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The Citizen Science Starter Kit: online citizen science training materials [ENG]

Friday 7th June 2024

13.00-14.00, Zoom

Carina Veeckman and Floor Keersmaekers

Registrations are open!

The EUTOPIA citizen science starter kit shares information about what citizen science is (and what citizen science is not) through definitions, guidelines and tips & tricks. Furthermore, it aims to raise awareness about the opportunities of citizen science through providing key examples of citizen science projects. As such, the starter kit also encourages researchers to start with citizen science, and to consider the citizen science approach in (project) proposals.

The starter kit also supports reflection and creative thinking. Through the interactive materials, researchers should be able to make critical design choices for running a citizen science research (project). Lastly, it provides you the necessary materials to get started with citizen science. You will find a step-by-step plan with templates and checklists, and other relevant resources to set up the activities.

It consists of 4 modules:

  1. Start to learn about citizen science;
  2. Determine if citizen science is right for your research;
  3. Crucial design factors for successful citizen science;
  4. Getting started with citizen science.

The co-authors Carina Veeckman and Floor Keersmaekers will present the Kit and answer all your questions about citizens science.

The webinar will be introduced and moderated by Francesca Favaro, communication officer at Ca' Foscari University of Venice

Registrations are open!