Venice Confucius Institute

Venice Confucius Institute

Foto di Kristoffer Trolle

Confucius Institutes aim to promote and develop the Chinese language and culture by organizing tiered language courses and activities to raise awareness of both ancient and modern Chinese societies and cultures.

HSK and HSKK test

HSK Test

The HSK (汉语水平考试 Hanyu shuiping kaoshi) Exam is a Chinese national standardized Proficiency Certificate that tests the language competencies of non-native speakers of Chinese (foreigners, overseas Chinese, Chinese national minorities). This exam has international recognition and is held in more than 116 centres in over 46 countries.  More than 200 000 people sat for the exam in 2007 alone and the number of candidates increases yearly.
Certificates are issued by the State Committee for the Chinese Proficiency Test of China and are recognized worldwide.

Why take the HSK exam?

Sitting for the HSK exam is important to both improve and test your Chinese. Further, the Certificate is an internationally recognized qualification and, as such, useful if you wish to study in a Chinese University or if you intend to apply for a Chinese Language Scholarship.

How is the exam organized?

Level CEFR Level Knowledge of approximately characters Costs
HSK 1 A1 150 € 20
HSK 2 A2 300 € 20
HSK 3 B1 600 € 30
HSK 4 B2 1200 € 30
HSK 5 C1 2500 € 50
HSK 6 C2 5000 € 50


The HSKK (汉语水平口语考试 Hanyu shuiping kouyu kaoshi) Oral Test is a Chinese national standardized Proficiency Certificate that tests the language competencies of non-native speakers of Chinese (foreigners, overseas Chinese, Chinese national minorities). This exam has international recognition and is held in more than 116 centres in over 46 countries. More than 200 000 people sat for the exam in 2007 alone and the number of candidates increases yearly.
Certificates are issued by the State Committee for the Chinese Proficiency Test of China and are recognized worldwide.

Why take the HSKK Test?

Sitting for the HSKK Test is important to both improve and test your Chinese. Further, the Certificate is an internationally recognized qualification and, as such, useful if you wish to study in a Chinese University or if you intend to apply for a Chinese Language Scholarship.

How is the exam organized?

Level CEFR Level Knowledge of approximately characters Costs
Elementary A1 and A2 150 to 300 € 20
Intermediate B1 and B2 600 to 1200 € 30
Advanced C1 and C2 2500 to 5000 € 50

Confucius Classrooms and Teaching Points

The Confucius Institute at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice works with lower and higher secondary school institutions in the Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia Regions in activating Confucius Classrooms (孔子课堂) and Teaching Points (教学点), organizing curricular and extracurricular Chinese language lessons for students alongside workshops or conferences on Chinese culture, history, art and society. The aims of the project are to:

  • offer Chinese language programmes,
  • raise awareness of the Chinese culture,
  • develop effective competencies to facilitate Sino-Italian relations,
  • acquire useful competencies in the area of business,
  • collaborate with Chinese schools of similar type and level,
  • launch study holidays, language and/or work programmes in China.

To discover the details of each school click on the markers on the map.

For further information

The Confucius Classrooms under the aegis of the Confucius Institute at Ca' Foscari University of Venice that have official Hanban - Chinese National Office for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language recognition are:

  1. Confucius Classroom at the Istituto "Aleardo Aleardi" di Verona [ITA];
  2. Confucius Classroom at the l'ITES "Luigi Einaudi" di Verona [ITA];
  3. Confucius Classroom at the Liceo Ginnasio Statale "A. Pigafetta" di Vicenza [ITA];
  4. Confucius Classroom at the l'Educandato Statale "Collegio Uccellis" di Udine [ITA].

Work with us

Work Experience for students and new graduates at Confucius Institute

Students and new graduates of second cycle degree programmes from Ca’ Foscari University interested in collaborating with the Confucius Institute can be involved in a 150 hour work experience programme
This allows them to gain 6 CFU university credits.

75 hour work experience programmes have been organised for students and new graduates of first cycle degree programmes with allowing for 3 CFU university credits.

Main Duties 
Receptionist-secretarial duties, public relations, assistance in the organization of cultural events and Chinese language courses.

Working knowledge of Chinese (Mandarin) and English, good people skills, computer and internet experience.

How to apply 
Please send all applications along with an updated CV to

Our mission

The Confucius Institute at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice was established in 2008 in collaboration with theBeijing Capital Normal University, under the aegis of the Chinese National Office for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (Hanban) of the Central People’s Government of the People’s Republic of China. The agreement between the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, the Beijing Capital Normal University and Hanban was signed in Venice on September 22, 2008.

Confucius Institutes are present in over 100 countries worldwide. Like other language and cultural organizations, such as the Dante Alighieri Society for Italian, they aim to promote and develop the Chinese language and culture by organizing tiered language courses and activities to raise awareness of both ancient and modern Chinese societies and cultures. Activities include conferences, seminars, special events, performances, editorial projects and the creation of teaching materials. Confucius Institutes also promote student and teacher exchange programmes amongst their partner universities and award scholarships to students and researchers according to merit.

The presence of Confucius Institutes do not supplant the academic and research institutions that have traditionally operated in the field of Chinese studies. Instead, Institutes work alongside with these universities, offering teaching and cultural activities held by highly qualified Chinese Studies and Language experts.

The Confucius Institute at Ca’ Foscari University Venice is also the only authorised HSK - Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi  (Chinese Proficiency Test) examination centre in the Veneto Region. This exam is designed to assess Chinese language proficiency of non-native speakers, overseas Chinese and Chinese national minorities.

Governance and staff

  • Italian Director: prof. Sabrina Rastelli, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
  • Chinese Director: prof. Ma Xiaohui, Capital Normal University
  • Support: dott. Giovanni Goffredo, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
  • Chinese language Teacher: dott. He Zhengtao, dott. Tang Yelan
  • Teacher: dott. Yan Mengchun

Our partners