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Articles - Ca' Foscari News

Fluorescent molecules activate "green" chemical reactions

Scientists from the Green Organic Synthesis Team (GOST) research team led by Alvise Perosa and Maurizio Selva from Ca’ Foscari University of Venice have demonstrated for the first time the possibility of triggering chemical reactions by illuminating natural carbon nanoparticles.

Innovative molecule to eliminate coronavirus from surfaces

Thanks to an antiviral molecule of plant origin, both long-lasting and non-toxic to humans, Ca' Foscari and  Delphinus Biotech have developed a disinfectant that can eliminate bacteria and viruses, while also providing active protection for several days.

From wood waste to nanomaterials: a patent to exploit lignin

A research group at Ca’ Foscari, led by Claudia Crestini, has discovered and patented a method that transforms lignin into a commodity based on high value-added materials.

Energy of tomorrow? In search of greener production

Between Venice and Sweden, professor Vomiero supervises a team of scientists in the search for structured nanocomposites for the production of renewable energy. 

Global Challenges, Ca' Foscari welcomes other 15 "Marie Curie" fellowships

Ca’ Foscari is the only research institution in Italy to be selected for the “Marie Skłodowska-Curie - COFUND” project, a prestigious grant that will help the university hire 15 expert researchers from all over the world to tackle important global challenges. 

Ca' Foscari with AIRC for two cancer research projects

Experimenting a targeted therapy innovative for ovarian cancer and developing a new drug for leiomyosarcoma are the ambitious objectives of two projects at the Ca' Foscari University of Venice, which will be supported by the AIRC Foundation.

Chemotherapy: it is now possible to measure the efficacy of 2 drugs 'live'

The invention, jointly patented by the Ca' Foscari University and the IRCCS Cancer Institute in Aviano, will make it possible to optimise the doses administered according to the patient's response, limiting side effects and improving therapy.

Ca' Foscari researchers invent sensor that can detect PFAS

The electrochemical sensor can measure the concentration of perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS), one of the most common and dangerous molecules in the PFAS family.

From a Ca' Foscari University spinoff, a kit to boost cancer research

The kit makes it possible to grow organoids, i.e., miniaturised three-dimensional organs obtained from a few cells which can self-organise to reproduce the functions of the target organ. The development of organoids for research is considered one of the greatest scientific advances of recent years.