
Graduation Day for 917 students. Guest of honour: Alex Zanardi

Graduate caps will fly high in St. Mark’s Square on July Friday 21st for the 917 graduates of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (Summer Session). Alex Zanardi will be the special guest of the ceremony.

Dragon Boat European Championships, medals for the Ca’ Foscari-IUAV team

More medals for the athletes of the Venetian Universities of Ca’ Foscari and IUAV, this time at the European Championships of Dragon Boat ICF in Szeged (Hungary).

Enrolment and offers at Ca’ Foscary for the a.y. 2017/2018

Prospective students can now enroll in the 46 Degree programmes of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, choosing between 17 Bachelor’s, 29 Master’s programmes and 27 international double degree programmes.

Why I answered the call for International Staff mobility and you should too

The first thing a visitor sees on his way into UCL’s main building is Jeremy Bentham, spiritual father of the first University in England to accept all students.

“Vladvystoskij asteroid” Medal at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

On Wednesday 5th July the Latvian “Goblet of peace” association (Čaša mira” in Russian, “Miera kauss” in Latvian) awarded the CSAR with a "Valdvystoskij asteroid" medal.

Senate elections: the outcome of the vote

Faculty and researchers, technical and administrative staff, temporary advisors and language assistants voted for their representatives at the Senate.

Ca’ Foscari Management students at the Future Makers 2017

Five students of the Department of Management have participated to the Future Makers 2017 organized by the Boston Consulting Group in Milan between June 19th and 22nd.

Towards 2018: “Your idea for the 150th anniversary”

Share your ideas and suggestions of events, themes, characters, places linked to University Ca’ Foscari of Venice that you would like to see developed or explored for the celebrations of 2018!

New archaeological sites discovered near Aquileia

Satellite images and air laser scans taken near the ancient city of Aquileia allowed Ca’ Foscari University of Venice’s archaeologists to find at least three settlements that will be further explored with additional investigations and archaeological digs.