
Italian mission discovers ancient Buddhist temples in Gandhara, Pakistan

One of the most ancient Buddhist temples in the world has been uncovered during the latest archaeological excavation campaign of the Italian mission led by Professor Luca Maria Olivieri in the city of Barikot, in the Swat region of Pakistan. 

Lagoonscapes Venice: a research hub for Environmental Humanities

"Lagoonscapes. The Venice Journal of Environmental Humanities" is the first Italian journal to focus on Environmental Sciences. It is directed by Serenella Iovino and Stefano Beggiora, promoted by the New Institute Center for Environmental Humanities and published by Edizioni Ca' Foscari.

GAIN: a more sustainable future for aquaculture 

The Green Aquaculture Intensification in Europe project (GAIN) aims to make aquaculture more efficient and sustainable, with a view to safeguarding the environment, the wellbeing of fish, and product quality. The project was coordinated by Professor Roberto Pastres and lasted three years.

New palaeoclimate discoveries 17 years after EPICA campaign

Ca' Foscari's labs and researchers are at the heart of the achievement of an international research team specialising in the palaeoclimatology of polar regions, published in Nature Geoscience. Temperature fluctuations over the past 800,000 years have been identified thanks to deuterium analysis.

Bioinformatics and medieval philosophy: two new ERC projects at Ca’ Foscari

The winners of this prestigious European grant are Nicola Prezza, an assistant professor of Computer Science looking to improve the study of DNA mutations, and Caterina Tarlazzi, an assistant professor of Philisophy who has worked extensively abroad.

Young people increasingly uninterested in car ownership

61.7% of under 30-year-olds would give up car ownership if efficient public transport was available, according to a survey by Ca' Foscari's Center for Automotive e Mobility Innovation.

Infodemics: a new challenge for public health

How can we face the great spreading of information — which is often incorrect — in the current pandemic? An international team which includes Fabiana Zollo and Matteo Cinelli tries to tackle this issue in an article recently published on Cell.

DomEQUAL: the conditions of domestic workers around the world

'DomEQUAL: A Global Approach to Paid Domestic Work and Global Inequalities' (2016–21) is a project led, among others, by Ca' Foscari sociologist Sabrina Marchetti. It analyses the conditions of domestic workers in nine countries and three continents, shedding light on intersectional inequalities and on the role that organised movements play in the vindication of the rights of marginalised groups.

European Equality Law Network: a European Commission-backed study

Professors Sara De Vido and Lorena Sosa have recently published "Criminalisation of gender-based violence against women in European States, including ICT-facilitated violence", a report requested by the European Commission. We have interviewed Professor De Vido.