between Romance languages


Enrolments for courses and modules from the period November 2024 will take place online from 18/10/24 to 23/10/24.


The day after enrolling you will receive an email with instructions for payment, which must be made by the deadline given (48 hours).
Failure to complete with payment will result in automatic cancellation of the enrolment.
Places on courses will be allocated in order of payment received.
Courses and modules will be activated only if the minimum number of enrolments required is reached.


Modules from November 2024

Duration: 15hrs
Period: 05/11/2024 - 10/12/2024  (lessons will not be held on: Thursday 21/11/24)
Days and times: Tuesday (Online) and Thursday (In-presence), 5.30 p.m.–7.00 p.m.
Mode of delivery: Blended
Place: Online/In-presence Palazzina Briati - Venezia - Aula B1
Course teacher: Paola Begotti
Requirements for streaming lessons: Connection, webcam, speakers and/or audio headphones, microphone. The system works with PC (Windows or Apple), Tablet and Smartphone

This module is based on intercomprehension, an innovative didactic methodology for learning similar languages, allowing students to quickly learn and understand several foreign languages from the same root language.

In practice, it is a matter of developing cognitive and metacognitive strategies that allow the student to make the most of the linguistic baggage he or she already possesses, enhancing it in a natural and, above all, quick way, thanks to the creation of continuous connections between languages of the same language family.

Intercomprehension is one of the possible keys to promoting multilingualism and preserving the richness of Europe's linguistic and cultural diversity.

The learner will learn to understand French, Portuguese, Catalan, Spanish and a little Romanian by reaching the following levels of language competence of the Common European Framework of Reference: A2/A2+ in reading comprehension for languages which are less close or not as well known B1 in reading comprehension for the closest/most familiar languages A2/A2+ in oral and listening comprehension.

Anyone who speaks Italian or one of the Romance languages to at least B2 level may participate. Ideally, two Romance languages should be known (Italian + Spanish or Italian + French) but this is not compulsory. Non-native Italian speakers are welcome.


L'iscrizione avviene su ClaOnline entro le scadenze indicate.

  1. effettuare il login su ClaOnline e cliccare alla voce "Iscrizione corsi"
  2. l’utente avrà la possibilità di scegliere il modulo di Intercomprensione. Si ricorda che possono partecipare tutti coloro che parlano italiano oppure una delle lingue romanze con competenza almeno di livello B2. L'ideale sarebbe di conoscere due lingue romanze (italiano + spagnolo oppure italiano + francese) ma non è obbligatorio. Sono benvenute le persone di madrelingua non italiana. 
  3. una volta chiusa la fase di iscrizione e raggiunto il numero minimo di iscritti al corso/modulo, il sistema invierà una mail all’indirizzo fornito in fase di registrazione con il link per effettuare il pagamento tramite pagoPA


The fee is also communicated by e-mail following pre-registration.

Registrations and payments made after the deadline will be subject to an increase of € 30.00 (CLA Board resolution 02/12/2013).

It is possible to use the Teacher’s Card (‘Carta del docente’) bonus to pay for a course. 

Type of course Non Ca’ Foscari students Previous CLA course attendees Ca’ Foscari students, Erasmus students, Ca’ Foscari professors and other staff
75 hours € 500,00 € 400,00 € 250,00
50 hours € 400,00 € 320,00 € 200,00
30 hours € 290,00 € 230,00 € 145,00
20 hours € 200,00 € 160,00 € 100,00
20 hours € 150,00 € 120,00 € 75,00

Last update: 22/10/2024