Marcella Maria MARIOTTI

Professoressa Associata
Componente della Commissione per la Valorizzazione della Conoscenza (DSAAM)
041 234 9528
E-mail - Business Experience - JApanese LEArning Research Team - NoLBrick - Placement Japan - Progetto OJAE Cafoscari
Lingua e letteratura del Giappone, lingua e letteratura della Corea [ASIA-01/G]
Sito web (scheda personale)
Dipartimento di Studi sull'Asia e sull'Africa Mediterranea
Sito web struttura:
Sede: Palazzo Vendramin

[English CV follows]

Marcella Mariotti si è laureata in studi nipponistici all’Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia (1996), per poi specializzarsi in sociologia dei media all’Università di Osaka (MA e PhD completamento crediti, 1996-2001) e in glottodidattica della grammatica giapponese a Ca’ Foscari (PhD, 2007). In seguito, ha condotto in Giappone ricerche post-doc sull’ipermedialità applicata all’apprendimento della lingua giapponese (ICU e Università di Waseda, 2008-10), per tornare a Ca’ Foscari nel 2010 come Ricercatrice a tempo indeterminato. Dal 2019 è Professoressa Associata di Lingua e Letteratura Giapponese (L-OR/22).

Collabora a progetti internazionali di ricerca con l’Università di Waseda, UNSW e UTS (Sydney) nei campi della glottodidattica, E-learning, pedagogia critica e translation studies. Oltre a insegnare dal 2001 lingua giapponese a Ca’ Foscari, è coordinatrice esecutiva per la collana editoriale Ca' Foscari Japanese Studies, e traduce dal giapponese in italiano, soprattutto letteratura contemporanea, per l’infanzia e manga (Aoyama Nanae, Katayama Kyōichi, Matsutani Miyoko, Nakazawa Keiji, ecc.).

È autrice de La lingua Giapponese (Carocci 2014), di Giapponese per il Business (Hoepli 2019) e di Venezia de hajimete deau nihongo - AR zero chōsen (Meeting the Japanese Language for the first time in Venice - Action Research Zero Challenge; forthcoming Taishukan 2020), nonché curatrice con Hideo Hosokawa e Emi Otsuji di Shiminsei keisei to kotoba no kyōiku. Bogo, daini gengo, gaikokugo o koete (Citizenship Formation and ​​Language Education: Beyond Native, Second, and Foreign Language; Kuroshio 2016).

Dal 2014 è Presidente dell’Associazione dei Docenti di Lingua Giapponese in Europa (AJE) con il ruolo di coordinare su scala internazionale convegni, ricerca e insegnamento della lingua giapponese. In seguito all’organizzazione dell’International Conference on Japanese Language Education (ICJLE 2018) a Ca Foscari, è Presidente del Global Network for Japanese Language Education e Delegata della Society of Teaching Japanese as Foreign Language (Nihongo Kyōiku Gakkai) per Europa, Vicino e Medio Oriente, e Africa.

A Ca’ Foscari ha ideato e dirige progetti di ricerca, didattici e di placement con aziende giapponesi in Italia e con aziende italiane in Giappone. Tre linee guida ispirano i progetti avviati di linguistica applicata con l’intento di connettere esigenze fondamentali dell’offerta accademica: sostenibilità sociale (pedagogia critica), riproduzione e produzione del sapere (E-learning), avviamento al lavoro (placement).

La lingua giapponese:

  • per pensare in modo auto-riflessivo e contribuire in modo responsabile al benessere proprio e altrui nella società civile globale (pedagogia critica) 
    • coordinatrice dei seminari “Japanese for Thinking”, “Practical Studies in Japanese Language Education: Action Research Zero” (DSAAM)
    • membro del progetto di ricerca "Japanese Language Education and Citizenship Formation" (project leader: Hideo Hosokawa, Università di Waseda)
    • responsabile dell’accordo di scambio con l’associazione no-profit Ashinaga (sostegno formativo per orfani e portatori di disabilità)
    • coordinatrice di “Ca’ Foscari per il Giappone” (eventi di solidarietà e raccolta fondi per le vittime di Fukushima)
    • coordinatrice Ca’ Foscari dei tirocini presso l’associazione no-profit “Orto dei Sogni” (volontariato per i bambini di Fukushima)
  • per insegnare e apprendere, anche divertendosi, attraverso le nuove tecnologie multi- e ipermediali del Web 3.0 (E-learning
    • responsabile scientifico del progetto “JALEA BUSINESS: Japanese Language E-learning System for Business Japanese” (Mitsubishi Corporation Funds)
    • responsabile scientifico del progetto “JALEA: Japanese Language E-learning System” (Mitsubishi Corporation Funds)
    • responsabile scientifico del progetto “Online learner-centered system for Japanese Language Teaching and Learning” (International Center Marco Polo (MaP) - Centre for Global Europe-Asia Connections Grant, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice)
    • responsabile scientifico del progetto “ITADICT : Japanese-Italian Online Database” (Fondo Sociale Europeo-Regione Veneto)
    • responsabile scientifico del progetto “BunpoHyDict: Hypermedia Dictionary of Japanese Grammar”
    • co-titolare insieme a Alessandro Mantelli del brevetto per un sistema di creazione di unità lessicali lunghe (LUW) della lingua giapponese e loro trascrizione automatica in hiragana e caratteri latini
    • project manager di “Hi-J High School Japanese”, E-learning per le scuole secondarie in Italia (Associazione per la Didattica della Lingua Giapponese-The Japan Foundation)
  • per agevolare l'inserimento nel mondo del lavoro (placement)
    • coordinatrice dell’accordo di cooperazione tra Ca’ Foscari e la Camera di Commercio e Industria Giapponese in Italia (CCIGI)
    • responsabile Ca’ Foscari Desk Japan (Camera di Commercio Italiana, Tokyo) e Ca’ Foscari Desk Singapore (Camera di Commercio Italiana, Singapore)
    • responsabile stage ed Erasmus placement del Dipartimento di Studi sull’Asia e dell’Africa Mediterranea (DSAAM)
    • responsabile scientifico del progetto “Strumenti linguistici di supporto all’internazionalizzazione delle aziende Venete” (Fondo Sociale Europeo-Regione Veneto)
    • titolare del corso “Trattativa Commerciale della Lingua Giapponese” (DSAAM) 

Dal 2019 coordina il progetto internazionale di ricerca "NoLBrick - No Level-Brick Language Learning: Transformative Language Education" che unisce esigenze di pedagogia critica, e-learning e placement applicate alla lingua giapponese (finanziamento Supporting Principal Investigators SPIN-ERC, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, 2019-21). Inoltre, è coordinatrice per Ca’ Foscari del progetto internazionale OJAE: Oral Japanese Assessmnet Europe, per allineare la valutazione della lingua giapponese al Quadro comune europeo di riferimento per la conoscenza delle lingue – QCER (European Institute for Japanese Language Education-European Association for Japanese Langauge Education).



Current positions

  • 2019–today: Associate Professor (Japanese Language), DSAAM, UNIVE, Italy
  • 2018–today: World Representative for the Global Network for Japanese Language Education, The Society for Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language, Japan
  • 2014–today: Chair, Association of Japanese Language Teachers in Europe, Germany
  • 2014–today: Executive Coordinator and Scientific Committee Member, Ca’ Foscari Japanese Studies series, Edizioni Ca’ Foscari Digital Publishing, Italy


Previous positions

  • 2010-2019: Assistant Professor (Japanese Language), DSAAM, UNIVE, Italy
  • 2017-2019: Representative Delegate of Europe, Near and Middle East and Africa Block for the Society of Teaching Japanese as Foreign Language (Nihongo Kyōiku Gakkai)
  • 2012-2016: Board Member of the Italian Association for Japanese Language Education (AIDLG), Italy
  • 2000-2004: Adjunct Professor (Japanese Language), DSAAM, UNIVE, Italy


Academic duties

  • Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (UNIVE)
    • 2018–today: University Coordinator for the International Project: OJAE–Oral Japanese Assessment Europe (European Institute for Japanese Language Education)
    • 2017-today: University Supervisor of the Agreement between Ashinaga Foundation and Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
    • 2016-today: University Supervisor of the Agreement between the Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Italy (CCIGI) and Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
    • 2016-today: Member of the Patent Committee (Membro della Commissione Brevetti e del Comitato Spin Off)
    • 2013-today: University Supervisor of the Ca’ Foscari Desk of Italian Chamber of Commerce in Japan, Tokyo and Italian Chamber of Commerce in Singapore
    • 2011-today: Supervisor of the international exchange agreements (referente accordi inter-ateneo): 
      • Kyoto University (Japan)
      • University of Technology of Sydney (UTS)
      • Shinshu University (Japan)


  • Department of Asian and North African Studies (DSAAM), Ca’ Foscari University of Venice; 
    • 2016-today: Member of the Spin-off and Patent Technical Board (Commissione Tecnica Brevetti e Spin-off)
    • 2014-today: Departmental Coordinator of the Italian Teaching Qualification for Japanese Language (TFA Lingua Giapponese)
    • 2010-today: Coordinator of the Japanese Division Internship Programme (Referente Stage e Placement, area Giappone)
    • 2018-2019: Member of the Department Board (Giunta di Dipartimento)
    • 2015-2016: Coordinator of the Japanese Language Experts (Referente CEL di lingua giapponese)
    • 2013-2016: Committee Member of the Graduate Studies in Language Economics and Institutions of Asia and North Africa (Membro del Collegio Didattico LEISAAM)
    • 2011-2017: Department Coordinator of the Internship Programme (Referente DSAAM Stage e Placement)
    • 2017-today: Supervisor for Visiting PhD Students:
      • Fuko Matsumoto (Kobe University)
      • Yumiko Baito (Kyoto University, July 2017- June 18)
      • Yoriko Nishijima (Kyoto University, Sept. 2018- March 2019)
    • 2013-today: Supervisor for Visiting Scholars/Professors: 
      • Kimio Ito (Kyoto University) 2013/14
      • Hideo Hosokawa (Waseda University) 2013, 2016, 2018
      • Ikuko Nakane (Melbourne University) 2014
      • Enno Berndt (Ritsumeikan University) 2014/15, 2015/16, 2016/17, 2017/18
      • Mina Kobayashi (Waseda University) 2015/16
      • Noriko Ichishima (Akita University) 2016/17


Education and training

  • Visiting researcher at:
    • 07-08.2017: University of Sydney 
    • 08.2017: School of International Studies UTS (Honorary Professor)
    • 07.2016: Graduate School of Language Education and Information Science, Ritsumeikan University 
    • 07.2014: School of Languages and Cultures, University of Sydney 
    • 06-07.2013: Graduate School of Applied Linguistics, Waseda University, Tokyo
    • 07.2012: Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Technology, Sydney 
    • 06.2012: Asia Institute, Melbourne University 
  • 2008-2010: JSPS Postdoc Research Fellow, Institute of Asian Cultural Studies, ICU, Tokyo
  • 2007: PhD in East Asian Studies (Japanese Language Education), Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy
  • 2001: PhD Credits Completion in Sociology (Media Studies), Osaka University, Japan
  • 1999: M.A. in Sociology (Media Studies), Osaka University, Japan
  • 1996: M.A. hons. in Japanese Studies (Japanese Contemporary Religions, 110/110 summa cum laude), Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy
  • 1991-1992: Visiting Monbusho scholarship student, Kyoto University, Japan


Research Interests

  • Japanese Language Teaching
  • Critical Pedagogy
  • E-learning
  • Business Japanese
  • Translation Studies
  • Contemporary Japanese Literature


Research projects, collaborations, fundraising

  • 2019-2021: Project Leader, "NoLBrick - No Level-Brick Language Learning: Transformative Language Education", Supporting Principal Investigators SPIN-ERC Grant, Ca' Foscari University of Venice. Project Members: Kojima Takuya (UNSW).
  • 2019-2020: Project Leader, “Online learner-centered system for Japanese Language Teaching and Learning” (International Center Marco Polo (MaP) - Centre for Global Europe-Asia Connections Grant, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice).
  • 2018: Ca’ Foscari Local Unit Coordinator, “OJAE: Oral Japanese Assessmnet Europe (European Institute for Japanese Language Education-European Association for Japanese Langauge Education).
  • 2016-2019: Project Leader, “JALEA – Japanese Learning System”, Mitusbishi Corporation Grant, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. Project members: Giovanni Lapis (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice), Alessandro Mantelli (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice).
  • 2016-today: Project Leader, “Practical Studies: Action Research ZERO in Japanese Language Education”, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. Project members: Hosokawa Hideo (Waseda University), Ichishima Noriko (Akita University).
  • 2016-today: Project Manager, “Hi-J, High-school Japanese”, AIDLG (Italian Association for Japanese Language Teaching), Japan Foundation Sakura Network grant.
  • 2010-today: Project Leader, "ITADICT: Japanese-Italian Online Database" (European Social Fund-Veneto Region), Dep. of Asian and North African Studies, Ca' Foscari University of Venice.
  • 2008-2016: Project Leader, "BunpoHyDict: Hypermedia Dictionary of Japanese Grammar" (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science), Department of Asian and North African Studies, Ca' Foscari University of Venice.
  • 2012-today: Project member, "Japanese Language Education and Citizenship Formation", Waseda University (Project Leader: Hideo Hosokawa)
  • 2011-2016: Ca' Foscari University Overseas Partner, "Reconstruction of Public and Intimate Spheres in 21st Century Asia”, Global Center of Excellence (GCOE)-Kyoto International Consortium for Asian Studies (KICAS), Dep. of Sociology-KUASU, Kyoto University
  • 2018: Member of the scientific and organizing committee, The 2018 International Japanese Language Conference, as Chair of the Association of Japanese Language Teachers in Europe, Ca' Foscari University of Venice.
  • 2015: Member of the scientific and organizing committee, On 'Dialogues' in Japanese Language Education, as Chair of the Association of Japanese Language Teachers in Europe, Université Bordeaux Montaigne.
  • 2016: Member of the scientific and organizing committee, The 2016 Symposium on Japanese Language Education , "Japanese Language Education for Welfare (well-being)", as Chair of the Association of Japanese Language Teachers in Europe (AJE), and Board member of the Italian Association for Japanese Language Teaching (AIDLG), Ca' Foscari University of Venice.
  • 2012-2015: Member of the scientific and organizing committee “Rethinking Nature: Facing the Crisis in Contemporary Japan” (The Japan Foundation); research, conference, staff expansion, visiting professor, library project; Dep. of Asian and North African Studies, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice


Awards, fellowships, grants

  • 2019: Commendation Award of the Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs for the advancement of Japanese Language Teaching in Europe.
  • 2019-2020: Supporting Principal Investigators SPIN-ERC Grant, "NoLBrick - No Level-Brick Language Learning: Trasformative Language Education", as Project Leader, Ca' Foscari University of Venice.
  • 2019-2020: International Center Marco Polo (MaP) - Centre for Global Europe-Asia Grant: “Online learner-centered system for Japanese Language Teaching and Learning”, as Project Leader, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
  • 2018: Japan Foundation Grant for the International Conference on Japanese Language Education (2018 ICJLE), as Chair of the Association of Japanese Language Teachers in Europe (AJE).
  • 2018: Shoyu Kurabu Grant (through NKG, Tokyo) for the 2018 ICJLE Business Japanese Special Symposium, as Chair of the Association of Japanese Language Teachers in Europe (AJE).
  • 2016-2018: Mitsubishi Corporation Funds: “JALEA – Japanese Learning System”, as Project Leader, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
  • 2016-2017: Japan Foundation Sakura Network Grant
    • “Japanese Language Education for Welfare”, 2016 Symposium on Japanese Language Education (AIDLG-AJE 2016, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice), as Italian Association for Japanese Language Teaching (AIDLG) board member.
    • “Hi-J, High-school Japanese”, as project manager and AIDLG board member
    • “Preparing the 2018 International Conference on Japanese Language Education”, as Chair of the Association of Japanese Language Teachers in Europe (AJE).
    • “Creation of a multilingual website for the Association of Japanese Language Teachers in Europe, as Chair of the Association of Japanese Language Teachers in Europe (AJE).
  • 2013-2014: European Social Fund-Veneto Region Research Grant (Ca' Foscari University).
  • 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017: Ca' Foscari International Staff Exchange Grant.
  • 2008-2010: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Postdoc Research Fellowship (ICU, Tokyo).
  • 2004-2007: Italian Ministry for Universities, Scientific and Technological Research (MURST) PhD Fellowship (Ca' Foscari University).     
  • 2002: MURST Research Grant (Ca' Foscari University).
  • 2001: Alcantara (Toray Industries Group, Milan) Study Grant (Ca' Foscari University).
  • 1998: Paolo Beonio-Brocchieri Prize for M.A. thesis.
  • 1996-2001: Japanese Ministry of Education MA and PhD Scholarship (Osaka University).
  • 1991-1992: Japanese Ministry of Education Scholarship (Kyoto University, 1991-92).


Organization of events, conferences, workshops

  • 26–31.08.2020 (international symposium section): Organiser and co-convenor, International Symposium, The 24th AJE Symposium: Japanese Language Education Section of the 16th EAJS Conference; University of Ghent, Belgium
  • 14.02.2020 (international summit): Organiser, international summit of all European Association of Japanese Language Teachers Chairs, AJE Summit 2020; UNIVE, Italy
  • 2019 (international symposium): Co-organiser, The 23rd AJE Symposium; University of Belgrade, Serbia (guided SPIN NoLBrick facilitator team to present peer-reviewed 2 oral presentations and 1 poster)
  • 03–05.2019 (workshop): Workshop organiser, Seminario No-Level-Brick–NoLBrick–On Japanese Language Education; DSAAM, UNIVE, Italy. (BA, MA, PhD seminar for SPIN NoLBrick facilitator team)
  • 03–05.2018 (workshop): Organiser, Workshop on dialogic language education: Japanese Language Education, (Prof. Hosokawa, H: Waseda University); UNIVE, Italy
  • 03–05.08.2018 (international symposium): Organiser, International Conference on Japanese Language Education 2018 ICJLE; UNIVE, Italy
  • 31.08.2017 (international symposium section): Japanese Language Education, 15th European Association of Japanese Studies (EAJS) - 21th AJE Symposium, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon (coordinator of the scientific board and of the organizing committee).
  • 13.12.2016 (international conference): ­ JALEA Project and Mitsubishi Corporation in Europe, with Mr. Haruki Hayashi( Executive Vice President Regional CEO, Europe & Africa
Mitsubishi Corporation) 
and Mr. Takeshi Yamanaka (President, Mitsubishi Italia S.p.A.), DSAAM, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
  • 18.11.2016 (public event):  "Cerchiamo volontari per l'aiuto ai bambini di Fukushima!
 [Volonteer wanted to help Fukushima children! Presenting Orto dei Sogni]", Associazione Orto dei Sogni , DSAAM, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
  • 19.09.2016 (open lecture): "In search for dialogue. Theoretical frameworks for ‘Workshop Zero’ ", 
Prof. Emeritus Hideo Hosokawa, Waseda University, DSAAM, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (organizer).
  • 07-09.07.2016 (international symposium): “Japanese Language Education for Welfare”, The 2016 Symposium on Japanese Language Education, AIDLG-AJE 2016, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (member of the organizing committee).
  • 11.03.2016 (public event): "11 marzo: Per non dimenticare. ­ Coltiviamo i sogni dei bambini di Fukushima in Italia", ­
Associazione ORTO DEI SOGNI, DSAAM, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
  • 08.03.2016 (open lecture): ­ "Five years after: Why does Japan play (still & again) Russian Roulette with its nuclear plants?", 
 Prof. Enno Berndt, Ritsumeikan University di Kyoto, Department of Business Administration, DSAAM, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
  • 07.03.2016 (open lecture): ­ Speaking 'real' Japanese Prof. SADANOBU Toshiyuki, Prof. SADANOBU Toshiyuki Sadanobu, Kobe University, DSAAM, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
  • 05.11.2015 (public event): "Cerchiamo volontari per l'aiuto ai bambini di Fukuhima!
", Presentazione dell'Associazione Orto dei Sogni agli studenti di Lingua Giapponese per attività di tirocinio [Volonteer wanted to help Fukushima children! Presenting Orto dei Sogni] DSAAM, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
( organizer)
  • 05.11.2015 (international workshop): How to dramatically improve Japanese Language proficiency, JASLON ­ Japanese Language Salon
  • 27-29.08.2015 (international symposium): “On ‘Dialogues’ in Japanese Language Education”, The 29th Symposium on Japanese Language Education in Europe, Université Bordeaux Montaigne (event co-coordinator as AJE chair).
  • 05.05.2015 (open lecture): "Giappone
 Toyota Production System, Kaizen e Kanban ­ la mentalità Lean nella gestione di processi", Andrea Provaglio, IT Management Consultant, Agile Transformation Coach, Public Speaker, Trainer, DSAAM, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (co-organizer with Alessandro Mantelli).
  • 10.12.2014 (workshop): Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Fukushima: ricerca, traduzione, didattica e impegno sociale [Research, translation, didactic and social engagement], DSAAM, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (organizer).
  • 14.11.2014 (public event): Global Recruiting Project for student: Waseda University (organizer).
  • 25.09.2014 (open meeting): ­ "Meeting for students with President Fabio Strada (Etro Japan)", Ca' Foscari University of Venice, (organizer).
  • 09.04-08.05.2014 (seminar series): Seminar on Japanese Contemporary Thought, 6 lectures by Prof. Ito Kimio -Kyoto University, DSAAM, Ca' Foscari University (co-organizer with Massimo Raveri).
  • 17-18.03.2014 (international conference):  Rethinking Nature in Japan: from Tradition to Modernity, Auditorium-Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (member of the organizing  and scientific committee).
  • 05.03.2014 (open lecture): "Challenges in bridging languages in the legal context: Japanese and English as a case study",
 Dr. Ikuko Nakane-University of Melbourne, DSAAM, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (organizer).
  • 04.03.2014 (conference): Presentazione dei Progetti Itadict (glossario online italiano­giapponese), BunpoHyDict (dizionario ipermediale della grammatica giapponese) ed Edukanji (applicativo online per lo studio dei kanji). 
 DSAAM, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (co-organizer with Alessandro Mantelli)
  • 17.12.2013 (open lecture: Studiare giapponese: futuri possibili  Incontro con la giornalista Stefania Viti (D la Repubblica, l'Espresso, Il Messaggero) e Niccolò Geri [Studying Japanese: Possible Futures], DSAAM, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. (organizer).
  • 14.12.2013 (public event):  Burà Beri Bù – Tra musica e parole [Between music and words: Japanese readings for children], Bunko Lagoon Venezia (organizer).
  • 26.03 2013 (open lecture):  "Le brand del lusso in Giappone e Cina: aggiornamento 2013 [Luxury brands in Japan and China: an update]", President Fabio Strada (Etro Japan and China)
, Ca' Foscari University of Venice (organizer).
  • 20.04.2013 (public event): 
: Letture animate e atelier creativi (Living the world: animated readings in Asian Languages and creative workshops for children), Pedagogic City Library “Lorenzo Bettini”, Venezia (organizer)
  • 12.03.2013 (open lecture): "Why does Japan play Russian Roulette with its nuclear plants?", Prof. Enno Berndt- Ritsumeikan University of Kyoto, PhD workshop, Ca' Foscari University of Venice (co-organizer with Paolo Calvetti).
  • 08.03.2013 (international workshop 2): Gengo kyōiku to aidentiti (Lanugage Education and Identity) Gengo Bunka Kyōiku, 12th workshop, DSAAM, Ca' Foscari University of Venice (co-organized with Hideo Hosokawa-Waseda University).
  • 04­-06.03.2013 (international workshop1):  Kangaeru tame no Nihongo. Theme title: "Nihon to watashi" Japanese for thinking. Theme: "Japan and me"), DSAAM, Ca' Foscari University of Venice (co-organized with Hideo Hosokawa-Waseda University).
  • 24.01.2013 (open lecture: "Uno sguardo sul mondo dell'editoria:  Mariagrazia Mazzitelli (direttore editoriale Salani), Cristina Savio (direttore generale Vallardi)"
, Ca' Foscari University of Venice (organizer).
  • 13.12.2012 (open lecture): "Muji: il presidente Kanai a Ca' Foscari", Ca' Foscari University of Venice (event co-coordinator).
  • 02.12.2012 (promotional event): Area Ca' Foscari,  XV Salone dei Beni Culturali, Venice (section/panel coordinator).
  • 29.03.2012 (event for students and enterprises): International Careers Asia, Ca' Foscari University of Venice (event coordinator).
  • 25-26.02.2012 (international conference): Rethinking Nature in Contemporary Japan: Science, Economics, Politics , , Auditorium-Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (member of the organizing and scientific committee).
  • 12.03.2012; 10.04.2011 (charity/fundraising event): Ca' Foscari per il Giappone , event for the victims of the 11.3.2011 disaster in north-eastern Japan, Ca' Foscari University of Venice (event coordinator).
  • 25-26.10.2011 (international conference):  Contemporary Japan: Challenges Facing a World Economic Power in Transition, Auditorium-Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (member of the organizing and scientific committee).


Talks, conferences, presentations (2014-today)

  • 11.01.2020 (cfp): "No-Level brick foreign language education: Definition of the field and explanation of the purposes–Japanese language classroom as case study.", The 5th IAFOR International Conference on Education, Hawaii, Honolulu
  • 29.08.2019 (cfp): "Action reserach zero workshop: Is an ‘absolute beginner’ learner really a ‘zero-beginner’?.", The 23rd Japanese Language Education Symposium in Europe: Teaching Japanese Language and Culture Globally and Locally, Belgrade
  • 14.05.2019 (invited): "Collaborative creativity in Japanese language learning and teaching: towards engaged language education", MIT-Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA.
  • 12.05.2019 (keynote lecture): "Including 'whom'? Including 'in where'? Foreign Language Teaching as deboxing system", Princeton Japanese Pedagogy Forum, Princeton University, USA.
  • 09­-10.02.2018 (invited) with Miwa SEI [AJE board]: "Japanese Language Education in the Middle­East",
 Presenting AJE: kotoba no kyōiuku in okeru bunka no mondai o kangaeru: heiwa he no taiwa (Thinking about cultural problematics in language education: dialogue for peace), International Workshop, Japan Foundation Budapest, Hungary.
  • 12­-17.12.2017 (invited): "Language Education Policies and their application to Japanese Language Teaching", Springboard for Talent: Language Learning and Integration in a Globalized World, Salzburg Global Seminar, Austria.
  • 06-07.11.2017 (invited): “Teaching for Employment. Examples and Visions of Japanese Studies and Language Teaching: Ca’ Foscari University of Venice”, Foreign Graduate Employment in Japanese Companies: Implications for Japanese Studies Teaching and Research , Seminar,  SOAS University of London, UK.
  • 31.08.2017 (cfp):  “IT no hatten ni tomonau gangokyōiku ga chokumen suru ‘fukahi’ no mirai: gengokyōiku no hihyōjunka to gengokyōshi no senmonsei” (IT development and the ‘forced’ future of language teaching: toward the de-standardization of language education and the professionalization of language teachers , The next generation of language education: technology and pedagogy side-by-side , panel with Aikawa Takako (MIT) and Alessandro Mantelli (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice),15th EAJS Section 10: Japanese Language Education, 21th AJE Symposium, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal.
  • 25.08.2017 (keynote lecture): “Chishiki jōhōshakai in okeru shin-nihongo kyōshizō” (A new image of the Japanese Language Teacher in the knowledge information society”, The 6th Conference of the Korea Association of Japanology (KAJA), The 95 conference of Korean Japanese Studies, University of Seoul, South Korea.
  • 11.08.2017 (invited): “Encountering the Other through "role-taking" in a JFL classroom”, Language Ats, Worldmaking and Translingual Seminar, University of Technology of Sydney (UTS), Australia.
  • 09.08.2017 (invited): “Round Table Theme: Hybridity”, Transcultural Communication Class, University of Technology of Sydney (UTS), Australia.
  • 09.08.2017 (invited): “Japanese E-Learning tools: What will the teacher do after their implementation?", Japanese Studies Department 100th Anniversary Lectures, University of Sydney, Australia.
  • 03.08.2017 (invited): “Citizenship Formation and FL Education: Classroom Interactions”, Japanese Studies Department 100th Anniversary Lectures, Japan Foundation, Sydney, Australia.
  • 21-23.06.2017 (cfp with Giovanni Lapis and Alessandro Mantelli, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice): “JALEA: an authentic and personal path to JApaneseLEArning”, The Third International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’17) , Faculty of Business Administration and Management, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain.
  • 25.11.2016 (invited): “Ca’ Foscari Desk Japan and the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Tokyo: what’s new for job formation?”, workshop Alta formazione per la finalizzazione dei business aziendali ai mercati internazionali asiatici: cinese, giapponese e coreano (High formation for companies aiming at Asian international markets: China, Korea and Japan), JOB&Orienta, Verona, Italy.
  • 09-10.09.2016: “Sōhōkō kokusai intānshippu (taiken gakushū) o tōshita gengo/bunkatekina manabi” (Learning language and culture through reciprocal international internships”, with Akiko Murata (Hosei University), the 2016 International Conference on Japanese Language Education, Bali, Indonesia.
  • 29.07.2016 (invited): “Shiminsei keisei o jūshi shita gengokyōiku no jissen. Itaria ni okeru Nihongo kyōiku no kokoromi” (Practical studies from the citizenship formation perspective. A case study in Japanese Language Education in Italy), Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan
  • 27-29.08.2015: “Shakaiteki kōisha (social actor) toshite no gaikokugo gakushūsha” (Foreign Language Learners as Social actors), as panellist of “Language Education: Anthropological Sociological Perspectives. Collaboration between Language Educators, Anthropologists, and Sociologists”, with SATO Shinji (Princeton University), MURATA Akiko (Hosei University), OKANO Kaori (La Trobe University), The 29th Symposium on Japanese Language Education in Europe, Université Bordeaux Montaigne Bordeaux, France.
  • 18-20.06.2015 (invited): “The importance of being Japanese, or real learners and their social interaction trapped forever in conceptual nowhere land”, Globalising Sociolinguistics, Leiden, Netherlands.
  • 26.05.2015 (invited): Round table: Veneto Region ­ Veneto Promozione – Unioncamere: GIAPPONE quali opportunità per i settori agroalimentare e agroindustriale: "Lontane vicinanze: commerciare con il Giappone", Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy.
  • 26.11.2014: "Translating Hadashi no Gen to Italian: Bad Words and Religion", Between Texts, Beyond Words: Intertextuality and Translation, doctoral workshop, Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy
  • 01.11.2014 (with Toshio Miyake): "Hadashi no Gen", book presentation, Sala Oratorio San Giuseppe, Lucca Comics & Games, Lucca, Italy.
  • 13.10.2014 (invited): "Mitate in Japanese Picture Books' Translation: from the Perspective of Gianni Rodari's Grammar of Fantasy Theory", Varieties of "Mitate": Fiction, Social Reality, and Symbolism, international workshop, Kobe University Brussels European Centre (KUBEC), Belgium.
  • 19.09.2014 (cfp): "Apprendimento smart del giapponese come lingua straniera in Italia: stato dell'arte, problemi e prospettive", XXXVIII Congress of the Italian Association for Japanese Studies (Aistugia), University of Salento, Lecce, Italy
  • 12.07.2014: " Shiminsei o keisei suru gengobunka katsudō to wa nanika" (What is culture-language activity for the formation of citizenship?), Sydney International Conference on Japanese Language Education 2014, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.
  • 29.08.2014 (cfp): "Jikohyōgen to tasharikai no tameno gengobunka katsudō: Itaria ni okeru nihongo kyōiku o kēsu sutadi to shite" (Self-expression and understanding of others for linguistic culture activity: a case study of language education in Italy), 14th International Conference of the European Association of Japanese Studies (EAJS), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  • 20.06.2014: "Translating Japanese Children Literature: a Few Case Studies", East Asian Translation Studies Conference, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK.
  • 20.05.2014 (with Toshio Miyake): “Shiranui”, book presentation, Museo Civico-Villa Bassi Rathgeb, Abano, Italy.
  • 21.03.2014: "Ichinensei chūkan tesuto ni okeru onrain tesuto no kokoromi" (Doing online testing as midterm test), Annual Conference of the Italian Association for Japanese Linguistics and Language Learning (AIDLG), Japanese Institute of Culture, Rome, Italy


Supervision of graduate students and postdoctoral fellows

  • 2001–today: Bachelor Thesis Supervisor (119) and Master Thesis Supervisor (30) and Co-Supervisor (31), DSAAM, UNIVE, Italy
  • 2019–2020: 1 Post-Doc: T. KOJIMA, Supporting Principal Investigator Grant Project: Investigating Japanese Language Education in Europe in Relation to the Adoption of the Common European Framework of Reference, DSAAM, UNIVE, Italy
  • 2016–2020: Ph.D. Student: A. Mantelli, Computer Assisted Language Learning and Japanese Language Teaching for Italian Speakers (in Italian), DSAAM, UNIVE, Italy
  • 2017–2019: Co-Supervisor of 3 International PhD Students: 1 from Kobe University, Japan; 2 from Kyoto University, Japan, DSAAM, UNIVE, Italy


Teaching activities

  • 2018: PhD Workshop on Japanese Language Education (coordinator, with Prof. Hosokawa Hideo)
  • 2013–today: Japanese Language Teachers Formation Course (TFA), Università per stranieri di Siena, Italy
  • 2010-today: Japanese Language (BA and MA); Business Japanese (BA); Informatics for Japanese (MA), DSAAM, UNIVE, Italy
  • 2001-04, 2007-08: Japanese Language (BA and MA), DSAAM, UNIVE, Italy
  • 1996-2001: Italian Language Instructor, Panasonic-Matsushita Inc. Hirakata; Itariago Jisshū Kōza, Osaka; Italian Institute of Culture, Kyoto and Osaka


Editorial membership 

  • Series Executive Coordinator, Editor: Ca' Foscari Japanese Studies (Ca' Foscari Digital Publishing, Venezia)
  • Executive Editor: Annali di Ca’ Foscari - Serie orientale
  • Series Founding Editor: "Porta dei sogni" (Japanese folklore) for CasadeiLibri
  • Scientific Board Member: EL.LE (Educazione linguistica. Language education); Japanese Language Education in Europe (AJE); Ca' Foscari Japanese Studies (Ca' Foscari Digital Publishing) 
  • External Referee for Princeton University Senior Lecturer Position in Japanese Language Education


Reviewing activity

  • The Italian Association for Japanese Studies (AISTUGIA);
  • Ca' Foscari Japanese Studies (Ca' Foscari Digital Publishing, Venezia)
  • Annali di Ca' Foscari - Serie orientale
  • EL.LE (Educazione linguistica. Language education)
  • Japanese Language Education in Europe (AJE)


Other memberships

  • AJE (Association of Japanese Language Teachers in Europe), member and chair (2014-17; 2017-20)
  • NKG (Nihongo Kyōiku Gakkai, Japanese Association for Japanese Applied Linguistics), member
  • EAJS (European Association for Japanese Studies), member
  • AISTUGIA (Associazione Italiana per gli Studi Giapponesi, Italian Association for Japanese Studies), member
  • ALCE (The Association for Language and Cultural Education), member