE FILOLOGÍA [E SEVILLA01] 023 Languages Ghersetti Antonella 2 x 6 L e PhD, solo 1° sem. dettagli [PDF 0.12 Mb]
INALCO - Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales - Departments of Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, Japanese, Russian and Urdu Tibetan Sanskrit Studies (Arabics and Hebrew) [F PARIS178] 023 Languages Ghersetti Antonella 4 x 9 ved. "Università" dettagli [PDF 0.28 Mb]
Sciences Po [F PARIS014] 023 Languages Arabics Ghersetti Antonella 6 x 4 LM dettagli [PDF 0.55 Mb]
Universidad de Alicante - Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (Arabic and Islamic studies) [E ALICANT01] 0231 Languages Acquisition Ghersetti Antonella 2 x 5 L vedi Denominaz Univ dettagli [PDF 0.08 Mb]
Ankara University - Faculty of Languages, History and Geography [TR ANKARA01] 0222 History and Archaeology Kappler Matthias 2 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.20 Mb]
Orta Dogu Teknik Universitesi - Middle East Technical University - Department of History [TR ANKARA04] 0222 History and Archaeology Kappler Matthias 2 x 6 dettagli [PDF 0.40 Mb]
Yeditepe University - Department of Turkish Language and Literature [TR ISTANBU21] 023 Languages Kappler Matthias 4 x 4, 3L e1LM dettagli [PDF 0.64 Mb]
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - Facultat de Traducciò i d'Interpretaciò [E BARCELO02] 0232 Literature and linguistics - Chinese /Japanese Magagnin Paolo 4 x 10 L e LM dettagli [PDF 0.93 Mb]
INALCO - Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales - Departments of Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, Japanese, Russian and Urdu Tibetan Sanskrit Studies [F PARIS178] 023 Languages - Chinese/Japanese Magagnin Paolo 3 x 9 dettagli [PDF 0.28 Mb]
LMU - Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München - Institut fur Ostansienkunde [D MUNCHEN01] 023 Languages Chinese Magagnin Paolo 1 x 5 solo 1° sem. dettagli [PDF 1.77 Mb]
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven - Faculty of Arts [B LEUVEN01] 023 Languages Chinese Magagnin Paolo 2 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.15 Mb]
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg - Centre of East Asian Studies [D HEIDELB01] 0232 Literature and linguistics Magagnin Paolo 1x5 lingua cinese solo 1°sem dettagli [PDF 0.21 Mb]
Universität Wien - Department for Sinology and Institut für Südasien, Tibet und Buddhismuskunde [A WIEN01] 023 Languages Chinese Magagnin Paolo 1 x 6 L e LM, solo 1° sem. dettagli [PDF 0.18 Mb]
Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 - Faculty of Languages [F LYON03] 023 Languages Chinese Magagnin Paolo 2 x 9 dettagli [PDF 3.83 Mb]
University College Cork - UCC - Department of Italian [IRLCORK01] 023 Languages Chinese Magagnin Paolo 1 x 9 L dettagli [PDF 0.56 Mb]
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven - Faculty of Arts [B LEUVEN01] 023 Languages Japanese Mazza Caterina 2 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.15 Mb]
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid - Faculty of Philosophy and Arts [E MADRID04] 023 Languages Japanese Mazza Caterina 2 x 5 dettagli [PDF 1.28 Mb]
Charles University - Faculty of Arts - Department of Sinology and Institute of Asian Studies [CZ PRAHA07] 023 Languages Chinese Mazza Caterina 1 x 5 dettagli [PDF 1.64 Mb]
Freie Universitaet Berlin - Department of East Asia and the Middle East - Japanese Literature and Linguistics, solo 1° sem. [D BERLIN01] 0232 Literature and linguistics Mazza Caterina 2x5 L e LM, vedi Denominaz. Univ dettagli [PDF 4.62 Mb]
Sciences Po Lyon - IEP Lyon [F LYON61] 0312 Political sciences and civics (Asia) Mazza Caterina 2 x 5 L e LM dettagli [PDF 0.10 Mb]
Lund Universitet - Faculty of Humanities and Theology [S LUND01] 022 Humanities Mazza Caterina 1 x 5 L e LM dettagli [PDF 1.08 Mb]
Universität Konstanz - Department of History [D KONSTAN01] 0222 History and Archaeology Simoni Marcella 1 x 5 LM, solo 1° sem. dettagli [PDF 0.17 Mb]
Università [Codice Erasmus] Area discipl. Coordinatore Studenti/Mesi Dettagli
Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai - Faculty of Business [RO CLUJNAP01] 041 Business and Administration Accordo generale EUTOPIA 4 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.45 Mb]
UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI - Faculty of Public administration [SI LJUBLJA01] --- Public Management and Administration Accordo generale EUTOPIA 1 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.22 Mb]
CY Cergy Paris Université - UFR Economie et Gestion [F CERGY P-11] 0311 Economics Accordo generale EUTOPIA 1 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.39 Mb]
VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT BRUSSEL - Faculty of Social Sciences and Solvay Business School [B BRUSSEL01] 0311 Economics Accordo generale EUTOPIA 2x5, 1L e 1LM, solo 1° sem. dettagli [PDF 0.23 Mb]
Universidad De Malaga - Faculty of Economics and Business [E MALAGA01] 041 Business and Administration Cancellieri Giulia 6 x 6 L, solo 1° semestre dettagli [PDF 2.16 Mb]
Universidade do Porto - Faculdade de Economia do Porto (FEP) [P PORTO02] 041 Business and Administration Cancellieri Giulia 2 x 5 L e LM, DMA, solo 1° sem. dettagli [PDF 0.62 Mb]
ESIC Business & Marketing School - Department of Economics - LM Campus Madrid, L Campus Barcellona o Valencia [E MADRID114] 041 Business and Administration Cancellieri Giulia 4x5, 2L e 2LM, solo 1° sem. dettagli [PDF 1.21 Mb]
ESIC University - Campus Madrid [E MADRID232] 041 Business and Administration Cancellieri Giulia 4 x 5 L dettagli [PDF 1.39 Mb]
Universidad de Alcalá (UAH) - Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Empresariales y Turismo - Departamento de Economía y Dirección de Empresas [E ALCAL-H01] 041 Business and Administration Cancellieri Giulia 4 x 5 L e LM dettagli [PDF 0.29 Mb]
Vilnius University - Faculty of Economics [LT VILNIUS01] 041 Business and Administration Cancellieri Giulia 2 x 5 L e LM, Dip. Management dettagli [PDF 4.33 Mb]
Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão Universidade de Lisboa - Lisbon School of Economics and Management [P LISBOA109] 041 Business and Administration Cancellieri Giulia 4 x 5 L e LM, Dip. Management dettagli [PDF 9.65 Mb]
Universitat de Valencia - Faculty of Economics [E VALENCI01] 041 Business and Administration Cancellieri Giulia 4 x 5 L, DMA, solo 1° semestre dettagli [PDF 0.35 Mb]
Arcada University of Applied Sciences - Department of Business Management and Analytics [SF HELSINK39] 041 Business and Administration Cancellieri Giulia 2x5 L, Dip. Management dettagli [PDF 0.35 Mb]
Universidade de Coimbra - Faculdade de Economia [P COIMBRA01] 041 Business and Administration Cancellieri Giulia 2 x 6 L e LM, solo 1° semestre dettagli [PDF 0.62 Mb]
Universidad De Zaragoza -Facultad de Economia y Empresa - Departamento de Contabilidad y Finanzas [E ZARAGOZ01] 041 Business and Administration Cancellieri Giulia 4 x 10 L dettagli [PDF 1.16 Mb]
Universidad De Granada - Faculty of Economics and Business [E GRANADA01] 0413 Management and Administration Cancellieri Giulia 2 x 5 L, solo 1° semestre dettagli [PDF 0.65 Mb]
Universidad Autonoma De Madrid - Faculty of Business [E MADRID04] 041 Business and Administration Cancellieri Giulia 4 x 5 L, Dip. Management dettagli [PDF 1.28 Mb]
Reykjavík University - Department of Business Administration [IS REYKJAV05] 041 Business and Administration Costantini Antonio 2 x 5 LM dettagli [PDF 0.10 Mb]
Athens University of Economics and Business [G ATHINE04] 041 Business and Administration Costantini Antonio 4 x 5 L, DMA, solo 1° semestre dettagli [PDF 1.36 Mb]
University of Agder - School of Business and Law [N KRISTIA01] 041 Business and Administration Costantini Antonio 4 x 5 L, Dip. Management dettagli [PDF 0.23 Mb]
Université Libre de Bruxelles - Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences [B BRUXEL04] 0413 Cultural management Costantini Antonio 5 x 5 LM EGART e PhD dettagli [PDF 0.53 Mb]
Boğaziçi University - Department of Management [TR ISTANBU01] 041 Business and Administration Costantini Antonio 4 x 5, 2L e 2LM; 1 x 3 PhD dettagli [PDF 0.56 Mb]
University of Lodz - Faculty of Management [PL LODZ01] 041 Business and Administration Costantini Antonio 5 x 6 L dettagli [PDF 0.18 Mb]
EMYLON Business School [F LYON23] 041 Business and Administration Dal Mas Francesca 12x5, 6L e 6LM, Dip. Management dettagli [PDF 1.20 Mb]
Université De Bourgogne-Inst.Diderot (marketing cultura e eventi culturali) [F DIJON01] 0413 Cultural management Dal Mas Francesca 6 x 6 LM EGART dettagli [PDF 0.97 Mb]
Université de Poitiers - Institut d’Administration des Entreprises [F POITIER01] 041 Business and Administration Dal Mas Francesca 3 x 6 LM, solo 1° sem. dettagli [PDF 0.35 Mb]
Université de Strasbourg - EM Strasbourg Business School [F STRASBO48] 041 Business and Administration Dal Mas Francesca 6 x 6, Dip. Management dettagli [PDF 0.40 Mb]
IAE Université Savoie Mont Blanc - Campus Annecy [F CHAMBER01] 041 Business and Administration Dal Mas Francesca 2 x 6 L e LM, Dip. Management dettagli [PDF 0.11 Mb]
Université De Rennes 1 - Faculty of Economics [F RENNES01] 041 Business and Administration Dal Mas Francesca 3 x 5 L e LM dettagli [PDF 0.60 Mb]
École Superieure De Commerce (EDC) De Paris [F COURBEV04] 041 Business and Administration Dal Mas Francesca 4 x 6 L e LM, Dip. Management dettagli [PDF 0.80 Mb]
University of Klagenfurt [A KLAGENF01] 041 Business and Administration Dal Mas Francesca 3 x 5 LM, solo 1° sem. dettagli [PDF 0.21 Mb]
ESSEC Business School - Global BBA [F CERGY03] 041 Business and Administration Dal Mas Francesca 9 x 5 L, Dip. Management dettagli [PDF 0.51 Mb]
Universität Wien - Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics [A WIEN01] 041 Business and Administration Dal Mas Francesca 3x6, L e LM, DMA, solo 1° sem. dettagli [PDF 0.18 Mb]
Universität Regensburg - Faculty of Business, Economics, and Management Information Systems [D REGENSB01] 041 Business and Administration Fava Valentina 4 x 5 L e LM, solo 1° sem. dettagli [PDF 2.31 Mb]
Iscte - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa - Business School [P LISBOA07] 041 Business and Administration Khan Ashraf 6 x 5 LM GAF dettagli [PDF 1.25 Mb]
IAE Montpellier [F MONTPEL54] 041 Business and Administration Khan Ashraf 2 x 5 L e LM dettagli [PDF 0.04 Mb]
Stockholms Universitet - Business School [S STOCKHO01] 041 Business and Administration Khan Ashraf 8 x 5, L(3°anno) LM PhD, DMA dettagli [PDF 0.25 Mb]
Copenhagen Business School [DK KOBENHA05] 041, 0311 Business and administration, Economics Khan Ashraf 4 x 5 L e LM dettagli [PDF 2.04 Mb]
LEUPHANA UNIVERSITAT LUNEBURG - School of Management & Technology (M&T) [D  LUNEBUR01] 041 Business and Administration Khan Ashraf 3 x 6 LM, solo 1° sem. dettagli [PDF 2.08 Mb]
Södertörns Högskola - Social Sciences [S HUDDING01] 041 Business and Administration Khan Ashraf 4 x 5 L e LM dettagli [PDF 0.31 Mb]
ESCI-UPF [E BARCELO258] 041 Business and Administration Khan Ashraf 2 x 6 L dettagli [PDF 0.64 Mb]
Hamburg School of Business Administration (HSBA) [D HAMBURG13] 041 Business and Administration Khan Ashraf 2 x 6 L , 1Fall/1Spring dettagli [PDF 0.36 Mb]
WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management [D KOBLENZ03] 041 Business and Administration Khan Ashraf 4 x 5 L e LM dettagli [PDF 0.97 Mb]
Université de Lorraine - IAE Metz [F NANCY43] 041 Business and Administration Khan Ashraf 5 X 5 dettagli [PDF 1.43 Mb]
Aarhus Universitet - Department of Management and Department of Economics and Business Economics [DK ARHUS01] 041 Business and Administration Khan Ashraf 4x5 L e LM, DMA, solo 1° sem dettagli [PDF 0.20 Mb]
Syddansk Universitet - Faculty of Business and Social Science - Ris. Dip. Management - PhD solo 3 mesi - EU solo 1° semestre, NON-EU solo 2°semestre [DK ODENSE01] 041 Business and Administration Khan Ashraf 4x6, ved restriz. "Università" dettagli [PDF 0.68 Mb]
Corvinus University of Budapest - Faculty of Economics [HU BUDAPES03] 0311, 0413 Economics, Public Administration and Business Studies Pinelli Michele 4 x 5 dettagli [PDF 0.32 Mb]
Universität zu Köln - Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences [D KOLN01] 041 Business and Administration Pinelli Michele 3 x 5, solo 1° sem. dettagli [PDF 1.97 Mb]
Tecnische Hochschule Deggendorf - Deggendorf Institute Of Technology - Faculty of Applied Economics (School of Management) [D DEGGEND01] 041 Business and Administration Pinelli Michele 2 x 5 L e LM, solo 1° sem. dettagli [PDF 0.40 Mb]
Linköpings Universitet - Faculty of Arts and Sciences [S LINKOPI01] 041 Business and Administration Pinelli Michele 2 x 5 L dettagli [PDF 0.15 Mb]
Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg - Faculty of Social Sciences, Economics, and Business Administration [D BAMBERG01] 041 Business and Administration Pinelli Michele 3x5, DMA solo 1° sem dettagli [PDF 0.20 Mb]
Munich Business School [D MUNCHEN12] 041 Business and Administration Pinelli Michele 2x4 L,LM, 1Fall/1Spring, DMA dettagli [PDF 0.32 Mb]
UVA -Universiteit Van Amsterdam - Faculty of Economics and Business [NL AMSTERD01] 041 Business and Administration Pinelli Michele 4x5 L e LM, DMA, solo 1° sem. dettagli [PDF 2.22 Mb]
Hochschule Heilbronn - Faculty of Business and Transport Management [D HEILBRO01] 041 Business and Administration Pinelli Michele 3x5 L e LM, DMA, solo 1° sem. dettagli [PDF 0.26 Mb]
University of Groningen -  Faculty of Economics and business [NL GRONING01] 041 Business and Administration Pinelli Michele 4 x 5, 2Fall/2Spring dettagli [PDF 0.12 Mb]
Rzeszow University of Technology - Faculty of Management [PL RZESZOW01] 041 Business and Administration Pinelli Michele 3 x 5 L e LM dettagli [PDF 0.51 Mb]
Friedrich-Alexander-Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg - Faculty of Business and Economics [D ERLANGE01] 041 Business and Administration Pinelli Michele 2x5,L e LM solo 1° sem dettagli [PDF 0.30 Mb]

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