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How Charts Lie. Author’s Chat with Alberto Cairo

Wednesday 23rd September 2020

18.00 (CET) - Live on Twitter, Facebook and Youtube

Alberto Cairo, Knight Chair of Visual Journalism, University of Miami
in conversation with Fabio Pittarello, Alice Corona, Matteo Moretti


Nowadays, charts, infographics and diagrams are ubiquitous-and easier to share than ever. Such visualisations can better inform us, yet they can also deceive by displaying incomplete or inaccurate data, suggesting misleading patterns or misinform by being poorly designed.

How can we learn to interpret the visuals and numbers that politicians, journalists, advertisers and even our employers present each day? Alberto Cairo, one of the leading experts in the field of data visualisation, explains it to us.

Come i grafici mentonoIn his latest book "How Charts Lie" - just published in the Italian version by Raffaello Cortina Editore under the title “Come i grafici mentono. Capire meglio le informazioni visive” – Cairo analyzes how graphs negatively and positively influence our perception of truth by examining contemporary examples ranging from election-result infographics to global GDP maps and box-office record charts.

We will also discuss how researchers and scientists can improve their skills in data visualization, helping colleagues, journalists, communicators, and citizens to make sense of their valuable work and the knowledge they share. Event open to the public.

Join us live on FacebookTwitter and YouTube.

Good news! If you are in Venice or Bologna you can join DataBeers to follow the online streaming at the jazz club “Al vapore” (Venice) or at the coworking space “Luogocomune” (Bologna).

To register at the event in Venice, click here.

To register at the event in Bologna:  info@luogo-comune.com.

In collaboration with DataBeers VCE and Hacks and Hackers Venezia.

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